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tv   [untitled]    September 21, 2012 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT

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length. of time the. club looked at it.
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the sun. i'm max kaiser this is the kind of the report you know they say if you remember the sixty's you weren't really there well actually other people say during the sixty's if you recall turned on tune in drop out that was a thing to say today it's drop dead body you ain't got high net worth value or you
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might as well opt out. stacy ever yes max and they were getting very high back then and today it's all about high value high value air passengers may get fast track passport checks right here in london that heathrow airport u.k. border agency is working on plans for priority passport liens for rich travelers at heathrow brian moore max the departing head of u.k. border force told m.p.'s that high value people who were considered valuable passengers by the airlines or valuable to the british economy would be given priority treatment at immigration control under the plans well this is the beginning of completely giving up trying to maintain a sustainable economy that works for a majority of the constituencies are simply going to abandon the vast majority of people living in countries like the u.k.
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and around the world and they're going to simply cater to the top twenty percent of their customer base you know you get eighty percent of your revenues from twenty percent of your customers that are going to say well the eighty percent of our customers i don't give us enough revenue at all we're going to abandon them we're going to we don't care if they drop dead a ditch you know the same thing at j.p. morgan they say the hundred thousand or so customers who don't give them any fees by the end of the year they're not banking enough with j.p. morgan they just abandon that they cut them off cut them off of the grid go got a reservation some way to drink or something that we don't care pretty soon you know london was often the scene of all you know the peasants having to prostrate themselves on the ground so that the royals could walk over them and not have to step in the mud you could imagine that at the airport here it's going to be tough to decide like what the cutoff date of course to cut off is all going to be rising so people constantly be drifting out of the v.i.p. as the inflation required to finance separate airports one of the happy loans makes the value of the top one tenth of one percent go are these people producers you could be one guy in line if you want any reporting on any airplane but everyone
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else has to wait and watch him get on the airplanes going to all the airplanes and all the air. words a little boost of body for all that from the mideast of course a headline in the last week or so has been that the billionaire scott ritter millionaires one hundred millionaires are getting poorer so they're going to be pretty soon down with the job and the regular heathrow now they've said that this is about expediency they want to speed up the line so they decided that well we like the high value people the stinky presence they can they give glory with the game going to their work chickens and goats and livestock and michael o'leary you know we back there to encouraging the goats to you know to stand up while they're showing down of them ok well as i said it was for expediency six so let's move on to another method being used right now deployed throughout the world to x. expedite matters local district attorneys sell their letterhead and threats of jail time to debt collectors so this was actually a new york times exposé and they found
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a offices across america are selling the use of their letterhead but they're also falsely suggesting that law enforcement is pursuing criminal action the debt collectors then use a hard sell to sell them financial accountability classes and you can see from this image here this is an actual letter where a woman was to check for forty seven dollars a wal-mart as you see there asking for two hundred eighty dollars and five cents and that they're selling as a part of the package is very hard to see it max but they're selling a financial accountability class and it says my office has established a bad restitution program later in the letter is says participation in the bad restitution program is voluntary but the d.a.'s office is are collecting some kickback on this they're collecting a share of this kickback scheme with these private debt collectors going through losing of accountability is delusional the district attorney if you lose you have
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a justice system so the following is going to lose him of the son of the illusion of the justices. they probably sold forward to goldman sachs says but the illusion of a justice system futures contracts at their back and to sell and borrow money to so more feet leverage to more fake collectors of fake debts to further than us a fake being so they're going to ride on the v.i.p. line not to be out there at the stinking goats in the fourth class michael o'leary from right there a former da interviewed in the new york times piece said it was fair to do this because they actually have a law enforcement would overburden the court system or the resources of the district attorney's so he's saying we can avoid due process if it's for the presence of the stinky people have to ride with the goats in the back of the plane because it's a hassle known force one is a burden on society the cross of law enforcement is obviously not in keeping with balancing the books for a just society we don't need law enforcement anymore what we need are more guys who are going to offer a v.i.p. lines to the top three or four clip the cracks around the world and everyone else
