tv [untitled] September 17, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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as a protest yet unfolds in lebanon with tens of thousands of muslims marching against the film. live reaction to the developments there shortly here. casualties mount as protests over the film grow and escalate elsewhere with us now in more than thirty countries. more than a hundred arrests reported in new york activists. wall street movement began to say part of the social budget nine percent still isn't being addressed and they won't stop until it is.
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international news and come and live from the new center here in moscow this is r.t. but the biggest protest of the past week has unfolded in beirut the capital of lebanon tens of thousands of muslims running against the united states which they believe is behind a huge phil. reporting now is all too often off through walls in the thick of the rally in that right. i'm standing in dock at the first suburb in southern beirut thousands of people have turned out to protest the controversial film that is said to have offended the prophet muhammad. the head of the cia the militant group hezbollah had multiplied
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his supporters to take to the streets and protest now we've seen thousands of people here the mood has been largely largely peaceful but again what so many people out on the street these kinds of events can take on a course of their own now while this is just one of the rallies that scheduled in the lebanon right now we're in the suburb of beirut we know that haas on the trial has called for additional rallies to take place throughout the week on wednesday on a friday on a saturday and on sunday as you can see their families people who have gathered here to express their frustration with this movie is some of the chance that we have heard a word death to israel america is the greatest double we also heard some speeches where the speaker had insinuated that we really have to they have to this group has to focus on the true enemy and sitting waiting that israel is behind the push for these kinds of so-called islamic films although of course this movie was produced
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in the u.s. the u.s. government has also criticized it but we've seen the very violent reaction resonating across the muslim world and while we're here in lebanon this is just one of the protests that has really taken place in a week more than a week now of anti-american violence protests in some countries we've seen at least nine people killed on friday there have been protests in yemen in tunisia in cairo . dan and all across the globe and on monday in pakistan at least one person was killed in violence clashes in afghanistan there have been the protests as well as well as into a part of this is the most populous muslim country in the first time that the protests are taking place there on monday again the mood here is. most of the people are calm their families are fighters are people of all ages and again this is really this. really expressing the anti anti-american sentiment finds you can
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see here you are a man of great moral character. support here people are trying to defend their religion the fans of the name of the prophet muhammad and again we really do have to keep watching to see how it pans play out but largely peaceful so far and the roots you see happen. neighborhoods levanon well let's get more on the mood in lebanon with political analyst coming. from beirut well tens of thousands of people as we see the streets of beirut all the. leaders or is this genuine sentiment genuine. oh i think it's very genuine and it's to seem to be an uprising against the united states and lebanon's throughout the middle east and it's throughout the muslim world. that the prophet muhammad is not something small i think the united states hasn't understand the magnificent of this attack and they will deal with
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base for it. was very strong against the united states they said this is not something a lip service there will be action if the united states does not take a real action to stop. or. bring those people who brought this movie to justice i think this is serious. i mean think you can think of it as seriously as deadly and i think. every word that he said and that speech the fact that he came out from his hiding to speak to those people shows the level of anger. and frustration that took on. one apologies for that. and i think this is going to be a major major battle between. mr and the united states and i think this is shifting away from the united states the last major battle they were very
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hard to build themselves around the islamic world now. the speeches in cairo on his speech. just gone in the second just get this clear you're talking about battle here you talk about talking about taking serious action what are we talking about more violence more loss of death more loss of life i should say i think it can go as far you can imagine the speech it's very clear. the message is very stern and i think. obama administration i will take the message is very very very seriously and i think this is an issue when he said we give our life we give our family life our children live my blood this is a very serious he said this is the probably the strongest statement but i haven't
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heard of say how to look for a lot probably i didn't see it in even two thousand and six war thing. that the prophet this is very holy when it comes to the whole in this of this issue a couple things i was also you know is this representative of the muslim population as a whole all we just seeing a minority of extremism talking. no i think there is there is when you look at it there is a different kind of moslem and those different kind of moslem whether that was true or i think was the first reaction came from this one not from the al qaeda followers that's what happened in libya they they attacked the embassy of those. islamic what we call them islamic a new islamic sort of presented in egypt where they actually when they got the call from the president of egypt cave where he abandoned everything and now we heard the
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third version of islam the shia. thing there seem to be determined to block to discredit his prophet saw if you have to look at it you have to look at it at a different level but the message is unified and the attack against the prophet of islam is not cannot go away if somebody in. some advise in the romney just a graduated from harvard you know political science school and you think he's very smart he's not reading the messages very all right just briefly that more how do they we. know how does washington read the messages you say what should the reaction be now i think the message i think there must the masses should be very clear of those people and stop the release of that movie though the bring those people investigate who were behind it bring them to justice and prevent any kind of movie to be released at any religious order that's what he's calling for and i
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think they will not stop short of these demands they will carry it to the and they're reading that i was listening i was sitting on my t.v. and listening to the word and seemed the anger on the frustration and space and i'm very good. it's my expertise he's he means every word and the street is like on fire ok come on was the thank you. much talking there from beirut where we've seen mass protest the largest anti us process so far thank you very much and a couple wasn't political analysts there well many are wondering just who is stirring up the muslim world that's one of the issues we discuss with a former extremist now on the trail against radical islam the interview with comet is coming up in the next hour here on.
