tv [untitled] September 21, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT
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markets. find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines. comes a report on our team. it's the seat of power here in the u.s. the place where laws are made and decisions are debated but not this year the one hundred twelfth congress has been given the title the do nothing congress so how can washington govern in this part of. it will dive into that topic in just a moment. and mass protests were sparked this summer in canada over to wish a hike with the newly elected party taking over and come back those hikes have been scrapped so what does this say about the power of protest and the power of voting for your best interests. and from email to skype texting and even g.
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chatting we live in a high tech world but how can you keep your private info online private or look at cyber security as a trend of crypto parties. it's friday september twenty first four pm in washington d.c. i'm maggie lopez and you're watching r.t. all right topping the news this hour congress officially wrapping up its last few days in session before the november elections and short of the mon mathematical miracle the one hundred twelfth congress could go down in history as the least productive since one thousand nine hundred forty seven do nothing congress that served under president harry truman and this is something that hasn't gone unnoticed. god i have to tell your congress managed to get through last year without passing one single piece of significant legislation this congress and then
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it were do nothing congress do nothing to talk about republicans in fact the president effectively campaigning against a do nothing congress of republicans i think he should run against a do nothing congress why in the world would republicans be here today when there was so much other work that this congress has failed to do be here presenting what is really an anti-war resolution masquerading as pro-war work but it's more than that the nine hundred forty seven congress was able to pass some nine hundred sixty bills as of last month the one hundred twelfth congress has passed a mere one hundred seventy three but beyond the numbers the fact is that capitol hill is getting ready to close its doors without having found a solution to military funding taxes the farm bill cybersecurity and much much more
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now as i mentioned many people are calling this the do nothing congress but that's not exactly accurate individually the senate and house have been very productive in passing bills and they've been arguably working more than previous congresses so for an inside look at what exactly is going on here congressman danny kaye davis who represents the seventh district of illinois joined me earlier for more well i think we have formally recess. i think quite some time and it's so unfortunate because this was such an excellent opportunity to pass meaningful legislation and find serious relief for the american people to think that we don't have a budget you know only continue in resolution when there are things that we know need to be done transportation for example we know that everybody could
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benefit from a transportation bill that would create jobs spur economic development as well as you know infrastructure highways roads bridges all kinds of things but you know if you have one part of the process saying that there are a main objective is to make sure that the president is a one term president that the president should not be reelected and they're going to do whatever they could to make that happen i hope that the american people will understand why we call this a do nothing congress and i know that senator dick durbin actually called transportation bills the easiest on capitol hill now you've been serving in congress since one thousand nine hundred six can you compare the congress then
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versus the one that we're facing today right fred. i don't think that we ever experienced since i've been engaged in politics and especially electorial politics the kind of partisanship almost every item that comes up for a vote if it's meaningful you have democrats on one side republicans on the other if you have the house. i know that the senate can't go along with that if the senate passes. legislation then of course the house is not with that and so we. have a spin studio we end up waiting for the election to be some kind of vindication of which side was right which side was wrong and i think that's
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most unfortunate but i mean that's what some people call hardball politics and i hope that the people will realize that the best way to move the country forward would be to you know act and in some instances really elect individuals who have the interests of the country at heart and do not play this part of brinksmanship all the time and congressman i know that this is a sentiment not only felt by you and felt by the american people that it's one that's been expressed by members of congress very even complaining about the lack of work that's getting done i want to play for you a quick part of the speech that senator coburn delivered this week about this very issue monday mornings when i get i get up about four thirty to catch a flight to come back up here. and i've noticed that i have an attitude problem i
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don't want to come anymore and the reason i don't want to come anymore is because we're not doing anything to address the real problems that are in front of our country work nor in the real problems so we can create political contrasts for an election all the while the country is sinking now congressman we also did manage to get a couple responses from other members to senator coburn's comments so i want to get a listen to them and then i'll get your opinion on both of them. well you joy of the job i haven't wanted to be representing the six to sort of pennsylvania and i get up every day and i enjoy the work that we do to help people in our district and have a chance to represent them here and vote on important issues so i look forward to it every day i can't speak for other members of congress but i enjoy my job has it gotten that bad well i'm sure it is in the senate so you know i still think we can make a difference here but the senate frustrates me and makes me not want to get up on
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monday and i'm not even in the so as you mentioned we know that historically congress those that are divided between republican and democratic majorities tend to be less productive but this is more of a partisanship this year right. i would think so because we've gotten down to certain kind of philosophical constructs much of the argument has been around the question of taxation for example is it fair to tax the middle class inappropriately and not tax the top one percent of the people with the most money and i think what democrats have been saying is let's be fair across the board and less provide the kind of taxation that everybody can be comfortable with where you tax those at the very top at least somewhere close to the same rate as your tax in those in the middle
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and those at the bottom the republicans seemingly will not by that i mean so that's a big issue plus the philosophical issue some people believe that government really shouldn't do a great deal for the in the digital citizen and the in the taxpayer and that all of the programs that we call safety net they are being cut. wiped out you know there are times when all we hear about from the other side is cut cut cut cut off all you do is cut cut cut all you get is bla bla bla. and then the leave it will be across the people of this great nation and that does not have to apple.
