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tv   [untitled]    September 24, 2012 1:30pm-2:00pm EDT

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and the soldiers have to be ready for inspection at any time especially when the commander of the russian army is in the vicinity. powerful his plane general could use of plenty of his fellow officers have plenty to think about a mature man roopa soon we will begin shaping the italians and squadrons who will determine the number of the participants and elect their commanders then there's going to be a meeting of the commanders where they will break down the cost make people familiar with the scenario to determine the tasks of every commander so that everyone knows their roles of the battlefield which would get up also. at least nobody's actually going to kill each other this time and that means a friendly atmosphere throughout the camps where the russians and the french live side by side and there's plenty have traditional food on offer. there's still a great deal of preparation going on in the camp and that means hungry soldiers so i have made an executive decision to join the french troops for a little the polio nick breakfast.
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or two mornings. it's no frills fare but there's plenty of it and quantity was always much more important than quality of three or four with the green one could say that there was no cuisine at all of that time soldiers ate what they could get hold of or sometimes even steal soup it was quite common in bread were very popular for breakfast if they could get hold of onions and sour cream they ate that too and soldiers were extremely low maintenance and they managed to conquer the whole of europe eating to sue bread and drinking coffee. and if it's good enough for the ground our may try some of the best french food they see in twelve. tuna salad. topped off with a ruler onion. i could see how the breasts of the old soldiers might have been an effective weapon by itself.
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but there were also plenty of traditional arms it was time to bring out the big guns but. played a vital role and brought in with the french guns in particular taking a heavy toll on the russian infantry but of course imitating an experience cannon crew with just a couple of days of training is another thing entirely. ok well. but that's where experts like patrick come in. a veteran of several re-enactments he's traveled all the way from from to lick the rule recruits into shape. i just wish you were sure we could be a moment that we're going to use here. only under torture only and excellent well i'm hoping that you will give us a few moments of your time to show us the mobile's of the french military if it's
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for that yes accept to talk in english. with the biggest challenges that you can face well it's what you need to know it's very important to respect the drill as we used to do it kind of fast because although here of course we don't shoot a real cannon ball it's just politics yeah but it's as dangerous so it's very important for safety to respect all the different steps because otherwise you might . be considerably less than the six hundred cannon that were on display at the road you know patrick's determined that his crews will be a credit to their predecessors this is the interest of reenactment some would think we are just young kids playing some ah it's true we have never grown up but the other interesting side of it is we try to make it as accurate as possible so we understand much better all the used to do it in the past because you could really look at it and say yeah maybe but when you do it for real you understand the
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reasons why how are you feeling about. napoleon's arrival at your house i'm very excited. with patrick visiting from france and the most the general himself gesturing in from the u.s. this is an event with a truly international flavor and back among the russians i met a cavalry man with a very familiar accent. so the room is all true the lithuanians have attached to britain to their residence. so for phil we need to hear a bit about your story and. and you come to take part in baroda come from cambridge cambridge in the u.k. . why did you decide to take both in this. we're very fortunate in the u.k. i mean you know reenactment group the fifteenth and one of the guys is russian and he also reenacts with. me and they got us the invites aboard you know and how could
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you refuse. but it's not been an easy journey the regiment may have supplied bill with a new mount but everything else has made the trip from england with him so what have you had to bring with you everything every day. this belt. twenty three kilos we bring all the horse equipment some of which is useful for sleeping as well so there's a damper on the women. that. we have a lot of a lot of it's so much that we had to wear it to get in under the baggage allowance but that's just a great advantage because the customs security the airport it's no problem people are really happy to see us so did you get any of the questions like what is your purpose coming into russia well i'm going to i'm going to be fighting for you against the french exactly that's all we said and that's perfect. that's no problem no guns ok just a big sword you know it's in the hole to run. alongside
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the foreign visitors to board you know there are plenty of home grown participants getting into the swing of things and this is very much an equal opportunities reenactment. the russians tried to keep women away from their troops but the french went so restrictive i'm napoleon always had a bevy of wives followers. rather more official can't work is like nasty here. come on i'll show you the castle as a french. continue yeah nasty would have sold refreshments to the troops and looked after the wounded and the women in this camp also take on a number of different roles. there are many different kinds of roles there are cooking doing laundry any kind of help that might be needed like sewing a button or cleaning something but i really don't think anyone would give his weapon to a woman however some ammunition items could be entrusted to us but cooking was the
