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tv   [untitled]    September 15, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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protests across the globe rage on for a six day engulfing even more countries as muslims vent their anger over a movie made in the u.s. that mocks islam. and washington condemns the film in an effort to contain the scandal but opinion polls show that anti-american sentiment has been simmering for years. russian opposition groups marching to moscow after a summer low numbers fell short of previous turnouts despite public sector workers joining in for the first time.
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to a. good to have you with us here on r t our top story anti-american demonstrations continue sweeping the globe for a six day protests have been spreading to new countries and continents with clashes even taking place as far away as sydney australia earlier this week mobs attacked u.s. embassies in more than a dozen muslim countries with violence leaving at least seven dead muslims across the world are angry over a film made in the states that mocks the prophet mohammed or his policy or has the latest. the situation remains to extremely volatile with western leaders and middle eastern leaders urging for calm the united states has beefed up its security in overseas missions it has faced reinforcements to the capital yemenite city of samarra at the same time a request to send its marines to be capital city of clocks in the sudan was rejected by authorities there they say that they can deal with the security situation by themselves from libya we are hearing and of course this is where the american ambassador and three other high ranking u.s.
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stock members been killed some very very clearly that for a grace has been made we have no information at this stage as to the identities of those are wasted but we are hearing that an announcement regarding these of race will be made soon both the united states and the libyan authorities of pointing at al qaida they say that the attack has the fingerprints of al qaida and al qaeda has released a statement and although it doesn't take responsibility directly for this attack in benghazi it has said that the attack was in response to the killing of all kind is the number to buy you a stroke is at the same time we're also hearing that the f.b.i. has responded visit to libya to deal with the investigation because of security concerns in that country now also on saturday there were demonstrations in the capital from city of paris where the demonstrations were taking place near the american consulate there have also been demonstrations in belgium and the american protesters very clashed with police and as i mentioned earlier demonstrations also
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taking place in yemen where the local client that has scored for more protests and also more killings of american staff members on saturday would be one of the shots fired in yemen during clashes two programs the crowds of protesters from the to the american embassy there were also being demonstrations in sydney australia where the police used tear gas to fire at crowds we know. that the muslim population in australia is messing with the scene but anger is bubbling and then there were demonstrations in lebanon somalia iraq pakistan and turkey so as you see this and quite across the whole region in the united states who believed creator of this film nakoula basseley has been taking by american authorities for questioning now who has said that he does not look great making this film although he does with great loss of life but we are hearing that he is considering releasing the full
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version of the film certainly the demonstrations here in cairo have lost momentum right now it is essentially a mop up operation but as i speak continue to speak to him is are still cleaning up the day the glass the rocks and the stones that are left over from the last few days of my saying the united states and egypt are traditionally close partners it does seem as if this relationship is very rocky at the moment the last word we heard from president barack obama is that he does not consider a egypt and ally while at the same time he does not consider them an enemy. dr serum choi the dean of the gentle school of international affairs thinks people should search deeper for the root causes of the protests the producer don't know where in australia or in foreign countries which are obvious from the epicenter of the arab spring region i think those are more spontaneous but of libya egypt yemen these are like post evolutionary societies and this is weird we have seen the brunt
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of the winds and the skill of the previous seven rather hike and i do these are politically orchestrated by local actors who are being backed by some of these are rich donors from these don't want to also behind their dimboola through assad in studio so i see this as a you know you don't maybe as an extension of the proxy war that is going on in syria where so few some extreme fundamentalist have been unleashed in the name of toppling the assad regime the same salaries are no money for students and you know why in the end and reactionary manner to our cranky food that you know been ignored is a connection did not of these you cannot be ignored separate dreams we need to look at it and all of it together writing our. we're also following closely violence continuing to unfold throughout the arab world on our web site our team. there there's a timeline of events as well as the full profile of the man thought to be behind this scandalous anti muslim film that sparked the protests log on to our web site for.
