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tv   [untitled]    September 27, 2012 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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embattled whistleblower julian assange she gives an unprecedented speech to the un general assembly r t his words directly to the high level gathering of course from his london based ecuadorian embassy hideout and. syria grabs wider attention at the u.n. as moscow lashes out at some of its foreign partners who continue pushing for regime change instead of condemning the escalation of rebel terror attacks. and spain's richest and most prosperous region catalonia strikes for independence as
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a disintegrating economy and a government accused of being aloof we leave spaniards in a state of despair. thanks so much for joining us here on r.t. today i'm real research and life in moscow the world's top whistleblower julian songe found a way to make his own address at the un general assembly for me as a shelter in the ecuadorian embassy in london he used a video link provided by r.t. to speak to the world leaders gathered in new york sarah ferguson details of this unprecedented statement. it's a story that the mounted to be heard incessantly alte have refused to ignore it having followed every detail of julian assange says case from the very beginning were last night the un listened as the wiki leaks founder delivered his impassioned
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appeal to the c.e.o. and to the people who were gathered there calling on the u.s. to end its persecution of wiki leaks and of the man himself now he spoke via satellite link from the ecuadorian embassy in london where he's been for more than three months now as he fights his extradition he just the u.n. assembly in the great gathered there are t. were exclusively in the embassy behind the scenes and exclusively broadcasting as julian assange has delivered his message to the world leaders who were gathered there he spoke for about fifteen minutes and the main point that he made was the criticism of the u.s. and of president obama criticizing them for defending freedom of speech of being very outspoken about defending freedom of speech but then conversed lipase keating whistle blows and people he try and tell the cheese and he spoke certainly of his vassal wiki leaks possibile so the wider implications of the route that the u.s.
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is now taking. ration is in trying to recruit. a national regime of secrecy a national regime scotian a regime where you need government employee reviewing sensitive information to a media organization can be sentenced to death life imprisonment or what is now in recent u.s. the classified documents being found that julian the sons and wiki leaks are officially enemies of the state and that anyone he works with them could be potentially persecuted now he spoke not only of his own ongoing battle but also the wider implications for whistle blows if the u.s. continues along this course. porting right there well as i mentioned we were exclusively broadcasting a songes live address you can watch it in its entirety on our web site talk.
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i want to show you americans or judy have a son just break through the message exclusively on our t.v. dot com. songes video appearance aside syria dominated the u.n. meeting after the country's capital was rocked by two rebel terror attacks in just two days however this was largely ignored by international allies of the opposition who only stepped up their calls for regime change and russia says that that kind of behavior only encourages rebel terrorism is more important now reports. russia's foreign minister does speak to the fifteen members of the security council reiterating russia's position on the crisis in syria a position that says the international community should be sticking to the six point peace plan that was laid out by former joint special envoy kofi annan as well as sticking to the communique that was signed in geneva and now russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov said that this crisis can only be settled through
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negotiation and compromise. an argument was also made by china and brazil most recently said that military intervention could not serve to solve this problem only dialogue and diplomacy foreign minister lavrov said that russia's diplomatic principles are the following letting countries decide its destiny independently and not interfering in domestic affairs the foreign minister also said that it's quite concerning that western countries who are supporting the syrian opposition are increasingly turning the other way when violence and bloodshed is being perpetrated by rebels he said that this is a very dangerous pattern that is taking place and it could set a very bad precedent that would ultimately justify terrorism. new to the latest attacks in syria andras even any jew response from the u.n. security council because some of the western nations prefer to step back saying
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that in this case terror acts can be justified by people's desperation with the regime such a position is horrifying and may even she leads to justifying terror attacks over the world u.s. president barack obama addressed the u.n. general assembly calling for an end to the government of bashar al assad syria's current president in addition to america's position the leaders of britain and france also took to the podium addressing the international body and echoing the sentiments made by their. american counterpart so there you have it it was just the most recent conversation taking place in the security council once again on syria a crisis that has been developing for more than eighteen months and still a huge division among the international community. to course want to marina porter now the iranian leader also warned against foreign action in syria after he addressed the world leaders at the general assembly mahmoud ahmadinejad criticized
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western policies while calling for a new world order and fresh thinking the u.s. and israel in turn boycotted his speech with the canadian delegations walking out of the chamber in protest. from the national iranian american council believe such reactions are made in. the walkout that normally happens or in this case the fact that the u.s. and israeli missions did not even come to the speech i think is mostly political theater i don't think that this means anything this is about as sharp rebuke as can be delivered during these speeches but at the end of the day it's meaningless it's i think silliness that bears no mark on the reality of how these situations need to be resolved i think they do though speak to political. you know the political risk of appearing to be willing to listen engage to. you
