tv [untitled] September 17, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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here's mitt romney trying to figure out the meaning of that thing that the americans call a dollar. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot about my country you sir are a fool you know what that is my tears. but once you will see the featurism the only liberal the christian. can really support of.
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what's going on everyone i'm out here martin and this is breaking the set so today marks the one year anniversary of the occupy wall street movement now in addition to the protests and actions taking place in new york there's another weeklong set of actions dovetailing off the occupy movement message called occupy one santo occupy monsanto's a network of concerned citizens who have targeted companies connected to the global trade of genetically modified foods or g.m. out for the last nine months check it out. there with octomom and santo and oxnard california came here today to stop all shipments of jackson modified seeds coming into and out of this facility which is simonis incorporated a subsidiary of monsanto now in light of occupiers first birthday happy birthday by
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the way occupy monsanto's groups all over the world have organized seventy five different protest against the corporation and its subsidiaries this week for the entire week the group were protesting at the home of the monsanto corporation in st louis missouri but also actions across the united states including california where voters want to. side if they will label g m o's the selection and world wide in argentina candidate germany india spain the philippines haired boy and other countries were concerns over the impacts of g m o's on the environment and human health are growing occupy monsanto's goal is to confront the agricultural and industrial complex head on and it needs to be confronted if you are concerned with this root those corporations practices you should be fun to enjoy not only as a saloon of toxic coverups under its belt but the corporations aggressive tactics to ensure its domination over the entire food industry our whore it is not time that an offshoot of the occupy movement targets the corporation and starts calling out its misdeeds revolving door between this corporation and government needs to
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stop consumers deserve to know at the very least what they are even monsanto needs to start listening to us and that is why breaking the set. part of what i do on the show is try to look at all situations from all possible perspectives and try to break through the left right paradigm that distracts us from the most hard hitting issues in this country so help me do just that i'm now joined by former governor of minnesota and author of democrats and republicans no more gangs and government jesse ventura himself jesse thanks so much for coming on the show today my first question is you know in light of the d.n.c. just ending the r n c to me it seems like these ridiculous conventions that cost billions of dollars for taxpayers are just pretty much a giant charade a dog and pony show to perform some ritual to pretty much appease people into thinking that they really have a choice in who they choose for president what do you think about just the conventions and just what they serve for the country they're exactly what you said
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nothing more than political see it or you know that if you put the large meter on him. one media person did and they found that the stuff they talked about wasn't even true they just get up there and tell the people what they think they want to hear and it's all a complete show to me there's no substance to it whatsoever they make grandiose promises and all this stuff which will never come true. and just see i used to be entrenched in the two party system i campaigned for kerry embarrassingly enough in two thousand and four and then i woke up to him pretty much taking a dive he said he'd have lawyers on the ground in ohio you're going to count every vote and they gave this concession speech and then that's when i really woke up hey there's something very very wrong with the two party system what was your turning point as someone who was actually entrenched in the system in the establishment the governor of minnesota what what was kind of the straw that broke the camel's back for you where you were like i'm done you know will you know what really there was
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no straw that broke the camel's back with me i mean i did want to i'm the type of person that believes in term limits and i. even the constitution and the bill of rights and i believe that career politicians are the problem so i generally do one term and then i go back to what i used to do i like to refer to myself as a statesman. what really gets me about it is there's no difference between the two parties they're bought and sold they've created a system that space completely upon bribery now if we do bribery in the private sector we go to jail but it's the status quo in the public sector and it's kind of funny too they talk about competition is good in the private sector yet in the public sector in our elections it's been twenty years now since we've even heard a third voice for the presidency of the united states and your book jesse and it
