tv [untitled] September 25, 2012 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT
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more news today violence has once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations to rule the day. here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that the americans call a donor. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot about my country you sir are a fool you know what kind of mind the terrorist cells in your neighborhood all want to give us a defeat terrorism the only liberal and the christian. can secure the borders the.
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uprise i'm abby martin and this is breaking the set we've got a packed show for you all today the united nations general assembly underway in new york city we'll talk to phyllis bennis of the institute for policy studies on the escalating tensions between israel and iran and also take a look at what is going on with this global gathering what actual solutions are coming out of it to the current global conflicts so join me on the break a sweat. i want to talk to you now about an american soldier a thirty year old mother who in two thousand and seven moved to canada to avoid
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being sent back to iraq this woman is kimberly rivera she served three months in iraq and became a conscientious objector to the war after living in canada for years facing deportation back to the united states there were serious lobbying efforts in canada to help her state take a look at this video posted by activist group war resisters canada pleading to the ontario legislature to not deport kimberly. the government of canada is trying to deport kimberly and her family and if they succeed kimberly faces possible imprisonment as a conscientious objector my husband in the father of my children was a conscientious objector to the viet nam war he died in the ninety nine days but she and he continue it amazing tradition of canada welcoming those who are resisting foreign wars rites of the canadian united empire loyalists to today unfortunately the efforts failed last month the deportation order was filed and
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kimberly willingly return to the us where customs and border protection turned her over to fort drum army base in new york now for many of those who support kimberly and support a soldier's right to object on conscience this is a terrible injustice international law sets rules that every soldier must follow including the duty to refuse orders and not be part of wars of aggression or war crimes that include the murder of civilians and unwarranted attention of noncombatants both of which took place in iraq kimberly was detained on friday september twenty first on the international day of peace so her for having the courage to stand up for peace and justice against a war that was founded on nothing but to sept. kimberly rivera is our hero of the day so kimberly thank you for standing up for so for what's so wrong in the country so she's the hero who's the villain well days after u.s. ambassador chris stevens was killed in libya c.n.n. recovered the personal journal of the slain ambassador from the scene of the attack
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but because it held some groundbreaking information it quickly stirred controversy last week anderson cooper reported on the contents of the journal but only after finding sources close to the ambassador who can confirm its details. but that was more than enough to get this man staring mr philippe reines spokesperson for the state department in response rein said c.n.n. decision to use the material was quote disgusting and indefensible and this is the best part later after buzz feed reporter probed further in an e-mail exchange raines completely lost his cool telling the reporter to quote have a good day and by good day i mean f. off harsh words to a news organization just doing their job right so why oh why was philippe so up in arms well take a look at what the journal actually revealed. a source familiar with ambassador stevens' thinking says that in the months before his death he talked about being worried about what he called the never ending security threats specifically in benghazi this source telling us that the ambassador's specifically mentioned the
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rise in islamic extremism the growing al qaeda presence in libya and said he was on an al qaeda hit list and it just so happens this is company legally different from the narrative that the white house was feeding us check it out. we also need to understand that. this is a fairly volatile situation and it is in response not to united states policy not to. obviously the administration not to the american people it is in response to a video yet the journal pretty much shows that the state department in its mouth piece spokespeople don't know how to keep their stories straight not only do they not have a handle on the sensitive information line around what should be a secure crime scene but ambassador stevens journal prove that this is as a nation was not the result of a bunch of crazy muslims pissed off at a video no it was targeted and it calls into question what else the agency knows about and is hiding from us you see the reins lost control of that information he
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lost control of this tight lipped one sided narrative and instead of admitting it what do you do he turn into a pansy bashing the few journalists out there that are actually doing their job so maybe philippe should learn to do his and that's why mr raines is our villain of the day. at the summit of. the u.n. general assembly is in full throttle this week bringing to the stage the leaders who could together decide the fate of middle eastern stability today we hear from president obama and tomorrow we'll hear from both iran's awkward energy and egypt's first democratically elected leader mohamed morsi it's a very powerful international stage indeed but rhetoric aside are there consistent underlying factors that will completely undermine a lasting peace joining me now to discuss more about foreign policy how could
