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tv   [untitled]    September 21, 2012 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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they just did it for entertainment or even inmates had something to do with politics the people start this really is any they would pick from wake up to a former georgia prison official who leaked the shocking video of guards portraying inmates as the country is. fresh on the western pakistan where protesters set fire to cinema halls are reportedly killed when police fire chiefs first crowds fifteen others wounded. and the british government stands accused of splashing the cash on numerous policy advisers double the amount of the previous
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administration all while cutting benefits and public spotlight expanding. thank you for joining our teats friday here in moscow and two o'clock karen. well georgia's interior minister has resigned days after a video service which appeared to show an mates being tortured and sexually abused by prison guards the footage prompted outrage in the country with thousands taking to the streets saying they won't rest until every one responsible is held to account artes you got this kind of reports from tbilisi. the story is continuing to unfold here in georgia of the interior minister has resigned and our team managed to meet with a man who started all this the former staff member of the group by the prisoner who released. the shocking footage georgian authorities still claim that they didn't
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know what was going on but according to the guards that this is not the case at all . saakashvili was fully aware of what was going on when a fire was appointed minister in two thousand and five the system was very far from european standards he started taking very tough steps he would send security forces to prisons they would break into prisons and beat up inmate even if colline himself would often be there with a camera filming it and then i think he would show those videos to saakashvili in order to show him what kind of system he had built was going to be because he is now in belgium is asked for political asylum and he claims that georgian authorities are still looking for him while he says that for anyone who wants to war and the security services be police or the jail system in georgia then no criticism of president saakashvili is allowed of the media they
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just did it for entertainment or if an inmate had something to do with politics it was saakashvili as enemy they would pick this it in is extremely politicized if you work in the prison system or in the police you must be loyal to the circus we receive no criticism is allowed you should either leave or they will get to you they enjoyed watching how helpless people were in their hands once they take you to prison you know but you have no dignity this is why these videos cost such an outreach in georgia and this is why all those young people are protesting because also says that president saakashvili is purely an american project and washington will do everything for him to remain in power here in georgia and well get the crowd himself says that he decided to show this footage to the world for everyone to see how the georgian leader really treats his citizens.
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transparency human rights zero tolerance. the videos that buried george's image making efforts in a matter of minutes scenes of torture beatings and the sexual abuse of inmates allegedly in one of the country's most exemplary prisons. but human dignity is the last thing they care about and never believe this worries them just one bit. thousands protested with signs reading the reply apparently addressing georgian authorities some are comparing the footage to that from guantanamo even though these are ordinary inmates not terrorist suspects many not only want the sacking of officials responsible for the police and the prison system but the prosecution as well. everybody knows this isn't just one case this happens all over the country. the atmosphere at the entrance to be going to any prison is extremely intense but
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this is not a protest rally these people are relatives of inmates who are still inside the prison and they are demanding an explanation that needs brother has already spent seven months behind bars and says georgia's democracy beacon image in that the worst is merely a well orchestrated cover up. the chill real pretty on the outside sure it is a for europe but no one really knows what's happening behind these walls. president saakashvili came out blaming as a stepping fault several prison officials are now under a criminal investigation and all jail stuff has been temporarily substituted with police officers the head of the ministry responsible for the penitentiary system as a result but for many georgians it's too little too late in a country with a population half the size of paris twenty five thousand inmates is enough to affect nearly every family in one way or another either through relatives friends
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or neighbors and as the nation prepares to vote for a new problem until october the damage to georgia's leaders may be too much for their reputation to be rescued in time he would discover of r t v v c ga you can see the interview with the former deputy warden at georgia's prison and twenty minutes right here on r.t. . now local t.v. reporter says his driver has been killed twenty five police fire to disperse crowds as fresh protests are wrapped in pakistan demonstrators have set cinemas on fire and the northwestern city of peshawar angry over the u.s. made anti islam film fifteen other people have also been injured in the clashes
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earlier thousands clashed with police in pakistan security forces fire tear gas and warning shots to push crowds back from the american embassy some fifty people have been injured pakistani t.v. channels are showing clips of president obama denouncing the film which it's hoped will come the protestors but as archie's got next to cannes reports many believe washington's efforts in the region seem counterproductive. as anti-american fury rages on across the world it also raises the question whether washington's efforts to export democracy to muslim nations have instead radicalize the region in libya radical islamists are on the rise especially in the part of the country which the u.s. hoped to quote unquote liberate in the first place a source familiar with ambassador stevens' thinking says that in the months before his death he talked about being worried about what he called the never ending
