tv [untitled] September 17, 2012 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT
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the largest and to us protests yet unfolds in lebanon with hundreds of thousands of muslims marching against a film mocking atlanta. and casualties mount as protests over the film grow and escalate elsewhere with violent outbursts now in more than thirty countries. more than one hundred arrests reported in new york where activists are marking eight years since the occupy wall street movement began protesters say the plight of the so-called ninety nine percent still isn't being addressed and they won't stop until it is. britain's armed forces minister is fired he says for refusing to support
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israel on attacking iran as you can see naval might join some largest ever war games in the strait of hormuz. international news and comment live from the new center here in moscow this is. by far the biggest protest of the past week has unfolded in beirut the capital of lebanon hundreds of thousands of muslims ranted against the united states which they believe is behind a you choose film mocking is them. reporting though is all too easily she covered old for she was in the thick of the rally in beirut you spoke to me a little that you know. i'm standing in da here this is
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a suburb in the southern beirut where thousands of people have turned out to protest the controversial film that is said to have offended the prophet mohammad after the head of the cia the militant group hezbollah had multiplied his supporters to take to the streets and protest now we've seen thousands of people here the mood has been largely calm largely peaceful but again what so many people out on the street these kinds of events can take on the force of their own and we know that haas on the trail has called for additional rallies to take place throughout the week on wednesday on a friday on saturday and on sunday as you can see there are families people who have gathered here to express their frustration of what this movie is some of the chance that we have heard a word death to israel america is the bravest the devil we also heard some speeches where the speaker had in simulated that we really have to they have to this group has to focus on the true enemy insinuating that israel is behind the push for these
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kinds of so-called islamic films although of course this movie was produced in the u.s. the u.s. government has also criticized it but we've seen the very violent reaction resonating across the muslim world again the mood here is really most of the people are calm their families are fighters of people of all ages and again this is really this is really expressing the anti anti-american sentiment some of the fine people feel here and indeed you are a fan of great moral character. the point here people are trying to defend their religion the fans of the name of the prophet muhammad and again we really do have to keep watching to see how it pans play out but largely it's also hard and being rude to the captain of a favorite. water and historian gerald horne i spoke to him a dilemma he sees a much bigger picture behind the u.s.
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rage in the muslim world well first of all you have to recognize that the united states historically has been the headquarters of islamophobia there's no question there and in particular there is dissatisfaction with the was policy with regard israel with regard to the palestinian refugee question so yes there is dissatisfaction always in the weapon on him throughout the history of the world at the same time there is dissatisfaction with the general level isn't of islamophobia in the states and washington has the god beyond the rhetoric of washington has to show much more outrage against the videos and films that are designed to a point passion as such i have to be very pessimistic in the structure in the long term with regard to the states changing its policies towards a very sensitive. feeding on global muslim fury over the film new protests hot spots are appearing. cocktails and chanting the death bells and skirmish with police in indonesia and afghanistan protesters burned cars and surrounded a u.s.
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base just a week since it all began unrest and violence has now spread to more than thirty nations around the world. with the details. police and protesters have crashed in the indonesian capital to cost classes took place when hundreds of pod minus students went up the american embassy they took the police by surprise when they stopped to the polling walks at them because until now all the demonstrations that have been taking place across indonesia which is the world's most populous muslim nation have been peaceful the police responded with tear gas because of friends and by firing warning shots to disperse the crowd but not before protesters had the chance to throw molotov cocktails to burn tires and also to stiffle explosives also on monday there have been clashes in kentucky stuff that's happening in the wake of the country where at least one protester has been killed hundreds of protesters six wired to a government office building as well as to
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a choice office and this is allegedly because they were complaining that the demonstrations in pakistan until now have not been receiving enough media attention this one of those clashes in pakistan over the weekend that happened in the cities of pitch a laugh as well as in collage we saw protesters marching holding up banners and mourning for the american ambassador to be expelled and for a boycott on american goods and services now also there has been clashes in the capital of kabul where we've seen more than a thousand protesters sick fire to cause as well a story to contain this american military installation and now the united states has the same doing additional security has been standing with weeds to beef up security in various cities around the region and this is only inflaming tensions on the ground with many people i'm talking to asking the question whether or not the united states is not benefiting from this violence as it now has the excuse to save
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some of the troops on the ground here in cairo the situation this compliment with the tensions all running high you so he can feel that the sixteen the ten the pope . the belief that any kind of violence could be worked anytime. while many are wondering just who is stirring up the muslim world well that's one of the issues we discuss with the former extremists now on the trail against radical islam and that interview for you in full with author comment that's coming your way in about twenty minutes from now here in r.t. . dismissed for refusing to support israel in
