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tv   [untitled]    September 21, 2012 4:30am-5:00am EDT

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in the beginning like that cut the pipe first. yeah just like that. and yeah you know. two months and seven days have passed since we met bell while cooking for his
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brother he tells us a secret. i me now take the secret to the grave you're the first to hear this. i've never told anyone i'll be ashamed of people knew i knew you may not believe me but my grandmother forced me to get married with my wife is from a very poor family but she's gorgeous you know you'll be surprised if you see or she's amazingly beautiful but she is poor and she came to me was only a cloth no daryn i've been married for two years but nobody knows about it you know i wasn't ready to be a father but all of a sudden she got pregnant when was that i heard that the baby was born last thursday. you know i'm going to be sure that it
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going to. me it's a baby girl but it was born blind in both eyes. because my wife didn't eat well nutrition made the baby like that you know. even hearing the sad news but couldn't go. instead he joined the night
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shift to earn a few more cents. the night shift of ten hours brings in an extra fifteen cents so. how. do you go off your bird some rest a bit. i'm exhausted. you know how to run a rickshaw of course i do but i was young my dad went in saying. well could i do but i had to support my family. so i went to the city and ran
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a rickshaw and i supported my family with that. when there were no ships here and i ran rickshaw to. one day my daughter said daddy can't you stop running the wreck sure the ships are back go back to the yard she was ashamed when people call or wake shall man's daughter. with do you understand that i live like this is because i had no chance to learn. what does education mean to people like us. we are poor but if i had the chance to learn i wouldn't live like this as a ship breaker. me to. where in the same situation.
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what. you will pay me for the extra work right. no i can't watch no today do you want me to die. take it i'll give you the rest later. how can i pay you all at once you know. i want everyone to get out of here.
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today received fifteen dollars after an advance of ten dollars had been deducted. and wondering now whether i should pay this bill to the grocery or feed my children first. thirty five dollars this isn't bad at all.
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every day is to go to the forest and gather firewood. i don't know fifty cents this is what he earns from
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a three hour walk over eight kilometers carrying a heavy burden. apology is string. where's my son. come here son i've got no. and. why did you put that on it looks nice.
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because i don't. i'm not going to that my son will become a doctor but i know he will. look. ok.
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finally can go home. which entails four days of traveling. there is fertile land along the river but cyclons and floods cause havoc for many families. for the brothers it's their first visit in six months this year. i come from barbara. takes two or three days to get there but i'm so happy to be on my way home i can see my parents and brothers. now they hear that i'm coming and
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then everyone is wondering when i will arrive at their super in my hometown what even the roads are very rough. are you married no not yet. let's see i'm already a father. i know that. you look great though. no i give some money to a broker to go abroad ripped off so i eventually go how much was it fifteen hundred dollars. many other villagers have left right yes some of left and others will leave soon but about show had not yet i don't think is moma let them go is their only son you know foreign countries are not paradise is sometimes i regret it too.
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looking at some talks you simply do not believe they come speak and goodness how they can wrong oh. it's an international sled dog race with those driving the dogs. coming from as far away as australia canada and the us i come to russia and everybody is so very friendly they welcomed me with open arms and the scenery is so beautiful it's very much like a lot and so i felt at home the first sled dog was brought here from a stray and now a stray as come to this remote russian village to take part in the race it's not surprising they love it this trail ira mazie. but even more amazing is the story of how racing first started here a toll it wasn't the tough mushers of sled dog racing who set the trail ablaze but a nun and for all friends who brought their idea to life. five years ago about
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built a dog kennel in the village kids from the local open h. came around to take care of the dogs and one day they state their life might seem extreme to some the boys wake up at six to feed the dogs before school in the evening they spend up to three hours training their full legged friends but smother her schedule also encourages her kids to become dab hands on the computer and internet the boys regularly updates their websites and they're in touch with that busy maga twenty four seven on the phone itself. but children are the most important thing my only interests not play any rule any more and regardless of whether parsky has hoskins window race or not she hopes the competition will take place in the village next year. but called these dogs and the children it really is not the weaning but actually just the taking part that counts.
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thank. you. thanks.
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good. morning. it's. only. his. what's the use of crying. their eyes are just running they're blind and that makes
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her cry. cry cry. for. someone. else more than that. line about. the long run the. show me your hands while you must be working hard.
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life is hard isn't it and. we're going let's go to chittagong together what do you think tell me honestly. we're going to do. the already rented a house for us. you'll cry if i leave. ok on that and you want to come with me. that. i will show you all how i break the ship into pieces you know. you know i think i don't need to see that you can do that every day. he. cooks well but when my son asked me one day you know mom how could one change his
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destiny without money no piece of land no money my husband barely has a job hard lives day by day. i want to bring the baby to the hospital in dhaka but there's no money. it's.
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just a show you show. us . don't cry what can we do about your destiny. i can not sleep every night whining about to. take care of yourself. don't cry look at who should get over it.
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up there part. oh good. good. good. one year later some new faces a scene a p.h.p. . among them is bell's father. he is pulling his he cables
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in chains because he doesn't have any skills thank you very much been two months since i came here. out my two sons work here two. i came here with some folks from my hometown. hard work but hopefully things will be better soon. unless both working the night shift for ten years has been dreaming of saving seven hundred dollars and opening a small shop in his hometown but his dream didn't come true.
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the smallest. has settled in p.h.p. after a year is grown beyond recognition. i'm doing fine with my uncle and friends from home and they also enjoy traveling here and there you know how fantastic it is to count money i can work here and make money i send the money home so my family can eat well this is happiness for me you know. roof ache the skilled gas cars boards an old ship with fellow laborers today life goes on.
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or are.
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or are are. or .
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line in motion would be soo much brighter if you knew the song from finest impressions. from stone totty dot com. wealthy british style sun some time to. market why not. come to find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report. like millions of americans have lost thousands of dollars in retirement funds and i haven't had as bad as many that's not just about the fed it's about me to. me man brad ya gotta share. some.
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