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tv   [untitled]    September 29, 2012 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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and the backing of the syrian rebels again. complete ceasefire. some foreign powers to stop sidestepping the world. take to the streets once more to vent their indignation over the disintegrating economy spending cuts. protesters killed by police. as thousands of pro-democracy activists keep up the pressure to resign on the.
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it is a pleasure to have you with us here on today. live from the russian capital countries supporting the syrian rebels need to stop sidestepping the u.n. and demand both sides of the conflict lay down their weapons and that's the message from russia's foreign minister. said some foreign forces are in fact urging al qaeda linked militants in syria to fight on. from new york. russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov talks about a variety of issues but clearly syria dominated his speech foreign minister lavrov says he believes and russia believes there's still an opportunity to and the conflict in crisis in syria but it will require some fierce international consensus
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he says the international community must come together to demand a cease fire in syria by both the government and the opposition to demand the release of prisoners and hostages and allow for humanitarian assistance russia's foreign minister said that he believes that one of the very big problems is that all members that signed the geneva communique are not fulfilling their responsibilities and obligations he said is very important for the six point peace plan that kofi annan outlined many months ago for that peace plan to be the foundation of which there could eventually. result to the crisis that's escalating in syria but he said what is most troubling. is that many western countries that are supporting the opposition are only demanding for the syrian government to cease fire but are looking the other way when the syrian opposition is waging a very deadly attacks those who oppose the implementation of the geneva communiqué
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in themselves an enormous responsibility if. only by the government and encourage the opposition to intensify. even deeper into the blood stream extremist organizations including have become in syria. against innocent civilians and civilian infrastructure. foreign minister lavrov said another serious concern is the use of unilateral sanctions particularly by western countries he believes that these unilateral sanctions taken outside of the united nations for example in syria you. u.s. and european countries imposing reduces the credibility first and foremost of the security council and also can escalate humanitarian crisis for the foreign minister lavrov said that at this point it is a very important time do you believe for international relations to come together
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and the credibility to not be compromised even further by their by their being many divisions within the u.n. security council on a variety of issues and inside syria rebel and government for the offensives in the crucial battle for the second city of a wooden box being called an unprecedented have sold a dozen sort reportedly been killed in just the problems twenty four hours of heavy weapons allegedly being used by both sides this comes as the u.s. sends more support worth forty five million dollars to the syrian opposition political analyst says washington is determined to replace us with a prophecy at any cost. well it's a standard policy of the u.s. government it is it is designed to oust rulers of regimes that are independent of what might be called a us military empire and replace them with pro-u.s. rulers so we have the dichotomy of supporting dictators in country their loyal to
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the us government and trying to oust dictators that are not loyal to the us government the u.s. is committed to the ouster of the assad regime and whenever you hear the united nations it is just designed for the american taxpayer the american voter create the appearance that the u.s. is interested in spreading democracy and freedom when in fact it has a long history of supporting dictatorial regimes in saudi arabia even iran under the shah of iran syria itself don't forget that the cia use the assad regime to torture some of its rendition torture victims and so the the whatever goes on in the un is really ridiculous and senseless. now spain is pressing itself for a new wave of protests started faces its fifth austerity budget in a row despite the government's efforts the country continues to slide deeper into recession with cuts proving hard to swallow for its people reporting from madrid
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artie's jacob graves. now we've seen those demonstrators out in force throughout the course of the week on tuesday and wednesday a massive demonstrations in central madrid where thousands of people taking to the shrieks part of the so-called surround or occupy congress movement we're also seeing clashes between police and demonstrators on both occasions on tuesday night police charging down those protesters they battens they fired rubber bullets in total sixty people being injured thirty people being detained in their accusations leveled against the police force of brutality of using excessive force in those actions that's on the back of a very austere budget we've seen in earlier this week axing forty billion euros in terms of cuts of target ministries and also see again a freeze when it comes to public sector pay third year that's now been enforced
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it's all comes on the back of sixty two billion euro cut that we saw take place earlier this year that largely impacting the health care and education system mail through fruitless though because spain's boring cost look the saw from nine billion euros to thirty six billion euros in two thousand and thirteen that really take a massive swipe any savings are seeing from these us there to the measures that's what spain is also at the moment facing a crisis within a crisis because on top of everything there is those in catalonia calling for independence and separatism now this will only be adding to the worries of prime is the. catalonians feel they're being hard done to by current economic conditions that they contribute far more to madrid central budget and the ever see him. take into account that catalonia is a region about twenty percent of the nation's new g.d.p. we expect that sentiment to be heard later today of the street. as with more