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a preemptive strike on iran former british prime minister former british minister i should say for the armed forces nick harvey alleges he was fired for his objection to a military attack on iran he believes the government is cleansing its ranks to get rid of opposition to such a strike of fourth as first as this report. a fleet of british naval power has massed in the persian gulf in an unprecedented show of power now britain is one of twenty five countries taking part in a twelve day exercise in the strait of hormuz in the largest wargames ever undertaken in the region now this comes as israel is preparing to launch a preemptive strike against iran's alleged nuclear weapons program now israeli prime minister netanyahu has said that iran's six to seven months away from having ninety percent of what it would need to create an atomic bomb not these are claims that iran vehemently denies and they've also warned that they will retaliate across
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the region were they to come under attack nonetheless the war games are continuing and britain's contingent involves four british minesweepers royal fleet auxiliary cardigan bay a logistics vessel the hague diamond a brand new one billion pounds type forty five destroyer one of the most powerful ships in the british fleet though be joining other battleships of various naval powers from the other countries in this twelve day exercise now here in britain at the same time the former liberal democratic defense minister nick harvey has claimed that he was fired in the recent cabinet reshuffle to avoid a damaging coalition split over a preemptive strike on iran now he's reported to have told friends that he was fired in that reshuffle to allow the deputy prime minister says sign up to an israeli u.s. preemptive strike and his criticisms of israel's actions could prove embarrassing
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for the coalition will this comes on the back of continued concerns here that these war games and the recent statements are all signs that israel and iran edging ever closer to the brink of war. r.t. london. over one hundred by wall street activists have been arrested. in new york they're marking a year since their corporate movement kicked off there in the big apple before snowballing across the whole country abroad now the occupiers want to regain new momentum with mass rallies on the first anniversary artie's report that the epicenter. most of the arrest came when the occupy activists that lower manhattan in the early morning on monday what stormed the streets it's whenever that optimus mode for the most part tried to get onto the streets and participate in civil disobedience did the n.y.p.d. not even hesitate to to gather up any of those on the streets and arrest them while the the movement itself has died down ever since the activists were removed from
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their encampments just two months into the the movement but the frustrations are still the same they still remain there the hundreds of activists that we've seen out on the streets are still speaking out against the economic inequality in the u.s. speaking out on behalf of the ninety nine percent talking about and raising issue of corporate influence on u.s. politics raising the issue about unemployment and the erosion of the middle class so while a year has passed the occupy movement believes that it has reached a successful point because this is become part of a national dialogue to the issue of the income inequality and how wall street has too much of an influence over u.s. politics the argument being made by the occupy activists and this is what's bringing hundreds of them back onto the street we should mention this happening this is happening just seven weeks before the u.s. presidential election to give our viewers a little bit of that problem of how this began what has happened over the past year
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we turn to heartsease of course by now honest best to check it out. triggered by wealth inequality inspired by the arab spring occupy wall street a movement of the people bringing up real dialogue over the need to improve the way america runs. spilled onto the streets when the frame bankers or the economy were bailed out by our taxpayer money that provoked occupy wall through what we hope to do with that outrage outrage about very basic issues that most of. akins intuitively understand. the big apple became the birthplace of the occupy movement just one week into the protests all hell broke loose so our. police brutality was brought into the spotlight protesters often confronted by tear gas and pepper sprayed even war veterans injured you know faces bloodied demonstrators
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beaten with buttons and dragged journalists abused and arrested in. camps in major cities eventually eradicated by officials one after another remembers a comedy park in new york's financial district it was clear that the first occupy camp was set up hundreds of this their. thousands showing support in a fight which eventually got cleared out stands largely empty today occupy up to the same change the format it's not going to. well critics say occupy did not bring the change and accountability it fought for few would argue that the economic and social issues that triggered occupy have been solved about one third of the american public is either in poverty or on the cusp of poverty that's one hundred million people and yet you hear virtually nothing about poverty in this election closing the gap between the rich and poor eradicating sky high student debt
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bringing accountability to wall street all major issues yet to be tackled in the us two thirds of the u.s. senate are millionaires forty five percent of the house of representatives are millionaires we have the best democracy that money can buy an actual democracy made a little more possible with the seeds sown by occupy and stacy churkin or r.t. new york. well for more in the post year and future prospects of occupy wall street let's join new york based social rights activist and founder of the us day of rage web site alexa braun well somebody else whether the occupy movement is actually achieved anything during the past year and wonder is there any point fighting on how would you react to that. well i think it's a useless question i mean the bottom line is that there's a generational shift in the united states and there's also a change in the socio economic landscape between the internet generation and the boomers it's largely unnoticed by the boomers and their progeny like this
