tv [untitled] September 19, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a dollar. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot about my country you sir are a fool you know what that is my terror cells. don't want to listen to featurism the only liberal the christian. can secure the support of.
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everyone i'm abby martin so last night obama came out with a really important message you guys check it out. the message we have to send i think to the muslim world is that. we expect you to work with us to keep our people safe so what on obama's telling the muslim world that he expects them to start working with the united states to keep our people safe pretty grandiose expectation mr obama it's hard to expect the culture of people that have been brutalized with the military for the past couple of decades to ask hospitable toward colonizing forces and to the muslim world expect anything less than your continuation of robot warfare two weeks ago a u.s. drone strike killed thirteen civilians in yemen but don't worry one of the defense
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officials that it was one of the very few times when our target was completely missed even though we already know that every military age male that dies in the vicinity of a drone strike just isn't accounted for and just last sunday i u.s. drone strike in afghanistan killed eight women and wounded seven more while they were out collecting firewood but no worries and. nato official offered some serious regret to the families so it's good right and remember all this is necessary to keep the peace and never forget it's apparently on you to keep our people safe. i. am sure by now you've heard of presidential candidate mitt romney's remarks that were caught on a cell phone video in may and in case you haven't check it out. or was . there. they were.
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oh. oh. that's right mitch how dare the people in the richest country in the room field titled to something like food and by the way mittens part of that forty seven percent that you say don't pay taxes are your billionaire buddies who don't pay a dime because of tax loopholes ridiculous but what was even more ridiculous was watching the corporate media go absolutely off the wall yesterday to voting almost an entire day to saying that romney was right and or wrong take a look. at it with a very complicated tax code that has all of these tax benefits bush era tax cuts for everyone by the way eighteen point one percent of americans pay zero federal income tax and zero federal payroll tax but to governor romney's point who are the forty seven percent who don't pay federal income tax when you look at what mitt romney just said politically what's the matter with it he is so vast that they're
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going to jump right into your not it's not the idea i mean it's not the ideological assessment that he's giving he has but i'm not saying that calling out politicians and doing fact checking reports isn't worth their time but politicizing every story that makes it on air taking all of the focus and tirelessly polarizing one issue for an entire day is part of the problem. that's the real weapon of mass distraction here so instead let's talk about the department of defense and what they've been up to while we've been completely distracted with the dog and pony show of presidential politics so for a while we're hearing all this talk about the danger of cuts to u.s. defense spending or sequestration as it's called which amounts to somewhere along the lines of five hundred billion dollars over the course of ten years you think that the pentagon india deal would actually be trying to cut back spending in preparation for these cuts actually they're not let's take a look at some of the most recent contracts the d.o.d.'s given out just over the last couple of weeks first on the list is a modest twelve million dollars defense contract with systems hawaii to make some
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modifications to the guided missile defense destroyer u.s.s. hopper the ship can already shoot missiles out of the sky for practically any where the u.s. wants to station it what could they possibly be modifying it with whatever it is you probably don't need it and that just cost us a cool twelve million bucks moving along next on the list is a thirteen point two million dollar contract with crowd goes that first satellite in our defenses defense system centrally the project would be a global worldwide radio frequency finder supposedly used for monitoring commercial satellite interference but it's also capable of locating with pinpoint precision any radio frequency interference in the world and you know i'm sure glad that we have a benevolent military that would never use such a technology for evil purposes next step is a hefty one hundred forty three million dollar contract with federal and support the us army training and doctrine command the support for training u.s.