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really is the justices i mean just pointed out had it right on the head there corporations are and politicians are beholden to a different set of laws than the average american is and in your book you call them pretty much gangs the bloods and crips you cite the republicans and democrats as analogous to pretty much gangs you cite people like elizabeth warren as pretty much an anomaly in the system but just in the light of you know we have the occupy wall street movement whether or not you agree with the message that they had a look at the the militarized crackdown on pretty much the only movement recently that tried to undermine the establishment i mean how do you suggest that people really try to undermine this two party dictatorship which is what i like to call it when we have laws like h.r. three forty seven the n.d.a. coupled with this kind of warrantless wiretapping going all across the nation what do you think we can really do to break out of this well there's only one thing we can do. is really as simple as the nose on your face but will be as difficult as
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climbing mount everest and here's the simple answer stop voting for them i urge people stop voting for democrats and republicans. we still have that power vote for anybody else and that's really the only thing we have left to do the war only way we could fight back but getting the lemmings to do that is quite a task you know if you vote for a third candidate or a third party candidate whatever it may be they always tell you you're wasting your vote if you do that because they can't win well i prove that wrong in minnesota but that aside you're not wasting your vote i'd like to reverse that if i may and say you're wasting your vote if you vote for a democrat or republican because you're going to get the same government it does not matter which one that you will lacked they are all in cahoots together to maintain their power and their control of the two party you know what they have the two party mop believe or dictatorship as ralph nader and you have called it and the
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really the only recourse is to not vote for them but getting the american public to do that big is next to impossible because they also have the media in their back pocket you know you know what they do to third party candidates they always call them wing nuts and they've got names for them and they don't take them serious and this and that and so that leads the public to believe that you're only left with two choices i like to look at it like this it's like walking into the grocery store and you go to the soft drink department and the only thing available to you is coke and pepsi they're both colos one slightly sweeter than the other but there's no mountain dew there's no root beer there's no seven up there's nothing like that all you have to choose from is coke and pepsi and remember the two gangs pick your president because they make two choices of two gang members and then you're expected to pick between that and always remember what the late great jerry garcia
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of the grateful dead said he said if you're made to pick the lesser of two evils it means you're still picking evil but. but jesse pepsi is the lesser of two evils i know i love what you just said because so many people have said that to me well what are we supposed to you know let romney when it's like if we start making this establishment irrelevant just like we are making the corporate media irrelevant by tuning into a turn of media then we will give a voice to third party candidates then if we start crediting third party candidates and really looking outside this establishment maybe it will give them some traction but to just kind of you know just put them out of your blind spot i mean that is what exactly they established wants you to do and i really strongly agree with you jesse i want to bring up a quote that you had in your book question actually said referring to the war as you say i'm sixty years old my country's been at war more than half of my life if we hadn't fought all these wars you think our economics would be as bad as they are
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today why do you think that we're fighting it we're in a state of perpetual warfare our economy pretty much runs on war why do you think this is jesse i don't know but i would like to correct that i'd like to state now i believe we've been at war all of my life i was born in one nine hundred fifty one because let me add to the wars the war on drugs that is also a war millions of. americans are putting proves that because they happen to use quote illegal drugs while in a free society how can you commit a crime against yourself which is what drug usage is and then you look to mexico which is the results of our war on drugs twenty thousand people have died there in the last year and then if you add the cold war which you know we weren't shooting back and forth but we were still building up a armaments beyond belief if you have the war on drugs and the cold war we've been at war my entire life absolutely and the da is out there killing people on other
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countries soil and also the control of these resources the opium trade ninety percent of the world's heroin is coming from afghanistan it really does. the question what is really going on and why are we claiming to fight the drug war but also manage these drugs jesse i wanted to just in conclusion. your show conspiracy theory on tru t.v. i read this column that one of the episodes the police state episode was it censored talk a little bit about what happened and how do you encountered any other censorship or coming out of it with issues like nine eleven truth the police state all of these very very important issues that are completely uncovered by the corporate media talk about censorship and what you've encountered well yeah we did get said should we did a show called are we turning into a police state where we discovered a bill that homeland security had approved that would order fema to build six detainment camps throughout the united states of america and allegedly they're
