tv [untitled] October 2, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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malartic tonight syria blames rebel friendly countries for backing terror and sidelining peace at the u.n. while some points of warning signs that israel might get a far more hostile neighbor if the opposition topples president or sad. another uprising continues but without any western attention a young man dies in a bahraini prison after claims he was denied medical help and having spent several months locked up for taking part in anti regime protests. plus georgia's president saakashvili admits defeat for his party in parliamentary elections despite reports of massive electoral fraud and ballot stuffing in his favor.
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hello very good evening for me kevin owen here in moscow it's now nine pm you're watching r.t. and our top story than first of all this hour syria has accused the us france and their allies in the arab world of sabotaging peace efforts by supporting rebels with arms money and mercenaries the country's foreign minister delivered a fiery speech on the final day of the un general assembly meanwhile claims are emerging with some of the western backed rebels who also have the support of israel might try to target jews if they manage to topple president assad spoke to journalist capital comedy he's uncovered some of the evidence supporting these claims. the irony of supporting the rebels who may eventually become great enemies of the west is something that's lost in the into the very eager interventionists who are pushing the west to intervene in syria to arm the
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opposition and i interviewed a group of rebels in damascus who were holed up in various parts of damascus in various suburban i interviewed them and some of them a few of them who traveled from afghanistan said that they had a big fight against the jews ahead of them and this is a million to me because i've met people elsewhere particularly in pakistan who say that they have a fight with the jews ahead of them so they see that as the ultimate. one of the things that was particularly disturbing to me is how close is being groomed as a possible replacement for assad not a lot of people know that monarch classes father. lasse is a first rate he's written a book called the design which talks about the blood libel and he was smuggled out class was smuggled out of the country by french spies he is he keeps making trips to saudi arabia but not a lot of people know the history behind people should be wary of. being groomed as
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a as a possible replacement. let's get some more thought and discuss the civil conflict and where it's taking syria further and the other countries involved too we'll go live to the u.s. talk to steve braman he's an assistant professor at the rensselaer polytechnic institute good evening thanks for being with us mr brightman so far the u.n. general assembly failed to find a solution to the syrian crisis but we did have many strong statements nonetheless from president obama demanding that assad steps down to the emery of cats are apparently openly calling for outside into food she think any of this harsh rhetoric might lead to real action though i do know i'm sort of. the general assembly is as you know mostly debating club it will take a resolution from the security council which appears not to be forthcoming anytime in the near future for u.n. to take action. if there is
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a fight outside interference whether it's led by the u.s. or the arab league what might the consequences be for syria and for the region as a whole though what one could argue that there is already quote outside interference the united states readily admits that it ships so-called non lethal aid to rebels and identified rebel groups in syria and as you mentioned carter turkey others in the region are calling for more forceful action the supply of so-called from the full aid to the rebels and perhaps even more along the lines of a look at your style operation it's interesting we've talked about this non-lethal aid a lot only clear what that actually is now it's not clear a list of goods has not been published that i'm aware of i presume it includes things like uniforms and boots sooden water and communications gear and everything
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short of guns and bullets syria's just name the u.s. among those countries it holds responsible for. in financing the rebels to damascus say a terrorist attacks ted do you think washington contributes to a position groups in syria then do you think backing that up well i believe that we're there late so-called lethal aid where there are. fire arms and artillery pieces and the ammunition for them that were coming from the us or from the us would be a third party to syria we would probably know that so i do not believe that's happening. but at the same time it appears that perhaps others britain and france france in particular has been named as either eager or now actually supplying armaments to the rebels keeping on the topic of who of washington may or may not be supporting us wait we saw a string of bomb attacks in the syrian capital yet we haven't heard any real
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condemnation from the u.s. so what we're basically acts of terror away is that you think well it's troubling indeed there are no doubt these were acts of terror and you know i must say that the signature on the strikes looks like that of al qaida no less if i was going to say very quickly like iraq before two thousand and three al qaeda was nowhere to be seen it took the u.s. invasion in that year to have those folks flock to baghdad and elsewhere it appears to be a model that's now repeating itself in syria that there were no al qaeda types until . the civil war broke out and it's unclear exactly how the u.s. mommas interact with or are allied if they are with the free syrian army or other syrian rebel groups see things your thoughts tonight steve revenue system professor they have red cell a public technic institute live from the u.s. appreciated my pleasure. as westernised fixed on the syrian conflict the slow
