tv [untitled] September 20, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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here's mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a dollar. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot about my country you sir are a fool you know what kind of mind they're terrorist cells. no one wishes to featuring on the on the liberal and the christian public you. can really go to the.
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what's going on guys i'm abby martin and this is breaking the set so i want to bring up an interesting story that i heard today a group of activists funded by billionaire sibling duo the koch brothers is planning a rally in new york to stand up against the occupy wall street extremists this group is americans for prosperity and steve lonegan a state director for the organization had this to say he said the occupy wall street crowd is nothing but a fringe element of malcontents bent on the mayhem and destruction they're not attacking wall street they're attacking the very freedoms that everyday americans cherish to pursue their own dreams and succeed it's time that someone stood up to the occupy wall street mob. that's right steve it is about time someone stood up to these thugs with all their bitching and whining about wealth inequality and government corruption it's about time that someone explained to them that freedom
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isn't about having the opportunity to pursue dreams it's about having the choice to make sure no one else gets the same opportunities that rich people get but hey i am interested to hear what they have to say after all the ninety nine percent pretty a . bunch of loud bunch so who's going to speak for the lonely one percent it's not like to control thirty. six percent of the total wealth of this country oh wait they do well at least corporations aren't people oh wait they are well he's money isn't speech oh wait it is you see where i'm going with this come on guys let's break with that. as anti-american protests continue to sweep across the muslim world corporate news outlets are still grasping to justify some sort of overarching reason why they're taking place without of course analyzing the unrest through
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a proper historical lens of decades of western colonialism and imperialism occupation and hypocrisy last night on fox news john bolton discussed the attacks on the u.s. consulate in libya check it out there's some suggestion he was getting some money from the from the one who financed nine eleven because his name was on the finance or the laptop he's got it says he's a high risk even the libyan seek is a high risk and if we're going to transfer him to libya if they're going to release him i would think we would at least keep our eye on him but let me make a bipartisan point here this man was released in two thousand and seven under the bush administration on september the tenth drone attacks killed the number two al qaida leader in yemen the democrats all said it was part of the democratic campaign we were going to close good no so the bush administration collapsing in its last two years let these people out obama came into office pledging that he would close
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good mo within the first year of his administration look if we're defensive about defending ourselves we're toast and this these examples the kind of leader in yemen who went back to terrorism this fellow in libya if this turns out right it shows exactly what happens when you let your guard down against terrorism. hold on just a little bit we have to say one more time. he knows exactly what happens when you let your guard down against terrorism this is what happens when you let your guard down about terrorism i mean what they want all these terrorists we're keeping at guantanamo bay are released this is what we should expect but let's go back to the report first of all there's very little evidence that's been kumu one of the leaders of the apparent al-qaeda group are all shari'a is actually behind this attack right now this is all hypothetical so is it just me or does it seem like ok it is a very easy scapegoat to link everything that happens in the middle east ever together
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something else but mention was a certain politicians erroneous lee make the claim that guantanamo bay is a breeding ground for terrorists which is why they were trying to shut the facility down ok who is a former prisoner from guantanamo bay so let's just say that he really was responsible for the attacks if this were true does not prove that keeping people locked up without due process and torturing them day in and day out breeds them to want to commit hateful acts against their oppressors i mean none of this really makes any sense but again that's fox phoria too bad this is where over half of americans get their news by the way let's get in the guantanamo bay a little bit because yesterday was the birthday of omar kotter a canadian citizen who's been locked up and get no since two thousand and two when he was fifteen his family sent him to afghanistan to translate for a group that the u.s. military identified as al qaeda. disclaimer the following photo is very graphic it's a picture of omar in the condition he was in when he arrived at baghran before he
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was sent to get special forces team attacked the camp where he was steyn blinding omar with shrapnel and crippling him with two gunshot wounds in the back during the special forces attack one u.s. soldier was wounded and later died now forensic evidence determined that his wounds were from a u.s. grenade while the camp didn't have any grenades members of the special forces team were throwing them into the compound but the u.s. military rewrote the report of his detainment making it appear as though he had thrown the grenade and that's a pretty smart move if you're trying to justify having just pumped trappin all in the face of a fifteen year old boy but they want total bait what's that oh yeah it's the facility that's become a symbol of us have popular see for delivering human rights and freedom around the world at the same time the us was kidnapping alleged terrorists and shipping them to a torture house who cares though right everyone there is just a terrorist actually files obtained by wiki leaks revealed that the u.s.
