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tv   [untitled]    October 2, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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only twenty minutes to cover two hundred twenty meters with no safety ropes. known as dexter on the internet storms a radio station in electra's a city not far from moscow ok here we go. he is most likely to
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establish a new record. to friends of our leg follow him with no safety rope seeing that. if his online name is bostic and the youngest of the three. legs shown of congress the summit even quicker than the expects it in just fifteen minutes. they've never trained as professional rescuers they've never even completed a course for climbers dexter. extreme sportsman explorers of urban roofs this is their third ascent of the top they took the footage which made the british daily mail call them crazy russians a five minute video made them true internet celebrities they received more than one
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million viewers over the first week alone. i don't think there's anything a person can do those who can do something they think is impossible we simply love it so much we develop our abilities and i just myself to extreme situations so that i can perform these acts. i always test myself in terms of what i am capable of on this bus almost. all three live in towns close to moscow dexter lives in newport c. as that electricity and bus because to travel from shock over three. is a small town in moscow without much to do young people spend their free time here at sports bars or in the yards of apartment blocks they discuss the latest news while sipping their drinks as for years guinea best tell ya if he'd rather do an extreme sports like park or oregon climbing. hello finally how are you. why didn't you call me
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yeah i called. it was me that called you and then worrying. vera you have kenny's mother knows about her son's extreme hobby she knows he just climbed the radio station tower but you can't ban him from taking risks fyi i will possibly i hear what he says but i can understand him only when i fully realize what he says and accept it i haven't accepted it and i can't understand it i cannot stand on issues. there is divorced families only breadwinner she works at a local hospital seven days on seven off there's no one to look after her children she says that doing extreme sports is better than hanging around with the wrong crowd drinking and taking drugs. well this one if you talk about this small village there's absolutely nothing here at all there are no places to go and nothing to do
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so thank god he has found his way and this is a good way that's why i feel ok about my son and about his life to. me shows his mother the best known video with the stones that height he was honest with his mother about what he was doing uncooled her from the site however she only sees how high and how dangerous it was now this is awful it's just awful look it's awful. just a nightmare this is easy as a b. c. he can squat on one leg one hundred thirty times yeah it isn't easy when the wind is knocking you down but we can do is knocking you down so the wind is balanced there goes the bounce is good it's no problem it's easy you see i try to say something to him any always fights me. the video starts with a warning do not try to repeat the stumps you're putting your life at risk however just a few weeks later another group without any physical training decided to repeat the
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feat of dex to that at the same time. could you do you want to do it carol imagine what level of adrenalin he's got right now but. yet i want to have your babies alexei will. very high above the ground and he does not care a tool. such videos on the web has been called provocative climates compete with each other to try to take on more dangerous ascent to beat each other's videos for numbers of views. yellow we're going to climb this tower. from your letters showing that. we've climbed very very high and here's the. thing.
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we did. this is the very top of the tower the thermal power station it's the highest point. we've climbed it's. our journalists searching this is a video from. this is thermal power station in leningrad region several climbers somehow made it to the top of the concrete smokestack. famous moscow. of travels eight thousand kilometers expressly to conquer the high cable stayed bridge in russia. when they were finally caught by the police they were first mistaken for terrorists. here is the bridge to risky
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island three hundred fifty meters high is one of the tallest structures in russia it is insanely high there is nothing higher than this bridge. just conquering heights is not enough for them anymore they want to climb and heightened security locations where no one but they can get. this is moscow city a complex of high rise buildings they managed to bypass the security guards and made their way up to a construction crane. climbed on the crane boom it was done six in the morning we were climbing this boom somebody roasted popcorn in the crane booth there was a microwave oven and a kettle there so we had some tea a some instant noodles it was like kind of a picnic up on the roof. when the italian kirill gave their videos to the construction company as evidence of the poor security they were
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offered jobs now they take birdseye panorama pictures of moscow they used to advertise moscow city. or some of it i like going to new facilities where i have to find a way to get by the security guards to see where the closed circuit televisions are how the alarm works and the most exciting part of all is when you manage to make your way in they see you but then you run away and they don't catch you that's the coolest part. psychologist alexander tester's office is also located inside a moscow skyscraper he's been studying youth trends for some time according to tesla extreme sports and particularly urban climbing is a hobby of young people from the outskirts they commonly come from low income families sports clubs are expensive and conquering city heights is often the only way for these young people to assert themselves. they want adrenaline they want people to talk about them they want to be seen on you tube and people are ready to do anything for this both boys and girls because their life is boring and social
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mobility is poor in russia. russian urban climbers hit the headlines after this video. no one had known student. until he climbed the steeple of one of stalin's skyscrapers and filmed a video that he then called reach for the stars the video horrified its fewest. was no safety ropes he climbed up the steeple and reached the star on it located one hundred and seventy five meters above the ground. at the rebellious are open. and. he later made an even more extreme video in winter when he reached for another star of the famous kotel the chess guy embankment building and for climbers these
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are the most prestigious buildings in terms of the height complexity and security. has reached five of the seven stars. as to her bow to stalin ordered seven high rise buildings with spires and stars as a symbol of the country's victory today they're one of the main symbols of moscow. climate also could moscow's highest spot top of the state university the photos posted on the web showed that the risk was worth it.
