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tv   [untitled]    September 22, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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against the u.s. and muslim countries spills into another weekend after a libyan militia suspected of killing the american ambassador there was targeted by a mob in benghazi. georgian police lose patience with protesters were the first reporter to write since the outrage erupted over a video showing prisoners being her vividly abused by guards. and dozens of peaceful demonstrators are run by brian s. police take down a march this is why government protests promises to ease up on the press and activists.
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welcome the start see life from moscow armoring the cost of roads good to have you with us now first u.s. diplomatic missions across the world have been targeted by more and saw american protests which are now and so there are second weekends peaceful marches were held by muslims in nigeria and germany on saturday and in the capital of bangladesh hundreds of protesters have clashed with police with school was reportedly entered fresh rallies have also taken place and park this song where at least nineteen were killed on friday a pakistani minister has offered one hundred thousand dollars for the death of the maker of the islam alter the film that sparked the un press now on saturday demonstrators in the vents of their anger at the bases of islamist militias suspect that of kind of the american ambassador to the country journalist lawrence freeman says washington's policies in the region are to blame for the ongoing violence.
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this situation. with. people trying to. cure it. in the muslim world and it's been work experience exactly to get the nerve to scream element into these kind of frenzied demonstrations but the underlying reality is the fact that the u.s. policy. towards libya towards north africa towards the middle east is the number one problem and it's the demonstrations on the heels to create essentially are for years trying to lead you through or would be something is written about the clash of civilization but the what happened in libya predated the clinics that were freed baby this is the film so that wasn't the cause of the crisis in libya it was well known. and georgia for protestors have reportedly been the rest of us and sense
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crowds can say it's rail against a prison abuse scandal it was sparked by a t.v. broadcast a foot of snow in the torture and rape of the knights by guards in the georgian jail prosecutors want the prosecution off several sessions who have resigned over the outrage you go to school for points from the georgian capital. the group of activists tried to break through a police ring around one of the government buildings and people are demanding the arrest of the former interior minister he resigned after these shocking videos went public but many here say that's not enough they want all the officials responsible to be prosecuted in fact the shocking footage of the alleged torture and sexual abuse of georgian rates by the authorities is widely complete here that from guantanamo except maybe caus us terror suspects while here we're talking about ordinary georgian inmates that's why it's causing a huge wave of public anger on friday a group of journalists was allowed to enter the. present or one of the main ones in
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the country and spoke with some inmates and they say that they are still afraid that the abuse is going to continue even though president saakashvili has temporarily substituted the staff of all prisons across the country with police officers who they are team managed to speak with the man who started all this going to be the cause and he leaked b.z. dio's used to be a senior staff member all the prison he claims to have filmed many of these videos himself on the orders of the head of the prison and he says that he didn't want to get involved in politics but he just wanted the whole world to know what's secretly going on across the whole country and also says that the interior minister himself shot some of this video and showed it to president saakashvili either god also released some of the details about how the inmates were chosen for this abuse he says that sometimes they were just random people but often they were the ghosts in opposition to president saakashvili all of this is a major blow to the georgian authorities after is to create this image of
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a transparent and western penitentiary system and it's also a blow to their personal image as well since the parliamentary election is coming up on the first of october and according to some polls because saakashvili and the ruling party have already lost up to twenty percent of potential votes. and we have the full answer for you when the man who make the seven foot says we're going to on line right now. now here sorting through diet love honor and. the story of two former hamas prisoners afraid early after committing atrocities and how their lives have holes and contrasts of destruction they left behind. now anti-government arrests in bahrain are spurring activists to call for more than one streisand's that's after twenty nine people were in a rally where police used tear gas and rubber bullets. majority have been pushing for better human rights for the ruling western backed sunni war king since early
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two thousand and eleven more than fifty people have died in the crackdown said opposition figures have been jailed including movement leader nothing over job force on the marches and rallies in support of rain this week accepted most of the un human rights accommodations pledging to go easier on protesters and improve the treatment of political prisoners but international affairs analysts. fears bahrain's only cooperating. i believe that they are going to continue their repressive measures and if they appear that they are going to cause. issues that's just go to because we don't believe they have. a particularly if washington strategic ally of the united states. trading partner us will where the headquarters of the fifth u.s. fleet. located i don't think that the. east
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is to try to coax. people christine freedom of speech here but your it. appears like yes there are. record with patients that need of course that they are going to try to follow them try to relax their repressive over the majority of the population but it's just for the media for public. now let's take a look at some other news making headlines around the world this hour we have fights in between government forces and rebels which continues throughout syria with most of the violence reported in the country's financial hub aleppo meanwhile the military claims it's quarter end of the city of hama fighting also continues on the country's border with turkey where opposition fighters seized an important crossing on wednesday ankara has evacuated the area and deployed military personnel in response. ecuador says it's ready to transfer julian the songs to sweden under
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its protection so he can respond to the sex crimes allegations his face and their cover the move would require through as a nation from the u.k. the wiki leaks that it's there has been holed up in the ecuadorian embassy in london since june he was granted asylum last month a song fears that if he was sent to sweden he would then face on with the traditions of the u.s. to stand trial for espionage. the singer iranian military commander has claimed a war with israel will eventually happen stress and that it will only lead to the destruction of the jewish state the statement comes during sacred defense week which is under way in iran that's a countries have exchanged multiple threats over to iran's nuclear program which of claims is completely peaceful. at least fifty people have reportedly been arrested in paris through an unauthorized protest over satirical cartoons mocking the prophet muhammad and
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a french magazine official say police are on alert as fresh marchers have been planned in the city for sunday last weekend's the most asians all over the u.s. might. have led to one hundred fifty arrests and the french capital. and a little later this hour britain's while all rings and leaders plans to bring that could be one of the poorest people polish their support for it and. bob brothers see very. clearly people are great you know and they there's too much public interest in everybody's private business it's more of like a cultural thing i think everybody just wants everybody's stuff as far as then sets off to discover just how far people go to protect their private data from the hackers i must more to come in your way after the story by.
