tv [untitled] September 26, 2012 7:00am-7:30am EDT
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from. the syrian capital. with a major. right afterwards the rebel group the free syrian army already claiming responsibility. right now we called for assad to step down continue also threats. but the harsh rhetoric fails to bring countries any closer to finding a solution. greeks flock around the country's parliament enraged.
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being enforced by international predators. and it is the same show of discontent in spain led to violence with protesters a brutally beaten by police trying to stop thousands from storming the parliament. it is a pleasure to have you with us here on our. live in moscow and turning straight to syria now where massive blast struck the capital damascus on wednesday morning the free syrian army has claimed responsibility for the terror target government buildings in a fierce gun battle reportedly right at the scene of one of the explosions in the region with. two massive explosions rocked the syrian
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capital of damascus early on wednesday morning they happened to near the credentials of the army and the air force one just minutes apart they also happen not far from one of the main squares of the capital city now they shot at the glass of windows of nearby buildings with some people reporting hearing those explosions several kilometers away in fact some eyewitnesses have gone as far as to say it was the largest explosion in damascus since fighting broke out there several months ago this part of the city is covered now with huge plumes of smoke the ambulances rushed to the scene the police have cordoned off the area to prevent traffic and people from getting closer we were also receiving reports that the ministry of defense is on fire now the syrian information minister has said that the explosions were caused by two roadside bombs one of which he says may have been planted inside the grounds of the army command headquarters he did deny initial reports that there were casualties saying that no civilians or army personnel had been hurt in these
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explosions and this does seem plausible because it happened at around seven o'clock in the morning local time the explosions also occurred not far from the headquarters of syrian state television they are calling them terrorist attacks and they come just one day after rebels blew up a school building in damascus which they say was being used for military training so certainly the situation in the syrian capital extremely tense with a string of attacks now coming almost daily. well to support a reporting right i will admit the ongoing violence in syria another journalist has died iran's press t.v. channel says its correspondent maya nasr has been killed while reporting on air about today's twin blasts in the syrian capital damascus and i'm joined by all these folks on a bike and you have been traveling the region you've been in the heat of many of the scenes of violence across syria this person that was a friend of yours. two journalists two correspondents working in
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a war zone we understand the tragic circumstances that a sniper killed your colleague and your friend how did you know my and well i'm at my on one of my trips to damascus i was the one who actually reached out to him i wrote to him on twitter saying that we should form a clump of the wrong side of his territories that i've seen any reference to one of the white house official camas that iran the russia china was on the wrong side of history when it comes to syria now he responded in a very humorous manner as well and. communicating i relied on his knowledge sometimes on his contacts extensively as did a lot of reporters in that region both. western reporters he was always very helpful he was a very great source when it comes to events and syria because he would usually be very factual on his twitter account for example in the morning today he just throw
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that there was it when explosion as you just pointed out in your headlines and it was his habit that he would usually go in investigate try to see what so he had went to the scene actually to the scene to i understand to do reported about this fairly significant large explosion even by syrian standards and i understand that it was there that one of the snipers targeted him but when it comes to people oh sorry correspondents who work for person war zones typically they. something on their jacket or they help with press they should be ignored how is it that a sniper a sniper individually target your colleague and fellow correspondent well first of all our feeling was very well known reporter in damascus he was receiving a lot of threats for his reporting both by phone and on his twitter account anyone could see it and honestly i think there is a thing about war correspondents that he or sounds of security
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a sense of safety sometimes a little bit off he wasn't afraid he was obviously aware of the great danger that he was putting himself into. you know wearing blasts or any anything protective any protective gear in syria doesn't make any sounds because first of all it makes your moving around more difficult to stand even. that wouldn't protect you if you really want to so you or your friend and your colleague was killed this morning wednesday morning by a sniper at the standard these massive blast in damascus you've been in the region you've done your reporting for r.t. throughout have you been scared for your safety well i think it's a tough question because on one hand you see people dying in great numbers every day and that instills a certain sense of humility you understand that your own life is worth nothing and that was the thing about my as well because he was reporting for an iranian station
