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tv   [untitled]    September 28, 2012 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

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no i knew what he was getting then well inside sources close to the two claim that michael chinoy will get some money from my leg it is possible in the end the figure of one in the round is roughly two hundred and fifty million dollars but why subtle when you could get more than a few more times that are all so this someone comes after years of the scotians about it so why now that is the real question here walt saw a claim that michael children oil was so put off by another prominent case in iran and the just a few days ago and i'm talking about the battle of russian oligarchs what if that is the end i'm on album or bridge but it's all ski is now reportedly on the brink all brewing and is rushing to sell his remaining acid after losing his five point six billion dollars claim though five month trial was one of the most expensive in british history and the russian tycoon are reported to face this bill worth forty
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million pounds for illegal expenses but the accusations drawn from one side we are all over the past couple of years it seems nearly all that both sides would simply agree to this agree and i live to boston this would be the perfect opportunity for him to clear his name as we know that his reputation is a very important to him but it's a many say he wanted to avoid airing his garvie laundry for the whole world to see . even though the case is over a bit intrigue surrounding it is as high as ever and something tells me this is not the last word here about these two. so simple street still down that's his business not to vittie unexpectedly can transit in september and investors digest the spanish stress test results which are billed spain needs all my sixty billion euros to shore up its passive banking system that was in line with expectations so the euro is now losing value to the dollar and the ruble fell to impress. it has the
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balls cars is the most to marcus demonstrate his resilience to the international days and that says oil rose as well as going into coming out with the rebel. when he's from britain's labor party in the search for middle east. i'm talking to jeremy corbett he's one of more than eighty mph signed to best support for palestinian statehood jeremy so you all for a two state solution yes i think palestine should be recognized they've been after the cold for a very long time they are now recognized by a very large number of states individually around the world it's time for the un to do the same attempts to create a palestinian state have been failing for almost two decades now can things be different now what's different is that more land has been taken more walls have
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been built more people been put in prison and a lot of the palestinian people are extremely desperate and i think it is high time the u.n. since it does recognize the needs of palestinian people through under. and and also through the members of the unit scope it's time for them to now recognize palestine as a state and it seems to me bizarre that the main opponents of this are israel in the united states for what reason i can only speculate is the land grab that israel's answer to all of this if it can grab enough land then the problem defacto doesn't exist anymore well israel has been grabbing land from the palestinians ever since not in forty eight any kind of question the viability of a state with so much occupation going on anyway i would think that by gaining recognition of palestine as a state then becomes very obvious to any sense in international law israel's continued colorize ation occupation is illegal particularly the current flashpoint
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is jerusalem with the development of two particular certain moods in jerusalem but also the prevention of many palestinians returning to truce them when they go to the west bank and the expulsion of palestinians from their homes to make way for . the new city of david in the south of the city. palestinian progress really been neglected recently particularly in the media because of the arab spring and fighting in syria what impact it had day's events had on palestinian society i think it's how the very big impact is had a big impact on a lot of young palestinians of realized the isolation of their position their levels of unemployment their levels of poverty and their levels of education achievement which are met by jobs and by career as much the same as young people in egypt algeria tunis you name any country there also bizarrely it's had an effect on
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israeli public opinion as well for the first time that i can ever recall it was been huge demonstrations in israel against poverty against tax increases against service cuts and was there not raising the palestinian issue during those demonstrations look at the economic issues they're raising and no different to what the youth of the whole region a raising and so may be we're seeing a turning point in that young people in israel are beginning to realize that perhaps they belong in the middle east not in an american colony or an offshoot of europe so you think in fact that the arab spring may have made a solution to the palestinian problem. yes i do because egypt has for a long time services nine hundred seventy nine been seen as the western bridge into israel in it's the main speaking country that's recognized israel diplomatic