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security threats specifically in benghazi the source telling us that the ambassador's specifically mentioned the rise in islamic extremism with the country's internal situation getting increasingly unstable libya now appears to be as far as it can get from the route that washington invision for the libyans when they do when bombing the country our goal is focused our cause is just. and our coalition is strong having also cheered on the revolution in egypt the obama administration is now unclear whether they ended up with a more friendly or more hostile country though i don't think that we would consider them an ally but we don't consider them an enemy but looking at their flags burning and mobs chanting death to america many americans ask themselves doesn't the widespread on rast in the muslim world mean the president's policy is there are flawed or maybe dangerously naive i don't think it's requires a degree in the tomic physics to grasp the reality that in the slum equaled
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democratization means islam is a show i believe that the u.s. state department and the policymaking community in washington were blinded by their own ideological blinkers in afghanistan washington's efforts to make friends also seem to have failed afghan police and soldiers have killed more than fifty u.s. and coalition troops this year alone and many of the attackers have been trained and armed by the u.s. their basic loyalty is to their families you're not going to upset and change two thousand years coachable matter you can influence of but you cannot change so this is where we have to be smarter about how we proceed doing the same thing over and over about get a better result washington is actively backing armed rebel groups in syria again with no guarantee that those who they helped now will not turn into their number one enemies eventually just like al-qaeda did it may be that the us sees its
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mission as one way hostile into being where they can but the strategy has been shown to backfire time and time again with the us ending up supporting forces who then turned their arms against america in washington i'm going to second. we're also closely following the unrest in the muslim world r.t. dot com and we've more on the provocative western portrayal of the middle east on our web site. anti palestinian operatives accused of the inciting hatred will go up across the new york subway as u.s. authorities say the billboards are justified on the basis of free speech. also online and an address in the anti islam film that sparked the mideast protests files a lawsuit against its producer as well as google and you tube that she fears for the safety of her family more details that are called. myname are as prominent dissident and nobel laureate aung sun suu kyi has become the latest star
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supporter of russia's punk band pussy riot a states woman was speaking in washington where she traveled to pick up a medal from the u.s. congress suci has joined the ranks of madonna serp paul mccartney yoko ono and stephen fry meanwhile russia has been stressing the decision on the court should be respected president vladimir putin recently told r.t. that he is aware of the case but will not interfere in any way the band members are serving two years behind bars for staging a so-called public prayer in russia's main cathedral a performance has inspired several anti religious stunts while this week a russian yoga teacher entered christ the savior cathedral the same one where pussy riot members staged their public prayer and threw ink over several icons in ukraine members of the feminist group the men cut down orthodox christian crosses on thursday a group of around twenty four that are christians christian protesters tried to
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disrupt the opening of an art exhibition in moscow which was inspired by members of the punk band nine people there were arrested. there with our team and later on in the program. the apology that went viral the u.k.'s deputy prime minister turns internet sensation as auto tune and nick clegg says sorry over broken promises. more stories coming up in a few minutes after a very short break to stay with us. which
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is slow often enough and knows that to ride a horse you've got to catch it first. for him it's a daily routine that you're soft as a force breeder on the island of horn at the heart of bike all his life on an isolated farm is about blue sky green grass and his horse is what they're sometimes it gets lonely here but horses have become part of me now i've fallen off so many times sometimes that bites as well it's part of my everyday life. i holmes been home to it and you can do rats like you just saw for centuries most still live off the land and cattle and fish every evening local villagers place
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their nets and in the morning the catch is always good. we always have enough here . if by coal is often called the pearl of siberia and horn is said to be the pearl of by call it's all end of fake forests. and vast staps. it's also a place of ash and traditions respected by locals and travelers alike. an economist turned adventurer has crisscrossed by called shores and learned its customs well. you see. to have supernatural powers every traveler who comes here asks the spirits to make the journey easier give them strength and fulfill their dearest wishes i knew virtually undiscovered by tourists until some twenty years ago i was cornish quickly becoming
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a magnet for nature lovers and curial seekers but those used to five star pampering may be in for a surprise the island's infrastructure has yet to catch up with the growing demand here quite some way from civilisation here accommodation on the island is very basic so you can forget about it or even run in water for most people tend is the only eruption but for those who come here it's exactly what they're looking for. in journey to buy coal can be unique trip of a lifetime and the local say once you've seen it you'll be coming back again and again.