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but he was a syrian and he obviously. took a great care about his own country and he was concerned about what was happening there and he wanted to bring what he saw as the truth to the rest of the world because it's again it's very very challenging i want to point out that sometimes. you know iranian russian chinese reporters are sort of looked down upon if they're a clash of credibility when it comes you look at correspondents from the west with a correspondent. iran or russia and there's some sort of divine well i do feel that and i sometimes gad that sort of santa not from my colleagues that you know we russians are running our minds absolutely work by dog mind propaganda and therefore we cannot be relied upon to trust it but the they think about my and me to stand to know about many all the reporter says that he actually tried to go and
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reach out to both sides of the story actually many sides of the story and that was the thing about mine and not many people realize i for example relied on him to get a lot of opposition contacts those opposition figures that he can actually talk to now i'm not talking about militaristic position because obviously he's still a demonstrate that these people absolutely have no tolerance to any opposing viewpoint but you know he always tried to go and talk to various factions within the syrian society because it was his country and he was concerned about what of course going on and also trying to be an impartial journalist in the middle of a cynical thing to see recycled and i mean i don't know anyone who would succeed on these. on this test to be absolutely impartial it's impossible in a war zone but he was trying to reach to as many parts of the story to as many people you can talk to you but of course as we know it's on in this day and age of
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certainly when it comes to a war zone nobody can be considered innocent and nobody can can be considered absolutely safe i'm. sorry to hear about your corresponding friend from press t.v. and of course here at all to our condolences go to my and i saw his family and friends thanks for coming on. the intensified terror attacks on the syrian capital however did not receive much condemnation from the un of course the general assembly meeting all this week in new york but instead its calls for regime change should have only grown louder with the u.s. president barack obama setting the mood by reiterating his commitment to force bashar al assad to go into one of the states believed to be supplying the syrian rebels with weapons called an arab nations to intervene in syria bypassing the world body. has been following the whole issue being addressed and right now. every world leader or high figure that took to the podium at the united nations general assembly on tuesday did address the crisis in syria the secretary general
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ban ki-moon described the war in syria as a regional calamity with global ramifications he urged the international community to act quickly with consensus before he says the crisis spirals out of control somewhat strong leaders took a more aggressive approach with their rhetoric french president francois hollande said that the syrian government of bashar assad has no future among the international community and crawls on the u.n. to immediately cried protections for the syrian opposition groups that are currently occupying the northern part of the country u.s. president barack obama also released some criticism additional criticism of bashar al assad saying that time has come for his government to go and the u.s. president also said that the international community should support the vision that the syrians have for the future of their country now we do know that the u.s. and its western allies have been pushing for regime change in syria have been
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pushing for sanctions against syria russia is among the countries that believes diplomatic approach taken to the crisis in syria were i dialogue between the government and the opposition house to be created the. did nations is still divided over how to resolve the problem and syria. is going to pornography ording right there well in just a moment here on r.t. will be talking to patrick ending soon a geo political analyst for the current affairs website u.k. colum hope you can stay with us for that it's coming in just a moment here on r.t. . i never thought i could earn a living messmate natale a show of oil is a norm or should just small arms so there's a lot almost machine building ploy and not obvious sourced count of all the weapons
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she's fired over the past twelve years. i got so used to it sometimes my friends ask me to join them at the rifle range and i say no wait i'm so tired of shooting. the planet's history goes from making firearms doing world war two to ballistic missiles from nuclear submarines during the cold war the bulk of the soviet industry was moved here in the 1940's to flee the advancing germans so if you were also became the heart of soviet military production closed off to foreigners for half a century it thrived on the massive moods of the soviet military when the u.s.s.r. collapsed but life here was shaken to the core but some adapted to better than others. this is the fuel truck factory bush's number one of the truck made for girls a look at how well the workplace is organized everything's done to make sure the workers don't waste time waiting there was old production is booming the factory
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has largely managed to get on to civil rails these johnsons sold around the globe hayabusa brand new breeds now wait for it to be delivered to acquire seventy trucks like this one roll up the bronx conveyor belt every day look about this things that absolutely huge. well i'm no formula one pilot but hopefully if i can get up that. i can go far to drive. whoa that was. perhaps i should get one of these to travel to whatever in the morning was with the cost of about forty thousand dollars i should start saving money. moving. culture is that so much time and if you can which of course you want to do so here it is just how influential is the