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now i know one of the things that you and your fellow house members have faced personally is that this congress has attempted to repeal the house in particular has attended to repeal the affordable care act a total of thirty three times that i know of so they are attempting to do something are they spending too much time trying to do the wrong thing well i think anybody who would try their best to dismantle and wipe out one of the most meaningful pieces of legislation that has been passed in this country in the last forty years or so i don't understand. after medicare and medicaid in terms of health care for low income people or elderly people for people who don't have much we've never seen an. impact for. patient care i mean more than thirty million people get an opportunity to have health insurance
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who've never had it before people get an opportunity to have a regular physician they can go and see an. in out the murder rooms all of that receive in what i call care and so there has to be. and yet we have people saying. they don't need it i mean even to the extent of suggesting that. people will die and we know that they work. for congress and i also want to take a look at some of the bills that have been passed versus the ones that haven't been passed when you go ahead and bring out that graphic so some of the ones that haven't passed as a zero zero muscle barrier act of two thousand and twelve renaming dozens of post offices construction of several courthouses and
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a ski area recreational opportunity and handsome an act of two thousand and eleven and the other ones that are still on the table as the farms bill finances for the military plan measure to protect the victims of domestic violence bills to combat cyber crimes and bills to fund the u.s. postal service so it looks like we can agree to name the post office buildings but we can't find ways to fund them isn't there a priority left here or are these just the easiest ones to get passed where i think you're exactly right many of the bills that have been passed have been passed on suspension and of course with me. you know it's going to have a great deal of argument i mean who's going to argue about the name in of a post office who's going to argue about the name and of a federal building but we've been trying for example to get some real direction on what the postal service needs in order to remain viable and we can't get that
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bill passed we can't get agreement on that and i guess we're going to really have to wait until matters the taken by the citizenry and i guess if the citizenry will elect. individuals come in from their congressional districts to help create the composition of the house and senate that can work with the president then i think we would be in much better shape and much better position i don't have a problem with the idea that people will sometimes disagree but you don't have to disagree just for the sake of disagree may i mean you disagree when there is a solid logical position or reason that you feel compelled
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to take no we've had people disagree and because they wanted to try and make sure that the president of the united states is not really elected i think the people are going to reject that i think we're going to see come november that the people do want agreement that the people do want some logical decisions being made that people do want to create jobs they want to spur economic development they want to protect the rights of all people including immigrants and others who would come to this country and i guess matters would be in the hands of the people and that's where ultimately they always are and i think we'll see the changes occur in november and congress and we're almost out of time right here want to ask you one quick question n.f.l. so i can tell me the one bill that you would like to see passed before congress is
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out of session well i'd love to see the farm bill pass farmers need relief we had a tough summer drought and all kinds of things happen i'd love to see a transportation bill so that we can do some of all these infrastructure things that we need to do and i'd really like to see is have a budget that people can rely upon they know what it is they know what to expect and they know what they are most likely to receive. that was congressman danny davis u.s. representative from the seventh district of illinois now there are several important congressional elections coming up along with the presidential contest and this is an issue our team will cover in the coming days and weeks leading up to that election. well the u.s. congress might not be able to agree on just about anything these days but canada's newly elected party qua sure seems to be getting the ball rolling the party has
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cancel university tuition fee hikes repelled laws to restrict public demonstrations closed only nuclear power plant put shale gas development in the province on hold and pledged to reimburse a two hundred dollar health care tax on residents last year that was just day one of the parliament session and the most astounding part of this is that this one hundred eighty degree turn is that the party is still building coalitions with other parties in order to pass these legislations now to remind you what the p.q. party is it rose to power amid the extreme crackdown on student protesters the longstanding liberal party had been in control of quebec for nearly a decade before the selection and now the province's first of all premier prop my ra has taken the reins so is this the first day of parliament is that a sign of things to come to join joining me now to discuss this stick of reims an