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generation isn't fighting to emancipate itself in the past we're fighting to emancipate ourselves from a hellish future and in many cases occupy wall street is a beta test experiment in assembly and association and building these institutions from the ground up because our political parties are completely ineffective except as fundraising vehicles and clearly this nation cannot answer every single question about the challenges we face when property becomes the very ideas in our head or the genes in our body answer to that question is not a clash of civilizations or a culture or a never ending cultural war we need answers that we can bank on and believe in and i think occupy has come of. the long way in the last year looking for answers what all those answers than. well for one thing we need a constitutional amendment or something of the like of getting the money out of politics both at the local level and also at the national level i mean that's clearly one of the ideas there's discussions about you know essentially forgiving
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student debt you know a lot of these foreclosures of peoples' homes i mean there are working groups in communities across the nation groups that are even a part of occupy that have been inspired by the energy of progressive movements like occupy and also conservative progressive movements i mean clearly the civic space is starting to open up in this nation you know i understand that you advocate peaceful protest organized through digital media that digital media is the area you'll really concentrating on that's your interview expertise but the rest we've seen today the violence we saw over the last year doesn't that undermine your cause than. how so how would that undermine your cause as you see it because you're advocating a peaceful protest by the looks of things by all accounts violence has been used in the past and i was talking to an activist just the other day saying they want more of a proactive all breaking movement in the future which surely undermines and loses the
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support of those who will peaceful protest. well listen fundamentally this is not a question that. anybody can escape i mean whether it's the civil rights movement in the united states or the occupy movement now and clearly there are you know affinity groups people are going to gravitate towards what they will gravitate towards there is a second amendment for a reason i'm speaking personally for myself i mean we have a second amendment the right to self protection however it is my opinion that. americans are inspired by the symbolism of that and the power of of nonviolence and i think also you know for americans or other people to a conversation it's easier than inviting them to a melee so to speak and so we'll leave it there thank you very much indeed good to hear what you have to say and new york based activist and founder of the us day of
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rage web site join me there and he who job us thank you very much in love in new york well we'll have plenty more on the one year anniversary of occupy wall street throughout the day here not including interviews with activists and those involved in the movement as you've just. plus the general truth spread world war. the ninety nine percent versus the one percent with all the money. are they getting equality into the economy. or recession ahead can we afford not to. be. on our team. the sexual assault case against whistle bludgeon innocent in sweden shows signs of unraveling a crucial piece of evidence brought forward by one of the accusers produced no forensic results. is in london with the details.
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trees in sweden were only able to find traces of judy in the songes d.n.a. on the court and on that was submitted by one of these two women that sick used to have sexual assault now lawyers for julian assange say that that's because the condom submitted could be fake julian assange has always denied any wrongdoing he says that he's innocent and that he had consensual sex with both women now the trees that were searching for his d.n.a. did find traces of his d.n.a. on another condom submitted by the second woman that's accused him but it's turning into a rather farcical situation because the report says that that particular woman that accused julian assange she says that he sexually assaulted her by refusing to wear a condom so there's a lot of holes in this story it looks like and julian assange says that he's happy to face questioning by the swedish investigators if they were to question him over
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in london where he's currently residing in the ecuadorian embassy because he says that the swedish authorities aren't able to give him any guarantees that he won't be extradited over to the usa on trumped up charges that he says our political motivated. well for more on this so i can now turn to a human rights campaigner joining me live in london. latest developments make any difference to plight. probably not but they are very disturbing and perplexing after all the cond on d.d.i. ever supposed to be the killer ever than. during the sounds in the dark now that were found that there is no d.n.a. on one of these songs on one of the alleged victims it rather calls into question a substantial element of the case against him in other words case has no foundation
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it's to stitch up in that way to say. well no i think julian you know i'm a great supporter of wiki leaks and i think they did a great public service in exposing us wrong going but i do think he does have a case to answer allegations have been made he's asked serious allegations and as julian has always said he is willing to answer the question who does and if they are so concerned they ought to be about the delegation that results they ought to be willing to come to london to interview him after all swedish prosecutors have previously gone overseas to interview suspects involved in quite serious crimes as well as the star one and if they have done that before or if they have interviewed people abroad before why can't they do it in this case the fact that the switch authorities are not willing to come to london i'm the laden and excuse themselves time and time again doesn't indicate that they really take these allegations seriously because