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relations a very close security relationship the new government in israel and where it comes from or where its support comes from indicates something very very different now was there quite cautious at the present time they don't want garza to become an extension of the chips they are i suspect going to increasingly use their pressure to force israel to open the open the gates to allow transit of goods and people in and out of. through israel to the west bank one of the results of the arab spring has been a rise in radical islam in the middle east what kind of spillover effect do you think that israel and the palestinian authority expect i think radical islam is a consequence of suppression of people's views and wishes and radicalization happens when you don't give people their voice there is a right wing radical christianity in the united states there is different forms of radical islam across the region when it comes to elections because most of the
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election results and most people elected seem to be more based on the economic demands and needs of people and the role that their society will play in the future and certainly very much against the dictatorial regimes of the past i think we're seeing a pretty fascinating development in a sense it's a bit like the nineteenth forty's fifty's are about pricing against the anglo-french monopoly of relations across the whole region what we're now seeing is an uprising against these pliant dictatorships many of whom cooperated with the war on terror many of whom imprisoned people many of whom allowed extraordinary rendition to take place through their countries during the early stages of the afghan war i think this is going to be a fascinating period to watch but if we don't do something now for the palestinian people grant them their rights granted their recognition grant their peace grant
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less security and stand up to israel's land grab theft and imprisonment then it's the war of tomorrow israel must be feeling increasingly uneasy surely about the toppling of pro american regimes in the middle east i think israel was very alarmed at the fall of mubarak because ever since that the seventy nine deal. they've always seen egypt as being maybe a difficult neighbor but nevertheless a neighbor and the levels of cooperation between israeli security and egyptian security in the side of the eye on the border with. gaza are absolutely huge and i think they are probably extremely nervous of that and that indeed is probably encouraged the right in israeli politics i hope instead a more rational voice appears in israel saying hang on we're in the middle east we've got to live in the middle east and just look forward to be optimistic the helsinki conference on nuclear weapons free on
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a nuclear weapons free middle east in december is an opportunity back here in the u.k. some poll showed that sixty percent of u.k. very think that palestine should be recognized as a state even more in some other countries in europe and yet no governments come out in support of it what's stopping them do you think what's stopping them is a traditional recognition and support of israel ever since the foundation of state of israel in one nine hundred forty eight on the basis that the jewish people were disgustingly disgraceful and appalled and be treated by the nazi regime by the holocaust and it's a sort of sense of saying well the israeli is right side of israel was set up in order to provide a safe haven for jewish people. and that is still quite an important narrative in european politics but i'm quite hopeful that the irish presidency of the european union of ireland has a very strong and very honorable record in supporting the rights of palestinians under the aid of other people in the region maybe they can move things around
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a bit i'm not surprised that sixty percent of the people in the u.k. support palestinian recognition public opinion has transformed during my lifetime from being overwhelmingly unconditionally pro israel to now being. very conditional about israel and very positive about the rights of palestinian people why should british voters care about what happened. palestine after all there's an awful lot going on here and it's not always an awful lot to worry about at home but if wars break up somewhere else. and suppose israel decided to bomb iran i hope they don't just suppose they did the oil prices would go up very quickly there are british forces in bahrain in the navy and on the straits of hormuz as a us base in bahrain as the us navy the bases all over the region we would then be probably sucked into some ghastly conflict of course it matters but human rights
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matters as well and if you suppress a people's identity and their ambitions and that's what you are end up with war if the requests for un nonmember status is granted what then next for the palestinian independence movement. to push for full status but also to use this. position within the un to force israel to withdraw the second. hand ultimately take down the wall and recognize the rights of palestinian people you don't achieve good relations with your neighbor by surrounding yourself with barbed wire and machine gun emplacements your chief security good neighbor buying friends jeremy corbyn thank you.
