tv [untitled] September 21, 2012 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT
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the guys i'm having martin so a new gallup poll came out this morning finding that more people than ever do not trust the mass media to quote report the news accurately and fairly a whopping sixty percent said that they have little or no trust in old but that's not all last month public policy polling conducted a similar poll that found an astonishing seventy eight percent had an unfavorable view of the political media want to shocker because when you look at how our media would rather sell out for corporate advertiser than buy into an alternative viewpoint when you see these that our media would rather indorsed a politician and hold up politician accountable for their actions i think you know just like i do that the media works for nothing do they just work for their mouthpiece for the establishment the corporate press pushes issues that divide us
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instead of unite us and that divide is exactly why there's even a need for me to stand up here night after night and bitch you see our media is heading into an abyss and now it's up to you and me to do the damage control so let's break the set. i thought all week long the corporate press is how to fix station on u.s. attorney general eric holder and the fast and furious case take a look at the big rally point for a lot of republicans in this election year has been that botched gun tracing operation on the us mexico border called fast and furious the gun walking operation fast and furious which led thousands of weapons fall into the hands of mexican drug cartels tonight hands are really at the justice department two senior officials are out and attorney general eric holder admonishing his number two lenny brewer the third to be wrong this case is very relevant in fact the u.s.
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war on drugs is very much a topic worth discussing why the mainstream media would take their focus off sensationalizing politicians and actually talk about the drug war objective lee is the it's no question that the war on drugs is failing because no matter where or how you use brute force to quell the consumption of our clients you will never get rid of the demand people will always use drugs drugs won't always exist the real question the media should be asking in terms of the drug war is who manages the ply of drugs and who are left to suffer as a result. what was once an absolutely taboo topic is finally coming apart of the regular world dialogue among leaders lot american countries like guatemala ecuador brazil argentina and even colombia are reaching the consensus that softening anti drug laws would drive down the price of narcotics having a crippling impact on the deadly cartels that are wreaking havoc across latin america and the us mexico border but the u.s. remains unwavering in its drug war sending d.n.a.
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to conduct special anted our current operations in over a dozen countries ranged in assassinations of alleged drug smugglers all of the cloak of impunity and i see no success in reducing consumption of drugs in the u.s. the number one consumer of a list of drugs in the world now let's look at a cato institute study of portugal at the they decided to decriminalize all drugs in two thousand and one including cocaine and heroin now if one expected an absolute disaster but over a decade later the nightmare scenario of widespread drug use and violence never occurred and effect portugal now has among the lowest drug use in the entire european union disease and deaths linked to drug uses have actually decreased dramatically and experts suggest that the positive trends are a direct result of a government who is no longer focused on punishing drug users but instead treating drug addiction as an illness and offering treatment programs to its citizens so as
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portugal is a case in point of decriminalization being a viable solution why does the us refuse to explore this option. could have anything to do with instances like a cia rendition plane crashing in mexico with four tons of cocaine found inside or the fact that ninety percent of the world's heroin comes from a country that the us has been occupying for over a decade plus or the fact that the richest was turned banks making the same amount of profit laundering billions of dollars in drug money every year look i'm just trying to connect the dots here i mean maybe i'm wrong and us holds only one fifth of the global population but nearly a quarter of the world's prisoners it's those kinds of the cystic that make me question our legal system and our lawmakers relentless mission to incarcerate nonviolent drug offenders allow us to legalize or not to legalize that is the question and in fact just yesterday my producer caught up with former
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colombian president uribe for an exclusive energy interview and asked just that check out what he had to say. for drugs who we all die you tell me names you know you know what i mean these things from colombia to you is the export of and you see drugs for. almost one thousand tons to. two hundred however we were no certified by two because what we need to fully eliminate using drugs if you need to have. reasonable approach we have this approach and. if you don't want to do so and you will find out what goes to estate in colombe are. not be taken to you. should be treated. people should be taken to hospital. but these t.v.