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being built in case we have another katrina tragedy we'll have a place to put all the people six of them throughout the united states well apparently they didn't want that out to the public because that show got censured tru t.v. won't even acknowledge we did it today let me add the third season of conspiracy theory starts november seventh ten eastern nine central we did a show but they're only going to air seven of them because the eighth show we did on the t.s.a. at the airports and apparently that musta ruffled some feathers and they've got some interesting things in mind for you out at the airports to come so they don't want it on t.v. and what it is they're creating these risks bans so that you'll be able to pass through the airport you won't be subject to search anymore because it will have all the vital information on the surface it sounds great but here's what they don't
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want you to know when you wear these responds they will be able to disable you if you wear them just like you got hit with a taser so anyone in the airport could be disabled at any time. when these new t.s.a. respect ams hit the market i'm not sure when it will happen but that's what the show was about and that's apparently why it won't ever on television is there anywhere else we can see that or no i just i just read about how to lose it it's out of my hands because. trolls are the money and they make the decisions on what will or won't make it on their station the t.s.a. expanding the viper teams all across the nation these body scanners they have planned to put them in rail you know bus depots and train stations i mean it really is out of control the other thing the are if idea chips and student i.d.'s i mean where is it all going to go if i did interrupt that i'm going to understand is that our constitution and bill of rights are in shambles no these two parties could care
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less about those documents i am a great believer in the fabric of this country and the fabric of it is the constitution of the bill of rights and we need to force our elected officials and government to stand by those rules because a government that doesn't have a constitution a bill of rights is meaningless absolutely we have a constitutional law professor going out passing things like the n.d.a. it really is up to we the people to take this country back thank you so much for coming on jesse and your book democrats and republicans everyone check it out thanks so much for your time thank you my pleasure. now if you like what you see so far go to our youtube channel at youtube dot com slash breaking the threat and subscribe to our facebook page at facebook dot com or thoughts break in that i know the nature of the internet is that it is going to hate and troll is going to troll but if you're the more intelligent minded feel free to write me and let me know what you think and if you're wondering about what i'm doing or bitching about when i'm not on air follow me on twitter at abby martin and they take a break from my preaching for now but stay tuned to hear the good and the bad and
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the last year one of the most striking aspects of the movement was how little coverage the demonstrations got from the corporate press because of this lack of coverage from the news outlets citizen journalism coverage of the movement flourished thousands of people took to the streets of lower manhattan and countless cities across the country in the weeks that followed it wasn't fox news c.n.n. or m s n b c that brought us the images it was people on the ground that were drawn into the movement alive streamers here's just one example. of the much car. parked around our vehicle right here where i. don't want to go. back and i don't. know how they're looking. now it was regular people with cell phones and an internet connection that raised awareness of the growing divide between the rich and the poor the toxic marriage between the government and corporations and the
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special interest group that have taken the voice away from the american people lifestream and gave the rest of us a chance to be right there on the ground to see an unfiltered firsthand account of what the movement was about without having to hear the propaganda stick commentary of the corporate controlled press occupy wall street was founded on the notion of a leaderless movement because in a real democracy power comes from the people so it would be unfair for me to just point out one person as today's hero so instead i want to highlight the live stream or as who took it upon themselves to shine a light on the demands of the ninety nine percent and the brutal crackdowns by law enforcement agencies across the country against thousands of americans that's why the live stream of occupy wall street are today's heroes so if they're the heroes who's the villain well i can't highlight our glorious villain without first sharing you a new development relating to the highly salacious julia songe affair you know all the evidence supposedly linking julian assange to the sexual assault of two women
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in. so we don't write well it may have just gotten a little bit more questionable the exciting thing is we're no longer playing that he said she said game we finally have something concrete yet we've got condoms you see a forensic team in sweden has just revealed a key piece of evidence in the case an alleged condom that a song tore while trying to have unprotected sex and according to sweden's loosely defined sex laws that actually constitutes as rape here's the catch it doesn't even get to his d.n.a. the condom was not tested one but two forensic laboratories and there was just no a song's trace to be found so i guess the moral of the story is that the next time you're in sweden if you want to get charged with rape you should just wear condom at all times maybe a song would have had this problem in the first place if his approach to sex was a little more like this. it's. going to.
