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tv   [untitled]    September 28, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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iran says it would retaliate with full pull against any attack after its role draws up a case for a new big one. elaborate hoax all special all georgios what is questioned as alleged links between special services on terrorism come to light. strongly supports to time since a well said citizens to the president all along the way was he supposed to blanchard but critics say this will only see money relieve the.
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international news live from moscow this is all she with me thanks for joining is iran says it's strong enough to defend itself and will retaliate with force against any other time. top its war rhetoric before the world community at the u.n. general assembly or has more important eyes following developments in new york for us. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu took to the podium to address the international body and presented somewhat of a show win tell why his diplomatic approach this year in his speech was to hold up somewhat of a cartoonish figure of a bomb to indicate what he believes is iran's nuclear program he was holding
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up this drawing literally drew a red line in that he indicated that israelis believe that iran has enriched seventy percent. of geranium to make a bomb and at the ninety percent line these are really prime minister drew a red line with a marker to indicate that the international community he says should draw that line and if you run verses that line it would lead to military intervention benjamin netanyahu says that sanctions over the past seven years that have been placed on iran has not deterred them from continuing their nuclear program and so he was trying to rally the world body to take a more forceful actions against iran but clearly this was a different tactic that most representatives take what addressing the international community usually they give somewhat of
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a speech there is some tension rising between the u.s. and israel over brawn because the u.s. has not been as bold with this red line rhetoric as israel has been and israel is hoping that the u.s. will be more aggressive in setting grandmothers in which there could be. kind of consequences put upon iran if iran continues its nuclear program so clearly a lot of issues being discussed at the u.n. as all these world leaders are meeting in new york for the week. and the many i mean netanyahu estimated at timeframe of spring or summer twenty thirteen for iran to complete the next stage with your e-mail retirement and the list commentator around saber rude the israeli prime minister is treading on dangerous ground he is digging a hole for himself he provided this timeline of one year where we can't possibly be good beyond that so he basically committed himself directly or indirectly that he
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is going to destroy iran's nuclear ambitions within one year if nothing is being done about it and in a way i feel like or i think it's a message also to the united states that if you do not back us up we are going to act unilaterally and we know the power of that is we're in the lobby in washington and elsewhere in america they are not going to allow this to happen so we are going to see you when the year of constant is really pressures to drag the united states into another war they do not see eye to eye when it comes to iran they do not see eye to eye when it comes to many issues including the occupation. of palestine now the challenge is will obama hold his ground or will be in the selling out the same way that he did in the past i think this is the challenge and i think this timeline is not just concerning iran but it's also concerning the united states itself. when georgia reported it had eleven suspected militants last month it claimed had crossed from the russian republic of dagestan and were convinced that there was
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more to it to the news than. they go on to terrorize it is being questioned as an elaborate hoax to discredit russia is going off explains why there were big doubts over what really happened. the outcome of a recent alleged police operation near george's border with russia's republic of dagestan eleven suspected terrorist dead the b.b.c. says that the armed men were chechens who crossed into georgian territory and kidnapped around ten locals before being caught by police the news spreads quickly but not everyone's buying it. this was all organized by georgian security services the lack of transparency and details about the incident has led many to believe the whole so-called anti terror operation was a complete hoax georgian authorities have been very successful in creating an image of a modern wife in a civil way seek a beacon of freedom by force w.