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main thing hungry soldier is a lousy at making more. and pageantry a part of what makes this event so appealing and it's important to have the right look impressive facial hair can be found the around the camp as you've also got to be a snappy dresser. as you can imagine napoleonic uniforms aren't exactly ten a penny which means that today's reconstruct is have to be as handy with a needle as they are with a musket closer to. the why you have a uniform could you fix it for me please initiative. has been tailoring period costumes for over a decade and we're going to give you the reason why i do this is that it's an interesting job more importantly i might say i prefer to study history by making things with my own instead of reading books from history in this way i get
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a better insight into events that took place a long time ago and i also run a club claiming to reconstruct. the for you to never lay life as well as you. so gay has made uniforms for almost his entire regiment and they're all intricately detailed from camp clothes to full battle regalia. the company to which any soldier belonged could be identified by the red the sword not this singled out the bad as a great idea. or uniforms made of green cloth they also wore pants with leg i have a sack a ten flaws. and two cross belts. and. thanks for the good luck
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some splendid uniforms coming to a battlefield near us i just hope they manage to keep themselves clean. much as it would have been back in may seem twelve as the sun goes down the day's work draws to an end dozens of come fun is a lit and the smell of evening meals quickly fills the air. it won't be long before just how the chance to put the training interaction and it promises to be a very special occasion. wealthy british style stock.
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around russia we've got the future covered. plug. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for langley you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that
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everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. and which brightened a few. songs from funniest impression. we can start on t.v. dot com. since arriving at borat you know i talked with a frenchman on plenty of russians but i knew one man was making
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a transatlantic trip to come and play the most famous role. but. would you please spare as couple of moments of your time to take us around your stock cap it would be my pleasure. mark works for a historical museum and has played the role of napoleon in reenactments across europe and his acquaintance with the master general began as an early age i have a french cousin that gave me a small toy soldier of napoleon fifty four millimeter and i still have it and many say that that's when it began at two years old the fascination with the poly and his times with. the uniforms the strategy and tactics of the different locations the the great things that napoleon did and he takes his portrayals extremely seriously there's also responsibility that comes with the
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responsibility of paying honor to the soldiers who have fought who have died whether they be from friends from russia from all over europe for the grand army was composed of many european nations so as a result of that i have to really take my time to prepare myself to get it right to pay honor not only to napoleon but again as i've mentioned to these soldiers who have fought and died but with an audience of up to two hundred thousand people expected i wondered if he was feeling nervous before the big day i think rather than nerves it will be that of excitement adrenaline looking forward to participating in such a grand spectacle such a great event that's going to be something to see that's for sure and i look forward to the front row seat even if it's on a horse. courage thank you. time getting short everyone was already hard at work across the camp and my friend bill was shaping up for an
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important inspection. we have to prove we can ride prove that we've historically accurate equipment and if we don't pass the right there is barely syria it is very least he would be facing the officers alone. hello . williams. and what do you think what role are you hoping to have historically we should be on the staff. but that wouldn't be any fun at all because the staff sit at the back and watch. colleagues from the list. and we're going to tag along with them and they should be right in the middle of fighting so we should get cross swords with some frenchmen.
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while bill in the so we're putting the finishing touches to the uniforms i headed out to the main field to watch the procession. pass inspection you need to change it for. a pivotal moment because the cavalry in all this being presented not only to the generals here but also to the real safety inspectors who make sure that everything is in its place is being treated properly and the safety aspects are all ok. and it looks like. might be in a spot of bother. such blades are very dangerous we try to take care of our uniforms we don't hit hard with. some of our foreign friends to blunt their blades because of fears that they might
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injure someone. very much like a saw it could have cut somebody uniform. fortunately for bill and sergeant williams it's nothing that a good filing won't sort out. and as they trotted away to literally take the edge off. i caught up with some passing french infantry. how are you preparing for the big day close to you because there's a little pink elephant different think of this with homeowners to get to the first time for christmas for this month so we have to do is suited to be working to get into making movements together. and then moving to the radical school. up at the. so gen thomas is a member of the belgian napoleonic society and it's not long before he's giving the benefit of his experience to some of the younger soldiers.