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know foreign countries that we disagree with. and watching our teachers there for you in the program we take a look at whether the relationship between the u.s. and israel could now be on a rocky ground where the crisis have been there for quite some time and they seem to be growing wider with washington appearing tired of israel's insistent calls for a strike on iran over its atomic plant. the u.k. police deeply affected by all sterile find ways to resist the job and funding cuts will tell you how they're letting the government know the dangers of having less. on. the beat. right now a judge has rejected the release of the country's most renowned activist and job the announcement posted on his twitter account also said his next court hearing would be in october it was an organist job was sentenced to three years for inciting a legal protests against the ruling family we can discuss this further now with
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a bush. youth leader from bahrain's biggest opposition party. thank you for coming on the program today not bill's hearing has been delayed once again as we were just saying this time too or so but how do you think the decision will be greeted by the protest movement in bahrain or perhaps what kind of signal the court's trying to send continually. that's skewed in that region and just to let you know right. that's meaning all the demonstration that. it was great being part of that rehab. and you did she also maybe interaction since today that it's going to be risky and transparence to look to where that. governments that have no situation it's best to prepare in this situation for they really have to try and of these towns solicitors to factor in the bill and the bill for a job has been held since july treatment that's attracted world wide criticism over the country's free speech crackdown however some western officials have still to join the chorus of condemnation what do you think that is. most of the new iraq to
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organize the chants since just about last week they are speak of the russian and the minds. of the insurgents it's a big situation that you see that's why i'm going to this to now in the prisons to mean big c. questions about that go to bent's that's me and that is know and movements of who want to be in and stand to see him sequence and it's just it's not just a stick of judiciary it is just life and you get a family of know what's controlling all of that situation and back and so i think government should rather just about do that they're going to. write international activists. well certainly the government has a message at some point that certain reforms do need to be made when it comes to the issues of human rights you think or do you think these are empty words or are you buying what the government is selling and go out and really if you want change
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if you want to write a piece you can. turn up that. kind of. writing. and if you don't have that direct they're going to be in a market to find out. if they don't believe and agree with me even. if you leave. and i'm going to be sure and commission. me get there and i'm not the only way i can control it and you want. i pushed him to a youth leader and largest opposition party thanks for coming on our team today thank you. now we are coming to you live from the heart of moscow thanks for joining us today deep cuts to public services in the u.k. the country's law enforcement hundreds of police slashed with thousands more under
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threat but officers aren't taken kindly to the proposed changes. and how they are fighting back. faced with having to make deep budget cuts and to add insult to injury were reportedly called plaids by a senior member of the government's now police in the west midlands have decided to fight back in a couple of weeks the conservative party conference comes to. police federations for the three regions surrounding the city are preparing. for all the government ministers paying a visit they say. as many billboards as they can in the city center in order to put this government advertisement up by the time the tories start their meeting police . budget cuts being insisted upon across the whole of england and wales the picture a similar six thousand eight hundred frontline police jobs have gone since the two
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thousand and ten general election in order to free up more money for the treasury which is in desperate need of cash the government can to do. with. twenty percent of the budget. which ultimately the police federation's latest campaign here in birmingham is a warning that even if the deep cuts made by the british government save the money it could come at the cost of public safety. reporting right there will be more news in just a sec. tucked in between the russian mainland japan and the suckling island is the island of minute on named after french seafarer who discovered it it is described as the
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pride of the sakhalin region we'll take a look at what's in store for us here. until two thousand and four the island was part of the borders own and was completely restricted too busy to know this picture rest place is open to tourists unique plants and animals are its top attraction. treaty has been exploring the deaths of the world sees for several decades but it's here at more your own island where he has finally found what he'd been looking for . the water here is very clear the visibility is very good and the underwater world here is extremely rich i've been to many diving locations across the planet including the island of bali but mine are on top of my list while some go to the cycling region to enjoy the sights others convert the islands nature's riches into a healthy dollar it is home to the biggest seafood processing factory in russia the
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tonight shop hundreds of thousands of tons of fish get caught in the nets too late to produce delicious salamon caviar and necessary attribute of anything in russia the owner of the enterprise says a good fishing season can bring in more than a hundred million dollars net profit. and to a large extent this is old to do what succulent offers environmentally the tonight show operates in only and natural habitat and mild climate unique natural sights and delicious seafood succulent can offer a diverse holiday for those who are not afraid to travel ten thousand kilometers from europe. the question is whether this ever be able to become a major tourist destination. and then.
