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tv   [untitled]    September 23, 2012 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT

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the latest news in the week's top stories here on r t dozens more people are killed in clashes across the muslim world in the second week of fancy american rights but the film which mocks islam. a new sort of tension between our houses to try and the surveillance ships have entered the spirit islands in the east china sea with chapin claims ownership to. zero public tolerance for prisoner abuse and the rights of activists in georgia where demonstrations continue the reaction to meet atrocities behind bars. and the occupy wall street movement marks
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its one year anniversary with a demo in new york that saw over one hundred eighty activists arrests that. you're watching the weekly here on our t.v. with me marina conservation good to have you with us this is of course our roundup of the big stories of the last seven days and we start this hour with the humans and see american protests which have been sprouts knopper around the world for almost two weeks now in greece riot police used tear gas and pepper spray to disperse demonstrators on sunday and this was just days after rallies certain especially violence in pakistan at least twenty people were killed there on friday in clashes with police who cracked down on mobs targeting american diplomatic
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missions meanwhile some pakistani officials have condemned the statement by the railways minister who offered one hundred thousand dollars to kill the maker all the controversial film that sparked protests here first show also called on taliban and al qaida brothers to take part in the fascinating look up the selling of who's in the hiding right now in america. that's going that's the horses i'm a chill pill most only a catalyst for fuel that has and it's. the white house keeps saying it was just the anti islamic video that caused the most things wrath across the world this is not a case of. protests to rectify united states writ large or it us policy this is in response to a video that is offensive but that's a claim no one is buying it ministration wants us to believe it's not the administration's policies that have generated this behavior it's this one idiotic piece of so-called film which is right out there for two months what do you think
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that stupid film that nobody's seen causes people to assassinate ambassadors and to storm the embassy and the question the us media keep asking why do so many millions of dollars almost hate the usa but the answers they're getting are the answers the very few in the us want to hear if you're to point to one thing that makes some muslims hate the usa it would be. hypocrisy over democracy. while america the government now preaches democracy it has propped up authoritarian leaders but that's not the only accusation of hypocrisy that washington is facing there's also u.s. policy makers failure to condemn the violence when it suits their goals like the numerous terrorist attacks in syria washington seems to approve of them as long as they are targeting supporters of the assad government or another act of violence a rebel mob executing colonel gadhafi the u.s.
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secretary of state cheered at the news this week am we sorry he died but that. washington's failure to condemn all violence equally has prompted radicals to take an even more aggressive course if most americans understood what was being done in our name in the stabilizing the middle east and north africa it would be absolute. horrified what other result to me expect these people to have no hope their economies are destroyed they see what they're calling order foreign invaders of course this kind of thing is going to happen when the tragedy in libya happened the international community wholeheartedly condemned the attacks on american diplomats but the us for its part has been quite selective in condemning violence it could be that the white house thought by supporting revolutions by fostering regime change they were winning hearts and minds in the muslim world but that doesn't appear to be the case for now the obama administration constantly refers to the same type islamic film as the sole reason behind what's happening
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a reasoning which basically allows them to avoid addressing the deeper issues in washington i'm going to check on. france was also a target of this week after a french magazine published caricature ors of prophet mohammad police in paris arrested twenty one people for the fine the ban on protests rallies france has a westerner the largest muslim population around five million their outrage over the latest quite scenes was then compounded by far right leader marine upon who wants a bad on the public wearing of muslim headscarves friend space journalist robert on a says paris only has itself to blame for falling out of favor with followers of islam. the government is in a very difficult position because of their policy in syria and because of their various inconsistences on is alarmed all french leaders like most european leaders are in the in the nato and buying they that they committed themselves to nato tied