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can just basically being a. whore with knives and guns and fight it out without loss you know if you're trying to get on easyjet and there's only one look to shoot the guy next year stab them if you can get on to the plane no problem but you know they'll be wishing for the days when the planes blew up at her i checked those would be the good old days compared to what's coming now what do you see this across our entire society we have the military industrial complex running our national defense systems so they sell the package that you know we're going to save you money if we just use these unmanned drones and just like laser to death people around the world and say well they might have been innocent and of course there's no due process or hey b.s. corpus but hey you know we save you money how do you invaded that country it might have cost more but unmanned drones but you know michael o'leary of ryanair he gets through with this he's going to sell tickets you could hang on to the wing of a man so the man drones flying over someplace like an illegal photograph of people doing little things without being criminalized it doesn't feel the need to bring forth a surveillance state that took the car that we take all the nickels out of the part
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of the michael o'leary what you're paying out of the way other drug. if you could get to your destination of course is better than flying with a goat. so you didn't mention opting out of the system and this has been a headline that has received a lot of attention in the last week and this was the washington post piece where they talked about more americans opting out of banking system so according to an f.b.i. c study that's the federal deposit insurance corporation eight hundred twenty one thousand households quote opted out of the banking system from two thousand and nine to two thousand and eleven and the so-called unbanked population grew to eight point two percent of the population but there's also an under banks population max so there are seventeen million americans who are on banked and another fifty one million are under a bank that is they have a bank account but they can't actually use it from anything so they're actually using pawnshops payday lenders and rent to own services that means twenty point one
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percent of the u.s. adult population is under banked. you know they were kicked to the do you buy their story was that by the cloak of crafts again i was saying on the show for years down repeated right now because of comparison it's the same thing that happened when rolled over america but the road to the reservation now you've got the white man taking the other white man and putting him on to get you know good legs that's happening now where they can't get banking they can't get on any of those flights or just get money even for fifty bucks to give get a place i'm going to do a drawing ok first a new america first a new global lobotomy well as we've covered here j.p. morgan has already basically totally backed out of the banking services system for the poor they only deliver the food stamps to the poor because they are guaranteed income by the taxpayer but in this article in the washington post they say did say that it was the banks who are opting out of having these clients the headline reads
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as if it's it was a free choice of the american population to. you have to make a stand against the too big to fail banks or the banking system as it is but no no no it is the banks who are saying it's too difficult to make money on low income families the cost outweighs the return on them nessa feddis the v.p. of american bankers association the lobby group for these bankers she says you can't take a losing account and make it up in bulk you're not going to spend money to lose money except at the banking industry has used this model of losing money on every trade and making it up on both to finance the dot com bubble the housing bubble the discretion one nine hundred eighty seven this is a modus operandi the mouse so consumer products and also products so they'd lose money on every single trade know what is actually holding the hedges that they say they're hedging that's why they're constantly going to the government for bailouts to cover the money that they lose by selling things at a loss every single time they sell something they lose money on retail customers
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because they don't need their deposits or you know they would need their deposits to fund their banking operations but those problems are given to them from the federal reserve so saying you know what we don't want to reach all the costs anymore because we've got this real issue of the federal reserve bank as long as we make sure that you're going to be as crashing the interest rates are zero and they'll keep subsidizing our free money we parasols huge bonuses so we don't want to give people the right to own a banking account because then they would start enterprising corporations and banks and competition and they would be forced to get a job for a living here we don't have to work for a living would like to work for a living but dog of course is out of the picture of course but his replacement would have to start working for a living so that twenty percent of the american population is under banked and that's an excuse you mentioned the housing market bubble and a lot of that was caused by them forcing people into subprime mortgages even though they qualified for a normal mortgage they would just force them into the subprime which meant they could charge on the higher interest rate and this case as well so what you have fifty one million americans under a bank where they're saying no we can't we don't make money on them in the normal
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banking system they claim. so we're going to force them into the four hundred percent interest rate at the payday lenders that we also own they don't want those people to borrow money or a bank account because then they would become possible competitive entities competing with the bank they'd rather force them on to reservations and have them be forced to buy cheap booze and i and to kill themselves basically that's jamie going his message to retail america is hey america go kill yourself that's just the logo of chase manhattan bank we want you to commit suicide thanks for banking or not banking with chase manhattan bank well it's all about of course the immigration lines as well they don't have to compete there they don't want too many high value people competing at the immigration line they want to be able to sue pass them and say where rich here are not these guys who just all shop best to go back to the nine hundred sixty s. and get make it get into a sweat lodge drop acid and come back to planet earth because they're smoking some