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bush once called it but in this case the opposition is accusations are fighting supporters on the other side of the caucasus meet his duty on them of he spent two decades fighting on the side of chechen militants against the moscow officially representing them in georgia he also has doubts about what really happened at this latest water operation. first of all their weapons were american made second none of them fired off a single shot that's not so the uniforms of the so-called fighters were brand new that was saakashvili plan he sent his guys across the border into russia and then had them shot by the georgian police this was a setup just to frame russia no one will ever be able to prove anything of course. he said he cleans the beaches for dijon with terrorists began in the ninety's when he personally helped chechen separatists by delivering weapons and age from georgia but. the pankisi gorge in georgia is really close to chechnya it takes just ten
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minutes to fly across the border by helicopter so we helped our warriors from georgian territory from the gorge we delivered weapons money to the injured and then send them all around the world for treatment. and all with the help of georgian security services and. we got the weapons from the depositories of the georgian terrace center our guys came there with cash were able to choose whichever weapons they wanted and bought them. album of says the really interesting didn't even after president saakashvili came to power a man often bridge street as an envoy of democracy. everything is still controlled by the anti-terrorist center or the mujahideen and the gym marks are in its hands they are their people any chechen who lives in georgia and wants to study in an islamic country has to go through the antiterrorist center they tell you to believe
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see you go to the center meet with some official and they won't let you go into you say yes to you agree to work for them although of graeme's that his knowledge almost cost him his life following an assassination attempt he was allowed to return to church now with a green light from russian authorities after he asked for forgiveness now he plans to reveal everything he knows you want to spin off grossly the chechen republic. this is r.t. and to come for you this hour piers question time despite being educated at ease and oxford cave leaders. of britain russia test all the details in the report and. but now taxing the rich and cutting public spending they're stunned that talls governments resort to when trying to balance their country's budget that's not french president francois orlando is going to do as he said to present what he dubbed france's tough as the budget for thirty days
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but the stubborn lack of economic growth and skyrocketing unemployment have triggered fears the measures could only live france in deeper trouble very often oceanarium ports. they've both i os is very. young destroyed here are short about thought up as you go there i believe the time of crisis is over it's now time for france's president francois around to perform a miracle this is how some of the task facing all along in his first annual budget and the country's image in the faltering eurozone is also at stake the government needs to save thirty billion euros in twelve months to reduce the deficit from this year's four and a half percent to three percent the e.u. ceiling for member countries higher taxes for business and wealthy individuals are expected to bring twenty billion and all and has outlined a plan to save the other ten billion by cutting public spending plans was so you
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know has worked in a handful of french ministries over the last twenty years he says france's current leader may fall into the same trap many of his predecessors did. who who who in the past decades of governments have been cutting and cutting and cutting misstates expenses to balance budgets but in fact the more they cut the slower the economic growth and consequently more cuts this will be a catastrophic budget i think taxing the rich and unprecedented seventy five percent for those that earn however a million euros a year was one of our lands crucial election promises allow a publisher editor and a french millionaire says the move is nothing but a political game. did this to make his electorate come down to make an impression he's doing something but this is all bluff and it can't help it's simply not enough there's not that many rich people and friends while we sit in
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a man's house in belgium where the businessman moves to avoid high taxes at home he tells me many of france's reach and their money will follow suit these three years at worst is the people who are now happy that the rich are being punished. don't understand the government will start with the rich but when they fail to succeed and i'm one hundred percent certain film will descend on the totem pole and tax the poor. some experts warn that not only french money but foreign capital will also flee with such a gloomy outlook projected for the future the current situation is not too bright either last week the country's unemployment surpassed three million for the first time in years french president francois complained slow going towards change is now today four months on the right indeed signs of many changes here in the country but while france is economically struggling with an enormous data huge budget deficit and an employment level the highest it's been in more than a decade the question is whether the change that people here voted for has been for
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the better. or if. paris france there was and we'll have more news for you after this break. looking at some docs you simply do not believe they come speak and goodness how they can wrong oh. it's an international sled dog race with those driving the dogs. coming from as far away as a strength in canada and the u.s. i come to russia and everybody is so very friendly they welcomed me with open arms and the scenery is so beautiful it's very much like a laska and so i felt at home the first sled dog was brought here from australia now a stray i've come to this remote russian village to take part in the race it's not
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surprising they love it this trail ira mazie. but even more amazing is the story of how racing first started here a toll it wasn't the tough mushers of sled dog racing who set the trail ablaze but a nun and for all friends who brought their idea to life. five years ago. built a dog kennel in the village kids from the local open age came around to take care of the dogs and one day they state their life might seem extreme to some the boys wake up at six to feed to the dogs before school in the evening they spend up to three hours training their full legged friends but smother perske have also encourages her kids to become depth hands on the computer and internet the boys regularly updates their website and they're in touch with the busy ma the twenty four seven on the phone if someone but children are the most important thing my only interests not play any rule any more and regardless of whether parsky has
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huskies window race or not she hopes the competition will take place in the village next year. but pulled these dogs and the children it really is not the winning but actually just the taking part that counts. would be so much brighter if you move. from funds to pressure.