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these t.v. ads have to be taken to jail. being sociology to cause you about politics to. grab the stick approach it is no necessity to liberalize he said trucks wow president uribe makes a very good point well he's never supported legalization he says that penalizing the consumption of drugs does not fix the problem it doesn't even treat the symptoms here stand something that a lot american lawmakers are and willing to accept keeping drug use illegal only result in the arrest and incarceration of large numbers of people most of whom are poor and dark skinned but hey that's how we like it here in america right keeping prison cells full meaning the life means lining the pockets of the multibillion dollar private prison industry now that's an addiction that we can't seem to break . i.
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more so than ever in recent months there's been a real push for dialogue in latin america over options and alternatives to a war on drugs that many leaders in the western hemisphere see as failed join me to discuss the war on drugs and more about that i'm joined by our two producers men well rocco and amir a dating. so why did it take so long that many i'll start with you since you just sat down with everybody yesterday why did it take so long for these latin american countries to really start decriminalizing you know that's a very good question i think that you can't look at this without examining you know two premiers of what's going on in latin america there's a very dynamic change in the political landscape of latin america right now a lot of these countries that are experiencing these booms to their economies ecuador colombia brazil argentina these are countries that before had strong ties the united states felt obligated to kind of go along with the with the same policies as the united states when it came to drug wars there now as
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a result of their economic freedom also seeing this sort of autonomy to to kind of pursue their own their own policies their own policies within their countries and at the same time a lot of other countries that are not experiencing these growth in their wealth like water and nicaragua that are still trying to pursue different policies are doing it for a different reason they're doing this because they're seeing that there's been a negative impact from the u.s. drug policy in latin america these seen as a result of doubling up efforts to fight the drug war it's a rise in homicides a rise in violence so they're willing to explore specifically guatemala willing to explore ideas like decriminalizing and even legal as legalization of illicit drugs what do you think america i mean i think it's an unfortunate situation i really do and i understand that the leaders are extremely frustrated and they're sort of in this gridlock and i feel that they i think in many ways think that they're just on their own and that the you know that they don't have a partner in the u.s. in many ways to really kind of fight this problem and i think it's affecting them.
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you know probably. significantly worse than it's affecting us as much as it's affecting us but at the same time i mean to say that pushing for decriminalization of drugs i mean these are serious drugs that we're talking about i personally just don't think that that's that's a viable solution but what about like we mentioned before portugal i mean as a country that decriminalize all drugs across the spectrum and they have the lowest rates of addiction they treat them like they're what's interesting you know that because i think that was a cato institute study but i actually found another report that was just it just came out that said that actually the country has the highest amount of. they call injected drug related aids cases and it's been high for a very long time and it's stayed up since since the decriminalize drugs and not only that but they have some of the worst overdoses they've ever seen they they said that the overdoses actually increased by thirty percent so that's one point i think that they're like i think i think that needle exchange program in conjunction
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with maybe the decriminalization is something else to explore but ok so yes i understand you're saying the hard drugs you know where they're going to end. further i don't know i'm starting to up but i think i still think that portugal makes is a very very interesting case and exactly what you said it's case in point to make the argument of how we can work how something like this can work a country that's exposed that's had problems with with a lot of drug addiction a lot of narco trafficking in the past portugal's one of those countries they were willing to explore other viable solutions like decriminalization we have ten years to explore the data of what happened in portugal and we saw that there was a big decrease in drug usage that the government of that country decided that they weren't going to pursue penalizing drug users and that they were going to invest and we saw with the interview with president a rebate that's the same thing that you know a lot of these countries in latin america are trying to do and here's the problem that a lot of people are suggesting that just because it's working and or to go all that