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serious crack if they think that they can get away with this much longer the good words of the. tom toms are beating and they're looking for you my friend so here you have us a lobbyist for the bankers association saying we wouldn't we can't stay in business by servicing the poor now here's what they themselves do to their own business u.b.s. trader risk the very existence of the bank court told so this is here and london in the past week and a u.b.s. trader ran up potential losses of seven billion pounds on lied to bosses in an attempt to increase his bonus right because he lost every single trade he lost on every single trade and that's why they keep having it bailed out by everyone else who's now suffering austerity for not sharing to share with extra strain the guys report thank you max all right stick to it for the second hour of the show i'll be talking to richard stallman a man who opted out of the on free world. download
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live. welcome back to the kaiser report so i'm out of turn to software freedom activist and hacker richard stallman president of the free software foundation richard is in town because he spoke at the midpoint twenty twelve conference we're happy to have me on the kaiser report richard welcome to the kaiser report thanks but since you've introduced me as a hacker i better explain what that really mean that's my first question richard
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stallman what is a hacker. hacking means playful cleverness and a hacker is somebody who does hacking or appreciates hacking so if you like being playfully clever or if you enjoy seeing other people be playfully clever then you're a hacker now this doesn't have to be done with computers you can do hacking in lots of media for instance when i see photos of lady gaga as costumes i'm convinced that she is a hacker at least in the area of clothing right so you know the old days when hewlett and packard were in their garage i think the used to call tinkering is a kind of the same thing well sure if you're being playfully clever in designing circuits or writing software then you're hacking right but for some reason it's become a pejorative phrase and the word hacker has become synonymous with doing bad things and breaking well that's the first of all. breaking security is not necessarily bad
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it can be bad or good depending on what you do with the access those gained but in any case the reason why many people think that's what it means is the confusion of journalists around one thousand nine hundred one when they found out about hackers they somehow focused on one activity that some hackers did some of the time which was breaking security on computers and they ignored all the rest of what hackers did now my hacking hardly ever had to do with security except in cases where i protested against security which is not the same thing is breaking security . right now richard stallman you're known for developing and promoting free software and you approach software as somebody approaching a box of crayons it's a toolset that anyone should have access to to create any manner of things on the
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web and the impediment to this has been copyright copyright actually i don't agree but first of all it's not just a matter of creating something it's a matter of having control over the software you use if you use something to do a practical job if people use a work to do a practical job those people deserve to have control over the work they are using and that includes software because software is a work that's made for doing practical jobs with so free software is the software that's controlled by its users and in order for the users to have that control they need the four essential freedoms freedom zero is the freedom to run the program however you wish freedom one is the freedom to study the source code and change it so the program does your computing the way you wish these two freedoms give each
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individual control one user at a time but that's not enough partly because most users don't know how to program so they don't know how to exercise freedom one at least not directly so we need collective control as well and for that we need to more freedoms freedom to is the freedom to help others to redistribute exact copies of the program and freedom three is the freedom to contribute to your community that is to distribute copies of your modified version with the four freedoms together any group of users whether it's two users or a million users can exercise control over its version of this program. and so the free software is the software of at the user's control but if the program is not free software and it's free isn't free to of course then it's the program that controls the users but the owner of the program controls the program
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and through its exercise is unjust power over the users so a non free program is a yoke it's an instrument for subjugating other people and the idea of the free software movement is get rid of non free software software users users of computing must be free they must have control over the computing they do are let's talk about the biggest company in the world the biggest computer company a world apple computer of course that has a reputation that goes back to the origins of the founder of having something of a hippie but they're very hard when it comes to digital rights management and protection of intellectual property rights lees don't use those propaganda terms you're talking about digital restrictions management that's what it is for the victims the general public now the perpetrators of course they want to make it sound good so they call it digital rights management both of these terms put spin
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on it each of these terms takes a side you choose your side and you choose your term so i call it digital restrictions management as for quote intellectual property unquote that doesn't really mean anything because it means a dozen or so unrelated laws that do totally different things just to mention two of them there is copyright law and there's patent law and those laws are totally different there are effects in the computer field are completely different so if you think of them is one thing you're not going to understand either one so any time somebody starts talking to you and using the term quote into. property unquote what he's saying is now is vague and confused and if you want to get to the truth you should pin him down what do you really talking about here and maybe you'll find out he's talking about copyrights or maybe you'll find out he's talking about.