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welcome back you're watching r t with me. now when politicians say sorry it usually means they're trying to wriggle their way out of a sticky situation well that's exactly what the u.k. his deputy prime minister was attempting to do but he landed himself in an even bigger one his apology was viral as an auto tune remakes. released as a single nick clegg was apologize. for breaking a pre-election promise not to increase tuition fees but his party back to the tripling of fees to nine thousand pounds and made it he should have never made the pledge to begin with the speech was shown ahead of the liberal democrats convention nick clegg's popularity has flatlined recently and political blogger george eaton believes his own party will likely get rid of him but two different lines on this
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in clegg and his apology suggest that the party of made the pledge in the past but because there's no money around would have been too expensive to buy now what song that's saying is we would have kept the pledge but it was part of them could submit them government but it kept us are actually the lib dems haven't got one single message and i think until they until they do then it will be hard for the latest take. seriously clegg's bets at the moment is that his best hope of turning his party's fortunes around is to show that they can achieve things for the country and government rather than spend time arguing with the conservatives trying to differentiate themselves it remains to be seen by the out while i think that clegg is probably finished and that's the party will replace him for the next election so why do disastrous. musical apologies aren't the only concern for the u.k.'s coalition at the moment as cuts are piled on to the british public was laid off
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school lore looks like the government has all the recession latest figures show the current coalition has doubled the number of policy advisers archies probably boycott reports. the russian empire had twenty six of them but it looks like the british government suppose that number a long time ago here in the u.k. a policy is an individual appointed by the government to see or find solutions in testicle to areas of public policy and according to their research about to be released by king's college london the coalition government has appointed ninety of them over the past two years they include celebrities like mary portis who's famous for her make over television show she was charged with making over the u.k. high street over the past few years the u.k. government have appointed czars on everything from enterprise digital communication and even housing but most of them are from the television there are so many of them
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that they could almost form their own celebrity mini cabinet serious questions about exactly why these people are being to these rules and the. people to. whom. he was very famous for political analysts say they're worried about the increasing number of policy advisors i made the coalition governments pledge to cut public spending it isn't just best swelling number that's worrying it's a question of their competence this year the british government's back to work sorry no businesswoman emma harrison who was appointed to help problem families find was forced to stand down from her role a major concerns over fraud within her company critics say the increasing number of cars within the u.k. government points to a deeper question about how the country is run and where the civil servants lack
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the expertise necessary to do their job properly. here with our team and coming up later today an explosive situation on the football field. a match is put on hold after a device is thrown on the field and it's disposed of by one of the players and what may not have been the safest manner more details in an hour in our sports bulletin . all right back to one of our top stories now these are the latest pictures of crowds rampage in pakistan's northwestern city of peshawar angry over the u.s. made anti islam film a local t.v. reporter says his driver was killed when police fired to disperse crowds demonstrators have been setting cinemas on fire and throwing stones fires are burning while what looks like tear gas is hanging in the air police is seen beating protesters with clubs fifteen people have been injured in the clashes while in the
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afghan capital kabul some three hundred people are rallying against the anti islam film people there are chanting death to america. to other world news now a mass grave with twenty five bodies has been discovered in the syrian capital damascus the victims who showed signs of torture or had their hands tied were allegedly abducted and killed by rebel forces this comes a month after a massacre when several hundred bodies were found in there are video footage released by the government showed dozens of bloodied bodies lined up in broad daylight in a graveyard and others trying to haul in rooms in a mosque to turn out to remains unclear who was behind the massacre with both sides accusing the other. at least fourteen people have been killed and scores injured in a twin suicide bombing in somalia's capital city mogadishu the explosion took place in a crowded tea house near the presidential palace three journalists are reported among
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the dead a somalia's al qaeda support group al-shabaab has been blamed for the attack the bombing comes just a week after an assassination attempt on the room elected president. all right let's check on the business news now. a major investment forum has kicked off in russia's southern city of sochi and that's where we can join our teams to me to be doing. dimitri we're going to the forum right now in sochi is in full swing a way of seeing thousands of delegates from the business community together let's actually move over to the highlights straight away the head of russia's largest oil company rosneft you can see is here and he confirmed to journalists that b.p. is very much interested in boosting its stake in the russian company and it can do so by selling its stake in the russian british joint venture t n k b p it's fifty percent stake there now this is an extremely important deal for all sides but notably for b.p.