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we can apply this sort of strategy to different countries and you know people. talking about it particularly in this country is that is that if you go it and i think that it would be an absolute disaster and i want to know what will go on i'm sorry i just want to talk let's shift the focus really quickly on marijuana yes you can argue that you know decriminalizing all drugs across the spectrum i mean personally i'm more in line and the other way let's talk about marijuana that because we're running out of time and i wanted to talk about eric holder and obama saying you know we're going to let states decide it for their own for their own destiny like if you want to if you want to legalize marijuana go ahead and we see just harsh crackdowns on cannabis clubs kind of mafia style stealing the merchandise miscible marijuana does have benefits that is different than you could argue heroin or cocaine what do you think the argument to that is where do you draw the line you know you legalize marijuana and then i think it's our culture as americans to really fight for and want to legalize something exactly what's the point in drawing the line why not just go ahead and decriminalize everything i don't understand why americans are so afraid of just saying you know what you're
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the government you're not you you shouldn't have the right to tell me what i can or cannot put in my body and i'm not saying let me put it this way if you if cocaine and heroin and crack and meth it was all made legal tomorrow would you go out and purchase it and shoot up heroin i doubt it i wouldn't do it i definitely so i mean what's the why should the going to be there in calculating risk i mean you don't know what's going to happen in america just because it works in a country like portugal does not mean it's going to work and. study time but i just want to make the point that yes you could argue decriminalization for heroin cocaine which i personally do agree with but at the same time look at the legal drugs in this country there's pretty much legal heroin being sold in these areas there i mean and then you look at the management of the ninety percent of the world's opium and opium latex is needed to manufacture pharmaceutical in the pharmaceutical lobby to this country i mean really quickly do you think about one of the most under-reported problems we have in this country and i think i actually saw a report that said it's killing more people than illicit drugs are and so i think
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that maybe we should really be shifting our diet. in our discourse to the prescription just prescription drugs and pharmaceutical industry and perhaps how might be a little corrupt and have and how it ties in everything else thank you so much for coming on american all down the well i will in america has your thanks i. feel like you see so far about our youtube channel on youtube dot com slash reg in the set and subscribe check our facebook page at facebook dot com for thoughts breaking the set i know the nature of the internet is that hate is going to hate and trolls and a troll but if you're the more intelligent minded feel free to write me and let me know you think and if you're wondering about what i'm doing or bitching about when i'm not on air follow me on twitter at abby martin late take a break from my preaching for now but stay tuned to hear about how to break the set of the two party ideology next.
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democracy has through the years been dominated by a two party system republicans and democrats and winner take all approach of governance now is they have november elections draw near and many americans once again have to be faced with picking a candidate from the same two party establishment but i didn't have to be that way but if americans really had a fair choice the ability to pick a presidential candidate that spoke specifically to their principles and beliefs well it's exactly what i want to talk to you about today the choice between small government and big government and the possibility of moving beyond these box paradigms tell me talk about this more i'm joined now by the executive director of the liberty for all super pac press and bates thanks for coming in thanks for having having so president i think a lot of people see libertarianism as subsect of the republican party and a lot of them are turned off by that how can there be a gap to be bridge between progressivism and libertarianism libertarianism when it first started many many many moons ago had roots in radicalism it was trying to
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overthrow the original class a system in mercantile ism and work until it's europe and sometimes it's gotten away from its roots it's got to do more to reach out to people who care about fairness and equality and equal treatment of the law we've got to talk about. you know why there is the ninety nine and the one percent america and how we've gotten away from our equal opportunity under the law equal treatment of the law. i think the more we can do to reach out to not just one party but both parties are independent thinking and not part of the traditional political establishment the better off. self ownership and moral libertarianism and the movement will be as a whole i think when you look at corporations and especially in light of the occupy wall street movement the two tiered justice system in which we're living and i think a lot of people can't differentiate anymore between corporations and government revolving door between all the. regulatory bodies are supposed to be looking out for our interests so when they see something like an ideology like libertarianism
