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tv   [untitled]    September 20, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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tonight pakistani police clashed with protesters trying to storm the american embassy in islamabad in response to the u.s. made phil ochs. gruesome league footage of prison guards in georgia viciously abusing inmates unleashes public fury the demands of president saakashvili punish those responsible. and cheer activists in bahrain calls for equal rights from the sun the monarchy is rule is promised to improve how they treat political protests for.
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good evening it's eight pm thursday night here in moscow this is r.t. coming to you live with me kevin no it first the pakistani police have reportedly used tear gas bathrooms and fired warning shots to push away protesters from the american embassy in islamabad eight offices the said have been injured in the clashes there more than a thousand demonstrators venting their anger at the u.s. made film pokes fun at islam protests the protests flared up across the muslim world indeed last choose their course after the trail of the film was translated into arabic and put online american diplomatic missions of come under attack in several countries since then the u.s. ambassador to libya was killed last week is arabic correspondent eric moore you did from islamabad. the police and the security forces that has managed to push the protester back from the. of the diplomatic area where they were trying to trade
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some of them actually managed to come across the barriers which has been. made. using the containers and heavy armored barbed wires and also cemented blocks but. the police has asked for some kind of. enforcements from the army. special forces from the rangers they managed to control the situation using tear gas and there were also some injuries among the protesters and the policeman tomorrow is friday the government of pakistan has announced a national the where everything is and holidays and everything is off the protesters will be coming from other cities. and other some cities nearby. most of them actually belongs to the islamic hardliners political groups as well
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as political parties told me that tomorrow by all means we will be we will try to break in all the security arrangements and enter the diplomatic area and reach the american embassy from that area almost two kilometers away the american embassy is located from the area where the most written are really gathered and centered the government to pakistan and the security forces agencies has already taken very huge and. extremely tough measures to deal with the situations tomorrow there is expectations of cutting off all the networking and similar fornes as well as they have spread some kind of enforcement of the police as well as the rangers on the entrance as well as the. the places where the road. in the city which is the
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looking twin city of islamabad in order to. stop the protesters who are coming from the other cities this is the wish of his grave the there are situations also in other cities but show or quatre i'm karate the sentiments of the hatred against the american is high in pakistan because there is one reasons and one in the very measure of factor here is the pakistan especially in the tribal area the are very angry against the americans where the drone attacks are occurring in the tribal belt these attacks actually according to the cia and american. officials that their targets terrorists also civilians among the pakistani populations bordering afghanistan all these factors actually it is piling up. from islamabad right straight to the u.s. capitol now for reaction from antiwar activists back here bright and early evening
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more than a week since the anti american protests flared up across the muslim world is still no sign of a dying day and this is all still because of the controversial film drive in the future or is there more to it. well i believe the film is offensive and as disgusting as it is should be understood as nothing but a catalyst or a trigger as your reporter mentioned the pent up frustration anger i would say rage that exists not only in pakistan but throughout the muslim world that's accumulated over the past decade as a consequence of beijing of iraq the invasion and occupation of afghanistan the endless drone attacks against pakistan the killing of nineteen pakistani soldiers. by u.s. forces there supposedly allies at that border year ago all of these elements are contributing to a picture an atmosphere where there's great rage in the film is disgusting as it is
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could never have triggered these protests if it wasn't for the larger context here everything you were saying there's been well documented in opinion polls as well the anti-american sentiment has been growing for years why is washington failed to nip it in the bud failed to stop it failed to do its p.r. better. you know i mean you some people call it blowback some i think a more rational explanation would be that people don't want to live under occupation people don't want foreign military forces to kill them from airplanes robotic airplanes that they never see people don't want their soldiers at border crossings to be blown away by u.s. missiles the american government is handicapped because the absence of its policy is to use military force to pacify or control or to dominate these important geostrategic we important regions but ultimately it's the people the people in the
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street who suffer who pay the price and ultimately and finally the people become actors in the historical process and they do it by going into the streets that's what happens on top of that film the french magazines at the insult to injury by publishing your drawings of the prophet muhammad which is further and read you muslims who would want to escalate the unrest this way. well there's two there's two groupings in the west there's the cultural right is nationalist the islamic bigots and also commercial interests who know that by issuing provocative movies or cartoons depicting the prophet mohammed in in a despicable way that they will sell magazines and so we have this kind of ugly confluence of right wing bigotry and commercial profit making at the expense of peace at the expense of the people in the region who have already as we've said feel targeted but now additionally humiliated insulted that's that's