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soldiers is to prepare for a wide range of complex operating environments to be honest with you i'm surprised the d.o.d. didn't pay more considering how diverse our planet is and how limitless the range of u.s. military interventions has become you think by now our men and women in uniform would be training how to fight on the moon. and last but not least is the two hundred ninety seven million dollars the just six contract for general automatic aeronautical systems the contract would be used for technical and software maintenance for thousands of drones the company makes involving foreign sales of drones to ghana stand iraq and unspecified african countries that's right because when i think of how best we can spend two hundred ninety seven million dollars an unspecified countries in africa i think drones now these are just a few of the contracts that i want to share with you that exemplify while the pentagon and d o d continue to pretend that they're being victimized by these looming budget cuts they keep spending huge amounts of money upgrading weapons
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systems setting killer drones to underdeveloped countries and making sure that weapons remain the united states number one export of the former defense secretary robert gates actually summed it up quite perfectly he said it's important to remember that every defense dollar spent to over insure against a remote or diminishing risk is a dollar not available to take care of our people. having recently. suffered. now having recently learned about the trap wire surveillance grid in legislation like the national defense authorization act of two thousand and twelve h.r. three forty seven coupled with the looming threat of cyber security legislation this is america roshan of civil liberties in this country is more clear now than ever before in this sea of corporate media garbage it's
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a rarity to find the voices with journalistic integrity who are standing up for the morality and the truth for that matter and that brings me to my next guest is a tech journalist and civil liberties advocate so to break down what's happening on the front for liberty and why people should care joining me now is the host of david you now are in the u.s. congressional candidate david i think when they do much for coming on tonight how did he go so talk about your congressional run and what made you want to run for congress yeah the congressional run is for two thousand and fourteen cycle not the one coming up in november and it started with a you tube video that i did spontaneously where i just put this i was rambling on you tube on my channel and i said if i had the money and the support out there i would run for congress because young people are not being represented people who care about their privacy are not being represented people who don't want to be in prison without a trial and see this descend into a fascist police state those people are being represented and the right people notice the video some volunteers step forward and before you knew it the sort of grassroots campaign emerged and everybody says their campaign is grassroots that's
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what every politician says but mine actually is in the sense that it's just people out there doing it and i have to do is show up i mean you're not getting funded by the koch brothers there's no another one hundred by any shady corporate super pacs at this point i mean well let's talk about the shady corporate super pacs and just shady corporations because chris hedges just did an interview where he was talking about the n.b.a. and i know that's something that you've been really on the forefront about and he was saying that there's a lot of corporate backing from the bill because they were they this is just his speculation but i just want to get your take on it because he was saying that he did they that they don't trust the police to kind of administer when this crackdown does occur where they're going to need to use the n.b.a. what do you think about well if you look at something. obama signing into law and legalizing the abduction of american citizens without a trial using military force some people out there go the conspiracy route and they think that this is all this plan that's been put into motion it was thought up decades ago but if you actually look at where the evidence is in the proof so far i believe it can all be explained by greed mr active lobbying efforts and some people
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out there who really are kind of sick in the head think this will make america safer which is true will be safe if you can imprison anybody you want at safety at a pretty heavy cost but it's mainly about lobbying groups defense contractors want this they know that it's going to be a money train at every step of the way and some of the surveillance programs this is being pushed because there is billions of dollars to be made from being one of the server farms or one of the salt of the purse to make this thing happen so you really think the n.b.a. is all about lobbying i mean how how would a president people i guess for the private prison industry i mean well that's part of it i think it's a combination of that aspect pushing it for profit and then true like i said you have people in washington who have bad ideas and we're seeing kind of the logical extension taken to the absolute absurdity of the post nine eleven collective right here in oil we all bought into that so we're seeing now we're now like eleven years out bin laden is dead his associates are dead or in u.s. custody so it's like who are we fighting against what supervillain what comic book
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supervillain is out there that we need in prison without trial who is so bad that we cannot give them a trial or access to an attorney and could this be no human being at all on the planet it's not just american citizens unfortunately that's the right direction with everybody and it does absolutely david and let's talk about the n.b.a. just in general i mean what's going on with obama has recently appealed the judge who ruled it unconstitutional is there any traction on what's going on. she ordered a permanent injunction and then pretty much right away the obama administration appealed it on friday evening and the second circuit court i believe was. they issued a stay so right now as this goes live obama can indefinitely detain american citizens and that's so scary it's terrifying that needs to be fixed because we all know the federal government makes mistakes they are not perfect they are not gods and for them to be able to label anybody as suspicious individual potential terrorist and