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under god these men and women are walking one of the longest and probably the loneliest road in the world they reenacting march into exile made by thousands of czarist russia. if i was here three hundred years ago i may have dissipated my local lord i may have deserted from the army or a variety of other crimes the result was the same what my fellow prisoners around me i've got a long and very cold walk ahead into exile in siberia yet it took them years to get their summers and winters entire years a lot of people died on the way this group in the western siberian region of alms discovered the living on the only surviving stretch of the original nine thousand kilometers of the siberian exiles track that's had no modern changes made to it is going to discover that he's descended from some of these exiles and decided to build a museum telling a story he and his reenact is now receiving all over the world to show them what it
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was like when these bodies could use them it's scary to put the shackles on of course but it's interesting if we don't remember our history we will have no future . it's a monument to one of the restructures. cruelest chop to. the city served as the capital of anticommunist white russian leader admiral culture shock in the civil war from one thousand nine hundred to nine hundred nineteen whilst in residence he lives here there's a study of the man like the maintenance of this building has remained a taboo right up until the present day or we still receive hate mail saying that he hanged a lot of people and was famous for severe punishment it's all true but it was at a time of civil war both sides were monstrously cruel it is sadly the theme of cruelty which links so much of this history to the rest of russia's particularly of exile where they were not a criminal. you
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know sometimes you see a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then something else you hear sees some other part of it and realize everything is. i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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mission and free accreditation and free zones for judges free. range human dream. free studio time free. mode freeboard yes video for your media project free video dog r t v dot com. iran vols to retaliate is israel draws a clear red line in calling for tougher u.n. action against islamic states of tommy. pledging to prevent iran from developing a nuclear weapon which they run against. the fuel so far reported in syria as russia says its peacemaking efforts are falling on deaf and defined yes the armed rebels have apparently told moscow they are being urged
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to fight on some foreign policy. and georgia's recent anti terror alteration on the border with russia comes on the fly in from of tension militants previously linked to georgia he says there's plenty of evidence the raid was a stage mess great. right now time for the latest from the world of sports with kent. hello welcome to the fridays for round up we make a quadrate and here's what's coming off. back in favor under fire strike alexander is backing the needs first team to face locking my teeth after spending a week in there is a. while big brown rushes not overthrow of us does sound studies are in straight sets to reach the final of the pan pacific open in tokyo. and big move forward on
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star lewis hamilton will leave mclaren to sadie's at the end of the season in a one hundred million dollars deal. but first of all a saw striker alexander return to russian champions in its first team. after spending a week in the reserves. he has brought back his most prolific forward as the fist place in petersburg side prepares to host third place like amount of moscow in saturday's early kick off because it all has netted six goals in as many games so far this season but the russian regular fell out of favor after joining teammate denise cox protest over pay both have since being called out for international duty but under fire midfielder the nice soft is yet to be recalled at club level. while in the russian cup the r.f.u. have found they've got better a three no technical defeat to do now moscow and both teams will find after fans through flares onto the pitch and wednesday's abandon tie down to just a few side next faces him key in the last sixteen. while her city's mega rich young
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jeezy survived a cup scare on thursday that i could stand side a second in the league that needed penalties to win it first division side without this is a strike alycia try or it was sent off in extra time while ruled out missed a penalty so it went to a shootout where brazilian midfielder as you see they netted the way down and in the last sixteen and she will face clearly a set off we came from two goals down to win four two in extra time at second doesn't make but a form out russian champions a line you are out losing to one at thirty aside two men. well meanwhile the english top prize even is entering it six sets of matches but already managed care about them on the cine says he's not just a city side will secure back to back titles city are currently sentence in the table four points behind leaders chelsea after two and three draws by chelsea's six place for them on saturday and man cheney is using confidence they can defend their english crown well. there are some moments where. maybe you don't play with
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that being played better than you. you are like you are one of these moments and. when you don't need to seek god's. work. well meanwhile tabletop chelsea go to also on saturday for a lunchtime london dobby in the first of eight stoplight matches both sides are on beaten though the host to cardiff fifty four points adrift of their west london neighbors and then as manager arsene wenger is wary of a new look rivals. are going to different style. rejuvenated which. is. maybe a more. technical. more creative i said at the start of the season i said i was going to be challenging for the leak not sure anybody believed me but that's the way i saw it so i haven't