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a terrible thing and you see very little being done by the western governments they don't have to necessarily suppress these magazines or movies but they can organize and mobilize and educate the population against them but they do very little to go but it's a question bit earlier why didn't washington see this coming we washington surface to support the arab revolutions last year of course we witnessed some of those same revolutionaries now ready against america why didn't see coming. well that's the other element you see that the united states makes alliances with any force that has agreed to take up arms against that entity which has been targeted by us foreign policy you saw that in the case of the socialist government in afghanistan in one thousand nine hundred eighty nine the u.s. the cia make common cause with osama bin laden they were the ones who funded the mujahideen they were the ones who created these networks they did the same in yugoslavia when they wanted to bring down the yugoslav government they did largely the same thing in the case of iraq and then eventually the united states jimmy
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manipulated cynically manipulated and used forces unprepared when the same forces followed their own political religious agenda but of course that's the that's the script we've seen played over and over and over again by the united states the u.s. capitol and. thanks for your thoughts on. thank you. thousands of protesting in the republic of georgia in reaction to leaked footage showing prison guards torturing and raping inmates in one of the country's jails the president's now replaced the guards with police officers but we demonstrate to say they will kill everyone responsible for the abuse is brought to account he called piskun office in the georgian capital. these are the largest protests georgia seen in years and i'm not only talking about the thousands of people taking to the streets in the capital tbilisi but process of also happens in many other large towns across the country many people here are very angry with this video right now and some protests are screaming signs saying the reef mia barely addressed to georgian
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authorities others have signs saying concern is not enough addressed the european union official some people claim to have recognized their own relatives. allegedly abused by prison officials and this is a small country and news here really spreads quickly and so does public anger and for the protesters are demanding not only the sacking off officials responsible for the interior ministry but also for their illegal prosecution now the videos themselves were leaked by a former employee a staff member of one of the main prisons in georgia not far away from the b.b.c. this man is currently in exile in belgium and the video show alleges abuse by the staff members of the inmates not only the beating up of inmates but also literally torture including sexual abuse and including abuse of minors all of this is
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happening in light of a major public city campaign promoting the recent reform of georgia's penitentiary system jails are presented with an image of being as transparent as they get while inmates even have a voice to get rid of cash to fight corruption so these videos and this whole scandal is definitely a huge blow to this p.r. campaign george is preparing for parliamentary elections there's already tension in the air the opposition is being quite active as well and so these videos are a major punch in the piece to georgian authorities to me as well what's also interesting is that many protesters have. compared these videos to forge from the influence of the on a prison guard see if we talk about guantanamo then there are terror suspects held there while the people digging for in these videos are just ordinary inmates.
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and he's a good person off into police he reporting there is across the latest from georgia for you can also stay up to speed with him by are following on twitter as well and coming up after a short break here on r.t. tonight an unconventional spending spree american taxpayers have been spending more on israel's army budget than israelis themselves tell of the former chief of staff plus seeking answers to a long lasting mystery britain promises no more delays in the inquest about xander leaving and care setting the date for early twenty's thirty's now those stories in detail and a lot more two very sick. invented by the famed soviet author p.d.
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is because we will result in the nine hundred fifty s. these frames for initially used to treat fractures in deformities by cutting bones and slowly pulling them apart and therefore stimulating tissue regeneration elizabeth was able to reshape arms and legs and people who thought they were crippled for life about a third of patients admitted to deal is out of center nowadays seeking series three focus magic reasons most of them a man and most are not what you would call vertically challenged or stressing no because they don't many of them sas it usually comes down to a man's pride some of the first patient to turn to us with a leg length and a quest to meet his fifteen cent. i mean just to still want to surgery because it's panos to than him we like to say that we need to break their legs in order to fix their head like lengthening surgeries a band in many countries and even the will out there pressure him battell expensive in russia the entire course costs eleven thousand dollars about one tenth of the
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similar package in the united states financial considerations were one of the reasons that brought this washington state native to western siberia yet his main motive for the surgery had to do with how he fared in the others in america advertised as one seventy five i was one sixty seven or one sixty eight in so one eight centimeters would have brought me right to average for women height isn't so important girl can be short and it's not a big deal like your guy is like expect to be taller just before the operation most this matter a russian girl who found he's a regional hide quite india ink yet he still went ahead with the surgery adding seven more centimeters to his self-confidence she told me the whole time you're crazy you're normal you're perfect. so now if there. was a compliment for somebody who's used to falling short of his own expectations.