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looking at the world from the top has become a fashionable trend moscow is seeing a high rise building boom with costs per square meter reaching twenty thousand euros high altitude restaurants are being opened at least a cruel over mrs world two thousand and eleven also loves titan extreme sports only in elite high rise restaurants and she also stages photo shoots here and then posts them on her website. she is an extreme driving instructor she's bungee jump and skydived however she says that urban climbing is beyond quite recently several people died after they fell down from tall buildings is less can when someone browses the internet and sees someone else tramping from rooftops he can feel that they're cool and fame is they get so many of yes of course he was turned to because it seems to be a real feat for him since he has nothing better to do but this is not right
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absolutely not issue trying to find yourself some other way. bungee jumping a dream for any extreme sport for a student of the pedagogical institute. this is her thirty second jump that's how she tries to fight her fear of heights i do all this stuff for the sake of new experiences when a person overcomes his fear he crosses the line that seem to be impossible to cross and he learns something new about himself he discovers the qualities in themselves he was unaware of. jumping from a tower that helped fill her dream. thirty one floors up.
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she had an eye on this long ago but only recently found the strength to take her first step the video became an instant internet hit the newspapers wrote about her she is a real russian girl a mixture of sexuality and recklessness. i did what i wanted to do first solo. dream and those were true emotions that came from my hard drive is happiness which has made so many people like the. arena is not going to climb professionally she realizes the risk is too high she was lucky first time however she believes luck never lasts forever.
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well the. technology innovation is developments around russia. wealthy british stock. markets. find out what's really happening to the global economy. there are no holds barred global financial headlines kaiser report.
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dexter and i sat think that doing such terms without special training means taking unnecessary risks almost every day they work out of street playgrounds. dexter is twenty four is twenty two and as out is only sixteen he still goes to
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school he's graduating this year. dexter is studying to be both a lawyer and a sports physio therapist he isn't doing extreme sports for the sake of popularity he says he wants to put himself to the test not only physically but also psychologically you know high doesn't really matter if i were two hundred meters above the ground i would be even more careful if i feel that i can do it if i feel that i am standing firmly that it's ok i can even squat on one leg. he denies responsibility for those who may watch this video and decide to try to repeat it if anyone falls he says he's not going to feel guilty. if one is smart they will not attempt these things unless they've thoroughly prepared just like us make all the calculations before they do it. as that's parents the youngest of the three also support their sons passion his father is an aircraft designer he believes that
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a real man must know how to overcome fear including a fear of heights they try not to think about the tragedy that might happen. even interests had wings everyone thought he was a fool. but today we have airplanes we can fly but i believe that you have to have a sense of adventure in life in every aspect it makes you. more interesting. however for true of an climbers the process of conquering a height is more important than the result it's going to be a great sunset this evening can really shoot in and his friends go to the roof of a moscow apartment block the door to the attic is closed there is an impressive lot can be on it and i'm going to ask you to turn the camera off so you can see the teleportation process. walking on the rooftops is just a petty crime the breaking locks entails criminal liability however climbers always say that it was not them who broke the law but someone before them. taking the risk
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of running into trouble they go to the roof to watch the sunset climbing can also mean romance. shootin shows the views of moscow to his girlfriend she saw his videos on the internet and realized she would never find a braver guy. he tells her how they climbed the spire of a protected building. it's hard to do it so but because it's an office building with a serious company inside that has a forty billion dollar turnover. everybody saw the door but no one was eager to open it because there was a corporation inside with a forty billion dollar turnover and security is going to be a very tight. urban climbing came to moscow from st petersburg which boasts the most romantic rooftops in russia there are even guided tours on the roofs climate has been earning his living this way for five years now however they became so successful local residents turned against them. are you going to climb the roof i'm
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going to call the police i'm going to call the district police officer no no where definitely going to call the police and we'll wait for them to arrive i must show you i don't have the attics here i have keys to all the addicts like you get out. this happens sometimes ilya and his guests have to find alternative routes trying to find a way to the roof they have to walk across need by yards. they manage to find a new route about a dozen people climb into the attic trying to move as quietly as possible this kind of secrecy only adds more adrenaline and feels the interest in roof towards what can be quieter with. here it is the cherished roof everyone pays ileal five hundred roubles for seventeen dollars.