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impact the potential for positive u.s. relations with the middle east and joined by the director of new internationalism project at the institute for policy studies phyllis bennis thanks for coming on good to be with you today so we just saw netanyahu kind of making the talk show circuit really with some hard rhetoric about how the u.s. needs to elect a leader that takes a red line with iran's nuclear capabilities and kind of dove tailing off of that i want to play just a clip from obama's speech about this issue. let me be clear america wants to resolve this issue through diplomacy and we believe that there is still time and space to do so but that time is not unlimited we respect the right of nations to access peaceful nuclear power. but one of the purposes of the united nations is to see that we harness the power for peace so obama is pretty much taking that yahoo's wishes pretty seriously we already know where romney stands on the issue why is it that the u.s. has such a why is it that israel has such a heavy influence on such
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a delicate issue well there's two parts to that question one has to do with this moment where in election cycle everything's about the election and bibi netanyahu the prime minister of israel seems to think that he has the right to weigh in on our elections and say who he wants he clearly wants to elect romney he thinks that romney's going to do a better job in fact all the israeli leaders have actually said that there has been no u.s. leader who has been more supportive of israel than president obama despite the occasional little squabble between the two leaders you know in terms of style but substantively this is all about the election so. bibi netanyahu statements were what he thinks were going to help the campaign of the of the romney campaign in fact i think a lot of people in this country are going to be pretty upset to see the leader of another country seeming to interfere in the internal affairs as they like to put it of the united states now the reality is in terms of what netanyahu actually said
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about we need a president with a red line excuse me we've got one there is an obama red line the problem that's a young fellow has it's a different red line so there are enough it's it's a different red line right it's not in his view far enough i think it's a terrible thing to have red lines when you're negotiating you don't set a red line and say if you cross that negotiations are off which is basically what they've done the obama red line is that there will be no. iranian obtaining of a nuclear weapon now everybody agrees that's a year or two years fifteen years down the line everybody in the u.s. military and intelligence establishment through the national intelligence estimate they all agree on three big things iran doesn't have a nuclear weapon iran is not building a nuclear weapon and the iranian leadership hasn't even. did whether or not to build a nuclear weapon having said that president obama is still saying but there is a red line we will not allow them to get one ok so that means it's way down the line for netanyahu the red line arguably is now his line is we will not allow iran
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to have the capability to have a nuclear weapon and what his capability mean you could argue capability is what they've got now they've got nuclear power plants so they've got material that could see a radically rich to become a weapon and they've got scientists with the know how except for the five who have been assassinated but in that context you know this notion that there is no red line says says netanyahu it's simply not the case he just doesn't like where president obama puts the red line having a red line definitely doesn't hit a diplomatic solution to this whole thing i want to go straight into the right side of the obvious i want to go into the palestinian statehood issue. last night of course making his talk show circuit around usual rhetoric about palestine but really crucial rhetoric to hear light of kind of the absence of this being talked about i want to play that clip from walker then a shot. we say to be wiped we say for
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occupation to be wiped off from this world for war seeking to be wiped off in a variety k. to the killing of women and children to be eradicated and we've proposed the way we propose the path. that has. is to recognize the right of the palestinians to self governance. the people of palestine to make decisions regarding their own future. why is it that palestine is such an issue of contention for iran between iran and israel and why does the u.s. feel like they need to be so intimately involved well the issue of palestine is not an issue for iran despite that moment from from the iranian president from president ahmadinejad iran has a concern with israel it doesn't have a concern with palestine i think that's rhetoric designed for his own base and in that particular instance the president is explaining what his language means that
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he's not saying we will wipe israel off the face of the earth which isn't a phrase that exists in persian but he's saying we will wipe oppression off the face of the earth fine but the reality is iran is not doing the palestinians any favor the one ironically the one thing that we can say that's you know who has won in this battle over iranian red lines he has won a year in which no one most notably his main sponsor the united states has not been pressuring for the end of occupation for the end of israel's denial of the right of return for the end of israeli apartheid for the end of the siege of gaza we heard in two thousand and ten for a few months we heard president obama making requests please stop building settlements answer from the israelis no please stop building settlements answer no then the request stopped if it was pressure we would have heard please stop building settlements there illegal answer no ok you're an independent country you
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can do what you want but you know that four point one billion dollars of our tax money we give you every year we're not doing that anymore and you know how we protect you in the united nations so that no matter what resolutions are discussed or even passed no one from israel is ever really held accountable for your potential war crimes we're not doing that anymore either that's what pressure looks like and we didn't see that we haven't seen any of that it's just been overshadowed kind of by the iranian overshadowed as long as the. claims being made that israel our great ally in the middle east is threatened with an existential threat from iran nobody is going to talk about the occupation the reality is iran is not an existential threat to israel it is a threat it's a threat to the israeli nuclear monopoly there is one country as you know in the middle east right now that has nuclear weapons it's not iran it's israel it has a large nuclear arsenal which is not talked about by israel it's illegal for