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the sun rises over what seems like and list forest here in new directions crime hundred kilometers north of london while stalk as in much of the world it's disappearing at a catastrophic rate. for. mortgages both illegal and those finding ways to outsmart the system filing down the forests of the region for them profit goes well beyond the future of our planet and the result could be an ecological crisis the world wildlife fund for nature makes regular trips to help local rangers do what little they can to stop the logging but it's not easy lager set up trucks making them hard to reach an already rough terrain and have mastered ways to jump through legal loopholes this is a nature reserve were only sanitary logging of disease trees is allowed according to law and not a single berry can be picked but loggers like this use their sanitary logging
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permit to cut down absolutely healthy trees and sell the profitable timber over the border in china we are on the hunt for illegal loggers and it's not going to be easy to forests. and their chances are slim now for now we can stay in our dreams but as soon as we find solid tracks we'll have to drop our wheels and get out silently in order not to scare the loggers off alexander some morning call has been a ranger for. over twenty five years he can spend weeks at a time tracking a single group of loggers it's easier to work when snow falls in autumn it's impossible to find human tracks and even transport tracks are hard to see after hours of driving we get sent in the right direction by word of mouth you can see that the ground is soft here which means that they've twelve the tractor trails are very fresh which in fact means that we need to be quiet in order to not scare them off as we get closer. this team says they're illegal but have
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no documents now xander can now call the police to take over his work here is done he's overwhelmingly outnumbered there are too few rangers working in the promote the region and the w w f says the government isn't doing enough to stop it i guess the government now as i started city for more whole forest legislation so as soon as the polls and so on and you forest court and according to. the guys in waltham in the in the forest to the still the forest still doesn't work just. as no one tries to stop them in just five years the force will be gone they'll sell it all to china what will the people who live afterwards do but it's a question more and more people are aware of today climate change in the safety of our environment as a whole are being discussed around the world and perhaps it's those small steps
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that might be a start to people living in harmony with nature. well the. science technology innovation all the developments around russia we. the future hubbard. hello again is good to have you with us now from serving time to prime time next the story of a former palestinian prisoner who was jailed for her part in organizing a deadly slaughter yet today she's a t.v. star held by viewers while others were that horizon same sense of their own message to all the palestinians and our middle east correspondent paula slayer has the
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story. every friday viewers across the arab world into this talk show to me it's the same time them to me as a hero a symbol of palestinian resistance against the israeli occupation broadcast on the i must affiliated i could stevie it highlights the fate of palestinian prisoners in israeli jails a topic close to the heart of its young presenter back in two thousand and one on this busy intersection in downtown jerusalem was one of the most popular pits are restaurants in the city it was just after two o'clock in the afternoon when atlanta mimi said goodbye to a suicide bomber and left him to his mission it was the busiest time of the summer holidays and the restaurant was packed with schoolchildren and their parents fifteen people died their day in the suicide bombing had helped plan another one hundred thirty wounded one is still in a coma. i was. listening know that you are really.
