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tv   [untitled]    September 21, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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on the magna big picture rubble joining me are francesca chambers editor and publisher of red alert politics the reverend alexander boehlert president of rainbow push detroit chapter and laughlin mark
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a investigative reporter with the heritage foundation let's get back to the electorate is fighting back against voter suppression id laws in ohio african-american women are rallying against the law and knowing that it's minorities who will be affected the most but here's what pennsylvania state representative darrell metcalf a sponsor of his state's radical voter suppression id law said in a recent interview about those upset with voter id laws. as mitt romney said i mean what we have forty some percent of the people that are living off the the public dole living off of their neighbors' hard work and we have a lot of people out there they're too lazy to get off and what being you know to get up and get out there and and get the id they need so i mean if individuals are too lazy the state can't fix that so is that true as a single mother working three jobs too lazy to take up time go to the d.m.v. and go to an idea vote lauchlan. i certainly don't agree with that characterization you know a lot of people have a lot on their hands working multiple jobs raising kids so on so should we make it harder for them to vote. i mean voting is
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a right of course but no not according the supreme court there is no there is no right to vote for president bush v gore it's not a right what is a right i think we should we let it go with a right then owning a gun you have a right to only have the supreme court has ruled that exactly yet they've also ruled that it's perfectly legitimate to ask for id for you bottom no if they did i wouldn't object to say that i got it that i did remind you can walk into any gun store and you can buy it when you want to move to it and you can and you can walk around with a concealed i mean it's the most look i used to live there that's all i know you know they're it's a legitimate it's a legitimate request to ask for id you know even even upon you even a needle conducting your most basic way right says every state in the union people show some form of identification in order to register to vote in every state in the union and they sign they they put down the signature and then in every state and when you come in to vote your signature gets checked against your signature so it's
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a form of you know it's like looking at a fingerprint what's you know this is worked really really well for us for a long long time down in florida you know all crazy rick scott decided that he was going to go find the illegal voters and spent millions of dollars trying to purge hundreds of thousands of people off the list he found one guy who was an austrian who with a nice german accent who had moved to canada became a canadian citizen moved to florida claimed us of this and shipped so he can get his concealed weapon permit and he could buy all his guns and then vote in the two thousand and four two thousand elections for george bush the one guy who committed voter fraud that they were able to follow ok but let's let's take a different state was take minnesota. not the recall election the lead to the runoff between coleman and franken a review of voting records after that election showed more than one thousand convicted felons voted in a runoff that was decided by just over three hundred votes ok so we're not talking about a theoretical problem here this is a real problem if if those people. illegally voted right now they'd be in jail
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i mean we had we had last year there were sixteen prosecutions for illegal voting it's not people for you to prosecute voter fraud as a theory it's like no it is not or could get is a failure and you throw it it goes back to jail it's expensive to promise you that consulate or fraud it is difficult to convict for voter fraud a lot of states don't even want to enter into that when they know that voter fraud is occurred because it is expensive to do it it's hard to detect voter fraud i mean you would use the seventy four million dollars in seven years looking for voter fraud he fired seven attorneys general are several of them quit over the fact that they refused to spend anymore looking for voter fraud and what did they find more people in the united states every year die from televisions falling on them than commit voter fraud people who say that voter fraud already exist or clearly not reading the news in mississippi recently there was a member of the executive board of the mississippi m w c p and went to jail on ten counts of voter fraud she voted as ten different people who want to jarrett and she
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got caught and she did get caught and she did go to jail she was one of them that got caught it is not always easy to catch someone particularly if they did what she did which is you know did absolutely with a second or another different and or a bullet i want to get your thoughts on this but let me just make this point first if i may it we have a firm time or the. what typically what we do are cost benefit analysis ok we say ok you know if this. power plant is going to spew mercury into the air and the first ninety nine percent of the mercury is only going to cost a buck and a half to get rid of but that last one percent is going to cost five thousand dollars to get rid of we're going to let that one percent go out because you know we can figure out what the cost versus benefit are we look at that the spending hundreds of thousands millions of dollars to knock people off the voter rolls five million people nationwide is what is what you know alec the american legislative exchange council is talking about five million people to stop thirty or forty or
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maybe a couple of thousand people from committing voter fraud that doesn't seem to me like a reasonable cost benefit we're not even looking at that anymore because progressives actually stop them from continually that this is what they are asked and see him in over fifteen states who just did rectally answer your question you know can you can you quantify this the sanctity of a senate seat being one with gentlemanly you know how much is that worth a senate seat that became the sixtieth vote for democrats in the last congress and we have heard those were people nastier alf they were builders of although i don't know that that's actually true is this may be one of the one of the right wing blogosphere because i believe that if the facts were that they could demonstrate that any of those felons voted for al franken he would not be in the u.s. senate right now there would have been laws wherever boy when you want if you can if you can quantify. the voter disenfranchisement seven hundred fifty thousand people potentially disenfranchised in pennsylvania we're still happy to see half the city of philadelphia is right we have to see the supreme court move in a right direction i mean in the state of michigan we won that fight i was at the front line of that that fight to get the voter integrity bill taken off of the