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it's enough that we have a mosque there you can see how peter and paul fortress among the most interesting saw it so the admiralty the winter palace then symbolize a skiffy drop and the church of the savior on spilt blood. these rich tools have become a small business of mine sometimes maybe once every six months one hundred or one hundred fifty people get onto a roof but it's only possible on flat ones like this one. going to the roof the sacred experience here i can feel freer here i can find my loneliness it's the way it should be you can never experience it on the ground this is the place closest to the sky.
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one of the most popular routes is the roof of the dome bookstore it offers a panoramic view of the northern capital however one of the residents of a neighboring house has declared war on the talk roups church. in town they seem to lose a gun. with god as a gun. oh my god for the shock. climbers call this go or simply nancy she was also warm seized by a roof climbing passion. however one of her close friends fell from the roof and died for months she could not bring herself to climb again. yes i had pix of consciousness because it was me who showed him that roof trunk he
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climbed it in bad weather and in a bad mood he simply failed test to make properly what he was capable of probably had even did it on purpose because he had a difficult period in his life i felt bad for six months i wanted to call him and realized that he was not there anymore. but as nancy confesses it was soon petersburg with its roofs that has cured her she feels come here without thinking twice one day she packed her bags and moved to st petersburg she's renting out an old apartment under the roof with a view of the courtyard below. like a mere five days in a room and the first thing we did was the following broke the law and climbed this roof to enjoy the view. because they're here. yet ahead.
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nancy has always been fond of photography now she stages photo shoots herself both to have friends who do climbing and for those who don't she takes pictures at weddings adorned and a sunset and pictures of roofs of course she says there are no such roofs anywhere else. groups meaning credibly beautiful sunsets and extremely beautiful city below and freedom from earthly fuss simply love there is nothing extraordinary about urban climber weddings anymore. well as they say we wish you happiness health and as many kids as possible. natalia and mikhail met each other on this roof they watched many sunsets and sunrises together before finally getting married.
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this is the lights all know oh yes let's go and. students animal drac and shrooms can boast an even more romantic ascent. careful sit down. to the peter the great statue by. telly in moscow. they touch the flag at the very top one hundred meters up they say this is their most tremendous victory ever. yet these are the greatest. greats.
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today there are several hundred climbers in russia doing it on a permanent basis climbing more and more dangerous heights every time. they have their own celebrities their own parties groups and social networks and their own websites. they know each other and even if they've never met in person they will definitely recognize one another and they meet for the first time as if they have known each other for many years. this summer gave his sweetheart another room on to present a trip to st petersburg to the scarlet sails fireworks festival this was on his first visit to the city which became a place of love for them and a source in petersburg many residents have never seen. the real self same paragon of like moscow roads their construction is so intricate and interesting urban climbing in samples are it gives you absolutely a difference in stations. down the river never embankment
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a crowd of people trying to see a glimpse of the fireworks show while the climbers stand up on the roof and hug each other up taking no notice of the rain and cold. it seems that the fireworks are meant just for them many economists have dies they feel that they could claim his death easily and out with it this group trying not to think about it the whole clothes is the best feet now and they copy.
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more news today violence is once again fled the film these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. sheinkopf aeration the day. led mission free. free. free. free. free. free. free.
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