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look as though all this condom talk is really just leading me to introduce you to this fine lady mary in she's the swedish director of prosecutions and the person responsible for reopening the case against a songe in two thousand and ten and i convinced swedish authorities to go after a song based on the fact that he was so clearly trying to flee and evade questioning any questions answered any questions even though in sweden it's actually illegal to extradite anyone based on questioning alone marion wrote that quote the preliminary investigation is at an advanced stage and i consider that it's necessary to interrogate asuncion in person regarding the evidence in respect to the serious allegations made against him so let me get this straight miss you can say with conviction that it's vital to interrogate asuncion person but yet when asked what he's been charged with you're the one that of a the question now call me
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a skeptic perhaps you can't declare charges because of no charges to declare what marion i did is build an entire investigation on an argument for extradition based on evidence that's just as flimsy as the condom and in so doing she's managed to defame and discredit a man who has yet to be charged with a real crime and is now stuck in an embassy indefinitely because of it and that's why mary and i the swedish director of prosecution is our villain of the day. place. the world in which we live today was defined by the events of september eleventh two thousand and one nine eleven was the crux of the neo cons and peerless agenda and served as a catalyst a never ending war abroad in a police state here at home in the years following the attacks it was almost blasphemous to question the government's narrative but one lingering question
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remains how could something like this happen to the world's most that this decayed military and intelligence state. recently seem to music allowed whether you had experience knowledge of nine eleven do you agree or disagree with the urgency that this kind of rhetoric borders on little hate speech. or time for politics. and you know. time for politics and. some sort of situation absurd insinuation oh last week in new york times op ed revealed that the nine eleven warnings of the bush administration went far beyond that infamous p.t.b. bin laden determined to strike within the u.s. the article said quote in other words the august sixth document for all the controversy it provoked is not nearly as shocking as the brief that came before it continues on to say operatives connected to bin ladin one reported on june twenty
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ninth expected the planned near term attacks to have quote dramatic consequences including major casualties on july first the brief stated that the operation had been the laid but will occur soon yet the white house failed to take significant action. so what this article really lays bare is at the very least the bush administration was not only grossly but criminally negligent for dozens of intelligence warnings about impending attacks after nine eleven this country was paralyzed resulted in an acquiescent populace and completely unquestioning media climate of fear paved the way for the bush crime syndicate to commit several illegal acts and let me just go over a few of them illegal wars of aggression the administration lied about saddam's link to nine eleven about iraq having weapons of mass destruction because of this illegal war over one million civilians have died and millions more have been maimed
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and displaced check out this clip on the oprah winfrey show where bush was treated like an old saint and was given a platform to twist the truth. the vials but he had the capacity to make weapons here's the thing about going to make in this book oftentimes history judges you on the decisions you make but awful lot of times they don't judge you on the decisions you don't make and the point i make is that saddam hussein in power today would mean the world would be less stable and more dangerous and twenty five million people around he's would be living under the thumb of a brutal ruthless dictator my point is the world better with him gone i don't think anybody intentionally misled is a wrong word do i think that we made a mistake i think we were wrong in our assessment they were wrong or saddam hussein deceived everybody so i'm going to say it turns out did not want people to know that he didn't have weapons of mass destruction including many people in his own administration wow so saddam wanted bush to think that he had weapons of mass
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destruction it was him who deceived this administration give me a break all right so what's next. torture during the bush administration there was a policy set at the top for torture and abuse a systematic policy of the legal methods of interrogation that violated the geneva conventions. so that if you were to conduct a poll in this country right now and ask people who is waterboarding torture i think the best majority of people would tell you it is and i would argue that that it's important for us not to get caught up in the notion that you can only have popular methods of interrogation if you want to in fact counterterrorism program don't like popular opinion get in the way of torture cheney one time obey more than eight hundred people were held without charges and many are still being held that this day this center which obama promised he would close has truly become symbolic of us apocrypha see well full killeen under bush the rules of engagement were set at the top to make war zones free fire zones where civilians could be targeted
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resulting and many massacres including the devastating massacre of. illegal spying bush and his cabinet set up a massive illegal surveillance great in this country beyond the wiretapping that was already authorized now you might ask why i'm going over all of the bush administration's crimes against humanity well because it's outrageous it's outrageous that these people have never been held accountable and helped they know they're criminals before he left office bush tried to pass a bill that would retro actively give him immunity from war crimes in fact he and cheney have barely left the country because they're wanted for world crimes and so many other countries cheney had to cancel two events in canada in the past year for fear of getting a costed and citizens making an arrest against him and bush had to cancel a speaking engagement in switzerland because of pressure to arrest him over torture allegations also the administration was just found guilty of war crimes when their
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case was tried in absentia in malaysia. and what are the bush criminals doing today well connelly's the rise george w. bush donald rumsfeld dick cheney all of them have been cal of antin around the country being given a platform to contemptuously sell their books books full of propagandist excuses and apologies for their hand as acts it's a moral outrage but instead of holding these people accountable for blatant war crimes obama chose to look forward instead. obviously looking at past practices. and i don't believe that anybody has both the law on the other hand i also have a belief that we need to look forward as los as opposed to looking looking backwards. and just like that the obama administration decided to cover up the cancerous moral decay of the fabric of our society a country supposedly built on justice and moral righteousness but you know what
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obama i get why you haven't prosecuted any of the bush criminals because if you did you would have to open yourself up for prosecution. get off sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture . culture is that so much i'm only going which are going to run on a few of them so here's a little back checking in keeping politicians honest at least that's what we're
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