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israeli lobby in the us to what degree does it impact american policy what about the rift that now divides. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. by from moscow this is not see i'm real researcher thanks for joining us on the program if you haven't already heard massive twin blasts have rocked the syrian capital ultimately targeting the army's come on the headquarters already the rebel group the free syrian army claiming responsibility for this enormous bombing in the capital let's discuss it further now with patrick henningsen a political analyst for the current affairs website how u.k. call him joining us live from london patrick
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a pleasure to see you today let's talk about the blame game here very quickly before we delve deeper in the matter too enormous a blast to end damascus targeting a government building who's responsible here why target such a major facility in the heart of the major city. it's clear now that the the hell that's been unleashed by the u.s. and their allies in the gulf states has now reached new levels of violence in the heart of syria in the capital of damascus so this is this is the result of eighteen months or two months two years of progressive of planning and trying to get into the country and having foreign fighters all over all over the different regions of syria and now the violence is coming to damascus it's very very sad to see the country descending into this sort of chaos but that's to be expected. as we saw it interrupted the rebels have already acknowledged they are responsible for
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these attacks ultimately in some ways they are admitting to terrorism how can they get away with admitting that so willingly and freely well they can do that roy because they have the full backing of the united states the foreign office in britain france israel and all of the gulf states who seem to have some sort of international mandate in the quote unquote international community but what you've got here also is the the propaganda war is now taking the glee star in and i believe that the research. shooting of the press t.v. bureau correspondent was a targeted assassination because he was working for an iranian state broadcaster so the message is only certain amount of media is allowed to perform in syria and not others but doesn't seem bizarre and doesn't seem a little bit bizarre and he are saying that the rebels can get away with what are essentially terrorist attacks in damascus they can get away with it because they have the support of the international community as you know patrick right now in
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new york the u.n. general assembly meeting all week when it comes to the issue of syria we don't hear any condemnation of these terror attacks so we hear will leaders once again calling for bashar al assad to step down and yet it's the rebels who are causing the destruction and death yeah well you know this flies in the face of the official policy of washington and the other nato countries and their war on terror for the last ten years and now they're actively supporting real terrorists who are indiscriminately targeting civilians journalists religious ethnic cleansing of christians in central syria it's this is like nicaragua which you know previous u.s. government and cia had orchestrated a total destabilization in a country like nicaragua only now you can add the element of foreign fighters so syria is like nicaragua on steroids this is this is a most of these free syrian army fighters are not from syria and that's something
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the public needs to understand you guys i've been saying i saw anyway the u.n. and other analysts and experts over recent weeks there are there there is a definite presence all foreign fighters involved in syria if i may patrick i'm sorry i'm running low on time but i have to ask you one last question here at the u.n. meeting that we all know is ongoing in new york qatar has explicitly call for arab nations to intervene in syria by pasi ng the united nations how likely is that that other regional powers will follow suit. well the they've made such threats in the past and so is saudi arabia these sort of you know ideas have already come out of the gulf states but what it is it's a complete runaround you can see what's happening here roy this is the interesting narrative this looks like the league of nations before world war two the united nations who is completely in this case useless in any kind of international bilateral diplomacy and they're going to be blamed if syria falls and if
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a conflict over iran ensues after that world war three situation it's the perfect storm to put in a new global government in sort of five to ten years time but as you can see this total hypocrisy and it's quite surreal. you know just watching it and watching the sort of rhetoric coming out of washington and london particularly it's unbelievable often i will counter the u.n. the u.n. meeting has not finished by any stretch of the imagination it continues all week so a pattern henningsen will certainly keep everyone posted on their site geo political analyst for the current affairs website u.k. called in thanks for joining us live from london. and i will lead as i won't be the only ones addressing those gathered at the u.n. headquarters in new york the one and only julian a son shoe still ensconced in the ecuadorian embassy in london despite his status as a political refugee he will also make an appearance though a virtual one via video broadcast here at odds he will exclusively bring you that
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live on wednesday at twenty two thirty g.m.t. . i. i i. i. i. i it's now at three twenty pm here in the russian capital this is artsy thousands of greeks have gathered in athens for the latest protest against the government's austerity measures workers walked out on a general strike over the cuts the greek government has to go shooting a new round of belt tightening in order to receive the next portion of vital loans from its international creditors it's expected the nationwide strike will bring the country to a standstill with flights halted and public services shut down. and these are live