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turning now to some of the day's other top stories the u.s. trying to diffuse a wave of discontent with washington coming out to strongly condemn the film and calling for an end to the violent protests but as artie's guy named she can reports there's more behind be anti-u.s. fieri than muslims reacting to a single controversial you tube clip. as angry mobs in muslim countries stormed u.s. embassies in burning american flags the u.s. president delivers yet another speech about how good america's intentions really are and have been in the muslim world america's a front that we care not just about our own country not just about our own interests but about theirs that even as voices of suspicion mistrust seek to divide countries and cultures from one another the united states of america will never retreat from the world. we will never stop working for the dignity and
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freedom that every person deserves it could be that the obama administration thinks by supporting revolutions by fostering regime change washington is winning the hearts and minds of the people in that part of the world but we sent events showed that's not quite so if you look at poll numbers that gauge public attitude towards the u.s. in different muslim countries u.s. approval rating is the same as it was under president george w. bush in some countries like pakistan it's much worse and these numbers have nothing to do with the infamous film but they do have something to do with us policies you know we can rap any kind of purple finger revolution we want people to have democracy and have freedom but at the end of the day when we look at the results of what's been accomplished over two decades of being in this region destabilizing the region we have hundreds of millions of people who have it in a lot of cases had their world turned upside down and in many cases they've had relatives that have been killed in this process and we're building enemies towards
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this country and you know it i think that there's a need for a major wake up call in the west especially the united states the way they've ministration is trying to somehow contain the blowback over this same type islamic film is by bashing the film and saying that they too find it disgusting but now it's clear to pretty much everyone that it's not just about the film this rage against the united states has been brewing for a while and it seems it needed just us bark to blow up and the film tragically provided that spark need ministrations soothing words about democracy don't seem to help much in putting out the flames of rage now sweeping across the arab world in washington i'm going to. george clooney a former u.s. foreign service officer doesn't think that the u.s. may be interested in establishing genuine democracy in the arab spring countries. a large part of the problem is that the protesters are poor they are unhappy they would like to have a better situation for their lives and that puts the u.s.
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in something of a dilemma because here we are we're supporting saudi arabia we're supporting bahrain we're giving some rhetorical support to the so-called arab spring but is it the case that we're really supporting economic justice genuine democracy in these countries i don't think that case has been made and so. if the u.s. were to genuinely support the aspirations of the of the poor and the struggling middle class in these countries then there we would have other problems in the in the consistency of our policy with regard to these these regimes that we're supporting for for other reasons for oil and so forth so it would put us in a very difficult situation and to be honest i'm skeptical that that hillary clinton or this administration is up to that challenge. the u.s. made film has also offended the muslim community in a russia that makes up about fifteen percent of the population but no protest rallies are being held in the country some russian muslims have publicly condemned
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the anti-american riots the head of russia's republic of chechnya says violence won't be tolerated. criticize the film stressing that those behind us production are responsible for the deaths of the protesters. but. turning to some of the day's other top stories russia's opposition gathered its first major demonstration since june but a number is smaller than seen previously for the first time in to govern. the movement was joined by public sector workers are his kind of saw the protests first half. police say this rally was attended by up to twelve thousands of protesters
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opposition leaders say it's tens of thousands but i can tell you if it was water rise to be held until ten pm moscow time move the majority of the protesters a left before that despite the calls from one of the more radical leaders of the opposition said again as i saw for them for the people not to leave at least before ten pm we've heard be different demands today ranging from social related issues like to freeze the tariffs for utility bills and to raise the salaries of social sector workers to political demands like the early presidential and parliamentary elections there's also been a lot of criticism of several new laws we should been passed a recently like the want on foreign agents which basically obliges n.g.o.s with foreign sponsors to be under a special government control and also they want to aimed at protecting children from potentially harmful content in the media which many here people say that
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that's a new form of censorship if we talk about who attended this rally then they do represent completely different movements and ideas from kids to ultra nationalists communists socialists democrats gay rights activists and environmentalists and it's highly unlikely that they will they would be able to meet anywhere else so rallies like this are a great platform for all of them to be able to voice their personal views freely political analyst alexander sullivan of his opposition leaders don't provide their supporters with the clarity and motivation necessary to unite them all. speaking about the numbers of the demonstrators we have already seen waning in the big keep waiting. and or it's again is that despite all the rules and regulations we have absolute at the very spirit. great people in the very motivation that brings people into the streets and those people who really need to be motivated the mole
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extends all the agenda. happening nationally. communists and so on and liberals. talking to people asking for different things is only confusing for the growth of the population because they can it's. it's on the opposition movement you see. they are very very mix we see teachers who see students we see nationalists and they need to be given some pull. rather than again a collection slogan sometimes victorian age. will stay with us here on our t.v. still i had the right to tweet freely. it was it was an american expressing his views. you know just trying to get his message out there. as twitter is for surrender private records in new york court the president asked people on the streets of the big apple if they're worried about their own info falling into the