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austerity sentiment again the government will be forced to listen to some of that anger. are turning our attention now to that of georgia where tens of thousands of opposition activists have gathered for a pre election rally straight to live pictures for you right here this is their last big meeting before the country takes to the polls on monday to vote for its next parliament now again these are live pictures here from the georgian capital of tbilisi the opposition is looking to steal some seats away from president saakashvili is ruling party of course the united national movement which does control eighty percent of the chamber but the party is still ahead in the polls but has lost some popularity recently in light of corruption allegations and a notorious prison abuse scandal put italy last week shed light on the mistreatment of inmates by guards at one of the country's jails two ministers actually stepped down over the outrageous thousands of activists demanded justice it comes as
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a blow to believe he's been in power since two thousand and four and you can stay with the latest our comprehensive coverage of the georgian election again these are live. from the georgian capital. now to bahrain where officials say police killed one person in self-defense when their patrol was attacked near the capital manama but opposition activists claim that a seventeen year old victim was taking part in a peaceful protest which was fired upon by the authorities thousands took to the streets on friday with fresh calls for the resignation of the unelected prime minister he's been in power since nine hundred seventy one and allegedly. opposes democratic reform and government protests have been constant across the country since february last year police crackdowns have left dozens killed with key opposition leaders trying behind bars western countries though turning
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a blind eye to the bloodshed simply because a key u.s. ally well that is the opinion geo political analyst patrick said. the situation in bahrain is completely ignored for reasons that are all obvious bahrain is what you would call a good customer they've been protesting a lot of us so arms and as it as has all the gulf states that's one of the results of the ratcheting up of war rhetorical with iran is all the gulf states that are within reach of iran are currently arming up and also bahrain is a good customer and the fact that it's in a special club it's hosting the u.s. fifth fleet which is the key sort of piece of the military chess board you can really see where the game is and how the west calculates who who's going to be targeted for humanitarian intervention the news not the rain is also very key because of its position in the straits of hormuz so you can look at that is an
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important geographical and military point as this protracted conflict projected conflict with iran takes place over the next few years so it's kind of like a cold war situation where the u.s. is trying to surround its adversaries that's the way we see it. our into the world of that we go will start with yemen where four members of the political party of yemen's president have been shot dead they were ambushed while traveling to the eastern province and yemen has been unstable ever since the year long uprising resulted in the ousting of. a with many still demanding his prosecution does remain the head of the general people's congress party which still holds half the seats in a transitional government. and police in northern ireland are out in force for a large protestant march being held in belfast tens of thousands are supposed to be taking part in the parade the last event on this scale triggered three nights of
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disturbances in the city scores of youths detained the protestant catholic tensions sparked mass riots almost every summer during the so-called marching period. somalia's al qaeda linked militants have been driven out of their last urban stronghold in the operation came after african union troops shelled the city and attacked the airport. insurgence lost control of the capital mogadishu last year and the port of kids mayo was the last part they controlled. pressure rallies erupted in pakistan's southern city of karachi as thousands protested a u.s. made film the boxes were on the movie which sparked an unprecedented wave of violence throughout the middle east and northern africa after parts of it were broadcast on egyptian t.v. weeks ago at least fifty one people have been killed in the clashes including the u.s. ambassador in the eye. now the united states has removed
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a militant iranian opposition group from its list of foreign terrorist organizations originally one of the main players in the iranian revolution it's now committed to the overthrow of the iranian government international affairs and defense analyst. says the u.s. is seeking to create an ally inside the country. this group ek has been very successful apparently to get the support of my birth from both the republican and democratic parties. as well as retired members who are of the military see their officers included and also there is another issue about the washing up i find these groups highly useful it seems that they have used to be the new so feet that season at least two thousand and seven to try to the situation in iraq and up our league and we incorporation we see israeli secret service mossad they have used this group to conduct the s.s.e. nation so for dr scientists to be run on to carry out all their acts of sabotage
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the group is the way they're going to be secular people in case power. they will be right there are going to go back to their own roots which she said is it took six weeks off marxism alongside. anybody who is a critic of the current government of iran i would say that it's child's play compared to what the government if you were i would be run by the. thanks for joining us here on our team today we're coming to you live from moscow i'm wrong re sushi and i'll have more news for you after a short break. trimmings in this tree even for specialists
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a voice can produce several sounds it warms to doing is the art of throat singing comes naturally picked up like a language. a language of communicating with nature it said that's where throat singing originates from the unions believe not only animals but also surrounding objects like reverse forests and even stones souls by imitating the sounds they believe assumes to capture the power of nature. to get to one of the five main stars of scrotes and it imitates the gentle breezes of summer hora whose name means great hunter says he suspects adopt.