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a serious prosecutor would want to interview joining us as quickly as possible by any message kerry means and certainly you know his opportunity and he is going this to be interviewed in london has been on the table for over a year not being taken up by the swedish prosecutors when of course america. the reason why he doesn't want to go to sweden of course is that he thinks he will be the next step technician to the u.s. where he claims he could face the death penalty that is he manipulating this into a human rights issue where does he have a real point. i think your innocence does have legitimate concerns about possibility of extradition united states once you go to sweden. that isn't done deal but it took a possibility and certainly if the british and the swedish governments were serious i would have thought they would have been willing to give pastime guarantees that if he didn't go to sweden under no circumstances would he be
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extradited to the united states that would be another way to ensure a jury and could go to sweden and be interviewed by the courts if you didn't but it's amount of death penalty an issue hammy's it's not likely he would actually fake the death penalty in the u.s. senate while there have been a number of leading politicians in the united states you have called for him to be put on trial for espionage and said he wasn't there now i agree they are fringe minority and in syria of course espionage does carry the death penalty more likely he'd be facing perhaps fifty plus years in prison still i think and are not justified punishments for a man who did what the american constitution enshrined but is that government should be by the people of the people and all the people are people going to states have a right to know what their government is doing in their mind and thanks to your sons
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we know the u.s. government with doing a lot of very bad things but it kept hidden from the american people and indeed the people of the world and i'm just very much sick when since he's had to face as a result of that meant that he's not he's now holed up in ecuador embassy wiki leaks is under financial blockade what message does this send to you you're a human rights activist what alarm bells what sort of message does that send to you when we think of his predicament. well of course julian a standard has his human rights the women who accuse him of sexual assault they have their human rights. the united states government in my view is abusing its rights and broader by seeking to court both during the stange and indeed right now bradley manning of the us personnel who has been accused of leaking through. you out of that to be using it right in our. what it wants to do is to keep things
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secret certain things about us in some case u.s. war crimes in iraq and afghanistan it was keep them secret and that is not in line with the principles and values of the american constitution and alone international human rights law peter tatchell he was activist or director of the peter tatchell foundation joining us live in london we appreciate you joining us here on r.t. thank you. well now let's have a quick look at some other international headlines here in r.t. the u.n. report on the syrian civil war is lashed out at both sides for committing war crimes is one of rising violence against civilians as the conflict spirals out of control investigators have also warned of an increasing presence of foreign militants acting to radicalize the armed opposition the panel presented its findings as the un envoy to syria lakhdar brahimi wrapped up his first visit to the country admitting he still has no plan on how to end the conflict. to start a successful launch
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a new cruise missile with nuclear capabilities domestically built a bubble missile is designed to avoid radar detection and has a range of up to seven hundred kilometers it's able to strike targets deep inside india pakistan has long been engaged in an arms race with its neighbor and rival and as amassed a significant atomic arsenal. twenty six minutes past the hour now in the russian capital europe's third biggest bank goes under the hammer daniels in our business desk to tell us more about last bill the government selling seven percent of sperm bank of pollock over explains it could make a very good investment. tree has been waiting for almost to sleep for the first time they call. them consider the so highly trained to the potential of. the world but it has been said those speakers like to be the old previous records begin this year even so down to five billion dollars it's a big enough all praying that the market conditions have to be as favorable as
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possible to ensure that recent decisions by the central banks in europe and in the us have to turn on prince impressive have given their children their arms to the mob how the central bank holds widespread demond plans to call first their bank shares the divorce all over the world and also reserves ten per cent of the offering to get laid only might think hard to shock the central bank the main goal of getting this thing is not to raise capital probably close to the number of private and improved harper done to. make their banking competitive company of course none of this guaranteed and even after the sale this tape will remain like the law just said hold on to the people that are. traders didn't like the news but was biggest full on the minus six today the euro's from the greenback as a call them both sides of the atlantic disappointing and two million preorders of
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the new i phone five in twenty four hours is during a full shares in new york street the full day off to last week's rally that's the latest business for you in just a little bit we will daniel thank you very much indeed in just a moment for much terrorist turns against a radical islam that will be run off the headlines.
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like millions of americans i've lost thousands of dollars in retirement funds and i haven't had as bad as many it's not just about the them it's about me too. me man brown ya gotta shit. it's a. sham. and g.'s. to say i. need it. but now she. says this is my film i get the last word this financial crisis will not be turned off like a light switch. mission free cretaceous a free lunch.
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