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see the both sides see what happened from a little closer the. understand that this is the right way to do. was sentenced to sixteen life terms for her role but in the end i hum served only ten years of her prison sentence in october last year she was set free during a deal between israel and hamas in which one israeli soldier gilad shalit was exchanged for one thousand and twenty seven palestinian prisoners yet you must not dismiss the one all of us one hundred fifty women prisoners were crowded around the one prison radio i knew they would read out all of the women's names first when i heard my name i was extremely happy but it was mixed with sadness for the women who were not being freed i couldn't sleep for forty eight hours until we were least. excel to jordan where she received a hero's welcome and much to the chagrin of the family she'd helped kill she was
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able to pick up her life and wait for the man she'd meet only once when in prison and vowed to marry but. i remember every single detail of our first meeting she came to visit me in the prison and when she saw me she started crying the sentence i will never forget she said finally i did the second dream of mine or the first was to come back to palestine and the second is to see you as i was serving life for killing any israeli settler the two are related and i had grown up hearing stories about her imprisoned cousin he too was set free in the same prisoner exchange deal. no i was not surprised she was part of the exchange because i knew how much would never sign a contract without her name i was guessing too that i would also be released but even after i had my name read out i couldn't believe it. a few months later the two married in freedom and unlikely waiting because of the bloodshed that haunts the
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past i don't know if the right. but they feel that it's not food it's more. it's a message. to all before the theme in the world people that want to be. to learn and there's are this is a love story that stood the test of time but to the families of those they killed it is enjoying insult to the memory of those who died police here r t a man. on r.t. dot com right now reporting about iran's ambitious a strong looks to the south pole to expand its presence in international waters. and the freedom to be successful in madrid has become the sutton for a violent open with dozens injured and you can find out more about this and more
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stories on our to dot com. now britain's poorest are likely to get another hit from the treasury for those trying to rein in spending now when there george osborne was so for his welfare payments for two years now since pollard boyko has the story. it's areas such as this one london's tory a state that have been bearing the brunt of the british government's austerity drive already more than one in four children here in the u.k. live in poverty and sadly that figure is only projected to increase even so the coalition government says that they need to lash. out on the welfare bill in order to cut the national debt by twenty fifteen now the british chancellor george osborne is reportedly considering freezing working age benefits in order to hit that target we're already talking about groups of people who are squeeze are
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struggling have had their living standards affected over the last couple of years because of what's happened in the global economic environment and what's been nothing closer to home and if this change or something like it was to go through we would see those living standards further affected for the worst at the moment welfare payments are linked to inflation and that is increasing much frost of the wages back in june prime minister david cameron said that it's unfair that the earnings of the people that do work in the u.k. are increasing much more slowly than the benefits of the eight percent of the british population that is currently out of work now analysts see another group being dragged into this and that's the so-called we used middle that are currently struggling would be increasing costs of food fuel and clothing almost seven million working adults here in britain struggle with the basic cost of living and it's areas such as these where the trickle down effect of stretched pay packets and
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a benefits freeze are going to be most devastating. now with crowds of people eager to get their hands on the new i phone five few are aware that apple is now researching new ways to know precisely just where you can use your device but some are fighting back computer gurus from around the world are now teaching people how to put such their privacy are these drugs then more and more from this finds out if people in the big apple know how to keep their secrets safe. security professionals unhappy around the world are holding classes in cryptography to teach people how to protect themselves in the digital world how concerned are you with your virtual privacy this week let's talk about that are you worried about your privacy online or on your computer or privacy very.
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many people are crazy you know and i know that behaves he's only just signed up for it in a banking because he was always concerned that someone was going to steal is money but i mean it comes out of convenience it's easier just to go online and check everything but. it's a bit scary did you use a password that is your pet or your street name or something like that just. because that's an easy one to get yeah what do you think is the biggest villain out there in terms of invasion of privacy is it the public at large the government hackers. i'd say not so and not enough is being done on the part of the government and there's too much public interest in everybody's private business it's more of like a cultural thing i think everybody just wants everybody's stuff you know yeah and it's weird that companies are making money off of people's private information that's to be expected if they can make money they will i don't give me information and just give my name and maybe if. that's all what about on your computer though
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do you have sensitive files. that maybe better think about it yeah i think about it but. you can encrypt it would you take a class to learn how to encrypt and you don't care that much so much from here do you keep any personal back on your computer yeah no one would you take a cryptography class to learn how to protect it more. probably not no. i'd rather study it yeah why do you think people don't do more because i think. maybe we expect it's going to happen to other people and never to ourselves the same reasons we eat poorly and don't accept size at the same reasons we don't protect ourselves are you suggesting whether or not you're concerned about your digital privacy the bottom line is that virtual world is swiftly becoming what the real world says
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a place where big brother and bad forces might be watching you. and coming up after the break with psych and that's a look at the difficult day to day lives and sort by workers at the world's second largest set graveyard stay with us here. don't.
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like millions of americans i've lost thousands of dollars in retirement funds and i haven't had as bad as many it's not just about the them it's about me to. me man brown the. same. chance. to say i. need it.
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now. since this is my film i get the last word this financial crisis will not be turned off like a light sleep. the friendship asian of russia has started again after two hundred years up at the. sub jet the emperor napoleon has arrived from overseas to lead the army i have to really take my time to prepare myself to get it right i know. the bloody battle near moscow is going to start over. james brown will reveal the victor the soldiers are back to do it all again.
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you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. a game. like krummel started working here when he was twelve. but. i'll never do it again the flames gone out. ask him to open the top up. he is now training his brother. and then. her.
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clothes short of the beginning like that. of the pope first. so yeah just like that. in. a year that you know here.


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