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trade secrets or maybe you'll find out he's talking about controlled geographical terms like bill for a wine or there are several other things he might be talking about and he may not even realize that they're different because that term confuses every discussion it enters into ok clearly richards well you mentioned yellow me the apple ok yeah ok yeah apple apple is the pioneer in designing computers to restrict their users even more and the users recognize this when they speak about breaking some of the digital handcuffs in the i things they call it jailbreaking which recognizes that those computers are designed as jails if you don't want to live in jail don't use them but now that apple has paved the way microsoft is following the same path windows eight does the same nasty thing it censorship of
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application programs which apple practices in an essentially arbitrary way for its own business interests clearly the internet in the history of the internet over the past fifteen years twenty years and you of course were involved in the creation going back to the one nine hundred seventy s. but the history now is radically changing the the privileges and rights that were enjoyed by the majority of users are being stripped correct and worse and worse it's headed if we don't act now were we talking about well for years we've been concerned that big companies want to turn the internet essentially into some a broadcasting system where everything people do is under the control of some big company because they're doing it together with some server warning to a big company and that company imposes whatever rules it chooses to impose. yes and
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then we have the copyright industry that is trying to turn the web into a system of censorship and the internet requires surveillance in order to do censorship so with the censorship goes total surveillance also and you see this with the systems of punishment without trial in the u.k. has an official system of punishment without trial called the digital economy act in the u.s. there's no such law but obama brokered a friendly agreement between the major i s p's and the movie and record companies which are the enemies of the freedom of internet users where the i s p's will unofficial li punish people without trial if they are accused of sharing you know we have to be accused no proof is required of course sharing shouldn't be punished
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at all in any fashion because sharing is good that's part of why we should have the internet so people can share copies of any published work now when i say share i mean something specific i mean noncommercial redistribution of exact copies sharing must be legal sharing that is of any published work people shouldn't be allowed to share your personal data that's a different kind of issue but once something is published it's available in some fashion to anybody so there's no secrecy about that and people should be free to share it it's got to be legalized all the things that they do to try to stop people from sharing they are all evil in their purpose and of course they tend to be evil in their methods because sharing is good and with the internet sharing is easy so people share and when you're trying. when somebody is trying to stop you from doing
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something that's both easy and good it's not easy to stop you they're going to have to threaten to hurt you in nasty ways so that's what they do with these three strikes type. laws of punishment without trial they abolish the basic principle of justice no punishment without a fair trial and that shows just how far they're willing to go in destroying everything that a just society is based on to achieve their evil ends or just on it talking about educating people of these concepts there's another group of folks out there that are being a lot more aggressive anonymous lol sakic cetera they're taking a much more confrontational approach your thoughts well anonymous is not being aggressive anonymous does protests in the virtual world that are comparable to common protests in the physical world for instance when they get lots of people to
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send lots of requests to a website all at once that's like having a protest in front of the door of a building now. having a protest in front of the door of a building is not a crime but we are under the control of the empire of the corporations the governments that rule our countries or governments of occupation they don't work for us they don't represent us they pretend to but they're really working for the empire and so they seek to criminalize protest whenever they can so in the us we saw a massive protests also in the u.k. in the occupy movement and they were crushed by force and. journalists were attacked as well again and again. but it's one opportunity to criminalize protesters when the form changes when people move from physical space protests to
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virtual protests it's it's comparable but it's not exactly the same thing and that's an opportunity to declare it a crime so the. the virtual wall street protests of anonymous are labeled as d.d. o. s. attacks and they're described with the vocabulary of criminality and people who are punished essentially for protesting in front of the door but that's just because they are the enemies of democracy that are doing this they are trying to punish people for practicing democracy all right richard stallman president of free software foundation write a time thanks so much for being on the kaiser parappa leave it there aviano backs and happy hacking all right that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert and i thank my guest richard stallman president of the free software foundation if you want some email please do so at
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kaiser reported r t t v dot ru until next time ask others and buy a. pretty free. range means free. free. free. old free board video for your media project for free video don carty dot com.


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