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israelis to talk about it and the us doesn't talk about it either the israeli nuclear arsenal is what is destabilizing the region causing arms races etc all the things that we hear would happen if iran got a nuclear weapon which i certainly hope they don't but the existing nuclear weapon that belongs to israel is already causing that kind of problem kind of underlying double standard or rhetoric is really strong and perhaps maybe a line should be drawn in terms of palestinian statehood and holding the whole occupation oh what needs to happen is real diplomacy or not more of the same diplomacy that has failed for twenty one years the us has lead one kind of diplomacy that says face to face peace talks between the two sides is the only way we're going to get there well the problem is you can't have peace talks when one side is the twenty third wealthiest country in the world one of the most powerful by far the most powerful military in the region the only nuclear weapons in the region and has the support of the world's sole superpower and the other side is
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a group of people who are not recognized as a state who are not allowed to control their own borders who can't control who comes in and out who can't control their own economy who can't control anything surrounding them who can't control their own diplomatic life they can't declare themselves a state. and then you put those two of the table and say now you talk about you know that doesn't work we need an entirely new kind of diplomacy that's based at the united nations we do indeed and thank you so much for coming on and breaking it down phyllis bennis thank you really try to time. if you like what you see so far go to our youtube channel at youtube dot com slash breaking the set and subscribe check our new facebook page at facebook dot com breaking the set if you're wondering about what i'm doing or bitching about when i'm not on or follow me on twitter at abby martin luther breaks my preaching for now but stay tuned to hear how our candidates for us president might not be so different after all.
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planet will talk a little more about what's happened so far and what we might expect in the coming days i'm joined now by r.t. correspondent ana stasia churkin up. anastasio having. been watching the u.n. meetings since the beginning what what kind of things are they talking about so far . well you know al be the most important thing about the u.n. is really the amid the thousands of well hundreds of photo ops and dozens of meetings and over one hundred ninety speeches given what's important is to really kind of see through what's important and what's really done for decorations and really being put on by world leaders for the media to see and so far today is only just day one so things are really only getting heated up here getting started out of the highlights of today we can mention the speech of the french president of course talking again about the necessity of the syrian president to step down and to really not be part of the international community anymore and of course the u.s.
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president barack obama spoke today the general assembly debate session he again talked about the need for the syrian people to find their freedom he talked a little bit about the video that's been sparking the outrage in the middle east saying that the video is cruel and disgusting but the american ideal of freedom of speech continues to remain a priority and this mindless violence according to barack obama should not be a consequences of this particular video but you know for now that's pretty much been it for the day and we are of course waiting for the events to really on ravel tomorrow president mahmoud ahmadinejad is speaking and that's certainly something that's always very entertaining it really is. and who could forget last year when people were walking out on his own associate i wanted to just as you know in in recent years of the u.n. general assembly coming together have there been actual things that have come out of it or is it just kind of repeating u.n. rhetoric that we hear all during the year i mean just kind of coalescing together
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and kind of reinforcing the un line about all these countries well having the most important things that take place during this week are the backroom meetings. and this is what we don't see on our t.v. screens you know we see these speeches being given but the backroom behind closed doors meetings bilateral meetings those are the ones that produce the most tangible results in terms of the more international burning topics that we see every year it's curious that in the last several years the issues that were important for the international community to solve you know a couple of years ago are still on the table we still have these really palestinian question we still have the rainy and controversy the international community namely the west in the west still doesn't know what to do of course we have the syrian crisis that's just a stall right now there's no finding compromise and the israeli iranian standoff this is something that's just continuing to exist year in and year out and it seems seems like something that's not going away so many here are saying that it's really
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naive to expect for these issues that have been around for years to be solved you know in a blink of an i almost in this one week absolutely talk about the protests i mean it seemed like the protests were kind of waning down with the d.n.c. are there protests for this giant meeting right now in new york you know not not not so much abbi traditionally there's a couple maybe half a dozen or a dozen groups protesting outside the united nations they're not really given a lot of media attention they're not really given a lot of attention by leaders either because they're if they're not giant groups they're kind of just barricaded off from the one standing across the street waving flags around there were a couple of protests going on today but really nothing of note yet we might expect to see more of course. on addresses the general assembly as more issues are brought up into the light in the days to come well let's talk about another protest i guess you could say where these kind of bigoted posters have been all over the new york subways i heard that they got a facelift talk about the posters and talk about what i'm talking about here.