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this is all to you live here mosque over one hundred occupy wall street activists have been arrested in new york marking a year since the corporate movement kicked off in new york the full snowboarding across the whole country and abroad now the occupiers want to regain new momentum with mass rallies on the first anniversary what is going to put no reason at the center and joins me now live well the number of arrests is reportedly top one hundred can you fill us in on the latest situation where you. will bill most of the arrest came when the occupy activists that stumbled here in lower manhattan in the early morning on monday what stormed the streets it's
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whenever the activists most for the most part tried to get onto the streets and participate in civil disobedience did the and why peavy not even hesitate to to gather up any of those on the streets and arrest them as you said pointing to the national lawyers guild more than one hundred occupy activists have been arrested so far in this is it just five six hours into the day long of that that have been planned to mark the one year anniversary of this grassroots movement that began here in lower manhattan and then blazed all over the nation and throughout the world now while the the movement itself has died down ever since the activists were removed from their encampments just two months into the the movement the frustrations are still the same they still remain there the hundreds of activists that we've seen out on the streets are still speaking out against the economic inequality in the u.s.
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speaking out on behalf of the ninety nine percent talking about and raising issue of corporate influence on u.s. politics raising the issue about unemployment and the erosion of the middle class so while a year has passed the occupy movement believes that it has reached its. that's a full point because this is become part of a national dialogue that the issue of income inequality and how wall street has too much of an influence over u.s. politics the argument being made by the occupy activists and this is what's bringing hundreds of them back onto the street we should mention this happening this is happening just seven weeks before the u.s. presidential election just briefly the authorities appear to be clamping down with many arrests that today what exactly has the movement had to face over the polls just briefly. it's been very difficult for the activists while they have grown received
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a lot of support according to figures that we've read more than seven thousand occupy activists throughout the u.s. have been arrested when standing up and supporting this movement and as i mentioned earlier the fact that they were occupy activists throughout the the u.s. were removed from their encampments that also delivered a bit of a blow to the movement and now the activists and the supporters here in the u.s. are trying to reignite it by being out on the streets marking the one year anniversary and a few hours unions labor unions are expected to join this movement in lower manhattan we will be there we'll be following this story but clearly it's been an uphill battle for this movement but those on the street say there will continue to pound the pavement to try to influence change in the u.s. political system thank you very much indeed. live from new york apologies for the delay but we're getting all this leave that lively between moscow and new york with a couple complications but we got there well for more on the police response of the
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occupy protests have been facing something we've just been talking to marina about i can now join ronnie gaza he's a member of the occupy boston and he's currently facing trial for taking part in a demonstration alleged beatings and evictions of tactics used by the police tell us briefly what happened to you. well in my case along with six others there were seven of us twenty in total who got arrested for blocking the roadway but there were seven of us who got felony charges because there's an austin police department officer who was undercover. built and delivered the lock boxes which were used on other. charges from a misdemeanor felony child so we were. perhaps mean example try to try to. put on extra charges in a way to chill others and discourage them from participating in civil disobedience
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all right let's talk about what's happening in new york the first anniversary of the movement we're seeing the new york protests there is to be seen as an effort to regain momentum many say in the course of the the movement has lost momentum do you see what is happening today in new york encouraging do you see it is the first start of a new era or is it well well i certainly see it as encouraging and i also see it in the same light as the recent national gathering in july where it's a sort of a reunion of sorts number of activists to work throughout the year on a lot of projects even for occupy started get a get a chance to kind of come together and participate in education teach in entertainment there was there's art music yesterday and marches and demonstrations today so i think that it's definitely an encouraging thing to continue to assemble
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and to share ideas and share our grievances and try and bring down the. courage to write your own card so therefore you do accept then the movement has lost momentum in fact many would say you've achieved absolutely nothing in the last year. well i would say that we've achieved nothing i think that when the camps disappeared it had the appearance that occupy somehow went away but occupy is just sort of the next phase in a long progression of movements that have been addressing the same sorts of issues whether be education or police accountability or banking practice government accountability once the capital in a way we still continue to organize around these efforts and hold demonstrations and try to go to our legislatures and and try and push policy we continue to try and push move to a man. and reverse citizens united so i think i think that we have