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burning revolt in bahrain's claiming more lives to their you. young man's no died in prison after having spent several months there for taking part in anti regime protesters something he denied is lawyer claims the twenty two year old was refused adequate health treatment meantime five medics of being jailed in the gulf kingdom for their role in pro-democracy demonstrations the charges have been condemned as politically motivated by rights groups is just a day after the five doctors along with four others lost their appeal against jail terms at the country's highest court the medics were part of a group that treated protesters injured during the state crackdown on anti regime demonstrations last year i thought of calling cavalier to form a lecturer at the university of bahrain he told me the address draws no attention from western governments because they've got their own interests at heart in the gulf country. president obama's not going to sleep. by really. until the election is over the presidential election has taken priority
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and the election here in the united states is on the resume so long as i'm not going to study anything about the brutality of the bahraini regime until after the elections the u.s. has its naval business physically based on my reading in the u.s. no. they don't want to absolutely believe and they're basing rights. for our physically. right now the cleavers are getting away with murder they're getting away with torture they're getting away with criminal activity and they're buying seats on the union human rights advisory council to try to make their early years regime appear to be acceptable to the international community but of course they are now and they are committing murder. george is entering a new political era with president saakashvili admitting defeat for his ruling party in parliamentary elections the opposition bloc georgian dream will now form
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a new government effectively ending the current regime's decade long monopoly on power and his lectures jet skis been following the vote and the count in tbilisi. statement is as sensational as the outcome of the voting may eventually become he already said despite the voting vote counting still continuing that he spotty admits defeat and now will work in opposition but despite that statement there are still growing concerns among the opposition members that the governing forces may still be stalling the outcome of this vote the vote count is growing very slowly it's less than three million votes to be counted but ever since the polling stations closed last night less than thirty percent of the votes have been counted so far and also the international ngo called international transparency in georgia reported a very serious violation and even received the footage of mosques to men entering a polling station in georgia taking everybody out from the polling stations and the that n.-g. o. claims that the result at this particular polling station was altered in the favor
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of the ruling party the u.n. am as it stands the opposition party is in the lead with a little more than fifty percent and the governing party the ruling party the unanimous trailing behind with closer to forty percent and as it stands if the such result comes that to be eventually in the end we are in for the first peaceful transition of power in georgia ever since the collapse of the u.s.s.r. the party which will have the majority in the parliament all the alliance of parties will then be able to appoint a prime minister who according to new amendments by the constitution will have the same powers as president next year when saakashvili is that is down basically saakashvili and his party which proposed these amendments in a way dug their own hole because nobody expected last year when businessmen eventually form the georgia dream party that anybody could post competition to the ruling party their rating was that around seventy percent certainly dented move from the opposition unprecedented rise but a large credit that comes from the scandal which happened in september one the
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footage of prisoner abuse and sexual torture in georgian prisons was released causing massive outcry causing mass protests in the streets. of the georgian cities nevertheless the opposition seems to be winning this election and right now the people are celebrating as they were celebrating last night so given the past record of violent protests in georgia nobody can still rule out if this result changes then the people may take to the streets and we still may see some bloodletting action in the streets of georgian cities. the leader of the opposition coalition but he. really has already called on president saakashvili to resign but professor mark colvin there's a co-author of a book called post comment is georgian history thinks that despite admitting defeat such as when it's not likely to give up power easily. it could be a dramatic change or it could be the herald of a period of infighting so this really may well try to shape the situation to both bring supporter to part two if you like protect him in the future but also to try
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to split the georgian dream coalition remember it's a rather disparate group of people who have been primarily united by the whole stability to saakashvili even if you like their fear of soccer surely today soccer is admission of defeat in a sense perhaps shows that he's a wounded animal but the would be still a fear that he would use the prerogatives of the president to try to split the opposition or to try to create perhaps a crisis that will restore his position. or correspond in georgia is keeping you updated on what's happening there various twitter feed as well. now saying that supporters of the georgian green party gathering outside the central election commission because they fear they may have been a fraud during the vote these are the latest pictures we've got a bit earlier on from the scene can follow the latest from the streets of the capital tbilisi. the.
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wider started pushing more and more people out of work later this hour we go next to where record high unemployment levels could take the troubled by the trade union also. president vladimir putin criticizes the e.u.'s furred energy package saying it could lead to a financial collapse in gas transportation all that and more after a short break. was . i was. in the middle of russia's no way from civilization and in a three hour helicopter train from the nearest village. they stole one family
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have been living here for a long time in tents made of reindeer skins. lodging runs in ada signal and minutes they also grew up in the to draw but left it at the age of six and never returned they now live in the city in apartment building but still room and they are regions. was planted here as a dancing teacher. was. next to his dancing as he tells the stories about his motherland.