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thank you for joining us here on. alleged nuclear threat. for quite some time but now it's becoming a bone of contention with washington appearing to be. the crack between the white house and the israeli leadership is starting to show benjamin netanyahu is pushing washington to draw a red line over iran a line beyond which lies war but president obama is not pandering so let me be clear america wants to resolve this issue through diplomacy and we believe that there is still time and space to do so even though the obama administration's
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stated policy is not to let iran have a nuclear weapon for benjamin netanyahu that's not enough if you're determined to prevent iran from getting nuclear weapons it means you'll act before they get nuclear weapons acting before could mean attacking tomorrow even though according to a u.s. intelligence assessment iranian leaders haven't even decided on whether to build the bomb or not america's top military officials made it clear at tacking iran would be a bad idea should israel decide to go it alone the head of the u.s. army said quote i don't want to be complicit and of quote they assume they can set iran back a couple of years and then go back and do it again and again that's just idiotic because once you start using force everything changes colonel lawrence wilkerson has joined a host of other former and serving government officials who put forward an expert analysis paper on what military action against iran would entail the paper states we believe that a u.s. attack on iran would increase ariens motivation to build
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a bomb. it would take iran a year or more to build a military grade weapon once the decision was made to do so at least two years or more would be required to create a nuclear warhead that is reliably deliverable die a missile as this room pushes ahead with war talk and red lines the obama administration is trying to relieve the pressure any pressure that i feel is simply to do what's right for the american people and i am going to block out any noise that's out there when the president referred to israeli war rhetoric as noise many asked whether the relations between the white house and tell of it have hit a new low all you have to do in this town is say the word israel and everyone supposed to shrink away everyone's supposed to leave the argument because if israel security is in peril then you are an anti-semite or worse if you say opposite opinion americans have made it clear they don't have the stomach for another war in
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the middle east especially a war based on some phony red blinds president obama knows that benjamin netanyahu probably knows that too hence the question is these three leadership really serious when pushing the us to the brink of what would be a devastating war or is it some kind of a good cop bad cop diplomatic game that the u.s. and israel are playing whatever it is the escalating war talk is drowning out the hopes of diplomacy in washington i'm going to. now as barack obama prepares for his presidential election run in his republican rival reveals his personal financial history of just a few minutes or a nazi we've got there all the surprising details of mitt romney's overseas investments where it turns out the whole republican has been buying into his enemy . now a tanking economy rampant unemployment and a public mood may not be the worst of spain's troubles catalonia it's richest
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a most prosperous region wants out its leader saying if he wins elections next month he'll force through a referendum on independence groups reports. the regional elections being held in catalonia will be seen as a de facto referendum on independence from madrid and from essential lies government and that's largely down to who's running on the ballot paper we have present our soul mass regional head he's been calling for greater independence if he proves popular on the day of voting for them that could really reflect on how popular the issue of independence is has always been the simmering sentiment on it comes to this national debate between highlighted somewhat given the current economic conditions and economic plight in spain catalonians feel that they've been hard done so that they give more to madrid in terms of the budget about twelve billion euros more on an annual basis when they ever receive back also catalonia as
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a regional sort of contributes about twenty percent of spain's annual g.d.p. is still part of what was owed desperate struggling to reduce that deficit in catalonia about forty billion euros but here they say they've made deeper and tougher cuts than anywhere else in spain this issue actually oh this month also about a million people onto the streets in barcelona is a call for independence away from madrid that comes at a very tough time for spain as a whole particularly for the government of prime minister rudd hoists as one m.p.'s dubbed it is a crisis on top of a crisis as they're facing their own problems of deficit reduction and people coming out to the streets in their tens of thousands to protest against how the government is handling austerity measures we've just seen this week protests turned violent the occupy congress movement which started peacefully angel get a message of and just there she threw to a peace and ended in violence of police pushing back the protesters were being hit
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by battens having bullets fired in their direction and it's also about sixty people were injured in proceedings about thirty people be. detained it's a worrying sign. as these demonstrations turn violent as they continue. all of brushing aside accusations of greed alphonse lopez ten a spokesperson for the cattle and solidarity and independence party he says it's not about money it's rather all about self-determination. going to people has. no place. in spain or out of our own i mean it's not a matter of. you know you're going to get a big. show. through us. recently and be afraid be the case they'd only. be saved. and we could squabble.