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admitting the vast majority held that get mo aren't dangerous but by admitting this publicly it would damage their counterterrorism efforts so you have forget about it who cares about a facility holding up to eight hundred people for over ten years with no trial or proof of their crimes right and omar happy birthday buddy we haven't forgotten about you. but some of us. have a slanted justice system high incarceration rates record unemployment voter disenfranchisement racism these issues are not mutually exclusive from one another fact they're all part of the whole an ugly reality that exists in this country so to help me dig in to just some of these issues i'm joined by the president and c.e.o. of the end of the. keith ben jealous thank you so much for taking the time it's great to have you on you know almost a year ago today troy davis was executed in georgia yes you said if you support the
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death penalty or not this is a case that people should really think about what do you think about this case and i mean just in light what do we learn from it what we learn from this case is that people who've not committed a crime can be put to death in this country it was a reminder unfortunately there have been cases before troy davis and there will just mathematically be cases after george it was until we get rid of the death coming in this country today was the last day of his life tomorrow would be the one year anniversary when he was put to death he was put to death even though the former warden my very death row said there was too much evidence or sadness there was there was too much doubt to execute even though the former head of george w. bush's f.b.i. said there was too much doubt to execute they still want forward with basically the state's vengeance and the really sad part is that what that means is that no one can really be sure that the actual killer was ever caught. and that's the trouble with this case it is really
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a tragedy i want to also just dovetail right into the national conventions the c.p.a. had a huge presence there and i wanted to talk about voter disenfranchisement there's thirteen out of sixteen of the states that have these voter disenfranchisement laws are run by republican governors what do you think about the effect that this going to have an election i mean could this really sway the election what is the problem here with races and i mean what's really disenfranchise an african-american voters we've seen more states pass more laws pushing more voters on the ballot box in the past year and you've seen the past hundred years you really have to go back to the rise of jim crow to find a moment like this what they've chosen to do is rather than breaking the law to suppress the vote or using the law and they've done everything from attack the same day. signing up to vote so i need you you know you're going to go back to something weeks before we've attacked early voting they've attacked sunday voting they've
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attacked voter registration drives themselves actually tell your folks in florida will find you fifty dollars performing for more than two days late turning into forms to turn in with for you to hours we actually on the martin luther king day holiday took them out and saturday brought back into the office for close sunday and monday that sheriff was waiting for people he was a throw them in jail and find them thousands of dollars we beat that case in court but it shows you that the length of the willing to go in the midst of all of that is strict photo id district photo id says there's tradition in this country of saying just sign your name in the internet and if it matches tell us your address and if that matches you can go on a vote we're going to get rid of your utility bill isn't good enough your student id isn't good enough you need to have a photo id that's government and texas they want so far as you say you can vote with your gun license without your student id. and so that's absolutely about the demographics of who are the students and who are the gun owners and so we've been successful we're turning the tide but ground zero right now is pennsylvania is
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a very big case in court expecting a ruling and every day we're hoping it will turn the tide there to well let's go straight you know you just talked about troy davis trayvon martin and something else that really profoundly showed the state of the underlying state of just racism yet in this country what do you think this really revealed about you know here we are it's kind of something that's under the radar but it really is pervasive a problem and therefore honest we see it throughout the west you know when it when i travel to switzerland to france you see young men from north africa being treated exactly the same way if you're in london you see young men from jamaica being treated the same way basically young men of color are treated as criminals just for being of color and we have these stand your ground laws in this country and that you don't see really outside of the u.s. that allows people to racially. with lethal force walking down the street because what it says is if you fear that some is about to do you bodily harm you can kill them well there's a lot of folks unfortunately we're just afraid of men like me men of color simply
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because of how we look because we're a little darker because we have a beard and and it gives them license to racially profile with lethal force and that's what we're fighting against indeed and let's talk about the private prison industry i mean you have the private industry industrial complex essentially you know the highest incarceration are african-american males you can talk about the war on drugs or whatnot but i mean essentially what these private prisons are doing is it's slave labor i mean do you see the private incarceration facilities as a modern day slavery so clear that being duly incarcerated is the loophole to put somebody into slavery in this country so whether it's a private prison or it's a public prison that sort of exploitation is certainly possible what the real issue is is that this country has a massive problem with mass incarceration a white man a white man in this country today is as likely to be incarcerated a black man in south africa how to part time in south africa was the world's
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leading incarcerated and a black man in this country is five times more likely than the other group to be incarcerated we've we unfortunately the last thirty years have been trying to solve every social problem whether it's drug addiction whether it's mental illness with incarceration and what we know is that drug treatment is actually seven times more effective for instance for addicts than incarceration and so we are we are and that's interesting is we've actually been getting republican governors more frequently than democratic governors to actually stand up with us and say let's change this you know. it's definitely a very interesting issue and really quickly to wrap this up i want to get your reaction to this you know you had clint eastwood representing obama do not share and we see in texas and virginia lynchings of a chair i mean it's disgusting what is your reaction but i'm not quite sure what clint eastwood was doing things. but but it's pretty clear what these folks are doing right clooney is well established a chair represents president obama and what you see in these photos is people you know lynching the president. in you know sort of as represented by this chair now
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what happens when they get confronted is always i get real skittish because they realize when you're making a threat against the president of the united states you can find yourself in a federal prison pretty quickly and so these are backing up to i mean i was just this was just you had a slide along the way and no we know what you were doing there really does show a lot of underlying issues that need to be addressed thank you so much for coming on and really appreciate your time. if you like to see so far go to our youtube channel at youtube dot com slash breaking the set and subscribe to our facebook about facebook page facebook dot com breaking the set if you're wondering about what i'm doing or bitching about when i'm not on the air follow me on twitter at abby martin and i'll take a break from my preaching for now but stay tuned to hear the recently uncovered forensic evidence suggesting something much darker happened at penn state back in one nine hundred seventy.
