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tv   [untitled]    September 19, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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for free. range free. three stooges free. and free blog all in video for your media project a free media oh god r t v dot com. a massive protest on bolton love going on with thousands of demonstrators joining a has been long lead an anti-american rally decrying a film deemed insulting to islam. and the french prime minister defends the publishing of provocative comment called truth as freedom of expression while explicit photos of the british royalty are taken off the sound and. also moscow banishes the u.s. agency for international development saying it was traveling money to ever the instructions internal politics. was the super rich in france of threatened to pack
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their bags as the government considers taking seventy five percent of their earnings in turn to men the national budget. hello and welcome to r t where we are on screen and online twenty four hours a day seven days a week on charon taraji well tens of thousands of lebanese have taken to the streets for their second mass of anti-american march in the last few days organized by house balls leader experts say the undertones are increasingly political rather than religious and a challenge to america's regional clout. with
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more on the rally in lebanon as well as other islamic demonstrations all over the world as archie's pulse layer. tens of thousands of protesters have taken to the southern lebanese city of tire this is in line with a call that went out earlier by the has been their leader hassan nasrallah where he called for his supporters to show their anger in the first shouts and in their faces he says that this form is the worst attack ever on islam now so far the demonstration is peaceful if one is a demonstration on monday in which more than a hundred thousand hizbollah supporters took to the southern suburbs of beirut now and that's why there has called for staggered protests throughout this week we understand that the next protests will be on a friday in the eastern lebanese city of baalbeck but at the same time we are hearing reports of an american food chain kate if seen that for the second time has been attacked in lebanon now this comes on wednesday as clashes erupt here between
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palestinian protesters and israeli security forces at least twenty people were injured when the clashes erupted near a border crossing in east jerusalem the protesters threw firebombs as well as stones at the security forces they responded with tear gas and rubber bullets we're also seeing again protests in the pakistani city of karachi hero hundreds of protesters have stormed a barricade around the u.s. consulate building we're seeing the same kind of ban is the same kind of anti american read most of it focusing on calls for the american ambassador to pakistan to be expelled now hundreds of protesters also took to the indonesian city of medan here they are calling for the united states to be punished for allowing such a movie to be made also on wednesday there's a lot of attention focused on paris where a weekly newspaper by the name of sally dog has published character. prophet
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mohammed we understand that some of them off showing him naked now this has sparked a system based over the whole issue of freedom of speech with the french foreign minister saying that they will be consequences with god in this publication and he has condemned these caricature as being published in the first place but we are hearing from the french prime minister that the freedom of speech is something that is protected although something that needs to be used responsibly nonetheless muslims that in this country has been organizing themselves for protest so far that protest has been banned but it is likely to go ahead we know also that they believe this is a co-created move and that it has nothing to do with freedom of speech french police a position themselves outside the headquarters of this magazine it's a magazine that was firebombed last year when it published an edition that mocked radical islam at the same time at least twenty french embassies are on lockdown around the world for fear that they will be reprisals and revenge attacks for more
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on the controversial publication in france and the eurozone and so in the muslim world let's join journalist and writer valerie lando from paris perry thank you for being with r.t. today printing such provocative satire after a mass of deadly protests over an islam mocking film is not some kind of a desperate act for publicity. i suppose there their motives are mixed but i'm sure he has something to do with it. definitely their circulation is going up every time we've done it so there's. a lot of money by doing it the french are no different and the other newspapers in england and the work you do the same kind of thing but as far as that question you have no limits on the freedom of speech not just in france but i do in europe as a whole i've been looking at the laws are crossed here and in fact there are limits on freedom of speech and those limits. regularly in many countries refutes in
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germany in the netherlands in france as well with any kind of publication or communication which including the german law i know which would incite hatred against segments of the population or in a sole human dignity of others or insulting maliciously maligning or defaming segments of the population in germany like you're going to war in three months to five years or publishing such a thing also while we know denying the holocaust is a crime in most european countries not in the united kingdom but certainly in france and germany very i want to draw your attention to something that the french prime minister says the publication is an issue of freedom of expression not just yesterday provocative photos of the british royalty were banned from press why weren't they defended in the same way i agree very good it's hypocritical and doesn't really stand up to examination. now you did mention freedom of speech and