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wrong hands. and there's been an increase in the aleutian which is led to many health issues that we've been experiencing on. t.v. . breathing that will be a lot and these business targets an underdeveloped indian region with promises of prosperity local say though they're paying too high a price for the so-called progress later this hour we take a look at the dispute by james cameron as the real life avatar. but first tens of thousands of spaniards march through the streets of madrid protesting against a new way of austerity measures the government's to do announce a fresh set of spending cuts by the end of the month alessandro polity a political and strategic analyst things that governments need to take a different approach to end the debt crisis. i think that spain is a detail in watch who financially cobol is really would like to do and what we are doing is extract value nor will the number of us it's which
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very. which have a very low guarantee to be repaid this is the name of the game now what is funny of them doing is trying to resist the first full falls fix for creation we thought doing a series did or did it everybody talks about spending reviews or cuts but no one really nukes into the debt in how it has been formed by whom and here they think the that must be you know much more serious european political action instead of just saying yes all paying blindly that sort of debts the risk to to live an arab situation you know what has happened the other side of the mediterranean is not so far from what we are living here so i think that this is the risk that these governments are running against in
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a rather short time because when people are called urge they exhaust the patience and they will resort to all sorts more violent protests the u.k.'s larger investigation to a scandal involving the oil traders and city speculators who allegedly rigged markets to hate petrol prices this summer whistleblower's claim prices have been artificially inflated by light fingered oil traders the soaring cost of filling a big goals in the u.k. provoking outrage among people already struggling with a country's double dip recession a founder of the british campaign for fair fuel u.k. so the economic hardship is directly related to the pump prices. they're essentially day every day there are many families who are having to be doing food and fuel diesel in the car all that small it really is that bad prices are now all commodities back at record levels the petrol in the wrong which
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we present to the u.k. go to. high actually legal rights is one of the major cool the problem we have slipped back into recession. and actually here a family to having to spend nearly eight. pounds. back they simply cannot spend on all the other things that make the economy maybe. play more if you would r.t. dot com along with other stories and a little also what i'll do here is a little else for you on line watching the watchers police in the u.s. state of maryland install cameras to keep a close eye on their other cameras plus some. checks were fond of a tipple said to have a tough time as the country bans all drink containing more than twenty percent alcohol find out why on our web site.
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in the u.s. the occupy wall street movement is writing to markets first anniversary and again get back in the spotlight activists are rallying support for demonstrations in new york before hoping to descend on wall street once again monday the movement spread across the u.s. last year with mass rallies against economic inequality happening in dozens of cities police cracked down on several demonstrations unleashing tear gas and making thousands of arrests evicting tent camps from public parks activists kaleb moppin believes the anti-corporate movement may take a new forms but is here to stay. i would say without a doubt if one looks at the world right now one looks at what's happening in the middle east in spain and greece everywhere there's a confrontation going on against the one percent so the idea that somehow the u.s. is exceptional and it's just a small passing phase i mean the us is part of the world capitalist economy in the
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world capitalist economy is in a state of collapse profits rule and we just get more as we just get home foreclosures we just get mass unemployment get all this wealth exist but it is not utilized for even good and so absolutely we're going see it may take on a different character in organized labor that's chicago in the chicago teachers strike that they become more prominent than it was in the early days of occupy wall street but there's going to be more confrontations as the system dies. the struggle between twitter and the authorities for access to the records of an occupy wall street activist attracted wide attention with many saying prosecutors were violating privacy laws artie's resident laurie harford as hits the streets of the big apple to find out how people really feel about their virtual freedoms. a manhattan judge has ordered twitter to release the tweets of an occupy wall street protester and those tweets are expected to be used against him in a criminal trial is that an invasion of his privacy and right to free speech this
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week let's talk about that so let's say it was a terrorist saying ok let's go attack somebody what it was it was it was an american expressing his views. you know just trying to get his message out there ok some would call him a terrorist and a person that you might think is a terrorist might feel like they're just expressing them their needs and what they're frustrated by. i don't know if we always seem to be you know. giving you information that you haven't been revealed yet or broadcast yet so i appreciate that and i hope it never stops as he's putting out out there for the general public so. it's going to be used against when court you know we shouldn't set it you know he's going to incriminate himself that's his own fault that what you say under free speech is so it should still be subject to law yeah if i go on television and tell everybody how to avoid cops or to commit a crime and get away with it and do it on television you know smile false i think
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the most interesting thing about twitter is if the internet is not journalism but writing is going to start to say more of a hold that it probably needs to be treated similar sue newspaper ads or other things that might be written in print media and so i'm not sure if twitter should give it up but if they want to start to grow i think they might have to do what about that person's right to their own tweets and their privacy depends how serious the matter is i think yeah i think. that line do you trust the government to draw that line i don't know if you don't want to in the public you don't put it out on. public to you and keep it is so yeah it's kind of a canvas screaming out a way to get on the internet. so things like most people agree because social media is taking on a more important role in social justice change and counterculture the laws around social media are going to have to evolve as well.