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who's the expansion progress has recently been stalled and also by the fact that its russian partners have been preventing it from signing any other agreements with other companies including rosneft and this would give it very strong ties with the company providing it with the second most important mistake of the government in a row snapped now also that was the keynote address by russia's prime minister dmitry medvedev who has been complaining that the recent poll on the competitiveness on the global scale puts russian sixty seventh place and something else to be done about that notably russia has to fight corruption russia has to increase the effectiveness of state institutes and to boost competition on the goods and services market but that's already happening as russia has joined the world trade organization and finally has said that investment is method and is still playing a key role for russia's economy and needs to be boosted from the current fifty three billion dollars a year which we saw last year to around sixty seven three billion dollars back to
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you. all right many thanks for that update and to me that if you visit government pointing from the investment for me in so much. now up next an interview with the former deputy warden at george's county prison. wealthy british style. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy in the kinds of reports.
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tucked in between the russian mainland japan and the sun coming island is the island of minute on named after french seafarer who discovered it it is described as the pride of the sakhalin region we'll take a look at what's in store for oss here. until two thousand and four the island was part of the boarders own and was completely restricted to visit is known to speak to us place is open to tourists unique plants and animals are its top attraction. to be has been exploring the deaths on the world seas for several decades but it's here at more your own island where he has finally found what he'd been looking for . this week in the water here is very clear the visibility is very good and the
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underwater world here is extremely rich i've been to many diving locations across the planet including the island of bali. on tops my list while some go to the cycling region to enjoy the sights others convert the island's nature's riches into a healthy dollar it is. home to the biggest seafood processing factory in russia the tonight shock hundreds of thousands of tons of fish get caught in the nets too late to produce delicious salamon caviar almost and there is a serious tribute of any feast in russia the owner of the enterprise says a good fishing season can bring in more than one hundred million dollars net profit . at a large extent this is all to do what succulent offers environmentally the tonight show operates in only and natural habitat and mild climate unique natural sights and delicious seafood succulent can offer a diverse holiday but those who are not afraid to travel ten thousand kilometers from europe the question is whether this distant land would ever be able to become
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a major tourist destination. well into the future something it's technology innovation and all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered. so what now to feature as us live today ality talks to george and me general david
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cards and who needs to be tales of inmates danny prison in billings eating torches or the big leadin it was hello has this been seeking please how long have you been filming is this long. you know i've been working as the. as deputy chief warden since two thousand and eight sincere with all of the above all who gave the orders and who in the government knew what was going on and who kept this matter under wraps. nobody just the chief warden and i was deputy chief ford and he wanted me to film some interesting moments for example when police arrest an opposition activist or a prominent figure is arrested he wanted it on tape probably they intended to use those videos later against those people and i made those videos over the period of a year or maybe six months i'm not sure i didn't meet them in a day or two they were accumulated over a period of time and eventually i had two hours of video
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a big chief warden would take those videos to a liar and then a liar would take them to the president they used it for entertainment the enjoyed watching how helpless people were in their hands one city future prison you are nobody you have a new dignity this is why these videos caused such an outrage on georgia this is why all those young people are protesting at how do you know that interior minister a homeless soul that t.d.o. how do you know he was aware of what was going on. i just it will tell you as told to to i made those videos for him and then he would take the tape and i don't know what he would do with it but i feel i would often come to because the only person with perhaps once or twice a week like he used to spend a lot of time talking to the chief warden in his office i feel i was a very close ally of president saakashvili in president bush called a beacon of democracy that he was fully aware of what was going on in prison.


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