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it certainly is an admiral admirable concept but now francis shut down its embassies and schools abroad any backlash for this cartoon let me finish with by could what i was saying i think in the question of bullock i was in the riot which is not permitted in europe and i would argue that of all a cause generally is a very strong urge to attacking one's religion and in the case of judaism so in fact there are limits on it. now the scope of outrage throughout the muslim world certainly is huge dozens of states are seeing both peaceful and violent protests now this certainly can't just be about a film or a cartoon however mocking it is can it. you know of course are just an excuse for the release of a lot of paid periods have been built up over decades and. and there is one the one
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who's put it it's kind of that the last drop in a cup. animosity towards the united states and the order of other countries there which has been feeling over the years and it goes and i feel very good for years and good history of the united states not part of the world this is just been excuse if you will for some groups to make use of that a period than to set it set it aflame a lot from paris joining our t. journalist and writer barry landau thank you for your time pleasure. with the muslim world gripped by a range of there's one big question question that's being asked across america just what or who are the protests that while some are adamant it's all the movie others as artie's granted reports have no such illusions. the white house keeps saying it was just the anti islamic video that calls the muslims wrath across the world this is not a case of. protest or wrecked it if united states writ large or
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a us policy this is in response to a video that is offensive but that's a claim no one is buying it ministration wants us to believe it's not the administration's policies that have generated this behavior it's this one idiotic piece of so-called film which is what out there for two months. stupid film that nobody's seen causes people to assassinate ambassadors to storm the embassy and the question the us media keep asking why do so many millions of hate the usa but the answers they're getting are the answers very few in the us want to hear if you're to point to one thing that makes some muslims hate the us it would be. hypocrisy over democracy. while america the government now preaches democracy it has propped up authoritarian leaders but that's not the only accusation of hypocrisy that washington is facing there's also u.s.
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policy makers failure to condemn the violence when it suits their goals like the numerous terrorist attacks in syria washington seems to approve of them as long as they are targeting supporters of the outside government or another act of violence a rebel mob executing colonel qadhafi the u.s. secretary of state cheered at the news came re sorry he died. washington's failure to condemn all violence equally has prompted the. to take an even more aggressive course if most americans understood what was being done in our name and be stabilizing the middle east in north africa it would be absolutely horrified what other result can we expect these people they have no hope their economies are destroyed they see their calling for foreign invaders of course this kind of thing is going to happen when the tragedy in libya happened the international community wholeheartedly condemned the attacks on american diplomats
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but the us for its part has been quite selective in condemning violence it could be that the white house thought by supporting revolutions by fostering regime change they were winning hearts and minds in the muslim world but that doesn't appear to be the case for now the obama administration constantly refers to the same type of film as the sole reason behind what's happening a reasoning which basically allows them to avoid addressing the deeper issues in washington i'm going to check on. the legislators from washington to indonesia called for and and to the global protests saying they only incite more islamophobia but jack g. alter all of the real documentary says the sentiment is mirrored in the muslim world. yes well almost all the. exists in wall close like in the middle east there. are not and so i think there's a lot of water that needs to be warm. to swallow the serious
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warming was i think what this was those images look we see. the question why they hate us it's all they're so like get with free fall in love with all these. photos against them that quote this is green it's what we do all do that we all see the wrong with the invasion of iraq your cousins and off on this all the arabs it's really the studio and the shoe and so it's the who are all in with the wall and the if you believe. america is the suits it does not for real value of all the seats in the region. video pictures on the full spectrum of opinion on the global islamic protests all at r.t. dot com there you can also find out more about the aggressive stops hillary clinton
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has promised to protect u.s. embassies abroad all that and more at r.t. dot com. to the conflict in syria now the u.k.'s foreign secretary william hague says it's quite possible london will send arms to rebel militias amar will qualify a member of the syrian social club thinks it's the civilian population that will pay with their blood for the western nations pursuit of profit. every single state has sold in the syrian conflict a sort of opportunity to go in and try to influence the outcome so that you too
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could be to their fair advantage and we all know the certain countries in the un have certain economical problems and they would want probably a more favorable government in damascus and seal off the middle east as an economic recession in probably here what they see is a lot of rivalry that is heating up with the brics countries for example but actually all this has led only to a destruction but all cheered and so on and so forth president assad being less popular he would have been ousted long time ago. and scandal is flaring up between moscow and washington after russia's decision and the work of the u.s. agency for international development in the country also says the decision was prompted by u.s. aid attempts to influence the political process inside russia. joins us live now with the details arena so what exactly is meant by this statement about influencing influencing political life in russia do tell us more about the agency's activities