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assistant professor for sonny empire state college hi there jacob so what's going on here. well what we're seeing is the end of an era the end of the euro the party the liberal party as you said he has been doing he been in office for almost ten years and one of the things in the parliamentary system is that when you get a new government you get a total a total shift in what goes on so the p.q. had made various promises to elements of its coalition during the campaign and now we're seeing them because on those promises so jacob let me ask you this is this a sign of things to come like i said is this is normal in canada to have so many things passed when when power shifts to another party. yeah well one thing to remember is a difference between the things actually passing immediately and announcements to the shale gas for instance was an announcement of a moratorium and they'll be a report in the study had to decide with
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a permanent thing will be. the tuition increase rollback was something that could be done by the by the premier immediately so it's a combination of sort of constitutional questions and how things are arranged about how things are going to vote but absolutely one of the one of the benefits of the curses depending on the way you think of it of a parliamentary system is that you don't have a president or governor make proposals and then have it debated in congress or the legislature in the same way that happens in this country now i also know that premier mike ross said she wasn't decreasing funding to universities during this time so where is all this funding coming from i mean they're avoiding to issue hikes there rebating the health tax and cutting back on shale gas development and closing the nuclear plant so i mean is this province going to go bankrupt to me or at this rate. i suppose that's a good question the nuclear plant question is actually they are saving money on that the nuclear plant is aging need
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a lot of renovation and actually shutting it down entirely is going to save the province a fair amount of money. the two hundred dollar tax for health care is going to be made up for maha said by raising taxes on the rich and as for tuition and the bursaries the the financial aid people don't actually know yet this is absolutely a critical victory for the student movement for the for the strike and for the student student leaders and unionists but it's not a it's not a complete victory no one actually knows what's going to happen there needs to be assessed a lot of discussion in the province about where money is going to come from. a lot of that is going to be about reform of the university and someone is going to be about taxes absolutely so should these legislations be passed until you know where the money is coming from are is a little bit hasty on their part well so so again it has to do with the way the money is or so that the legislation. the that was going to have to have the tuition
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increase is that a is legislation that was. it hadn't quite happened yet and so it's not that that this is a new thing it's just going back to the status quo. but you look at the way the best universities are the university to come back and there's been a lot of i don't want to say waste but a lot of different priorities priorities in spending money on things like development as opposed to things like students or faculty and so one of the things that this is going to have to do is really create a sense of a reply or ties ing what universities are going to do the university where i used to be associated concordia university in the last five years i think went through three presidents and each time one was forced out they would give that person a two hundred or three hundred thousand dollars. golden parachute not actually a useful way of spending money if you think you're actually short of money and take
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apart what i understand they're not even trying to increase the rate thread concurrent with the economy is that correct. well again this is this is somewhat up in the air maha has said that a inflation increase could be possible. that students are actually going back on to the streets on the twenty second there's going to be another another march for free choice and this is actually one of the things that the student movement was demanding was not simply a a a rollback of the increases that were announced but actually free tuition of real sense that education should be something like health care like in quebec child care like housing that should be provided by the nation or by the state for the benefit of the nation and it's not simply a private good or a something that should be an investment or the way it is in the united states a luxury good there's this real there's
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a real ideological sense of real commitment to being a social a social good in a social benefit and we know that the student movement seemed to have paralyzed the liberal party and boosted the p.q. party and took power among other things is this an example of protest movements making their way to parliament or is it bigger than that. i think it is bigger than that the campaign that we saw in august had a lot of different things that had a lot to do about nationalism and and language and religion it also had a lot to do with corruption there's a tremendous amount of corruption in the liberal party and we'll see there's a there's a commission going on right now the charbonneau commission and we'll see where that where that ends up but absolutely this is the power of the streets this is people this is this is the p.q. saying to part of their coalition which included students. this is this is part of what we stand for we stand for quebec that has to wish in. that everyone can afford