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lock you up without representation or a trial that's kind of like mccarthyism on steroids it's also just outrageous i think what i what we talked about before is that sets us back about eight centuries and king james was forced from the people to instill you know the magna carta due process i mean this is a concept that goes back very far in human history into kind of just brushed under the rug with no one really knowing about in this country david why don't people know about this very important piece of legislation that should be on front page of every newspaper it should be on the front page of the new york times it shouldn't be a little article which is what they've been doing little articles with bad titles people go i don't care about some tara wall that was decided by a new york judge whatever you know they just skip right over it. i asked the maker of fox news i said why don't you guys covering this defense bill and the implications of it and his response to me was we have and i was like oh i'm sorry i must have missed that thirty second segment when you discuss this because if you were to poll ninety eight percent of fox viewers i think they would not only know
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but they wouldn't know anything about this they would be quite angry that fox and m.s.m. b.c. and c.n.n. have not covered this adequately well david you said before that this is kind of just a mystery action of post nine eleven world and i mean to me it's an insatiable urge from these policymakers to really grasp at any sort of power they can have and toll there is no more laugh because they've taken it all but i mean how does this all fit into trap wire or something else that you can extensively researching and just the massive surveillance great age our three sixty seven talk about how does this fit into each other or does it do you think both trap or talk about making money off of surveillance once you get a city hope into this thing it's like getting them hooked on heroin because they're paying millions of dollars for these for the serve. and the service never stops you put the cameras in it's doing its thing. what do you do six months down the road going to cancel your subscription to trap wire you know so they get locked in all these different cities and regions get locked into it and the company makes a lot of money so i believe that's partially driven by profit but india yeah i mean it's all rather than seeing some overarching conspiracy what i see is
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a bunch of interlocking government bureaucracies and big defense contractors who all sort of have similar interests they're sort of rubbing each other's backs of this point and again that's even scarier because that's fascism you know when you get this dissent where they can just take away your civil war so rights that you have total collaboration between government and big corporate defense contractors that's not pleasant and who's eisenhower i think warned against this absolutely i mean yeah it does seem like it's a powerhouse of kind of just this corporate takeover of government which is scarier than almost and the various the leaking of puppet tearing society you know privacy is so devalued and i really applaud you for taking a stand and really speaking out about the about these things thank you so much for coming on and if you respect that i think you have been. now if you like what you see so far go to our youtube channel at youtube dot com slash break in the set and subscribe check out our facebook page at facebook dot com for slash break in the
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set now if you want to get some intelligent feedback and you aren't a hater or a troll feel free to always write me and let me know what you think and if you're wondering about what i'm doing or bitching about when i'm not on their phone me on twitter abby martin now let me take a break from my preaching for now but stay tuned to hear why you should probably avoid friend you know a ton of people on facebook if you want to commit a crime. this
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week marked the first birthday of the occupy wall street movement that started as protest and occupation around the financial district of new york city spawn into hundreds of occupations and demonstrations across the world over the past year spite the phasing out of encampments to militarize crackdowns and harsh weather occupy is still making its presence known earlier this week massive demonstrations across new york city were met with a brutal police presence were already over one hundred eighty arrests have been made at the corporate media is completely avoided discussing this ongoing struggle so to talk more about what to took place this week and where occupy can go from here i'm joined now by someone who's been reporting about the movement since the beginning journalist dustin slaughter from our new york studio dustin thank you so much for coming on the show you know you've been live tweeting pretty much since all of this broke down over the weekend even before the birthday of occupy talk a little bit about what's been going on some of the brutal police activity that
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you've seen some of the arrests talk of just give us a breakdown. what i what i have a been observing over the past or what i have heard over the past weekend was a a targeted effort to. snatch and grab. some of the more high profile people within the movement as well as seemingly arbitrary arrests for instance on saturday there was a girl who was literally grabbed from the sidewalk for holding a banner and thrown into the back of a police wagon this is obviously pretty consistent with n.y.p.d. behavior. throughout the throughout the life of this movement so far well talk about the high profile activists you said were targeted what. there was one person in particular. his name is aaron black he was arrested.