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table but this is called what it is this is a strategy to shave the points is a strategy to determine the outcome of a national election to stop president barack hussein obama in his tracks i mean why would you all of a sudden know voter fraud manufactured crisis right. now. should know we're rolling out of legislation right now for a manufactured crisis and then people already show the. utility. there's already a process in place pins on the state but there's a process in place that would show identification and so this is obviously about something else this is not about voter fraud this is not about voter integrity it's about disenfranchising the forty seven percent of people who vote for president barack obama so that we can get leverage in an election and so just like in two thousand we saw what happened with gore where my fear is that we don't see something like that happening this year and this week ahead we have basically four
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groups who find it hard to get voter i.d.'s and that is people who live in urban areas you know who are poor who wouldn't have never had who never owned a car and so never never need a driver's license i live here in d.c. i don't own a car but you know i used to own one so i have a driver's license that is a couple years old. students people college students elderly people and disabled people i mean you know these are the forty seven percent whoa and it would be to lose that this is the larger part of the democratic constituency of the left also want to say that minorities are being disenfranchised i am here to tell you that minorities are not being disenfranchised by congress but i am not being disenfranchised i am young i am also a minority i come from a state that has a voter id law kansas that's one of the big targets aloft on voter id also kansas is a conservative state so why would we need to enact her id law in kansas it's not going to be stopping barack obama from getting elected if you know people who aren't supposed to vote aren't voting in kansas so and also in kansas you can use your
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student i.d. to vote so that argument particularly in kansas that it's disenfranchising young people is absolutely incorrect and over the numbers these are and nobody is disputing these numbers after americans twenty five percent don't have a photo id to asians twenty percent latinos nineteen percent college age people eighteen percent seniors eighty. percent and all of these seniors they're not going to get out of the d.m.v. i mean there's their house and people and poor people the working poor thirteen percent then you look at you know white folks it's only eight percent you know that's the republican conceiver is right predominantly right but seniors who are often cited as one of the groups being disenfranchised predominantly vote for republicans why would republicans want to cut seniors off from families because they've got a guy on the ticket who proposed voucher rising medicare. or younger maybe romney and paul ryan are leading with seniors right now is holy so it would be very much not in their interests for the republican party to disenfranchise that group what they're doing according to the most recent new york times poll mitt romney is
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leading with fifty three percent of the vote on seniors and barack obama has thirty eight percent of the vote on seeing i think they're very good not at the end of the other three constituent doesn't mean well but but going back to minorities i find it offensive that liberals think that minorities aren't smart enough to figure out how to go get a voter id you know i'm sorry it's not about being it's about it's that that's what i'm going to do i work at the real jobs are who when she gets off of work goes home had to take care of her family does not have time right and should not be burdened i have to go and get i don't have to get accurate and. i mean this this is this is a undue burden on urban populations on seniors on students on that forty seven percent and i believe that this is a national strategy to try to save the point we don't have to steal the election outright right we can shape the points and this would not be in place if we did not have just came out of spec a nine hundred eighty i mean the founder of our growth in legislative exchange
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council said i don't want everybody that has a right you know elections are not won by the majority of voters fact here this is paul weyrich telling in one nine hundred eighty the guy who was running helping run the reagan campaign help from both bush campaigns and was the founder of the american legislative exchange council which pushed these laws here is. how many of our requests have what i call them grown grown government they want everybody to vote. i don't want everybody to vote elections are not won by a majority of people they never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now as a matter of fact our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down. this is the guy who's the founder of the whole thing earlier you try to characterize these laws as being enacted this year to stop barack obama from being from winning a lot of these states of the had these voter id laws long before barack obama was you know however in our problems i know that was paul way work in one nine hundred eighty he helped found the heritage foundation as well i mean he's been in this
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thing that is the that's an inaccurate representation of why the laws are the laws and shortchange indiana have had laws since before barack obama ever came into office and you know what's funny about george in indiana was minority norty voting is actually went up since they had the voter i.d. laws whether it was clear the person right or we seen would almost almost thirty eight states i mean this year rolling this kind of legislation out i mean we've seen a movement of sorts but even more so that you know every great gain in this country has been about including people in democracy to civil rights movement women's lib these movements have been movements that have included people into the democratic process now all of a sudden it's very strange that we have a movement to exclude people from the democratic process i find it amazing but you know obviously there's a difference of opinion here we'll come back with more conversation more of tonight's extended edition of the big picture rumble right after this break.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing up for asians to rule the day.