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that has higher education as part of the rights of citizenship and we know that her marriage is going to be meeting with canadian prime minister stephen harper next month we're going to have to wait to see what comes out of that but until then thank you so much for weighing in and that was assistant professor sonny empire state college thank you so much for joining me my pleasure take care. switching gears now if you were anywhere near an apple store today chances are you saw the black friday like alliance of people eager to get their hands on the new i phone five but as we talked about earlier this week the new i phone isn't the only thing apple is working on these days the company is finding new or more effective ways to control where you use your phone so as both the public and private sector look for new ways to rein in the wild west known as the internet laurie harshness of the resident dot net went to the streets of new york to find out just how secure you think your digital information is.
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security professionals and hackers around the world are holding classes in cryptography to teach people how to protect themselves in the digital world how concerned are you with your virtual privacy this week let's talk about that are you worried about your privacy online or on your computer or brother's very. soon to be board race you know i know that he is he's only just signed up for it banking because he was concerned that someone was going to steal is money but i think it comes down to convenience it's easier just to go online and chick everything. is a bit scary though is a password that is your head or your street name or something like that just. with that the easy one to guess. who do you think is the biggest villain out there in terms of invasion of privacy is it the public at large the government hackers. i'd
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say no it's not enough is being done on the part of the government and there's too much public interest in everybody's private business it's more of like a cultural thing i think everybody just wants everybody's stuff you know yeah and it's weird that companies are making money off of people's private information that's to be expected if they can make money they will. i don't give many information in. my name and maybe if. that's all what about on your computer though do you have sensitive files so. the baby better think about it yeah i think about it but. if you can encrypt it would you take a class to learn how to encrypt you don't care that much it's so much you keep any personal backgrounds on your computer yeah no one would you take cryptography class to learn how to protect it more. probably not know.
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the study but why do you think people don't do more because i think. they really expect it's going to happen to other people and never to ourselves the same reasons we eat poorly and don't exercise at the same reasons we don't protect ourselves are you suggesting whether or not you're concerned about your digital privacy the bottom line is the virtual world is quickly becoming what the real world says a place where big brother and bad forces might be watching you. and be sure to tune in to our five pm news hour where producer andrew blake will give us an inside look at crypto parties and how effective they are in protecting privacy but for now capital account is up next on our team let's check in with lauren lister to see what's on today's agenda hey there lauren hi there maggie and happy friday you know we have a really special show planned for you because though we do have guests who
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frequently come on our show and are critical of federal reserve policy or of fiscal policy or of too big to fail banks saying they need to be broken up or some kind of glass steagall reinstated have criticism of crony capitalism that kind of of a of a sentiment or view is expressed on our show often but a. i imagine it's not every day that that view is expressed by a former budget director o.m.b. director for a president in this case it was ronald reagan so david stockman he also was a congressman he's very well known guy and he is going to come on our show today to talk all about his take on federal reserve policy also taxes remember under reagan they lowered taxes but had some follies he's going to talk about what the problem was and it's something that i think is going to be a real treat for all of our viewers and yours on this friday are i learned when courage them to stick around to see that part of the show but that's going to do it
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for now for more on this or is it covered go to youtube dot com slash r t america or check out our website r.t. dot com slash usa and don't forget to come back and a half an hour but until then follow me on twitter at meghan underscore lopez c.n.n. . you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. of. the mission in free cretaceous free in-store charges free. arrangements free. three stooges free.
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