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up with nato france under so cozy committed itself more strongly than at any time since general de gaulle to a nato. air is the usual sore stick and carrot from from washington so that there's that aspect of it and also they want to appear to be punching above their weight to use a british expression in international politics because they want to keep their veto in the united nations so there is no difficulty on the other hand there is a growing feeling in left wing circles that the government's policy is nonsense you cannot support it terrorism on monday and condemn it on tuesday and support it again on wednesday they're playing it both ways they don't want to enrage the the people the alleged five million people of muslim backgrounds in france are a lot of people on the other hand they got a stick so their line that they allow free speech which of course is only allowed in front on certain subjects. and if you prefer than that for a new side to dot com that's where we're keeping our eye on the latest developments
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surrounding the fury over the anti is long term and there you can find out how the family of the fallen u.s. senate. absolutely libya the most prominent victim of the signs are american iran has a lashed out at the media for making a sense of this private diary public all the details of artsy. tension between beijing and tokyo has been sparked the yet again following a week long standoff teaching these patrol ships of answer the territorial waters near the disputed some congo islands that's in the east china sea which japan claims ownership to and this comes as just one day earlier china postponed the ceremony marking the fortieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties
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with japan over the territorial spots mass protests have been held throughout the week across both china and japan with some turning violent no one lives on the disputed archipelago but it's such a hold the vast reserves of natural resources for asia and also slammed the u.s. for building up military activity in the asia pacific region which it claims is a bowl certain tokyo to challenge china in such disputes international affairs and defense analysts liars sauce the believes of washington as a form more than simply an onlooker. but it does say the secretary of defense that he fears that there are these territorial dispute could be the war between japan and china he also expressed that the united states is going to support the pad so that means if people come to blows let's hope that let's say that the china would send their naval force to try to apply da vinci he said each force if they if they change fire a bit of course china tries to follow their measures like try to locate three the
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further south then the united states would eat turkey will pick the sea lays of communication and that could lead to a major regional war at least to be in the us what once china will deal there. in georgia the prison abuse scandal has now led to a group of opposition activists going on a hunger strike they want to release of several arrests of colleagues who are among the foundation's protesting that was after a video showed lies on the torture and rape of inmates by jail guards two ministers have stepped down over the scandal for the president replace prison staff with police officers but demonstrators say that's not enough and are calling for the prosecution of everyone responsible for. their relations come just days before parliamentary elections with the government's popularity on friday following are going to school of has more. the public is in fact shocked and angry that the
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comparing the footage from georgian for this would vary from one kind of well except. suspected terrorist watch here we're talking about georgia another factor irritating the public right now is the recent arrest of one of the beastie just given that you think maria he was detained on saturday by traffic police or officially for not abiding to be a police order he was put in prison for ten days before he died he wasn't even the time the wheel of the car stopped by the police early or to manage to meet the man who started all this video to the crowd who used to be one of the senior staff members of the gun even prison in d.c. personally shot. these medio he also said that the interior minister filmed the video himself and personally showed it to president saakashvili all of this is definitely a huge blow to be a mutual feeling since neo action for women is going up on the first of october in
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avoiding feeling it is now. both president saakashvili and the ruling party have already lost up to twenty percent of supporters. now r.c. talked with glad to be a bit of the former staff. member of the infamous georgian president who made the shocking videos and you can watch the four and seven year with him and twenty minutes but first here's a little preview. of the you know george's interior minister showed the videos to the president it was just for fun for no particular reason it was like we do what we want with people one city key to prison you are nobody you have no dignity this is why these videos cause such outrage in georgia this is why all those young people who are protesting are all young people came out to protect into water for a lie has been doing alkali has resigned but this is not enough he should be arrested and try and second shrilly must resign saakashvili knew very well about it
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he just did it for entertainment or if an inmate had something to do with politics if he was seconds from his enemy they would pick him this is tim is extremely politicized if you work in the prison system or in the police you must be loyal to the saakashvili regime no criticism is a lie you should either leave or they will get to. over one hundred eighty four that's why wall street protesters marked the movement's one year anniversary this week activists descended on new york's financial district and tried to block the entrance to the city's stock exchange artie's an essential and i was there for us. but i. have heard that the occupy wall street movement is here after its inception of takes the big apple by storm in