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let me turn your attention to a dark spot and u.s. history books make four thousand nine hundred seventy ohio natural national guardsman shot and murdered for college students and during nine others who were protesting the vietnam war at kent state university event truly was a turning point in the antiwar buildup and shifted the mindset of many americans about the protests and the u.s. role in vietnam and for forty two years after the incident the government's narrative was that the event was a tragic unfortunate accident or recently uncovered forensic evidence suggests that
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something much darker really happened that day at kent state that continues to shape the establishment crackdown on dissent till this very day and the kent state case was explored in a chapter from the latest project censored book censored twenty thirteen dispatches from the media revolution called kent state was it about civil rights or murdering student protesters and joining me now to break it all down from heaven we california is the co-author of the chapter and the director of project censored to make a huff hey mickey thanks so much for coming on thanks so much for having me abbi it's a pleasure to be here all right make a so let's break this down talk about what this forensic evidence came out in two thousand and ten that really kind of discredits the government narrative that this was just an unfortunate accident. well yes you know for forty years now. at least for the first forty of those forty two the narrative was that the guard felt threatened or under attack there were early
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rumors of sniper fire and so on and all of this went to basically cover it was a cover story to sort of legitimize the acts of the guard literally murdering four and wounding nine others in the victims and their families have had very little recourse over the years dealing dealing with the state and the university. so i originally had done a lot of graduate research in the kent state shootings and it's interpretations and how it was manifest in public artwork and so on but in the last two years there has been the new evidence by forensics corroborated by forensic experts one in particular stuart allen who went back and listened to an audio tape of the day's events of may fourth one nine hundred seventy and what he heard
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was shots being fired there are shots being fired prior to the guard and there are also sort of masked but now audible with modern technology an order to fire and that really goes against everything that we've heard in terms of there not being an order to fire not one but number two it also brings up this interesting. fire and that was originally claimed to have been potentially sniper fire and what it turns out is there was an f.b.i. informant on the can't state campus that day is name terry norman and it has been proven that he had a firearm that was fired and actually that his has been corroborated by allan that this is the type of weapon that he heard and it says been proven that norman's gun was fired and nothing was really done about it and then see him go and the article
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you talk about how terry norman handed this gun over to the police the national guard you know and he was basically an informant he he it was the justification to really fire upon these students i wanted to you to just paint a picture really quickly for people who maybe don't know that much about can say i mean two thousand troops on the university more than a foot. field away from the protesters who were just throwing rocks and to tear gas canisters and they just get fired upon resulting in this slaughter i mean talk a little bit about the terry norman stuff and also go more into the command to fire and why you know why that's so such a broken narrative at this point now that we know that it isn't true. the. co-author of the chapter actually the principal author and i helped helped along and do research is laurel krauss who is
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a co-founder of the kent state truth tribunals her sister was murdered at kent state that day and she has really dedicated the last four decades to trying to seek the truth about kent state and she has really helped to uncover this this type of information and we're really really excited about getting this out here because we're trying to censor this and history right these are the narratives that are buried that we're not allowed to know about are here and actually the f.b.i. themselves corroborate that norman was in fact an informant he was working with the f.b.i. we have other eyewitness testimonies that are now saying that there were provocateurs on campus potentially lighting fire to the our o.t.c. building previously and that contradicts the notion that there there were no troops there when this was happening when they were guarding the r.t.c. building you know there are many many problems in the official kent state narrative here that we are. talking of the cover up and obama just came out this year
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you've been working with a senate to try to reopen this investigation and obama pretty much declared we're not reopening the case make you talk about who's been covering up the truth about penn state. or you know who's been covering the truth about it can't stand is pretty much everybody going back to governor rhodes at the time. president nixon at the time it was needed in with state governors in swing. governor rose was up for reelection coming up there in right around that period and you know they were really looking at putting a clamp down on the antiwar movement and they were they were really thinking that you know if we could get away with some kind of suppression here to send a message that this would this would cool down the war more movement and so forth the administrators at kent state university the national guards persons the leaders of the national guard they have sort of worked to suppress the information over