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in the country. well to start with the u.s. state is actually an agency which is being sponsored directly by the u.s. state department and actually the head of the agency answers except precisely to the secretary of state now the agency is supposed to read the material and educational and of course democratic ideals in the world but it also specifically states that it is also a board primarily looking for u.s. foreign policy basically protecting u.s. interests in the world now over the past twenty years the u.s. state has actually spent more than two and a half billion dollars on the separations in russia of course it was financing various n.g.o.s as some of which have been found to be white why. just a goal by some of the russian politicians for example one such n.g.o.s goalless or voice when translated from russia was found it found itself in
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a kind of hot water right before the state duma elections last year when some of the deputies have questioned whether or not they were fulfilling their obligations as the observers say during the elections now you have to understand that that in geo for example has received more has been receiving around three million dollars annually from usaid at the same time just recently in august as a matter of fact a lot has been cost in russia the so-called foreign agents law which specifically states that organizations operating in russia and being financed from abroad cost to undergo a very thorough inspection or investigation in regards to his financial activity in what exactly they are doing it in russia. and the goal this was one of those are going to say she is close said that they will have to seize all their activity in russia because their finances listen surely because now minister of foreign affairs just said that to us that u.s.
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aid has actually been saying one thing stating there that its goals have been one thing but that is acting odd not in accordance with its stated goals and they have especially underlined it that they found it they had a lot of serious questions in regards to who is eighty six cities in a russia's regions particularly in the northern caucasus at the same time the of us they also said that's why they are ready and willing to work with them. with usaid. in thirty countries in matters concerning humanitarian aspects so long as usaid every speck of the russian law and also up service of basically it does not meddle in russia's internal affairs all right reporting live there from right outside the american embassy read. thank you for that report. and certainly a lot more still in store for you this hour including deadlock over
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a song. talks between britain door remain locked over the whistleblowers asylum bid critical sexual assault of a tense is discredited by expert analysis. top partners in france are thinking of making a run for it should a new seventy five percent income tax limit for the super rich be a great idea about a warm public response but the most successful entrepreneurs may desert the country just when the slowing economy needs them most artie's tests or similar reports. when the world's fourth richest men a frenchman bernard i know asked for belgian citizenship some of his compatriots took offense with one left wing french newspaper publishing this image with this headline the mayor of this area the brussels capital region is confirm that there has indeed establish residence here for the french tycoon denies his move had anything to do with french president francois laws to impose a seventy five percent income tax on those earning above one million but many
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suspect otherwise and the rich have become the subject of much discussion. they are quite responsible for this crisis they should pay more than the rest since they have more. people who are responsible for the crisis. so. it depends on the rich bankers who contributed to the crisis should pay as well. along to set to soak the rich even more as he struggles to raise the money to fill a thirty billion euro hole in the country's finances the tactic of mr. against president sarkozy was to say that sarkozy was the president of the rich friends of yours the income tax rates going up but on top of that. and then the top tax thing went and on top top top of the seventy four percent tax that's where
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real thinking about moving outside friends started but the move did go down well with everyone including some french taxpayers who fear having to foot the bill if the tax the rich strategy fails all their fears are well founded as businesspeople consider losing three quarters of their income across there simply unable to bear like thirty year old entrepreneurship need to fetch he hasn't made the jump just yet but he says he may find himself with no choice is clearly the quo. it that's that's that's found. that's found a haven in france. which which basically promotes stigmatize a sheen of success wealth ambition and so on and france is definitely worth its taxes to a certain extent. if the don't work in my head anymore. create
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more value for others than i do for myself with the implementation of those seventy five percent and so on clearly i will relocate as an individual and become a tax it is an a for another country like belgium for example but belgians of already taken to the streets to protest against what they call a lack of morality of the rich who come to their country to avoid a certain taxes in francis case this super tax may affect as little as three thousand people out of sixty six million and if that elite minority continues heading for the door the deficit hole will only grow and a lot it may be forced to embrace the one policy he rejected throughout his election campaign stared. tests are still here r t brussels your authority and still have previous our tokyo goes all in japan continues to rock the boat in a territorial dispute with china putting billions of dollars from its economy on
