tv [untitled] September 28, 2012 8:00am-8:30am EDT
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iran to retaliate if attacked israel calls for tough action against the islamic states. the fiercest fighting so far reported in syria as russia says its peacemaking efforts are falling on deaf and defiant. and georgia's boasts over a recent anti terror operation on the border with russia comes from a self-confessed chechen militant who calls it a stage to. live
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from moscow this is. a welcome to the program iran says it will not fire first in any military confrontation but is strong enough to repel an attack and would hit back with deadly force the statement comes in response to the israeli prime minister's speech at the u.n. where he called for tougher international action to strangle the iranian nuclear research and development now the latest details now from new york with r.t. correspondent marina. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu took to the podium to address the international body and presented somewhat of a show when his diplomatic approach this year in his speech was to hold up somewhat of a cartoonish figure of
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a bomb to indicate what he believes is iran's nuclear program he was holding up this drawing literally drew a red line in it he indicated israelis believe that iran has enriched seventy percent. of your premium to make a bomb and at that ninety percent line these are really prime minister drew a red line with a marker to indicate that the international community he says should draw that line and if you run why it would lead to military intervention benjamin netanyahu says that sanctions over the past seven years that have been placed on a day ron has not deterred them from continuing their nuclear program and so he was trying to rally the world body to take a more forceful actions against iran but clearly this was
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a different tactic and most representatives take what addressing the international community usually they give somewhat of a speech there is some tension rising between the u.s. and israel over iran because the u.s. has not been as forceful with this red line rhetoric as israel has been and israel is hoping that the u.s. will be more aggressive in setting grandmothers in which there could be side of kind of consequences put upon iran if iran continues its nuclear program so clearly a lot of issues being discussed at the u.n. as all these world leaders are meeting in new york for the week. aarti course want to marina portnoy right there in syria that's reported to be an explosion at the chief of staff building in central damascus this comes as the two month long battle for the second city of aleppo is said to be entering its decisive phase a with the latest clashes described as unprecedented the escalating violence the un human rights council has extended its mandate to investigate war crimes in the country of
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forty seven member body also passed a resolution that condemns what it called widespread violations by syrian government forces but the text made no mention of alleged rebel atrocities forcing russia and china among others to vote against what they consider an on balance motion moscow has been trying to mediate a peaceful solution to the conflict but the russian foreign minister says there is outside interest an ongoing bloodshed has just part of a left office interview with the u.s. talk show host charlie rose. and with the low opposition. syrian opposition representatives that we believe that you should forget you know about you know who is. more important in the position movement you shouldn't forget the boat you have those in the why don't you think about the people why don't you stop fighting and they have been telling us in response you
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know but. for you but mr followers they give us a different voice they tell us keep fighting until the end. raise your voice saying that russia must pull and you will you will prevail. well coming up for a bit later in the program here on our cutting down on the promise us. governments have been cutting and cutting and cutting mostly to expenses to balance budgets but in fact the more the kind of the slower the economic group and consequently more cuts this will be a catastrophic budget and. well the french president francois hollande announces the country's toughest a budget in decades with exports convince the naturals what only make things. well almost immediately after georgia began boasting that it wiped out a dozen suspected militants who had allegedly crossed russia's border last month and doubt was being cast on the operation now
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a former georgian backed chechen militant is claiming the whole operation was an elaborate hoax to discredit russia investigating on this story r.t.c. corpuscle off. the outcome of a recent alleged police operation near georgia's border with russia's republic of dagestan eleven suspected terrorist dead the b.b.c. says that the armed men were chechens who crossed into georgian territory and kidnapped around ten locals before being caught by police the news spreads quickly but not everyone's buying it. this was all organized by georgian security services the lack of transparency and details about the incident has led many to believe the whole so-called anti terror operation was a complete hoax jorgen of forty seven very successful in creating an image of a modern wife in a civil way it's a beacon of freedom for w. bush once called it but in this case the opposition is accusations are fighting
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supporters on the other side of the caucasus meet them of he spent two decades fighting on the side of chechen militants against moscow and officially representing them in georgia he also has doubts about what really happened at this leader's border operation. first of all their weapons were american made second none of them fired off a single shot that's not so the uniforms of the so-called fighters were brand new that was saakashvili plan he sent his guys across the border into russia and then have them shot by the georgian police this was a setup just to frame russia no one will ever be able to prove anything of course. he said he cleans to be easy for decision with terrorists began in the ninety's when he personally helped chechen separatists by delivering weapons and age from georgian. surely the pankisi gorge in georgia is really close to chechnya it takes
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just ten minutes to fly across the border by helicopter so we helped our warriors from georgian territory from the gorge we delivered weapons money to the injured and then send them all around the world for treaty. and all with the help of georgian security services and. we got the weapons from the depositories of the georgian terrace center our guys came there with cash were able to choose whichever weapons they wanted and bought them. album of says the interest in jewish and milton's didn't diminish even after president saakashvili came to power and often were treated as an envoy of democracy. everything is still controlled by the anti-terrorist center or the mujahideen in the jim marks are in its hands they are their people any chechen who lives in georgia and wants to study in an islamic country have to go through the antiterrorist center they tell you to believe you go to this center meet with some official and they won't let you go into you say yes