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i'm going to reveal that i'm going to people decides. we're going to. go read the truth about. this but he's been looking to do. anything. because we know that people are going to. you can catch up on the clashes in madrid certainly over the past two days find the full videos and r.t. talk on there we've called a couple of days now of mass rallies made up of tens of thousands we've got video and opinion on the ensuing violence between demonstrators and police clashes that some critics say were actually engineered by authorities themselves all of that and much more on our website. by turning our attention out of out of the u.s. presidential candidate mitt romney he's certainly raised a few eyebrows by releasing his two thousand and eleven tax returns after pressure from voters turns out the republican who was very vocal in his animosity towards
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moscow has large investments in two of russia's biggest corporations liz while reports. republican presidential nominee mitt romney finally released his much anticipated two thousand and eleven tax returns the three hundred seventy nine page return shows he paid a tax rate of over forty percent though there's debate over how that number was calculated his tax return also reveals ties to his cayman island investments and the performance of his goldman sachs funds but perhaps the most important yet overlooked item on his two thousand and eleven tax return is romney's foreign investments and mitt romney family trust return shows romney purchased shares in two giant russian companies romney invested in russian energy firm gazprom and russian internet firm and acts the largest search engine in the country the records show romney invested over a thousand shares in both countries tax records also show romney sold both shares at a loss last september right before the presidential election season kicked off but
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what's puzzling is that the presidential hopeful took interest and invested in a country he recently bashed just to russia this is without question our number one geopolitical foe they fight every cause for the world's worst actors that's right drumming invested in a country he apparently views as america's number one enemy in fact romney's rhetoric on russia is consistently hawkish so if you want to run for the highest office in the united states and that verbal attack a foreign country you may want to keep your investments close to home and washington liz wall r.t. ok you know just a moment you're about see the lovely pilbeam will join us with the business.
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motion to be soon which brightened the food bounce from phones to parachutes. who screams don't totty don't come. won't come to the future the flying fish or swimming bird you can catch both of the premier mirrors like deviation show of the summer check out a whole family of russian engineering feats that have let ships truly fly or just go with the flow and take in the view of the bay below but hold on there could be turbulence on board the plane it's only jet powered insidious plane that marcello really. paired up of the world's most powerful chopper and you've got it to bring to douse the flames technology i'm doing here on a launch we've got the future covered.
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the french invasion of russia has started again after two hundred years up at the. jet the emperor in a pollie and has arrived from overseas to lead the army i have to really take my time to prepare myself to get it right i know we. the bloody battle near moscow is going to start over. james brown will reveal the victor the soldiers are back to do it all again. but you know version twenty twelve on r.t. .
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it's a business there's been reports that the battle between raquel tourney and the like that of passage of the two russian billionaires over a lucrative stake in the world's top news are resold could be settled now out of course so let me give the background of innovation for you charlie says it was sold like that of pascoe made back in the ninety's worth twenty percent of. a billion dollar compensation for not guessing the stake whose sole makes ninety percent of the world's allem a new which is used in construction and culminating the company is now worth some
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eight and a half billion dollars part of the hearing was such take place via video link to israel as well once all the charges and he fears leaving the country will go out of my real estate else in stocks wall street they are indeed open now and stocks are getting else something a five day it's not submit speculation on china's economic stimulus measures on does american jobless claims fell more than a so-called slots last week that will help me on the markets as you can see let's take out the european ones they are indeed managing to gain still in the last a part of the trading session that's before spanish governments present their budget for twenty eight forty and that's a lot of his patient going on which means the euro as well is still managing to gain just a modest fraction that actually it's pretty flat out she this hour must say we've got protesters in madrid they want a reversal of the austerity measures in that new budget so following the situation that we've got the ruble managing to gain because the boss.


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