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which is talking about putting free rein in the market and letting corporations govern themselves how can we make sure that corporations will be morally conscious bodies capable of self regulating and more of the conscious way americans got a america's got a crisis on its hands frankly has to come to grips with the idea that corporations and we live in a frankly corporatist world american people are starting to come to grips with this you hear the wall street the ninety nine percent of the occupy rhetoric. frankly we don't have a free market we don't have a fair market we have an oligopoly i'm in favor of fair markets where everybody is treated equally under the law or an illiterate blind a middle lower class person is the just same perspective of privilege in treatment of the law as a billionaire or tycoon i think that's a moral fabric a moral framework for america fair markets not free markets so you talked about you know we don't live in a fair market today what exactly is the difference between what we're seeing if if indeed we were living in a free market capitalist society which we know that we're not but what is the
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difference between fair and free markets i guess a free market has a connotation that the right and the left are propagating back and forth of unregulated unfettered capitalism and grandma is on the street corner and medicare medicaid but no one's going to donate we ought to be categorically false and patently untrue i mean people gave all sorts of contributions to victims of hurricane katrina people give to charities things like consumer reports yelp are private solutions to what has been a centrally planned system so my suggestion is that we internalize the repercussions of our actions i don't think it's right that corporations should be able to create a shield of protection around them so they don't have to be responsible for their actions that to me is more crony and i advocate a fair market system where people pay the consequences of their actions and all a perfect example of this could be that b.p. oil spill i mean does something catastrophic need. happen where company poisons the entire gulf coast or fukushima the reactors were so denigrated and it came out
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later that they knew that the wells were falling apart they knew that the reactors were falling apart but to meet their bottom line they wanted to make those profits how what oversight would be over these corporations is something disastrous need to happen in order for people to wake up and say i'm going to not support this business if we weren't good and that system of governance i believe that people i think part of the problem with our of our philosophy is sometimes we're talking about what government shouldn't do instead of what people can do i believe in a visionary creative imaginative human race so i think one of the things when you start doing is saying people should response for their reactions and people can wake up and realize that there's a company that's going to cut corners maybe we shouldn't buy their gas anymore maybe we shouldn't be patronizing that business and we shouldn't be allowing these corporations to have a liability shield of indifference or irresponsibility around them that's immoral and i think that's a very moral crisis that shaking the fabric of america today but still i mean yes people definitely should be morally responsible and be able to see these things and
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say i'm not going to support this as i am going to support this one that doesn't do these these horrible things the environment and humanity at large but there has to be some sort of oversight at the community level sure absolutely how would that work well first thing we can do is get government out of the way is saying you can't compete with me on a certain industry there should be no barriers to entry any industry everybody should be able to compete and try to satisfy human beings wants and needs then if some agency is not doing a good job of overseeing something or regulating something they'll be a private alternative they'll be a consumer reports or a yelp that will step up and say don't use that company did you hear about the fact that they were cutting corners and they drilled without oversight and used all drills and had no rendition of protocol set up to try to sequester the oil that was leaking in the golf i mean i don't think most americans would tolerate buying a product where they knew it was going to kill people it just seems like i mean ralph nader when he you know. when he helped facilitate that mandate in cars to get airbags it's like well how long would it have taken automobile industry to really
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prepare and then i think we have to ask ourselves should we force people to do things if we own ourselves then maybe we should be forced using the law for the force of the law to make people act in certain ways they really need to do is that america is waking up and realize we need more and more and a vigil responsibility not only in our political system but in our personal lives be responsible for the products you use i think a lot of people who are really into ron paul and the liberty movement i heard a lot of them say that they wanted dennis kucinich as his running mate a lot of people and i think this is going on with what you're saying is that there could be something bridge between the two parties. senators ideals and ron paul's whole fear civil libertarian anti interventionism ideology but preston is it time to move beyond these boxed archaic paradigms do they study humanity i mean the age of twenty first century and lightman where technology is advancing every second are we stuck in kind of these old school ideological barriers is absolutely totally are i mean why do americans tolerate two choices for very very important service we