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pictures you're looking at here from athens and again a familiar scene for you that we have the police certainly a number dressed in their riot gear we're seeing some sort of smoke bombs a fire in the lower right screen a live pictures from athens as the public continues to vent its anger over continued austerity measures a live pictures for you here on arts. now these mass protests in athens they come just a day off the madrid saw fierce clashes between enraged protesters and police over sixty people injured in scenes of police brutality thousands were on the streets to rage against austerity cutbacks and hikes in taxes artie's greaves was in the thick of it all. tens of thousands of people were out on the streets in numbers but then it turned someone on it was so protesters throwing projectiles that police there's also a constant thought of fireworks being set off in and around the mass with them police moved in force they pushed back those demonstrators chased down making forcible
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arrests we see a large number being detained a large number being injured in the proceedings that followed taken away by ambulances now this has been originally dog occupied the parliament and the intention originally was surround the parliament here in madrid and try and get their message over and see us there see a global cuts to health care spending in education the salaries and shops actually it was huge it was quite a virus the for display on both sides we've heard that chant throughout the course of the weapons our hands now when it comes to austerity where we hear reports as a budget on this issue will be discussed late this week by the correspondents government projecting the budget for next year and we're already hearing that potentially there could be a freeze when it comes to cuts the health cuts to spending on education
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that could really be seen as a backlash from what we've seen so far this the fish ration that have been golfing spain amateurish in recent months. that he's drunk a group reporting right now and egyptian newspaper has published a series of cartoons in response to the caricature of the prophet mohammad there recently appeared in a french magazine i want cartoon shows the burning world trade center through a pair of spectacles with the caption western glasses for the islamic world and while another shows a flashlight painted with an american flag or highlighting an arab man holding a bloody knife while the true picture of islam goes on seen. and many egyptians have applauded the cartoons of a civilized response to the french publication other news in the r.t. world update hundreds of people in the u.k. have been forced from their homes as heavy rains continue to fall one driver was lucky enough to escape the floodwaters when an emergency worker was able to push
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her car to safety and several others had to be rescued by boat the u.k.'s environment agency warns the waters are likely to rise further. are you watching our live from moscow we can our cross back to live pictures from greece ultimately in athens a downtown outside the parliament building we have been seeing people throwing molotov cocktails certainly crowds are swarming the street riot police at this point according to this picture seem to almost be out numbering those in protest of course as the greek police have been firing tear gas at the demonstrators in athens the people are demonstrating against further austerity measures hiking taxes slash in pensions and again it seems that many are saying that greece continues to spend more money than it has coming in again protests austerity measures athens live pictures for you right here on. let's get some business news here there's r.t.
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don't you bush or hi daniel the conflict between china and japan over disputed islands it's certainly taking a chunk out of regional business refusing to budge and it's good. for toyota it's a real. production in china the world's biggest car market off the cells collapse sixty percent of their other top japanese firms have already halted production of the security fears china is the biggest trade. in the tokyo stock market to another low today over in europe is hit by a general strike in greece we've just been hearing about the protests over first spending cuts the roof is near one week lows on the greenback off the boil and. the truth shortfalls is rising u.s. troops topol said the oprah's to seven week lows that's hurting energy stocks in particular and that's why we've got some of this so we'll have more for you in around fifty minutes time i think it was a pleasure we'll see you soon. i do stay with us here on r.t. will be back in just a moment. he
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won't come to the place for a swimming bird you can catch both of the premier mares like deviation show of the summer check out a whole family of russian engineering feats of the let ships truly fly or just go with the flow and take in the view of the bay below but hold on there could be turbulence on board the plane it's only jet powered and the b.s. plane hit the market really. pair them up with the world's most colorful choppered and you've got a team bring to douse any flame technology i'm doing here on
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a launch we've done the future of coverage. wealthy british style. time to. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cons or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our. morning news today violence is once again flared up the film these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china corporations are today
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and you can see it's. a low in welcome to cross talk i'm teetotal about just how influential is the israeli lobby in the us to what degree does it impact american foreign policy what about the rift that now divides us president barack obama and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and who has the right to define red lines when it comes to iran. and syria. to cross israel's influence on washington i'm joined by ruthie bloom in new york she's a jerk.
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