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at foley square. basically just standing next to a barricade they came up with that with absolutely no warning and just arrested him on the spot there the day that they were there was about a band and festivities happening at foley square. would you say that you know characteristically of the n.y.p.d. as we saw kind of shape the new laws kind of banning you know the first amendment activities to their will so they can arrest people are you saying that they're saying that they're using the same tactics now kind of trying to squash the protests before they say well larger. i think that's a pretty accurate assessment and i also believe that it's a form of intimidation to depress numbers. especially over this weekend when they were you know grabbing people from the
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sidewalk during a march on saturday i think that it's supposed to i think is designed to depress morale and doesn't i wanted to point out a treat i mean you've been tweeting so much over the past couple days really giving us a breakdown from the ground once again the new media taking over really giving us raw insight on things as they're happening. you said i just spoke with bad-ass councilman williams he's shaken but ok after being punished by the n.y.p.d. tell us a little bit about what happened here. well apparently he had joined the room to the numbers it was late at night i would think of or around close to midnight or so and he had joined the protesters in zuccotti park. when the police moved in and did a sweep of the park and apparently he got punched i tried to ask him some details
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like that you know what were the exact circumstances why do you you know why did you think he got punched and he's. that night he was he was being very tight lipped which i suspect might be because he plans on taking legal action at some point and we know that there were a bunch of lawsuits collectively filed from the brooklyn bridge arrests and so that's you know definitely more soon to come but does and i wanted to ask you about the media coverage of course with these gulf protests happening sweeping across all these states very very little about occupy has been in the media even though there were thousands of people all over new york. over the weekend and this week do you think that the movement hit a wall i mean where do where i guess where do you see it going from here you've been covering it since the very beginning you've been all over the place i just saw you at national gathering in philadelphia where they were kind of restricted rising retooling how to bring the movement in the future how can occupy really make themselves a political force in the future what's good what's happening i mean are they going
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to finally put a leader forward tell us a lot about the future and what they're doing now. i highly doubt that they're going to put a leader forward this is always been something of a leaderless movement some activists like to call it a leader full movement. the crux of the really what it boils down to is that the media. continues to portray the movement as dying and fizzling out when it's simply not the truth. i was i was somewhat skeptical heading up to new york this weekend because i wasn't i didn't know exactly what the turnout was going to be. and by late afternoon at zuccotti park after a lot of the actions had been completed earlier during the stock exchange. i was i was thunderstruck by the amount of people that were in that park it was practically
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full and the energy and the atmosphere is very much like those first couple of weeks of the beginning when occupy wall street kicked off and just to wrap it up really quickly does that what do you see them filling kind of the strategies that they did talk about at the national gathering into the next phase i would say. that remains to be seen you know the the document that was produced at the national gathering in philadelphia in july was pretty much everything within the movement non-binding so it's really up to. autonomous groups across the country to do what they want to do with that document but i think the most important thing to keep in mind is that this movement in no way is going away it may transform it may be you know become something of a different animal but we're just we're just going to have to wait and see thank you so much for joining us and the spirit of this that definitely is alive and well and i really appreciate you coming on and giving your take. thanks abbi.
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i. know we're all part of the social media generation some might even call our facebook habits and obsession you know the incessant need to see what someone is posting or taking pictures of we all do it we know our friends do it to us too but you ever wonder who else might be watching your status updates well cyberspace is fair game for us law enforcement to watch how we all interact now this probably doesn't come as much of a shock to you since it's soon that everything we do online is being surveilled but there is a difference between publicly collected information and deceit fully gaining access to personal data i've ever heard of melvin cullen alleged against her from the bronx who was recently arrested after a cop took advantage of one of his facebook friends in order to access to photos and posts that would otherwise be deemed private and would call into the case to court saying that threat has forced fourth amendment the judge shot him down and
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said quote collins legitimate expectation of privacy ended when he disseminated posts to his friends because those friends were free to use the information however they wanted including sharing it with the government. yeah i'm sure that friend wanted to have a cop completely hijacked his profile in order to get his friend arrested i'm not sure wanted is the right word judge coerced might have been more on point there but here's the real catch you would have to be suspected of committing a hard crime to have big brother searching your profile because if you're a student who occasionally engages in a little underage drinking the facebook police are coming to a campus near you yeah now police are friending students with fake identities and retro actively busting them with mit's after finding photos of them with alcohol here's more of the story the next time a random cute girl named jenny anderson and friends you just press ignore you're
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being catfish no but seriously this is ludicrous because you see this kind of surveillance is practically and institutionalized and also show media networks now in fact according to a recent survey of over one thousand federal state and local law enforcement officers four out of five officials use social media to gather intelligence during investigations and that's not all law enforcement agencies across the country have initiated special social media units to crack down on lawbreakers our beloved n.y.p.d. is one of the first to launch this crime fighting task force but what's even more concerning than that is the fact that local police officers aren't the only ones we have to worry about you know we also got the da just scoping us out just this year the d.a. just was forced to release a list of key words and phrases it uses to monitor social networking sites for signs of terrorist threats against the u.s. you ready for this absurdity so kids if you want to avoid getting on the terror
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watch list there's hundreds of words that you should avoid typing everything from the obvious al qaeda to even such words as cloud. pork and mexico i'm not kidding really wish i were those are all words on the list along with hundreds of other completely arbitrary words so if you just happen to say i'm on cloud nine eating pork and mexico well you may have just flagged yourself as public enemy number one in fact i probably just did to myself if i'm not on the list already so here's what this all boils down to. in this country privacy has become so devalued and not only is online government spying rampant but now we willingly data mining our every move and provide it to law enforcement think about it every time you check in or post foursquare statuses or geotagged your photos the cia is having a frickin field day you're doing their job for them why did we do away with the
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