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like choice we were america we are a land of entrepreneurship and yet we only have two choices for a way of handling some of those important things in the world doesn't make any sense people are smarter than that they're there they see beyond it i would say there's not really two choices is actually one choice one wants to be in the bedroom and wants to be in the bank it's time we had a real true freedom party emerge and isn't it a very independent registered independent person i'm working to advance every single day and i really appreciate your candor and also your diligence you're very young and you've dedicated your life to really being the change press and i really thank you for coming on and sharing your perspective i couldn't agree more when you're on the right track there's lots happening in the states and people are covering this story and a lot more to come and yours absolutely thank you so much. two marks the one year anniversary of the execution of troy davis the georgia man who
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was convicted of murder and sentenced to the death penalty in one thousand nine hundred one in two thousand and seven the georgia board of pardons and paroles stated that davis would never be put to death unless there was no doubt of his guilt yet despite a cloud of uncertainty surrounding the case and a lack of hard evidence actually linking him to the killing davis was executed by lethal injection at eleven o eight pm one year ago today while the world watched in horror troy had faced imminent death multiple times leading up to his execution in two thousand and eight he was given a stay just ninety minutes before he was set to be killed and last year while protests raged all day police tried to stifle dissent showing a critter disregard for popular opinion about the verdict if you aren't familiar with the case let me break down some reasons why there was so much doubt seven out of nine witnesses recanted their eye witness testimony of seeing davis kill the policeman and many of those that did recant their evidence that they were initially
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co worst by police to testify against davis now one of those eyewitnesses sylvester coles that hasn't changed his story has been implicated as the actual killer by nine people have come forward since there is absolutely no forensic or d.n.a. evidence linking troy davis of the killing and no gun was ever found connecting him to the murder so i guess it's fair to say that this isn't a closed case by any means now ben jealous president and c.e.o. of the c.p. made the most important point of all about the case to me yesterday check it out. still going forward with basically the state's vengeance and the really sad part is that what it means is that no one can really be sure that the actual killer was ever caught. the real killer is still free and someone innocent has been murdered by the state and no matter what opinion you hold about the death penalty it's worth noting that over one hundred and thirty seven people on death row have already been
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exonerated through d.n.a. evidence that proved their wrongful convictions and taking that statistic into consideration it's likely that many innocent people have already been put to death by the state but if you don't care about sponsoring the death of innocent people perhaps you might care about how it impacts your pocketbook because the death penalty judicial process is absurdly expensive to taxpayers. in california alone taxpayers pay ninety thousand dollars more every year per birth death row prisoner than those regularly uncursed rated and the appeals process takes decades to complete while death row inmates are held in conditions tantamount to solitary confinement plus two thirds of the world's countries have abolished the death penalty and in fact the us is only one of all the industrialized countries in the world that still practice it at least six hundred seventy six people were put to death and nineteen countries during two thousand and eleven with iran at three
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sixty plus saudi arabia with eighty two plus iraq sixty eight plus yemen forty one plus and america at forty three so executions in the united states are right on par with some of the most heinous human rights abusers in the world and that's not including china of course on the top of that was official number of executions is a state secret but it's believed to be between two thousand and eight thousand a good thing china owns our debt and in fact most of the world is in agreement the u.n. general assembly has passed a resolution for the last three years calling for a worldwide moratorium on the death penalty look i used to support the death penalty when i was a kid like many americans i know still do and used to think that if you kill someone then you should be killed and i for an i right but on a philosophical level should those who perform the execution be killed as well well suffice it to say that after learning about how the process actually works i no longer support it there's no humane way to kill someone and i think that the aca
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executing a prisoner is by barrick especially in front of an audience the murder of an alleged killer might be gratifying moment for closure for the victim's family members but it will never fill the void of losing a loved one instead it will only feel a vicious cycle of vengeance and a hate. mission free cretaceous free transport charges free. range month free. free. to tide free. download free bontemps plug in video for your media projects and free media oh don the r t v dot com you.
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