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more demonstrations are expected in bahrain after hundreds of sheer activists rallied to demand equal rights from the sun a monarchy and the release of political prisoners government crackdowns on protesters have been taking place for a year and a half now with reports of torture and abuse by the regime who is of accepted most of the un's human rights recommendations pledging to suppress ethnic violence and improve its treatment of political activists but the ongoing crisis is attractive little global attention itself despite taking dozens of lives as laura smith reports from some countries seem very selective when condemning violence in the region but i think i also. shine a light for. this conflict only oppression and brutality of the regime one. takes that will be a reckoning for this dreadful regime up in arms about syria and they've put their money where their mouth is giving five million pounds in so-called non-lethal aid
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to those trying to oust president assad but less than a thousand miles away in bahrain there's another human rights crisis ongoing and on that leaders remain conspicuously silent their g.m. has not spared any means of repression torture has not seized at all and in the close to one is of people who were just released in the last day or two more than that is the kidnapping. people from three or four beat them up torture them not inside the torture chambers but in farms in what they call the old houses bahrain is home to a forgotten revolution ignored by the international community under reported in the media since february last year there have been almost daily anti-government protests in the resulting crackdown around one hundred have been killed with
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sixteen hundred in jail including sixty children and full of bahrain's most prominent human rights activists all that in a country of only one and a half million but the u.k. government says nothing longstanding historical connection between britain and bahrain which was in fact holland in seventy one certainly the association with the u.s. fifth fleet is the oil problem is the banking problem far from being condemned representatives of the bahraini regime have been a common sight at the u.k.'s major events this summer king how much was invited to the queen's diamond jubilee celebration. in may his eldest son visited david cameron at downing street and his youngest son who allegedly sanctioned the torture of dissident bahraini athletes was at the opening of london's olympic games but it goes further and deeper than that despite the brutal crackdown between july and
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september last year the u.k. sold two point two million pounds worth of arms to the bahraini regime shortly after that the u.k.'s most famous military training school accepted a three million pound donation from the king of bahrain and to the metropolitan police is former assistant commissioner was appointed as an advisor on security to the regime with no objections from the u.k. government bahrain campaigners say it's ruining the government's credibility it's only when they stand up in public and say we host this torture we oppose these autocratic regimes and democracy only then with the british government have any credibility whatsoever at this moment. has. the bahraini opposition and their supporters aren't calling for intervention but
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they do want the international community to condemn the regime that they say is at least as oppressive as the syrian regime that western powers are so desperate to get rid of laura smith r.t. london russia says it expects of probe into the murder of former security service officer alexander litvinenko to be comprehensive hearings have resumed in british courts almost six years after he was allegedly murdered by radiation poisoning in london. the story. this been nearly sixty years since alexander death and today at a pre inquest review health here in london we heard from the assistant deputy coroner the robot who apologized and said there would be no. delay now the free inquest through the held today was to set the parameters for head of the full inquest which is really next year just to give us an background to remind you about the details of the case of alexander litvinenko died in november two thousand and
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six after being poisoned with polonium two hundred ten now the original investigation found that he had tea with two russians in a central london hotel one of him was identified as andre a little boy now at the time of that original investigation we saw a serious souring of relations between moscow and london after the prosecution service asked. boyd to be extradited for questioning now he's since become a russian m.p. and have refused all requests to extradite him speaking outside court today alexandra. de said that she hopes that this time around that justice will be done she spoke of the fact that she's very glad that this is taking place in the way that she very much hates this time around there will be some ounces of course as we said six years on and still no concrete answers into that so everyone's very much going to be hastening birth better outcome this time but of course there are
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concerns again that this could really ignited tensions between moscow and london david cameron met with president putin during the olympic games and said that this incident still very much remains a source of tension and stands between britain and russia sara first r.t. london what will use a brief tonight syrian activists attribute these fifteen feet build schools or judo after the strike. a petrol station in the country's north i did a separate incident state t.v. announced a military helicopter crashed in the city of duma on the opposition says it was downed by its fighters syrian rebels seized yet another border crossing turkey on wednesday which could open a new arms supply route meantime the u.k.'s foreign secretary william hague also said it's possible britain will send weapons to opposition fighters. major fires destroyed over five hundred homes in the capital of bangladesh that plays a role to be a garment factory in a slum area where most of the factory workers live with no immediate reports of
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death where the cause of fire also remains unclear. the latest survey from leading financial information company says the euro zone is heading back into recession but a surge took into account combined services and manufacturing activity however according to the data despite a general fall in production across the eurozone germany continues to lead the region's economy substantially slowing its rate of decline. russia's military bases in central asia will provide regional stability once data leaves afghanistan that's president putin's pledge after sealing a major deal to extend russia's presence in coming to stand by cell of kurdistan the deputy minister of social development says it's a welcome move. we have to remember that kurdistan is a member of the collective security treaty organization russian federation and russia ees the most important partner for us. including in security area.