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food was rising rising up it is up more spac and behind barricades from the wee hours of the morning. marches and acts of civil disobedience all day long images that have become all too familiar throughout the past year reoccurring protesters thrown to the ground people there to document the action knocked down. activists attempting to help others wrestled by police. arms twisted and cops left and right over a hundred and eighty people of rested in one day when there's no place for people to come outside and to meet each other and talk about issues when that is so dangerous that you get such severe violence and police repression then we don't really have a democracy for a year now occupy has fought for eradicating wealth inequality and social and economic injustice on us give people jobs give people education give people help
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you you have to help the mess was no accountability for wall street bankers years after becoming a collapse. that was down still has people outraged expecting it may be naive but demanding it is and it starts with making a statement and that's what the people here are doing skeptics had hoped that occupy camps which once flourished over the west but now have cleared out would put an end to the movement after months of camping out here in the financial district the coddy are during what seems to be the peak of occupy hundreds of protesters are back here on the first anniversary of the movement to show that it's very much alive. the lack of encampments protesters say has not been an obstacle. we've really been able to focus on the issues that are important to us and that brought us out here in the first place of economic disparity and to end a political system that no wrong longer represents people who don't have the money
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to compete and one of occupies key achievements so far triggering a national dialogue about what matters the majority of americans the occupy movement has kept a dialogue around fairness and equality and access to the good things that we all want that should be available to everyone and that dialogue is now in the public and the occupiers intend to do their best to keep this dialogue alive like the civil rights movement it would say that you know it still has a long way to go. and it's been you know since before i was born i think occupy will have a similar history i think there's so much that has to be done that change is not going to be handed to us with a bow on it with no miracles just around the corner patience and perseverance to say are what will bring tangible change to the u.s. and. r.t.e. . journalist and author across the forehead says althorp teens are making
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a mistake by respondents to occupy activists with force. i think the occupy movement was a seismic shift not only in terms of the discourse but in terms of identifying the centers of power and how to respond to them i think we have to look at occupy as a tactic and because the ruling class has responded exclusively in the language of force by trying to eradicate a race of these encampments rather than respond rationally hundreds of thousands of americans have lost their unemployment benefits there's been no attempt by the ruling elite to address the chronic under employment and unemployment this political paralysis is very dangerous because in an avid oblique routines a backlash we're not guaranteed to remain nonviolent or that it will rip. inclusive in a way that the occupy movement has been. well there's lots more coming out for you this hour for example the flight of the french who are running things are getting
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sued saying. they're quite responsible for this crisis and they should be more than the rest simply have more meetings but instead the big earners are bailing out the places where they don't have to share their piles of cash put anyone else. their rice and climb downs have been deterred by ryan's majority shiite population for campaigning for equal rights they were out in force again this week in their efforts to convince a ruling western backed markets and the repression but it didn't take long for the police to move in with tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse the crowds and detain. probably testers since our campaign so-called twenty months ago around one hundred people have died here for it seems have also targets of key figures like officers in leader in the bill over job who's been jailed for so you can poison rallies in support as more smith investigates now the response from western nations
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though for maine's a strange being compared to the deep animosity towards others in the region. also find out why. a person brutality of the one. takes. this dreadful regime off you know of this about syria and they put their money where their mouth is giving five million pounds in so-called lethal aid to those trying to oust president assad but less than a thousand miles away in bahrain there's another human rights crisis ongoing and all that leaders remain conspicuously still there g.m. has not spared any means of repression torture has not seized. and that includes the willies of people who were just released in the last day or two.