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me to stay on top team dot com. wealthy british style. market find campbell. you know what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines. is a report on are. you watching aussies great to have you with is appearing on american t.v. has proved to be a hall test for british prime minister david cameron he failed to answer some key questions in a mock u.k. citizen exam said by the chart show but as aussies pointed to the prime minister is not alone when it comes to gaps in historical knowledge. to life in the u.k. citizenship test a must for anyone wanting to qualify for a british possible according to the government studying for it is meant to help all
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those hoping to make the u.k. their home integrate back into british society just last year prime minister david cameron in paris changes to the full amount of the exam saying that instead of on string questions on european institutions british culture and history needed to take priority and during his car visit to the us mr cameron made an appearance at the david letterman show where he was faced with the u.k. citizenship test of his own. brittania you know written by whom i mean it's the iconic association with the british empire for your testimony that. i'll go i'll go for the magna carta literally means great charter the great charter and as we pointed out the seeds of democracy really brittania which is a beautiful refrain. based on appalled by james thompson a familiar with james thompson well i'm not. the british media had
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a field day over the oxford an eton educated lead as epic fail over the questions about the magna carta and the rule britannia one of the real questions on the u.k. citizenship test all six how many parliamentary constituencies there are in the united kingdom the correct answer six hundred and fifty now we've come to the u.k.'s national library to find out if the londoners hair can answer that question correctly would you be able to tell me how many constituencies there are in the u.k. . sorry i just don't know what you paid for so many constituencies there are in the u.k. not. so it looks like david cameron's not the only one to struggle with the on says every year over one hundred thousand people take the test with as many as one in three failing fortunately for them unlike the british prime min. he that is carefree had ended during the show they can enjoy as many retakes as they like. russia is on the warpath against genetically modified corn that's out of the
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findings of french scientists cost a new shadow over the u.s. agriculture giant monsanto already modern scandal and court cases and sean thomas has a nice house hello there sean so what prompted russia to take action that well this all stems from the infamous rat tumors study and i know that sounds like a really crazy name but it was released in france september and then what the study was it was about the genetically modified corn encased six o three from monsanto and it over a two year period studied it against regular natural corn in the laboratory rats and what they found is that rounds fed on a diet of months central corn had a higher rate of occurrences of untimely death organ failure and tumor growth now again this is over a two year period of time now as a result russia has banned monsanto corn here in the country and has asked scientists in the country to do their own research and also review the study by
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this french university and until they can find on their own if monsanto corn is safe here in the country now what does this all mean here in the road in russia and in the country on a bigger scale where monsanto has criticized the actual studies saying that it doesn't meet the bare minimum requirements of scientific study they've also said that basically russia is a net grain export which means they don't import as much grain as they send out to the rest of the world so it really want to affect monsanto's bottom line also russia has in place already in effect a ban on genetically modified materials to be planted in russia so it won't really affect russia's farmers as well now france is also considering a ban on monsanto corn if this is the case there are fears that it could. kind of sparked a widespread european wide ban on monsanto that would be a much larger effect of course now it should be noted that monsanto does have legal
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troubles in the united states as well very more than two thousand farmers have put together a petition against of this chemical agricultural giant requiring specific tests more tests on this specific corn as well because they're worried about the health aspects there and then in california there is prop thirty seven monsanto has basically put four million dollars plus of their own money to lobby against this proposition and what this proposition does is it would require companies to label foods that have been genetically modified and of course monsanto doesn't want that they would rather things just go smoothly on as normal so they're putting more than four million dollars of their own money against prop thirty seven as well so legal troubles in the united states and a ban in russia but here in the short term at least it's not expected to affect much in terms of russia's export quality. thomas sean thank you very much indeed. and now some other news making headlines around the world
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a plane has crashed near the capital of newport killing all nineteen on board the aircraft that was heading for the everest region crashed just minutes after takeoff weather conditions are reported to have been cleared the time of the accident and no reason has yet been established. at least fourteen people are reported to have been killed in the city of to create one militants clashed with security forces that's hard to target a prison allowing their scape of dozens of a mates many prisoners barricaded themselves in the jail taking the warden hostage that comes after the iraqi al qaida announced plans to regain territory and free its jailed men. and a powerful explosion has rocked a south korean chemical plant leaving at least four people dead an aide with severe injuries about. six hundred residents living near the crippled factory were moved to safety as toxic gas spread around the city and the incident police are investigating the cause of the blast. south america is the new hunting