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back to the friday big picture rubble joining me are francesca chambers editor and publisher of red alert politics of india alexander bowick president of rainbow push detroit's chapter and laughlin mark a investigative reporter with the heritage foundation let's get back to violence and protests continue in the middle east as a result of an anti muslim film made in california and now it looks like we're giving extremists in the muslim world something else to be upset about a new ad is about to be run in the new york city subway system reading in any war between the civilized man and the savage support the civilized and support israel defeat jihad should advertisers be embracing as the flame a critical part of the planet is this like a real and fire in a crowded theater and frankly for me more importantly jihad means one thing to
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a very small sliver of radical islam and it means something completely different to all the rest of his law jihad for the rest of his law is part of norm it's part of the normal it would be the equivalent of confession in christianity or in catholicism or bad tism and in in the bad for the bad as i mean it's just a part of the religion it's got nothing to do with killing people so what you thought well to answer your question no i don't think they should embrace it i think everyone who should embrace what the advertisers should not embrace you know what we're talking about here is a government's deciding whether or not something can be displayed in public property so should we embrace the message absolutely not we should condemn it but we cannot legally and more allow you know allow governments to decide what is and is not acceptable speech assuming of course. assuming of course that it does not incite people to violence and by that i mean definition of incitement established
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unbranded bird in one thousand nine hundred eighty nine which says you have to be directly and intentionally inciting people to imminent lawless action and i do considerably do not do that clearly does not do that it doesn't it doesn't say if you're israeli or a civilized person and here it is real and implicitly if you're a muslim they use the word savage they know you don't and they never used the word muslim in any harm i like nice not unique to one religion no what i'm saying is that they never use the word muslim so to say that this is an anti muslim adam that's exactly what they're trying to do i wouldn't i wouldn't say that i wouldn't be around those guys and i did not think that savage is the word that i would personally use i would have used the word terrorism. as a as a much better word with the terrorists if i'm not saying it was ready actually. this is like this is this this is like you know we're used to having to like folks you know this is this is kind of double talk double speak you know savages we know
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we know who the savages are in this and the savages. american citizens almost but just this cannot stay and the government. protects free speech not hate speech you know the government does protect hate speech and in fact we allow would not allow this insight as for now it is insightful and then this this is not satisfy the legal standard for incitement it's simply a fact wait until you wait until the you know a city burns and fran my brutal u.i. was established when i believe it was it was a white supremacist of some sort came out and said you know if the government doesn't do something about minorities we're going to have to we're going to have to get. said they're going to have to get violent and they determined that did not satisfy the standard we got thirty seconds francesca your last comment on the phone all of us saying is no do i agree with that no i would not have used the word savage i think that was a terrible word to have use i think the word terrorist would have been better to have used in the. statement but i'm just saying i don't find it and anti overall muslim ad i think that it was an arrest out and that's why it's
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a terrorist expected to extremist that and those who are and. i find it interesting that this kind of cleves along almost political ones but any last question quick fire let's talk about spray tan gate here was mitt romney at the univision town hall looking darker than normal. there was actually a line we could see the make up on his neck and neck it was a different color and under his eyes were different color so what do you guys think happened here was he trying to look more hispanic or did the makeup artists for univision sabotage him was he was he harmed by this because you know this was i mean people people been talking about this for today or i think absolutely peter i think more men go tanning and want to look and then you think but he didn't in the press conference before and he didn't in the next day he wasn't made up like this it was just for this one little dig you know you think i don't know i think the fact that this is news really speaks to. the whole church and really what drives
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ratings this shouldn't be knows i mean it is it is did it roll the make up artist look let's let's keep our focus on his policies his policies a bad for america let's stay right there or if it walks like a group of like oh i agree with the first part of that statement anyway you know i can imagine that he was really trying to those who is of my going to make them so. many french rescue chambers the reverend bull. market thank you all. for shit. so that i have good news and bad news for you first the good news just blows. service there's an enormous political shift underway in america that's going to sweep the far right reactionaries out of power and put moderates in progress is
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back in control bad news is all hell will likely break loose before this happens think about it major political shifts in america have occurred in reaction to major economic crises the stock market crash in one nine hundred twenty nine in the great depression put into ten years three republican administrations free market corporate rule in the one nine hundred twenty s. and gave way to the new deal revolution and a huge political shift to the left similarly several decades later the economic crisis caused by problems in the middle east in the oil embargo in the late seventy's gave way to the reagan revolution and a massive political shift to the right here we are again today in the midst of another economic crisis and a subsequent political shift the financial meltdown of two thousand and seven and two thousand and eight at the end of the bush administration swung the pendulum back to the left with barack obama winning the presidency and democrats gaining big majorities in the house and senate. it was nineteen thirty two all over again yes