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take a look now at some stories making global headlines this hour a new un envoy to syria says the crisis in the country is rising and poses a danger to the world locked our breaking news now in damascus has already met with president assad and several diplomats and opposition leaders both rebels and government forces still ignoring calls to end fighting with battles continuing in syria's main cities including aleppo and british activists say one hundred sixty people across the country were killed friday. police in south africa fired rubber bullets at striking mine workers in the maracana area this after a raid on hospitals used by workers resulted in the arrest of at least twelve fridays the government announced a crackdown on the strike which is already halted production at several platinum and gold mines unrest started last month after police shot dead thirty four striking workers. prince harry will remain on duty it can bastion in afghanistan
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despite a deadly attack on the nato base the taliban claimed responsibility for the assault which killed u.s. two u.s. marines they also confirm that the prince was the intended target twenty eight year old captain wales as he's known in the military is serving a four month combat deployment as a gunner on an apache helicopter. when big business arrives in a small town the promise of employment an opportunity never lags far behind but when the dream turns sour it's often the little people who are left to pick up the pieces are. met one indian community who is refusing to back down. it's one of the most serene and sacred places in india me i'm gary hills home to the. tribe three years thousands of tribal people here have been relocated by a london based conglomerate the vedanta group it wanted to mine into mountains considered sacred to extract the aluminum or box a for use in its refineries
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specially built nearby but the social and environmental costs have been high the income source of people from three hundred fifty villages have been destroyed so what will these people do they depend on the land and forest for their livelihood believe that their land is their mother father god we have a deep respect for their land but for now the indian government has kicked out saying the group has violated forest conservation and environmental protection laws . while some say india could stimulate its economy by accessing its natural resources the people in this community believe that their land is sacred and they're not going to let any foreign corporations come in and destroy it praful my haji says that vedanta took two acres of his land promised him compensation but that he never received anything and it's not just his communities environment that
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has been destroyed he says that the actions of the company have damaged the wellbeing of local people so there's been an increase in pollution which is led to many health issues. and also not of breathing problems vedanta did not respond to our requests for comment but has said in the past that it believes it can make significant contributions to the people of the area and bring development to the region critics however say that hasn't happened most of the local people that we've spoken to feel that they've had promises made by the company that have just been broken and that they only have they not received develop. from the company but fundamentally they do not want the bell and the company all they want is to be allowed to live their lives and pace the confrontation has received attention from high profile figures like movie director james cameron who compared the dispute to a real life avatar vedanta are trying to appeal the decision by the indian
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government in a bid to allow them to continue their work but for now local people are celebrating their victory and preserving their ancestral lands. we figured out who will work towards all development and who will not we want to live the way we did fool the dance it came here and it seems like they might have the chance to do just that and the dungaree ican say they'll fight for what's there is no matter who they're up against preassure either r.t. or india. and in a few minutes a report on the fate of a man who's been led to death rows execution chamber ten times only to be told that his death has been delayed a special report from inside a texas prison but first a recap of our top stories stay with us.
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next question dates. believe me oh just a wonder to execution date isn't enough for anybody to go through life. you know more than fifty percent of the people who are if you didn't texas are not. why you know living on death row as night. is it's not you know we execute our convicted capital murder we have the highest execution rate in america we're not afraid to do it we do it well this becomes a point where death becomes. oh i ever do i hope. i will get a letter your dad is due to be executed next week then as it is scary mummy for you to know you can. hear one of the appearance at the end of
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a manner of me saying i'd say it's time to go. and i would lead him into the to the best chamber. come and stay till after they were dating. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing corporations are relieved a. cool. wealthy british style the sun holds a spot on the president's right in the front. yard.


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