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ground for russian oil firms and dale is here to ask so was the star euros this one the rights to the field in venezuela sixteen billion dollars insecure. venezuela's c p is a busy. cross ownership do with britain's b.p. because. there are more twists and turns in this deal than in the museum of the pork right to really get the full picture when you take a look at who makes up. how we got to this point so the british partners are here the russian side is represented by a tension between the two has been brewing for years culminated when b.p. decided to venture out on its own and partner up with another oil major that was wrong to explore the arctic will of course would have a none of that so the decision and the deal in court last year you see the brits
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were on the legal obligations to go through their mission b.p. for any oil and gas operations in the country so this was the first time b.p. tried to do its russian partners but i won't be the last he has always been close to the kremlin and saw states on draws enough as a very appealing a partner and that's why it's not letting that go that easily so what have they decided to do the brits are now selling their fifty percent stake now be initial price tag was twenty five billion dollars wrong that has offered fifteen billion dollars which is hardly close but it does come with a twelve and a half percent stake in the company bought this war and the wife is back with a very appealing proposal. car is now said to be considering a cash for the higher stake and this could be and not for the brits cannot refuse
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and haven't said all of the b.p. has committed to use the money gets from the sale for me projects with of also have such as exploring the arctic shelf so at the end of the day no matter who gets the fifty percent stake bottom line is that b.p. will find a way to review knowledge and partner up with its new found. in the coast. of spain revealed a tough. budget but there are still questions for the country will request an e.u. bailout which is restricting you against a day. september may be the ruble biggest monthly gain since january. sending. me off to the. next. daniel in a few minutes basal about his guests discuss the growing fear that a stroke could attack iran in october just a month before the u.s. presidential election stay with us for the.
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in this remote siberian village people still sing the sounds which russians sang in the media ages and they cherish the practice will set up church before the seventeenth century the old believers here is sign the area are conservative community. and if i may believe me there yet again i feel. that i now i'd rather you know why. i think. people here are happy to show their way of life to tourists and to show them how to dance in the local star.
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seventeen year old nadia is from the same village she now studies in the city and dances at a club. she puts on her costume and the traditional amber necklace only when she comes to visit her grandmother. ok i didn't ask on time pronounce this because i want to keep up to date with this morning world but still i would like to have camp my background how my ancestors lawyer very attachment to the church brought not just an sisters to this remote glen and east deflate by call more than two hundred fifty years ago they were exiled in pesach you tit for not agreeing to use the docs who forms introduced in washing the sixteen hundreds the old believers still bolland cross themselves with two fingers not with three as they do in modern orthodox churches in russia and never knew when praying was more and more young people leaving for big cities the fear is the old believers culture could be imperiled. nazia plans to continue her studies abroad. the grandmother
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says wherever she goes as long as the queues are fresh in her memory so is the culture. more news today is once again flared up. and these are the images go worldwide and seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations rule the day. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tired welcome to the big picture.
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and if you. start. to. play. a low in welcome across you know about targeting iran and the fog of impending war while the u.s. and israel publicly disagree on how to define red lines when it comes to iran's nuclear program what is the possibility of an october surprise will israel attack iran from before the american election and does force washington's intervention as well. and if you. start. to cross out the possibility of a strike against iran i'm joined by me go khaled in san diego he is a peace activist and author of the general son journey of an israeli in palestine in tel aviv we have gideon levy he's
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a columnist and member of the hots editorial board all right gentlemen cross talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want get in there such as there's a concept called the october surprise meaning right before a month before a presidential election something happens to change it ok and our viewers may know some of those events what do you think the possibility is that israel unilaterally could attack iran if netanyahu is called gone to the united nations and made his case i mean he thinks he's right. it's hard to imagine that israel will attack in the coming weeks it's really almost impossible to imagine it even though you know by by itself when you speak about the surprise you speak about something which might be unexpected which must be unexpected but if we are really talking racially there's no chance that it would be there to do something right now as long as israelis perceive there's a ration of country you know mico it i think.


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