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the line. and another tough break for julian a song after reports that britain an awkward or have had an impasse and talks over who's a bit now consoling it was a lower are the results of a recent d.n.a. test which appear to undermine a critical piece of evidence against him in sweden sarah firth has the latest. it's been three months now since julian assange is arrived at the ecuadorian embassy in london will soon. be wrong to the wiki leaks founder side and the person have been . he's to grant him safe passage saying that the arrest to reach his bail conditions if he steps out by the rules then nineteen he's remained behind they filled out as is the reach of the british police but the cellmate situation continues the full one year old arrived at the i could do it and seeking asylum after he to fit all his legal appeals. in bursa now he's fighting his
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extradition to sweden where he faces questioning the section the so allegations that case is being called into question me too late when evidence of the first sent it to the prosecution in the. found to be thinking cliche rich fond of being handed a the boy i want to see in the phone did the found a number of forensic scientists nor have any d.n.a. evidence linking it to genus also there was no conclusive evidence that the man who had ever worn. the case continue then deely in a song and his legal fees have maintained since the very beginning that this is part of the why they can't pay again and again wiki leaks in his work with wiki leaks the whistleblower web site a fool for having relief. secret u.s. . military. will here in burson and foreign secretary william hague said the
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tool with that could or even the fate of songs remained locked in say three months and the wiki leaks founder speech still seeing this extremely uncertain there are a london dozens of entente upon protesters in china have surrounded and attacked the car of the u.s. ambassador to the country during a demonstration after the near rather the japanese on the sea the diplomat was left on harmed and an investigation has been launched into the incident on monday u.s. differ. secretary leon panetta agreed on a missile defense plan with japan as the country agreed to host a second radar the deal comes in the wake of violent anti japan protests in china after tokyo bought disputed islands beijing considers its own from private investors to do you know a professor of economics at the university of not in nottingham says the us military are fanning the flames its. ideology is called differences between time in
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the united states with chinese don't believe all the american music doing is trying to make trouble for china and because it would take on the image of the car is probably just early christian. and how do how individual time is mine they are fairly serious eyes in the us and this particular moment to talk about the missile defense system is a long term place and this is why people get very angry they may actually talk about taking another time when china and to penney's know in a very intensive situation be us talk we still can embody a defense system in another occasion in another town that maybe the situation is not big intense. he's close to sewing it's russian interests daniele's up a business desk what's the story and yes russia's all major roles now closing in on t.k. b.p.
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the state firms reported to be boring fifteen billion dollars to buy half the raso british venture from b.p. president vladimir putin held a surprise meeting with execs late tuesday in store cheap talks focused on expanding the peace presence in russia with the british firm eager to keep a lucrative foothold. now let's check out how europe just closed let's get their new figures the closing figures excuse me for you on the screen heineken shares were higher as it moves to buy a toy good beer the euro has swung into gains in the last few hours officer days of losses the ruble is also dropping to the single currency new york is creeping up slightly as it moves into the off the new unexpectedly good us home sales and almost three dollars price today on the sell the production that russian energy stocks today let's get the russian figures up for you they closed at seven o'clock local time do you go all to the bad day sixty day russia second biggest lender
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three percent on the buys six today after announcing plans for a two billion dollars secondary public offering it follows rivals burbank which is it successfully privatized another stake this week president putin has hailed that move. position as. we have finalized the sale so seven point five eight percent and spare bank for over five point two billion dollars it's one of the most profitable returns in recent times after companies like apple every one hundred dollars invested in spare bank a decade ago the main shareholder the central bank three thousand seven hundred dollars that's a very good profit and shows the high potential of russian financial institutions and their investment attractiveness. wouldn't talk of an investment tract in a supermarket joint magnate says it's. catching britain's tesco as it sells its first full delivery year they'll fund continuing rapid expansion the russian retailer recently overtook french call for as europe's number two growth
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a second only to tesco emerging markets are still growing at rates the worst dreams of euro's a retail sales have been slipping for eleven straight months that's the latest car we'll have more from you in just under an hour all right thank you for that update . and coming up we have lots more. minutes and business is your bag then the website certainly is always jam packed after the headlines r.t. interviews and drone campaign or ad filmmaker carole grayson.
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like millions of americans i've lost thousands of dollars in retirement funds and i haven't had as bad as many it's not just about the them it's about me too. me man brown ya gotta share. it's a. shame. and accede. to say i. need you. now. since this is my film i get the last word this financial crisis will not be turned off like a light switch.


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