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eves there is any issue there is a national consensus in kyrgyzstan it is that we need to russia as our friend and we need russian military presence in our country basing rights in kyrgyzstan at my last transit center were directly tied to the length of the. international coalition operation in afghanistan the united states have themselves and on three strong troops from afghanistan so if they mean that that is the rose from afghanistan there is no point of keeping their meat that it is. american taxpayers who contributed more to israel's defense budget than israelis themselves in the past three years according to former israeli army chief of staff the u.s. analysts spends three billion dollars to prop up its allies military former pentagon official michael maloof says that aiding israel actually costs washington a lot more. i think that three billion dollars is really not the true figure
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because the united states also is assisting in the development of israel's iron dome which is their anti rocket system and tremendous amounts of money have been poured into that and as a consequence the the united states also has more than a billion dollars worth. of its own equipment in side of israel so that has to be maintained so the figure is probably much greater than trying to. get the three billion dollars to just assist the military itself we've seen that both presidential candidates whoever wins that that commitment is there regardless and i think that if israel decides to strike iran on its own it's in effect going to drag the united states into the conflict because of the lobbyists that we have here in the united states in congress and i think it's going to we're going to have to expend much much more money to back back up
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a military commitment money which the united states just does not have this is just a couple of minutes away from the latest business update live from moscow after this short break. well into the future science technology innovation all the list developments from around russia we've got the future covered. flying north with me in this old soviet work or so the helicopter is dr van amir brodsky and his team from the region's medical aviation service we head across ever more barren tundra higher and higher into russia's arctic far north until eventually we see our landing spot with arrive at this tiny village after crossing
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hundreds of kilometers of snowy wilderness as a boy here suffering from favre and the doctors are going to see what they can do. inside a small building not one but two babies and that parents are waiting for us the doctors inspect them but can't make a diagnosis and decide to bring them to a regional hospital for better care spread lana doesn't like taking her baby away from home but she's been before and agrees to go that's the usual practice with those who live in the they keep mothers with their newborns in hospital for a month. on the way back another stop to check on the health of some native new nets reindeer herders out in the tundra it can take many hours to reach the nearest village so a medical problem simply fixed here in the tent that. the used to be but now we can go to civilized places so we call for emergency help. bucket hospital other patients helped by the air ambulance are being treated the service costs forty
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million dollars a year to run and there's been controversy with some claiming that locals exaggerate or make up health problems and use the helicopters as a free taxi service accusations learn from it firmly dismisses your brother is not true usually the calls are perfectly justified sometimes we reproach locals waiting too long before calling us he's been working as a doctor now for forty three years but vladimir is confident the diva now after he retires his helicopter doctors will remain a lifeline to the peoples of the russian far north. ok's business president putin has changed his stripes according to legend reverse to jim rogers who as he's no longer rosso skeptic he told us the current government has its investment climate right. brushes even saying good things for our good years but then they were always take everybody's money away and now they seem to be
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from what i can gather the actions are such that they are actually putting up their own money to invest side by side with outsiders that is a remarkable change from anything that's ever happened in russia before from what everything i can see the russian government now understands how the international economy works and they realize they have to play by the same rules as everybody else move rogers also backed his russian privatization and program it better today called for a force to sell off of status as it comes as high tech holding wrist no no looks to i.p.o. this year. love the would you it is absolutely necessary to investigate additional sources of budget revenue if there are no sources there's no discussion if they exist then let's divide them up i mean revenues from privatization it is very good that they're increasing in light of several transactions we're always being reproachful being slow with privatization so we'll do it faster and this is the right way to do it and these alternative sources of revenue could cover the costs
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of a number of budget provisions. new york's down in the afternoon there after u.s. jobless claims fell less than hopes the euro's once again shedding despite brussels new bond buying plan but the ruble getting some joy after a miserable week this week now you're falling for a third day in four reports china manufacturing was shrinking for an eleventh month in a row and details are emerging on b.p. service russian interest b.p. may now get not only cash but also shares in buy rolls enough to keep the peace equally owned by russia's a and the british firm which now wants to sell off the shareholder to conflict that's reportedly buying p.-p. stake for up to fifteen billion dollars plus twelve and a half percent of its equity the company's brief limit puts in late thursday on the deal also discussing b.p.'s future in russia so we can talk to the banks about raising funds to finance the deal that's the latest stories for you in just under an hour's time all right thanks daniel next we are some.


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