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lives in europe to now has a one thousand strong rangy had when the enemy only saw the light can and most around it is gather the tens and move to another pasha they travel hundreds of kilometers in winter women and children for them. but the two families have less of a chance to come across each other they belong to different worlds even though there's sometimes a similar. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so far away you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you don't know i'm tom harkin welcome to the big picture.
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wealthy british style. but i. thank our. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's culture a no holds barred look good but global financial headlines tune in to cause a report on our. fellow again this is our europe receiving a lost generation that's the warning from brussels as unemployment in the eurozone
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hits the highest level so far in the history of the monetary union and that's to as anger of restorative policy sweeps the e.u. with the latest show fury taking place in athens. with all this with his thoughts on it he's a research for the european university and. sky high jerome evening to you we see these continuing efforts kind of groundhog day isn't it by europe's policymakers with all these meetings all these summits yet the same time where in these continuing shocking figures well they tell us about the current state of the economy the well it's out of the state of the economy is absolutely dire and it actually tells us that what these leaders are trying to do through all these meetings and the summits that you mentioned is actually aggravating the situation very measures that are being imposed the radical structural reforms each of these things is actually aggravating the situation by undermining wrote the undermining investor confidence and by omission the humanitarian tragedy i mean you mentioned the protests that are spreading throughout the south of europe right now we had clashes in madrid last week we had clashes in athens we had hundreds of thousands
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of people are protesting in it's been and this is an indication i think that the fact that it's been ignored throughout this crisis the political factor is now coming to the fore but is it really big backlash there is it a case of can't do all due to sort of. well to an extent i think that there are options available it's just a question of what kind of options are being chosen it's a very political choice it's a question of the costs of adjustment was going to bear the brunt of these costs of adjustment of this crisis and so far i don't think that european leaders are very willing to make lenders to make private investors pay for the risky decisions they made in the lead up to the crisis that's for some spying for of it is called the highest jobless rate one in two young people who are out of work there is no full picture as a country going to try to revive its economy with a whole generation now seeking a better life abroad of course well clearly it can't continue the way it's going now i think spain would do very well to the lessons that were learned in the past
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decade from three other countries that took a radically different approach argentina ecuador and iceland each of which in the past ten or eleven years repudiated part part of their external debt and thereby freed up a lot of public funds to just spend on social security and reviving the economy and actually bailing out homeowners for example as opposed to bailing out the banks that that made such speculative bets and in the mortgage industry so i think that there are plenty of options available but the most important thing is to prioritize the interests of the domestic population at large against the interests of foreign lenders what could be done about the unemployment it does say doesn't it the government of the e.u. but introducing these are sturdy measures yes to ease the debt burden but the flip side is that they're pushing the unemployment provoking recession by the looks of it how do you got it very wrong here do you think well they've clearly got a very wrong from the perspective of trying to alleviate the debt burden in these countries because what they're doing is actually making things worse as i mentioned before it's depressing growth it's leading ultimately to do an undermining of
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investor confidence i mean just now just today the night rumors that the bailout of spain it's coming this weekend and as a result financial markets collapsed. i think everything that they're trying to do ultimately is met by financial market panic and what they're not seeing is that you cannot beat the financial markets unless you're willing to take a stand and say that we repudiate part of that and we move on and we set our own priorities and what you're saying there looks likely the economics chief is now calling we're here on spot and if you feel to accept a new you bella to fix its finances or at least try to wise brussels pushing madrid to do this while one of the spanish to decide for themselves well precisely because of what i said before i think that if the spanish got to decide for themselves for instance through a referendum on whether or not to repay this debt what you would see very quickly is that part of this that would be repudiated there is an enormous public outrage right now in spain as there is in greece as there is in portugal and if these
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people were allowed to decide on their own future they would not choose the path that the e.u. is forcing them down right now so what you're seeing is a repetition of what we've seen for the past twenty or thirty years what's happened in the developing world is that international lenders through international is the tuitions actually cancel the sovereignty of nation states in order to ensure full repayment of the debt and this is being repeated right now in spain thanks for your thoughts. on the european debt crisis the european university and student florence appreciate it thank you just a little after twenty one minutes past one twenty one minutes past nine night here in moscow to take through some international news in brief at least twenty six students have been killed in northeast nigeria as government. residents the attacks come a day after an operation against an islamist militant group in the town there that organizations behind attacks on christians and churches it's reportedly responsible for over six hundred deaths this year. six troop members have been arrested after
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a pleasure boat and a ferry collided off the coast of hong kong killing thirty eight people the pleasure boat was carrying more than one hundred passengers to watch fireworks in the city's harbor the ferry was mostly undamaged but the boat sank the people trapped inside them you keep abreast of all the news twenty four seven at r.t. dot com ok you're afraid of our story right now dimitri's go all the latest the world of business pretty quiet day then again today it isn't doing more of a technical correction after a very very positive session on monday pretty much worldwide specially that applies to russia which saw the. boost by around suter two and a half percent on monday now they're going down a point four percent and this is also backed by a pessimistic forecast from the economic ministry that we will see an outflow of sixty five billion dollars this year eighty billion left the country in the previous year and now over in the u.s.