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over the years over the decades this recent incarnation of the case in the interest in the case stemming from stuart allen and it's because then it's taking that information to the department of justice quotes around that. to open the open the case to look at this information and over a year went by and congressman kasich finally heard back this spring from the department of justice saying that they did not intend to reopen the case they looked over evidence that they had previously cited without including the new evidence that was also published in the cleveland plain dealer by john and generals and i'm told the start of the come to light and making was summarized and they were in a look at this case dismissed we're not going to include new evidence and unfortunately at the wrap it up but i just wanted to summarize with something that you wrote in the article which is that the violence at kent state came from the national guardsmen not protesting students the u.s. government delivered its deadly message to kent state students and the world if you
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protest america against the wars of the pentagon and the dia d. the u.s. government will stop at nothing to silence you and indeed make it this new evidence that says that there was indeed a command to fire order on audio thank you so much for coming on and really helping crack open this case and pushing for the truth. thank you abby i hope people go to the website and check out the article project censored i work thanks so much. i check this out it's a new advertisement that reads in any war between the civilized man and the savage support the civilized man support israel defeat jihad and guess what this twisted ad first launch and sermon sysco a few months ago and now it's spreading fact just found itself in prime real estate in the big apple so come monday new yorkers just like your fellow san franciscans will be able to enjoy this wonderful hate speech as well if you want to know to thank for this thank the american freedom defense initiative and who's the leader
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of the pack well that would be none other than ms pamela geller she's the executive director of the organization and pretty much a bigoted islamophobia here's what she had to say in response to the backlash she said we don't think it's controversial it's the truth and you weren't innocent civilians is savagery what's controversial here also what's controversial the posting of these advertisements is a systematic attempt to fearmonger and further heighten anti muslim sentiment amongst americans you know i can't really say i'm not surprised particularly when i look at the fact that the us is biggest ally has leaders who say things like this. you're wrong with nuclear weapons would mean that the kind of for now this was a good stormy rumble shoes would have a nuclear weapon don't let these fanatics of the people around it. yeah netanyahu they're all fanatics that's exactly the kind of rhetoric that's been coming out of israel for decades and this past weekend bibi netanyahu ran the sunday political talks or circuit all to convince american voters that they should only care about
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voting for a president who endorses the israeli agenda but come on bibi is a pac and else is it enough that the largest and most dominant lobby in the us is if the u.s. allocates three billion dollars to israel's military every single year in fact to date the us has provided israel with one hundred fifteen billion dollars all the expense of the u.s. taxpayers yet the u.s. government bends over backwards to contort to their every desire take a look at this obama campaign video put out to show that the president unbreakable stance to israel. when i touch my head against the western wall and place my prayer with freedom sage and stones i thought of all the centuries the children of israel that long to return to the original because we understand the challenges israel faces. in my administration have made the security of israel. a priority america's commitment and my commitment to israel and israel's security
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is unshakeable. it is actually it's unshakable all he says but you know it's even crazier than this fierce allegiance the fact that according to mitt romney obama is in support of israel and us now apparently it's all competition take a look at this. respect to write a betrayal to defend itself and we stand with with israel it is my firm conviction that the security of israel is in the vital national security interest of the united states. the right course is to stand behind our friends to listen to them and let the entire world know that we will stay with them and that we will support them and defend them. so who wins obama or romney i have a better question who as being cares what we should really be concerned with is why the us blindly decided to align itself with a country that on a daily basis and gave you isn't a militaristic occupation or about why we've chosen to hold the hand of netanyahu
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a man who's pushed corrupt colonialism while norrin un mandated resolutions and what's worse overseen thousands of international war crimes the us needs to wake up because when we decided to describe to the gender of israel withdraw the validity of spreading human rights around the world and subscribe to an agenda of apartheid . missions free. education free. torture free. range month free. three stooges free. download free blogs live video for your media projects free radio gondar t. dot com.
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