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sort of changed direction and changed phases since the last one about changing direction i don't feel that it's gone the way we're seeing a lot of rest of that is that is that indicative of your tactics changing where you can break the law in the future no i don't know that there's a conscious decision to break the law more in the future this is a diversity of tactics really. some some people have been arrested throughout the year in foreclosure defense for instance there are debt resistors now strike that is attempting to build sort of a manual to resist debt and that might lead to fines the teachers in chicago might be fined due to. court intervention in what's happening in the strike out there so there's all sorts of ways where we might wind up breaking the law for some reason. i don't i don't feel that we need to sort of get ourselves arrested to to get attention really gaza occupy austin activist thanks very much indeed for your time
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. one of course we'll have plenty more on the one year anniversary of occupy wall street throughout the day for you here not including interviews with activists and those involved in the movement. poppy general street spread worldwide for. the ninety nine percent versus the one percent with all the money. are they getting a quality into the economy. the recession ahead can we afford to. be occupied. on our trip. dismissed for refusing to support israel in the preemptive strike on iran former british minister for the armed forces nichol the alleges he was flawed for his objection to a military attack on terror and he believes the government is cleansing its ranks to get rid of opposition to such a strike. has this report. a fleet of british naval power has massed in the persian
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gulf in an unprecedented show of power now britain is one of twenty five countries taking part in a twelve day exercise in the strait of hormuz in the largest wargames ever undertaken in the region now this comes as this worry that israel is preparing to launch a preemptive strike against iran's alleged nuclear weapons program now israeli prime minister netanyahu has said that iran's six to seven months away from having ninety percent of what it would need to create an atomic bomb not these are claims that iran vehemently denies and they've also warned that they will retaliate across the region were they to come under attack nonetheless the war games are continuing and britain's contingent involves full british minesweepers royal fleet auxiliary cardigan bay a logistics vessel the hague a diamond of one billion pounds forty five destroyer one of the most powerful ships
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in the british think they'll be joining other battleships in various naval powers from the other countries in this twelve day exercise now here in britain at the same time the former liberal democratic defense minister nick harvey has claimed that he was fired in the recent cabinet reshuffle to avoid damaging coalition split over a preemptive strike on iran now he's reported to have told friends that he was fired in that reshuffle to allow the deputy prime minister says sign up to an israeli u.s. preemptive strike and his criticisms of israel's actions could prove embarrassing for the coalition will this comes on the back of continued concerns here that these war games and the recent statements are all signs that israel and iran edging ever closer to the brink of war. arcee london. protests have hit china as the volatile dispute over who owns
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a series of islands escalates the fallout over the archipelago dispute has been widely between tokyo and beijing since japan decided to bypass china by the territories from private investments this comes as washington and tokyo agreed to put a second missile defense radar in japan claiming it will be focused on deterring north korean aggression james corbett editor of the colbert report website and lives in japan thinks the system will be deployed for all the wrong reasons. there is going to have to be some sort of dialogue and one certainly hopes that it will come quicker because of the demonstrations are starting to get out of hand in china and some some real damage is being done of course not only to two japanese interests but even to owners of japanese restaurants or people who drive japanese cars in china are now being attacked in these protests and as a result we're starting to see the mirror opposite here in japan obviously not rioting or anything of that sort but there is the increase in the right wing nationalist driving around with their loudspeakers with their anti chinese slogans and cetera so it's definitely creating increased tensions and the only way out of
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this is for some sort of diplomatic breakthrough and it doesn't look like the two parties are really willing to come to the table at this point to the idea that this new expand radar is going to be really aimed at north korea not to china is that is about as silly as saying that the missile defense shield going up in europe is not aimed at russia i think we all know that it is expressly that beijing and beijing's intercontinental ballistic missile capabilities which are only increasing as they continue to spend more and more on their military capabilities so it's definitely going to have an effect in ratcheting up tensions even further. abraded as an icon of bravery after surviving the seven seven london bombings in two thousand and five is now facing deportation from the u.k. immigration authorities say a second citizenship in australia could be enough to see him kicked out what is more smith explains. in the days after the seven seven terrorist attack in london john tulloh bloodied face was a familiar sight in newspapers and on t.v.