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to you agree to work for them are them of graeme's that his knowledge almost cost him his life following an assassination attempt he was allowed to return to church with a green light from russian authorities after he asked for forgiveness now he plans to reveal everything he knows you are just going off r.t. grossly the church in republic or into the r.t. world of there we go will start with saddam hussein's hometown it's where a person broke an iraqi city of to cletus claimed the lives of at least twelve people clashes began late on thursday night after a suicide bomb attack at the prison gate the military has reportedly regain control of the facility although some one thousand inmates have managed to escape the attack comes after al qaeda in iraq and also plans to regain territory and free its members who have been jailed. thousands of workers have marched through central rome as part of a nationwide one day strike against austerity which will lead to
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a downsizing of the public sector the government passed the latest spending cuts in august in a bid to avoid debt disaster meanwhile the country continues to slide deeper into recession with unemployment at its highest level since two thousand and four. the vice president of the european parliament has reportedly called on the spanish prime minister mariano rajoy to consider sending in troops to prevent a referendum in catalonia that's after the regional parliament voted to stage a vote on self-determination over a million people march for independence in catalonia earlier this month claiming they would be better off it's spain's most prosperous region that is suffering huge debts due to the fact that it pays more types than any other part of the country. are ten minutes past the hour moscow time and the french cabinet has approved the country's toughest budget in decades included are promises to tax the rich and cut public spending but the people are growing alarmed by increasing unemployment and
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a lack of growth both of which are president francois hollande promised to address . as the story. if one of. your own destroys you're a short about overbought up as you go there i believe the time of crisis is over it's now time for france's president francois hollande to perform a miracle this is how some are labeling the task facing all along in his first annual budget and the country's image in the faltering euro zone is also at stake the government needs to save thirty billion euros in twelve months to reduce the deficit from this year's four and a half percent to three percent the e.u. ceiling for member countries higher taxes for business and wealthy individuals are expected to bring twenty billion and all and has outlined a plan to save the other ten billion by cutting public spending hans was so you
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know has worked in a handful of french ministries over the last twenty years he says france's current leader may fall into the same trap many of his predecessors did. who who who the past decades of governments have been cutting and cutting and cutting the state's expenses to balance budgets but in fact the more they cut the slower the economic growth and consequently more cuts this will be a catastrophic budget i think taxing the rich and unprecedented seventy five percent for those that earn however a million euros a year was one of our lands crucial election promises allowed a publisher editor and a french millionaire says the move is nothing but a political game. he did this to make his electorate come down to make an impression he's doing something but this is all bluff and it can't help it's simply not enough that there's not that many rich people in france while we sit in a man's house in belgium where the businessman moves to avoid high taxes at home he
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tells me many of france's reach and their money will follow suit these three years the worst is the people who are now happy that the rich are being punished. don't understand the government will start with the rich but when they fail to succeed and i'm one hundred percent certain no film will descend on the totem pole in tax the poor. some experts warn that not only french money but foreign capital will also flee with such a gloomy outlook projected for the future the current situation is not too bright either last week the country's unemployed supposed three million for the first time in years french president francois hollande campaign slogan towards change is now today four months on the right indeed signs of many changes here in the country but while france is economically struggling with an enormous dad huge budget deficit and unemployment level the highest it's been in more than a decade the question is whether the change that people here voted for has been for
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the better. more if notional paris france are still to come for you in this hour here on our crops that kill a gruesome discoveries made by french scientists cost a dog shadow over the american food giant monsanto. a rule britannia. written by home i mean it's it's the iconic association with the british empire with your testament. but we report on how the latest additions to the u.k. citizenship test proved to be tricky though only for those seeking a new passport this story in detail many others as well in just a couple of. guys . in this remote siberian village people still sing the songs which russians
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sang in the media agents and they cherish the ancient rituals practiced by the rules that our church be food. the seventeenth century the old believers here is sign the area are conservative community. the by the way believe me here yes i feel like i know i'm the right fredricka by. the. people here are happy to show their way of life to tourists and to see them how to dance in the local star. seventeen year old nadia is from the same village she now studies in the city and dances at a club. she puts on her costume and the traditional amber necklace only when she comes to visit her grandmother. thing actually i didn't ask on time pronouncing
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this because i want to keep up to date with this morning world but still i would like to have camp my bank around how my ancestors lawyer very attachment to the church brought not just an sisters to this remote land deflate by call more than two hundred fifty years ago they were exiled in persecuted for not agreeing to the orthodox who forms introduced in russia in the sixteenth hundreds deal believers still baal and cross themselves with two fingers not with three as they do in modern orthodox churches in russia and never knew when praying was more and more young people leaving for big city it's the fear is the old believers culture could be in peril are you not here plans to continue her studies abroad to grandmother says wherever she goes as long as the jews are fresh in her memory so is the culture. ok.