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changed my mind. have signed some very good players interesting players now after surprising football fans worldwide with his loan move to russia tottenham's record signing david bentley has now lined up twice for a premier league side last off and says so far he's enjoying every minute of counseling but the reports. brust stores don't have any major trophies in their cabin and their biggest achievement was runners up in the russian cup in two thousand and three and their highest place in the top flight was six in one thousand nine hundred eight however the don't cite heap the headlines by signing tottenham and former england midfielder that would bentley on a season long loan as he became the first ever englishman to play in the russian premier league was an opportunity and you know i took the opportunity and so far it's been very good the people and i'm for enjoying myself i don't disappoint him results and i might say my case manager and it's all my me so very welcome it's
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been a pleasure seven kept mentally remain stone liam's record signing joining from leghorn for twenty seven and a half million dollars in july two thousand and eight but he has scenes dropped down the pecking order at white hart lane long spells and birmingham and west ham followed as well as any and reportedly fell out of favor with manager harry redknapp since soaking the coach live on t.v. when spurs first qualified for the champions league and the twenty year old hopes a new challenge in russia will help him keep start his flagging career. i don't have regrets and i would qualify for the channels i got on thing that was the major factor you know he had a very good place to pick from and. just things in life and now this is the way i go sometimes we move on from there on him now and enjoy myself and hopefully i'll get back on top bentley made his russian debut in no one knew how when against dump it rescues rock bottom dinamo moscow along with not
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a familiar face to english football fans florentin them up on goal the french one kept former liverpool striker who has a russian wife also managed to score rostov is only goal in the following game a three one defeat at sparta but despite this it seems both players enjoying their time in russia so far for them on the whether it's in a good. wall and. nothing to complain because the club we know can fall very good after after my life and after the language barrier and they can be difficult for an international language for the football hasn't been a problem sometimes the pitch can be a problem but. they've made me feel very welcome last season rostov finished thirteenth out of a top flight of sixteen teams and only survived a draw by winning a really geisha playoff they're currently twelve up to nine games having won two and drawn three but hope their decisions of bentley and see them up on gold will
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have a positive impact on their taking play and help last season's relegation haunted side not only beat the trap door but set their names a little high in the table constantine brought up of archie. now on to tennis and russia's not to betray but has caused another major upset at the pan pacific open after beating eight seed some stars are in straight sets to reach the final in tokyo but though it is ranked eighteenth in the world would always look to the better player i mean eight six four sixteen three you know i makes is a long way from stories that didn't help our cause though we certainly know i mean on forced errors the australian was betrayed his second top ten sculp of the week after also humbling italian world number seven sorry irani in the quarterfinals but defending champion and world number three i guess is waiting in the decider. will be in for paul harvey broke sweat as she brushed aside germany. in just under
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an hour six one six one was the way it finished and was happy and she saved a lot of energy for going up against the throw. everything was working today and it was really good measure out of crazy rallies as well so i was really enjoying and. plaster moments before the pilot can still. play my best but again. formula one driver lewis hamilton has agreed to race for mercedes next season ending a fourteen year association with mclaren the two thousand and eight world champion has signed a three year contract worth just under one hundred million dollars the twenty seven year old says it's time for a fresh challenge off the bill with mclaren just thirteen driver perez has been signed as his replacement while current mercedes drive hundred seven time world
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champion michael schumacher will make way for hamilton and it's unclear if the german legend will retire for a second time or look for another team. and stay with me just listen ben species has got the fastest time in friday's rain hit practice. in spain the amazon man edged out hundreds done it with wall fellow spaniard pulled a wren's i was third quickest renzo release photos of my thirty eight points at the top of the standings with just five races to go into champion casey stoner and i had a busy hour or so are the only other riders with a mathematical chance of trying the title. you know on sunday we had a good tester and the draw we were quick and also today in the rain there were two so it looks like no matter what condition it is you know pretty happy and comfortable with the bike for here this weekend and just wait two more to see what happens but it's a good day. and finally golf and america lead in three of the often four bowls at the searching and trying to come off to the usa and europe will level it to two
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following the morning foursomes in chicago here as well number one remarkable graeme mcdowell beat a return from static and human fury one up but fellow american rookie keegan bradley partners phil mickelson and they east boston got to be at four in three jason dufner and zach johnson in the west would have francesco molinari three and two yet america's anchorman tiger woods and steve stricker in polls and justin rose to unwater as was aims to be on the winning side for the first time since nineteen one thousand nine. hundred. the french invasion of russia has started again after two hundred years up at the. south jet the emperor in
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a pollie and has arrived from overseas to lead the army i have to really take my time to prepare myself to get it right. the bloody battle near moscow is going to start over. james brown will reveal the victor the soldiers are back to do it all again. but you know version twenty twelve on r.t. . if. russian would be soon which brightened if you knew about seung from fans to the christians. who screams totty dot com. mission free
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