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there are special instruments that accompany the singing if gainey says there is even a legend about his instrument a gill it says once there lived a poor shefford who had the best horse that won every competition but jealous people killed it on the horse was revived as an instrument look at those that have suffered a fall is because of the spirit of the horse going to his dream he said make an instrument from a tree the sounding board from the leather of my face the strings. and to remember me make an engraving of my head part of the instrument he did so we called the instrument a gear which means come back and this melody only instrument is called. thanks
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for joining us here on our tears today a fire at an oil processing factory in russia's urals region has killed at least eight workers at this point i reports suggest the fire was caused by an explosion the bodies of workers were discovered by firemen while they were extinguishing the flames and that eight people now taken to the hospital with injuries. well every fourth person under the age of twenty five in britain is currently out of work and despite government efforts many young people say there are just no what unity is available for them artes sara first went to investigate. seen nothing to do and nowhere to go new jobs no money and no prospects but this is not a film plot this is the reality for millions of young people all across britain is constantly in the mouth rolls which is
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a film production company that's working and training young people in media and communications that's a really good way for a lot of people who are looking for jobs to come develop face communication skills unfortunately across london in very much depends on which party you live in a say whether these types of services are available to young people because of this you've got this opportunity to that's the difference is that they have this thing just give. people lots of anything it is a big issue. then i think that's when young people go off sometimes they can go off the roads because they have nothing to do job prospects a bleak one is full sixteen to twenty four year olds in britain right now are out of work and the capital's been hit particularly hard for everyone just. lost. three to four weeks.
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before you could do. anything and if you take anything at least. while the immediate reasons are economic decent employment has been a growing issue for more than a decade and it's called far reaching cultural implications do you think it's the recession this is an issue that people get into also isn't this. just a recession i mean because there is there is jobs out there i mean i have some friends of going into shops that have signs in their windows and in they get turned down straight away and you order a c.v. just gets put to the side. so. why why why is the reason for that because we're going jeans and not trousers so what's being done to address the problem the government contract providing a billion pounds of funding for schemes aimed at getting young people into work but by the ballot it's an organization aimed at getting young people politically
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engaged say that's alone won't be enough it's got all these wonderful things coming out but they're not telling anyone about it and that's a problem. young people who are looking for apprenticeships and sending out with something like three thousand job applications and not hearing back at all and that's just ridiculous for any so what they need to do is come down to the channels where young people are facebook twitter all the social media streams but actually beyond that door to door when people knock on your door and talk about politics or you know your parents that that's not what we need anymore we need to go we're here to talk and stead and i think that's that's what they need to do anything to start really. demographic in fact. the words repeated consistently by the young people we met lucky enough to have to.
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have. the government is there for us to do and have a variety of options maybe you know do you feel. a sense of but once hollywood made love a happy ending the reality is the young people in london right now that might be a little hard to come by so r.t. london and if you go to a website or two dot com for your certainly a few interesting stories one for example the reality show russian scientists prepared to broadcast an experiment every to shed light on the health threatening influence of genetically modified food.