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screens sitting opposite mohammed sidique khan when he detonated his deadly bomb he credits his case with saving his life seven years on tulloch a university professor is back on the front page but this time because he's been threatened with deportation and extremely helpful an. immigration officer at heathrow terminal so if you try for another six months and china will be our. thinking that you might be trying to get around the immigration acts and whatever we decide that if you try to. put you on the plane born in india to a serving british officer came home to britain aged three and was educated here graduating from cambridge university after he got his doctorate he went to australia where he'd been offered a job he had no idea that taking australian citizenship would jeopardize his british passport there's no better place to check than in your own passport and the
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inside cover of the passport it says i have a right to your nationality not so according to the u.k. borders agency and tulloch whose father his country and his grandfather and great grandfather also worked for the empire in india is it what he called a little bit of an ethnic situation in fact commentators say if tulloch had been a part the traitor of a terrorist attack rather than a victim he might have a better chance of living here free be seen several people convicted terrorists including somebody he was convicted of providing a safe house for the twenty one seven bombers. allowed to stay in this country because deporting them were violating human rights is quite clear that the immigration system is. skewed against people who actually you know contribute usefully to this country and and works in favor of useless parasites like the.
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toilet is in limbo the borders agency says it will help him resolve his predicament but he'll have to jump through hoops to stay in the country his family has called home since the fourteenth century one of the great ironies is that so many times i saw my picture in the papers now on television after seven servant words next to it like british british. resistance which is spirit but this is my home and this is my place and so you want to be able to come in and out as any other producer is able to do. for now though tell it can't believe the fear he won't be able to return. ati card. europe's third biggest bank goes under the hammer daniels of our business desk tell us more about this story there daniel hello bill yes the government selling seven percent of total of pollock over of course it
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could become a good investment. tree has been waiting for almost. the first time take. them to those that still try to. whirl like. those people. to be the old previous records this year even so the around five billion dollars the same they could not bring that the market conditions have to be favorable that's possible to ensure a recent decision by the central banks in europe and the us to turn the printing presses have even a chill to the arms of the mob now the central bank holds widespread small plans to call first their banks. all over the world and also reserves ten per cent of the offering to get laid all my cards to russia. that.
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this is not to raise capital probably because the number of private improved heartbreak does not make the bank that's to come put it of course not if the currency to get out of the sale this tape will remain but the law just said that to the people the. traders didn't lie about was was perform on the mines six today forget the russian figures out there for you they closed slightly in the red on monday euros floats on the green but as economies both sides of the atlantic keep disappointing the ruble also had a bad day down both major currencies shares are rising on wall street though as it reveals a record two million tree by four boys and the world's biggest diamond find has been announced by russian they claim a siberian diamond fields reserves are bigger than all known deposits in the world war of its rich with so-called impact tides straits it all modified by the impact
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of a meteorite something that makes such stones much rarer than regular diamonds you know today bill will have more stories for you next daniel thanks that you see later now the real reasons behind the wealth financial crisis all that in our documentary coming up very shortly after a recap of our top stories. download
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the official application to self choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites from atsushi l.t.v. is not required to watch all its his only need is your mobile device watch on t.v. any time and. the gentleman streams spread worldwide. to ninety nine percent versus the one percent with all the money. markets are they getting a quality into the economy. with more recession ahead can we afford not to listen to. the occupy movement more on our trade. mission and free accreditation free.
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