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thanks for joining us here in oz he said they are real research shy russia is waging war on genetically modified corn and follows discoveries by french scientists suggest that the us culture giant monsanto already involved in a number of health scandals is producing dangerous products sean thomas has a story. this all stems from a french study that was released in mid september that is now become known as the infamous rat tumor study in the study they took the genetically modified corn encased six o three from months and placed it against natural corn over a two year period and what they found is that rats fed on a diet of corn had a higher rate of occurrences of untimely death organ failure and tumor growth now as a result russia has banned monsanto corn from being imported in to russia and they have also asked of their own scientists to take a look at the study conduct their own tests monsanto has of course gone against the
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study saying that it doesn't even meet the bare minimum requirements of scientific research and they've also kind of neglected it saying that this isn't going to have a real impact on their sales because russia is a net grain exporter rather than an importer russia also already has in place a ban on the for genetically modified products so it's not expected to have a large impact in russia as well but if you look at what france is doing they're taking a look at the study they themselves are in the process of considering a ban which is believed to that could spark a european wide trend to ban the monsanto corn and that is something that the company is not looking at favorably but also if you look at overall products this isn't just corn on the cob we have corn syrup and sweeteners that are used to sweeten many soft drinks around the world so this could have a much larger effect as well now if you look at monsanto corporation the united states they have some troubles there as well more than two thousand farmers have signed a petition to get the u.s. government to study further this specific type of genetically modified corn also in
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california there's proposition thirty seven which would require food labels to say hey this is been genetically modified monsanto doesn't want that they've actually lobbied against proposition thirty seven by putting more than four million of their own money against prop thirty seven so they've got their own troubles in the states and here as well right now this temporary ban is in effect until right. if you can take a look at it and determine the safety of fact of this corn here in russia. reporting right there well on our website right now at aussie dot com money down the drain afghanistan may have to shut down dozens of you build schools and clinics which cost hundreds of billions of dollars because the government can't afford them. plus is stealing the spotlight russia's astronomers discover a comet bright enough to shine the moon in two thousand and thirteen. but appearing on american t.v. proved to be rather an all critics perience for the british prime minister david cameron he failed to answer some key questions in a mock u.k.