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yesterday on monday there were anti muslim anti islam ads being placed in ten subway stations they. support israel defeat jihad and this was something that was causing a lot of debate here in new york city even on day one as they were being put up with people saying look freedom of speech is one thing but offending a community especially when we have these violent protests breaking out in the middle east is really not smart timing for new york authorities and even though these ads were supposed to kind of drive ride in new york subways for the next month we have to say that i can actually show you even today already on tuesday they were covered with stickers that have said hate speech and racist and this happened in seven of the ten subway stations where the ads were put up so really new yorkers are putting up a fight against these ads they haven't even had a chance to be really seen by those in the subways so you know the people who put
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the the odds the anti muslim ads up spent about six thousand dollars i'm sure those stickers that cover the message costs a lot less for those not happy with what they were seeing i don't think the ones in seven sysco been getting their own face live so it's interesting to see how people are reacting to those thanks so much for coming on and talking about the u.n. general assembly thanks having. there forty two days left until the election and every day i'm seeing more scripted stump speeches and campaign stops not to mention the incessant dueling advertisements on t.v. which probably cost millions of dollars to air recently obama's been appearing on multiple talk shows where he can joke and resonate with viewers about his down home nature. today everyone's talking about obama and the first lady appearing on the view check it out. are you romantic kind of has been absolutely yes
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describe your husband personality because we hear aloof cold unemotional know all those sweet things describe his personality you know well i want you to say it is a little cold and i have no no no he's very he's very loving he's very giving he's very open he's funny i'm funnier told folks be i can be here for your. talk about pandering to middle aged women voters obama so obama was only in new york for twenty four hours and decided to go on the view instead of meet one on one with any foreign leaders at the u.n. meetings i guess it's more important to work with whoopi goldberg instead is this obama's idea of campaigning sitting on the view talking about how hot he is what i can't he is trying to distinguish himself from his opponent and he is much more personable and in touch with voters than his counterpart well according to
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a recent new york times in-depth investigation there are some strikingly significant similarities between the two candidates like college spicy chicken and star trek can you believe it oh there's more the article cites they could compare counties visited in iowa activists fawned over in new hampshire and irritations of dealing with blowhard colleagues and state government they can exchange trivia about star trek liked by both or complaints about the press disliked by both. wowo look at how much they have in common just like a lot of human beings i know they both went to college they both travel and they both like chicken by suggesting that these superficialities are the only things shared in common between the two the new york times is ignoring the much more devastating reality that these two candidates share almost everything in common when it comes to the policies that most affect the citizens of this country and the world. over the long list of similarities and take the entire show literally so i'm
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going to list some of the top features shared by the evil and the less evil choice we americans face in november. the same wall street executives that were obama's top donors in two thousand and eight are now romney's top donors for two thousand and twelve both candidates the port the bush doctrine of preemptive war both agree that the president can take the country to war without congress both advocate harsher sanctions and military action against iran both support unmanned predator drone warfare across the muslim world also both believe in the gym a theory of targeted assassinations of alleged terror suspects obama's failed in his promise to close the guantanamo bay torture house and romney once said in a speech that we out of double guantanamo both romney and obama support exporting torture through extraordinary rendition both support the patriot act warrantless
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wiretapping which romney has praised and obama's actually voted to renew multiple times romney says that he would have signed the controversial n.d.a. bill that authorizes the indefinite detention of u.s. citizens and lastly both romney and obama support continuing the prohibition and crack down of the nixon era war on drugs and those are just the tip of the iceberg but hey obama summed it up on the view when he said this. is a tremendous becomes whose policies are more likely to lead us to where we want to go and. yes obama we should vote for someone who we truly believe will move this country forward to where we need it to go and guess what it's not you know what it all comes down to is the illusion of choice between a republican or democratic brand the democrats who cloak their imperial wars and humanitarian interventions or agree with republicans that corporations should rule and that presidents retain the right to torture and kill us but the republican
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brand well that's much more frightening than the democrats isn't it as bruce dixon has said the fact is that one hundred and twenty percent evil republicans offered the only justification for the continued support of the. percent evil democrats if we continue to marginalize alternatives to the two party system and there will never be a chance and an alternative to resist the status quo means leaving open the possibility of actual change and if we don't resist if we submit that hope remains at a distance or worse it dies. oh.
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