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markets what we're also seeing a mildly negative session with dow jones declining half a percent that's despite the fact that housing prices went up the most in six months over the past month which is a good sign for the ailing sector and that's may sleep based on what's happening in europe where a lot of investors were expecting spain to come out with a bailout request but apparently the spanish prime minister now says that it's not imminent we'll have more on that in fifty five minutes time things to be true in just a few minutes laura lister and i guess shed some light on the financial side of the current u.s. presidential campaign with both a bomb around romney gearing of course for wednesday's first live t.v. debate capital so our next program and tonight here on.
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which is slow often enough and knows that to ride a horse you've got to catch it first. for him it's a daily routine that you're soft as a horse breeder on the island of a horn at the heart of bike all his life on an isolated farm is about blue sky green grass and horses sometimes it gets lonely here but horses have become part of me now i've fallen off so many times sometimes they bite as well it's part of my every day life. i holmes been home to it rats like you just saw for centuries most still live off the land of cattle and fish every evening local villagers place their nets and in the morning the catch is always good. we always have enough here.
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if by call is often called the pearl of siberia and when i said to be the pearl of by call it's all end of fake forests. and vast staps. it's also a place of fashion to borat's traditions respected by locals and travelers alike. an economist turned adventurer has crisscrossed by called shores and learned its customs well. you see pillars like this and thought to have supernatural powers every traveler who comes here asked. spirits to make the journey easier give them strength and fulfill their dearest wishes. virtually undiscovered by tourists until some twenty years ago i was cornish quickly become a magnet for nature lovers and you will see cars but those used to five star
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pampering and maybe even for a surprise the island's infrastructure has yet to catch up with the growing demand here quite some way from civilisation here accommodation on the island is very basic so you can forget about it or even run in water for most people tend. but for those who come here it's exactly what they're looking for. you need to buy coal can be unique trip of a lifetime and the locals say once you've seen it you'll be coming back again and again. with. technology innovation. developments around russia
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we've. covered. good afternoon and welcome to capital account i'm more in lister here in washington d.c. these are your headlines for monday october first two thousand and twelve the u.s. presidential candidates may be gearing up to face off in their first debate this week but aren't they both already losers in the deficit debate can any amount of rhetoric fill the gaps in their deficit plans and where is the country headed without sound mass slowing down money we'll hear from blogger author and radio host karl denninger of the markets are on that and while the budget plans the presidential candidates may not add up we already know the lack of government planning has the u.s. poised for this. fiscal cliff looming the fiscal cliff it's looming
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gorged partisan politics could push america over of this cliff. but daunting name and the right side what exactly does this entailed one break down the potential damage and word of a day and give you a glaring example of the wasteful costs of political uncertainty all ready documented plus we have a potpourri of manufacturing data out some points to opposite directions for the u.s. and of fluid it points to negative. outcomes in europe are gas will help us make sense of these ingredients and tell us why he thinks the u.s. recession is already baked into the cake let's get to today's capital account.
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so income obama and. mitt romney are getting ready to face off in their first debate wednesday in the race for president thanks to weigh in for this clever depiction of who he is dead dead brother versus mitt the twit as they wrestle to convince the public of who to vote for both may be wrestling with how best to avoid letting people know they don't have a sound plan for cutting federal deficits at least not according to analysts who say the math doesn't add up but here is how do you want to be paul ryan recently dealt with this issue but i have to look at what you just haven't given me that. i don't have the it would take me too long to go through all of that. but he goes on to say and i paraphrase he swears it all works out just just trust him don't worry this is just.
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