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this is now as the internet becomes more readily available look across the arab world it's giving rise to a generation of. break free of government censorship with the help of what they call the cyber weapons. reports. being used by the authorities to actually pull the. the government's. each day across the world millions of fingers fly across keyboards with the power to break through some of the toughest security fire walls this is the most powerful weapon streams of darter flashing across the computer screens of the world in the
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blink of an eye information that can promote provoke and agitate people. quite a. lot or not i mean. physically attacking the clinic and that's why you will find a lot of hackers growing up in this politicians at the mission and this time the arab spring gave birth to a new generation of hackers they polish the skills in bypassing government controls to speak out it's very popular in countries where. you know websites are banned and there are restraints on websites most ingles countries they start by using proxies and other stuff to access private websites and then the big draw on it and with this knowledge this growth of knowledge is being put to work in jordan a leader in information technology in the arab world like other governments and man has introduced new laws to try and expose this new generation of hackers with power
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in the hands some people would do this. because it's powerful you can neglect the fact that it is powerful when when when a page of facebook. is giving one opinion and it's nobody knows that it starts giving the other opinion but that to them this is a very very strong way to to reach out to all these people you know to to convince them to convert them but who is behind the web of secrecy these hackers spin the night foundation says openly it backs hacker groups across the globe the american foundation is attached to the international center for journalists in washington a group closely aligned with u.s. foreign policy its first. group started work three years ago in new york since then and chapters have been set up in cities across five continents the latest in tunis and amman so called hackers chapters are springing up across the arab world
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bringing together journalists and develop as their intentions might be noble to advantage citizen journalism and civil society but in real life they often pave the way for subversive activities what is going on in jordan and it's hers and it's going to be funded and guided by these forces in the west is part of a larger story of how the united states and the western powers are responding to the initial arab spring very quickly the u.s. war zero with democracy promotion programs and others are programs to steer the arab spring into outcomes that are not going to be threatening to western capitalism and to us geopolitics and it's really geopolitics in the region history is littered with western governments using n.g.o.s and groups to advance their interests and more recently with the electronic media and social networks they employ but the angry demonstrations that rocked the arab world after the you tube clip of the innocence of muslims trade when viral shows yet again the west sometimes feels victim to the very same activity it promotes policy r.t.
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. just a couple of minutes or an article be a stepping aside and stacy of course the cause report they'll be shedding light on the dark and dirty secrets of the global financial industry. it's perched atop a jaw drop and the view from the kremlin stretches as far as the eye can see apt for a city to all of siberia for centuries. it lost its economic importance even before it was bypassed but a chance i bear in railway but the balls cremains a spiritual center. of
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scenes like these are a yearly occurrence thousands of all the docs worship as themselves and blessid walter to commemorate the baptism of jesus. in the fifteen eighties the russians had only just conquered siberia taking it from the muslims. surrounded by enemies the balls was to be their stronghold constructed on top of an old a city but soon enough it became an economic hub siberian fire was the oil of its time bringing in a third of all russia's state revenue but the balls committed location head of the uses for the russians the russian heiress across who led a revolt against the tsar and eight hundred twenty five known as the decembrists worse than hair in droves there they created a replica high society adopting the latest fashions as soon as they came out or at least once they made it from paris to siberia. but the city also served up some bit
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of irony for the russian royal family after the bolshevik revolution. this is the office was solemn nicholas the second spend most of the last year of his life his whole family had been exiled here they led a fairly comfortable existence this was a big house but they weren't allowed to see visit those or go outside themselves leading the ordinary normal countryside life style they even had thought it was great but within the year the czar and his family would be dead. max kaiser welcome to the kaiser report. oligarchies high speed stock manipulators again some pension fund gone from growing markets. so some bogus derivatives on a now bankrupt country and cody. how about reading that may disappoint mark and
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before him taxpayers across about estates. same thing tell me what. makes their school many hoops in our headlines today f.c.c. says new york allowed high speed stock manipulation and whole brothers online investment services allowed clients overseas clients they say to repeatedly manipulate publicly traded stocks by placing him in a racing orders and in a legal strategy nunez layering which is designed to trick all their participants in the market into buying and selling but this is the same thing we've been talking about for months if not years ok they've got a new term out there layering what is it it's wash trading it was was trading twenty years ago when i was able to go it was a wash training ten years ago.


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