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the two thousand and ten midterm ap and in congress snapped back to the right but in my opinion that was an anomaly i think was fueled in part by racism it was made possible by the supreme court's citizens united decision and as we see today looking at the polls and the failure of the mitt romney campaign it probably won't continue this swing this hard right swing in two thousand and twelve instead i believe over the next few years the united states will move to the left in response to three decades thirty two years of failed reaganomics and so-called and failed so-called free trade policies that have crashed our economy and because the right continues to endorse these same policies today they're going down lawmakers in washington are figuring this out as t.p.m. reports mainstream moderate republicans are preparing a resurgence they're getting ready to take back their party from the far right crazed tea partiers who've taken it over as chuck schumer was quoted as saying
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there's always been a group of republicans that want to compromise but they have it out shout it out flanked by the tea party if democrats keep the senate and the president wins and even better if we take the house the mainstream stream republicans are going to be strengthened they told me that republicans at least the ones who aren't crazy which is not that big a number these days but still the publicans who at least the ones who aren't crazy realize today that embracing the far right reactionary wing of their party. total losing strategy moving forward and democrats realize that embracing their progressive roots going back to f.d.r. going back to lyndon johnson not the vietnam war but back to the back to the great society back to things that actually made a great america great put people back to work eliminated poverty reduced poverty these are winning strategies moving forward. i eat we want proof of this look at
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the democratic national convention it sounded like it was straight out of the new deal or democrats who are proud to be progressives they were railing against corporate power in the billionaires running things they were promoting a we society with a strong and vibrant social safety net and telling the rich who pay a maximum fifteen percent income tax and live in this rarefied bubble they were telling the ridge that reaganomics is dead and a guy's tired to pay your fair share of taxes again this political shift in my opinion is clearly happening although like in one nine hundred thirty two it won't be without peril yes we're moving to the left but those who've made a lot of money gained a lot of power since the last shift the people on wall street who literally is over a dozen people who literally are are taking home a billion dollars each a year and paying
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a maximum fifteen percent income tax rate just like mitt romney pays since the reagan revolution they're going to do everything they can to stop the pendulums to i'm talking about the corporate elite the millionaire and billionaire class political shifts of the far right are always peaceful because they don't ruffle the feathers of the rich and powerful but political shifts to the left that's a whole nother story they could produce violent reactions from the hard right during the last big shift leftward the corporate elite like the du ponts and the remingtons planned a coup d'etat they enlisted the help of general smedley butler back in one nine hundred thirty three to march a well armed and well financed army of five hundred thousand men of washington d.c. to physically remove franklin delano roosevelt in the white house it's known today as the business plot and luckily general butler blew the whistle on it before it could be carried out. but the point is the corporate elite and their lapdog far
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right politicians they're not going to relinquish their power without a fight or without taking the rest of us down with them i mean we've seen this now in a couple of cases where the republicans were willing to literally crash the economy of the united states they were willing to they were willing to to what they did that destroy our credit rating just to try to make the president look bad just to stop the movement of the us. this could mean even an armed coups like the attempted nine hundred thirty three or it could mean committing our nation to endless wars across the planet you know while desperate bid to galvanize support here at home you know the whole let's let's try and scare people thing the whole whoa look at this it's a rant now it was iraq before you know it's they've got weapons of mass destruction you know saddam hussein he's all you know the center of evil. who's going to be next who are these right we're going to tell us we need to beef so afraid of that we need to go to war with. i mean this has been their strategy for reacquiring
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power and what does it do to the united states it wipes out our cash it we pay a huge price in blood we get devastated our reputation around the world are they going to do that are they going to try and sabotage congress like they've been doing for the last three years blocking all the legislation they can try to make our economy crash so that the president will look bad they already appear to be doing this but whatever pitfalls are on the horizon the left is better prepared to come out of the chaos and take back power with its message of a we society and its message for the ninety nine percent clearly the political shift underway in america is not going to be easy rest assured it will happen and that's the way it is that i friday september twenty first two thousand and twelve for more information on any of the stories we covered visit our website to tom arbonne dot com free speech org and. if you missed any of the night show you can now watch it on hulu at hulu dot com also
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see glenn. it's. a. game. mission is going to take three.


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