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senses have not stopped. of course the use of security as. is there. more than that is the kidnapping he would not if you people from each village say three or four beat them up torture them not inside the torture chambers but in farms in what they call the whose houses bahrain is home to a forgotten revolution ignored by the international community under reported in the media since february last year there have been almost daily antigovernment protests in the resulting crackdown around a hundred has been killed with sixteen hundred in jail including sixty children and full of bahrain's most prominent human rights activists all that in a country of only one and a half million but the u.k. government says nothing to longstanding historical connection between britain bahrain which was in fact in holland in seventy one certainly the association with
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the u.s. fifth fleet there is the oil problem and that's the banking problem along this is harmful to our interests because sooner or later all the gulf markets are going to disappear in a puff of smoke and then the regimes that succeed them will not be friendly country which is their oppressors far from being condemned representatives of the bahraini regime has been a common sight at the u.k.'s major events this summer king how much was invited to the queen's diamond jubilee celebrations in may his eldest son visited david cameron at downing street and his youngest son who allegedly sanctioned the torture of dissident bahraini athletes but at the open. gaves but it goes. deeper than that despite the brutal crackdown between july and september last year
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the u.k. sold two point two million pounds worth of to the bahraini regime shortly after that the u.k.'s most famous military training school accepted a three million pound donation from the king of bahrain and the metropolitan police is former assistant commissioner was appointed as an advisor on security to the regime with no objections from the u.k. government bahrain campaigners say it's ruining the government's credibility it's only when they stand up in public and say we. oppose these autocratic regimes and democracy only then with the british government any credibility. at this moment. has. the bahraini opposition and their supporters on calling for intervention but they do want the international community to condemn the regime they say is at least as
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oppressive as the syrian regime that western powers are so desperate to get rid of . right now let's take a look at some other world news for you this hour we have at least one person which has been killed in an explosion outside a hotel in damascus the bomb head in the black bag exploded just meters from where an opposition conference was being held the attack happened as the free syrian army recently announced it's moving its command center from the turkish border into syria itself but. two separate sunni insurgent attacks of iraq's capital claiming the lives of at least five people a federal police general and his assistant were killed in a drive by shooting in the western baghdad there. there incidents occurred in the shiites neighborhood north of the capital and the explosive device placed under a minibus went off killing three people and wounding seven others. libyan
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authorities have vowed to break up all illegal militias that follow american ambassadors murder earlier this month the news came shortly after the country's powerful eastern militia group announced that was the spending a few hours earlier security forces and protesters chased them from the city of benghazi and set fire to another malicious compound. now some of france's richest presents are packing up their designer suitcases and taking their families and their wealth abroad this is because the president's plan to help them with seventy five percent income tax sorry city explains how aiming at the highest earners to plug the budget cap might create a bigger hole instead. when the world's fourth richest men a frenchman bernard i know asked for belgian citizenship some of his compatriots
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took offense with one left wing french newspaper publishing this image with this headline the mayor of this area of the brussels capital region is confirmed that there has indeed establish residence here for the french tycoon denies his move had anything to do with french president francois laws one to impose a seventy five percent income tax on those earning above one million but many suspect otherwise and the rich have become the subject of much discussion. they are quite responsible for this crisis and they should pay more than the rest since they have more. the people. responsible for the crisis. so. it depends on the rich bankers who contributed to the crisis. along to set to soak the rich even more as he struggles to raise the money to fill a thirty billion euro hole in the country's finances the tactic of use to our own
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doings appears should make sure you against president sarkozy was to says that's because he was a pretty good it's a rich friends of yours the income tax rates are going up but on top of that with stocks and then on top of that you have a state tax. and on top. of the seventy five percent tax that's where really thinking about moving outside friends started but the move did go down well with everyone including some french taxpayers who fear having to foot the bill if the tax the rich strategy fails their fears are well founded as businesspeople consider losing three quarters of their income across there simply unable to bear like thirty year old entrepreneur. he hasn't made the jump just yet here and he says he may find himself with no choice is clearly that the course. it that's that's that's found. that's found a haven in france. which which basically promotes stigmatize
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ation of success and so on and france is definitely worth its taxes to a certain extent but it's the don't work in my head any more. create more value for others than that i do for myself with the implementation of the seventy five percent and so clearly i will wear it. as an individual and become a tax it is an a for another country like belgium for example but belgians of already taken to the streets to protest against what they call a lack of morality of the rich who come to their country to avoid a certain taxes in france this case this super tax may affect as little as three thousand people out of sixty six million and if that elite minority continues heading for the door the deficit hole will only grow and a lot it may be forced to embrace the one policy he rejected throughout his election campaign stared. tests are still here r t brussels.
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and coming up after a break the president warden who exposed the extent of vicious torture inside georgia's jail tells artsy why he took a stand that's coming up to stay with us. it is evening it's. nice to. see. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something
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else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. wealthy british style holds a spot on the telephone. anything on the credit. markets finance scandal find out what's really happening to the global economy for our no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tuning in to cause a report on our. courageous and creative. elegance and full and public speaking. that's our hope for.
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a few european bodybuilders against millions of weak immigrants. it's may not seem so serious now. but this could be a real fright tomorrow. look european extremists. on. her.


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