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citizenship test set by the host david letterman but he's not he's a poli boy found out the prime minister is not alone when it comes to gaps in crucial historical knowledge. to life in the u.k. citizenship test a must for anyone wanting to qualify for a british possible according to the government studying for it is meant to help all those hoping to make the u.k. their home integrate back into british society just last year prime minister david cameron in paris changes to the full amount of the exam saying that instead of honoring questions on european institutions british culture and history needed to take priority and during his car visit to the us mr cameron made an appearance at the david letterman show where he was faced with the u.k. citizenship test of his own. brittania you know written by whom i mean it's it's the iconic association with the british empire for
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your testament that. i'll go i'll go for the magna carta literally means great charter the great charter and as we've pointed out the seeds of democracy really brittania which is a beautiful refrain. based on appalled by james thompson a family with james thompson well. the british media had a field day with the expert an eton educated leader is epic fail over the questions about the magna carta and the rule britannia one of the real questions on the u.k. citizenship test all six how many parliamentary constituencies there are in the united kingdom the correct answer six hundred and fifty now we've come to the u.k.'s national library to find out if the london is ten can answer that question correctly would you be able to tell me how many constituencies there are in the u.k. . sorry i just don't know what you people so many constituencies there are in the
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u.k. . so it looks like david cameron is not the only one to struggle with the on says every year over one hundred thousand people take the test with as many as one in three failing fortunately for them unlike the british prime minister that his career had ended during the show they can enjoy as many retakes as they like. it's just business. good to see you today in south america the new a hunting ground for russian oil firms he was a story with for size les rust has won the rights to a giant oil filter in venezuela the company will pump sixteen billion dollars into the cab. and it will share it with venezuela's c is a busy time for us naturally tying up a vast cross on the ship deliberations going to cause a very explains why. there are more twists and turns in this field and in the news where the pork rides to really get the full picture when you take a look at the. how we got so this point so the british partners are here the
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russian side is represented by a tension between the two has been brewing for years culminated when b.p. decided to venture out on its own and partner up with another oil major that was wrong to explore the arctic will of course would have a none of that so the decision and the deal in court last year you see the brits were on the legal obligations to go through their mean. b.p. for any oil and gas operations in the country so this was the first time b.p. tried to do its russian partners but a would be the last b.p. has always been close to the kremlin and it's all states all draws enough as a very appealing a partner and that's why it's not letting that go that easily so what have they decided to do the brits are now selling their fifty percent stake be initial price tag was twenty five billion dollars wrong has offered fifteen billion dollars which
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is hardly close but it does come with a twelve and a half percent stake in the company bought the score and the wife is back with a very appealing proposal. is now set to be considering a cash offer for the higher stake and this could be or not. the brits cannot refuse and haven't said all of the b.p. has committed to use the money gets from the sale for me projects with the balls and such as exploring the arctic self so at the end of the day no matter who gets the fifty percent stake bottom line is the b.p. will find a way to review noise and partner up with its new found. european currencies while holding on to the gains made in the wake of spain's budget announcement on the us dollar falls to most major leading the russian crises
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which is that september may be the biggest gain since january the russian current says i should say the russian axes are gaining this friday afternoon and that's largely because oil is resuming its northward journey and the markets now that's all we've got time for about fifteen minutes time. although i'm just playing catch up or a very good came by so much we'll see you soon. all right so let's get into it now here it all to you in just a moment if you will do stay with us. and it's certainly discussing the growing fear among some that israel could attack here wrong in october just a month before the u.s. presidential election hopefully you can stay with us for just a sec. i never thought i could earn a living this way. natale issue of oil is the norm or should test small arms so
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those photos to machine building plant not are the source to count of all the weapons she's fired over the past twelve years. i got so used to it sometimes my friends ask me to join them at the rifle range and i say no wait i'm so tired of shooting. the plot and history goes from making firearms doing world war two to ballistic missiles from nuclear submarines during the cold war the bulk of the soviet industry was moved here in the 1940's to flee the virus and germans so if you were also became the heart of soviet military production closed off to foreigners full hall for a century it thrived on the message of the soviet military when the u.s.s.r. collapsed but life here was shaken to the core but some adopted tibet but not as. this is the truck factory russia's number one truck maker or girls will look at how well the workplace is organized everything's gone to make sure the workers don't waste time waiting there was so production is booming the factory has largely
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managed to get on to civil rails these giants are sold around the globe hayabusa brand new be the way to be delivered to acquire seventy trucks like this one roll up the blogs going bad about every day look at about this things that absolutely huge. well i'm no formula one pilot but hopefully if i can get up that. what can go far to drive. well that was. to get one of these to travel to work every morning with a cost of about forty thousand dollars i should start saving wealthy british scientists some time to.
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follow in welcome across. targeting iran and the fog of impending war while the u.s. and israel publicly disagree on how to define red lines when it comes to iran's nuclear program what is the possibility of an october surprise will israel attack iran before the american election and does force washington's intervention as well. and is going. to cross out the possibility of a strike against. around i'm joined by me go tell it in san diego he is a peace activist and author of the general son journey of an israeli in power stein in tel aviv we have gideon levy he's a columnist and member of the editorial board all right gentlemen crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want get in there's such a there's a concept called the october surprise meaning where.
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