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looks like you got a promotion there too sergeant or a trainer i'm lucky the sergeant gave me the complete confidence to train the new guys and so it's always difficult because they're quite nervous with weapons and things like that that's for security reasons and of course for the battle we have to to make didn't venu feel like all guys really important so how have you found the drilling has it helped so it's helping because we really believe there is a lot of miles of calls walking it's been resting for your guys is coming quite back quite fast for the new guys it's learning of course. the artillery cavalry and infantry and finally on past inspection but with less than twenty four hours to the reenactment it was time to respect some old traditions. every new regiment eventually faces the moment when it has to go into
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battle and they mark it with a formal ceremony honoring their flag. all the bear no ceremony. it really is a. bronze you know it's going to be the first fight for the moscow great ideas and everyone how has a single nail into their new standards. the regiment is christened. his own little tributes to the owner of the granite is here i'm thinking a toast to success in battle. three true. all the great out here as. and as the new company continue to celebrate i slipped off to see if i could find
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a bite to eat or have the chance to try a french breakfast and after a whole day's drilling the russian troops are busy cooking this service i'm going to see if they'll let me join them. and i give you a hand. with you thank you i managed to talk my way into a fish soup dinner. ok guys food's up. and once the porters symonds everyone grabs a spoon some bread and helps themselves to give this really is every man for himself here. this is really really hard to soup. haunch actually lovely the camp may only last
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a few days but it's clear that being here is having a real effect on these men. that leaves an impact on all of us here we are oblivious to the course of time rather the sun is our guide we know that we need to get up at dawn and go to bed at sunset we've got no internet connection we don't know what's going on outside this place besides life in the open and the need to share food from the same part of it helps bring people together. with your battle is coming tomorrow but today we enjoy a meal without worrying about whether we'll live or die by the same token soldiers that lived two hundred years ago had little thought about whether they would live or die if some of them were killed we're all in god's hands others would say. all being well all reenacted should have little need for divine intervention but it wasn't long before everyone was ready to hit the hay tomorrow would be a big day for god sorry motherland.
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well the soldiers of the actual battle have brought him in may have had to enjoy some hot sun but we've got some pretty different weather conditions today but a few drops of rain and black clouds certainly aren't putting the taurus off. thousands of visitors were already making their way towards brought in those fields and a memorial service. this morning is dedicated to the french soldiers that died it brought in to and one of the last fifty's for all napoleon here is to pay tribute to them for the full.
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course the formalities had finished it was time for the two armies to take their places two hundred years ago in a poland then does all conquering ground army stood here against the troops of general could to solve with russia at stake it was impossible not to be nervous. everyone had met in the camp and been desperate to put on a good show and i was just hoping that all the training combined with some impressive pyrotechnics could see them through so after five days in camp hundreds of hours of planning and the cost of thousands it comes down to this two hours to do justice to one of the most pivotal battles in the polio make history and i'm pretty excited. with a few words from general continues on the first shots were fired at them with minutes the fields were received in smoke as the cameron's. speech his.
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first major actions of the battle for their own prince by brussels flesh works and they would be captured and recaptured by both sides of the battle. once the bunch of cabs in the village is brought in to pull the royals down and that was where the most vicious and crucial parts of the battle take place. the figures have long been disputed but it's estimated there were around seventy thousand casualties of the original. goal of any dead bodies on all fields to rejoin.
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the spy the terrible pounding from the french the russians were able to hold the ridge way behind them several hours and that it will eventually gave the chance to retreat with their army still intact. even under the right the crowd was lumping everything up with the vast majority
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staying to see napoleon complete. proved to be a very very victory. for the french may have won the field but that doesn't seem to anyone spirits here it's been a fantastic show and it's a real tribute to the skill and afeard of the river not that two hundred years on from. brought it out tens of thousands of people have come out to watch them bring history to life.
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