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tv   [untitled]    October 3, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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oh maggie the big picture i'm tom arbonne coming up in this half hour we all know florida governor rick scott is a huge fan of denying floridians the right to vote additionally he likes to rig that state's supreme court too so with the scott up to now and how are the koch brothers involved with us and in tonight's daily take the context of tonight's presidential debate doesn't matter it's the analysis of it by the mainstream media that makes all the difference i'll explain.
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in screwed news there's something disturbing going on down in florida started in two thousand and ten when the florida supreme court struck down a proposed ballot initiative that would have given voters in florida a chance to reject obamacare in a five to two ruling florida's high court said that the language on the ballot initiative was misleading to florida's voters from that point forward right wing organizations have been launching campaigns to remove justices from the bench who ruled against that ballot initiative and even today after the supreme court has up held obamacare as constitutional this effort continues this ad now running in florida it's part of a campaign to remove three supreme court justices in the state. america needed health care reform was the new health care law the right to reform washington more control over our health care and it will cost trillions most americans oppose it that's why many states like ohio gave their citizens the right to vote against it
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not florida our own supreme court denied our right to choose for ourselves shouldn't our courts protect our rights to choose you be the judge you beach f.l. dot com to get the facts and sign the petition. notices pain for that ad americans for prosperity that tea party front group funded in part by the billionaire koch brothers you see what the koch's are trying to do is to help governor rick scott remove these three states supreme court justices so that scott can then appoint three tea party justices and control nearly half the court but there's another issue here beyond the battle for the court has to do with something called nullification joining me now for more on this story is mike happened tonio attorney and host a ring of fire radio mike welcome back. great great great to see you first what is what do the folks who don't live in florida stand to gain by kicking florida justices off that state supreme court well done for decades couple decades now
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while voters have been paying attention to legislative races senate races presidential races the inheritance baby billionaires not just the koch brothers the coors name i'm if they're if they're millionaires they've been involved in this process of packing the state courts it's gone under the radar but they successfully pulled it off in texas alabama mississippi virtually all over the south so florida is now the new target and the reason rick scott has asked them to come to do that is because rick scott has always answered to this crowd he's kind of their boy down here in florida so they're here to help rick scott accomplish that getting rid of three of the best justices that we've probably had in the in florida in a very long time. popular very great intellects well respected but rick scott doesn't like them because he when he asked them to do something that was unconstitutional they said no so what is no if occasion and where it is none of occasion fit into all of this nullification was something that you would in the
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nineteenth century you would see slave owners try to use the no if occasion process where they would say yeah the federal government told us that we can't own slaves but we think there's a state there's a state's right under the tenth amendment that gives us a superior power to the federal government this is been going to it's that ongoing fight between the federal government the state government most most states most intellects and states in that are that sit on the supreme court understand that no if occasion is an absurd idea that it's something the tenth amendment is very clear about it but but this is simply resurfacing it's resurfacing in all of the states what we see happening right now is this attempts to come back in and say states' rights is where the fight is going to take place and we have a superior right to the federal government so the billionaire inheritance babies have been up to this a long time to people it's just now on the radar because it hit florida a lot of people are talking about it right now they have packed the courts so
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completely in in the state of texas tom so completely that right now ninety seven percent of the time a corporation will win in a dispute with the consumer ninety seven percent of the time at the trial level they may win but the appellate level they lose ninety seven percent of the time because of the court packing that's taken place and that's having individual rights now the individual loses isn't isn't the doctrine of nullification identical to what the south claimed as their right to secede from the union and it wasn't the concept of nullification pretty much what led to the civil war well of course it is a matter of. but you have you have these pseudo intellectuals these people that turn out a book about every two years about why no if occasion is still valid nullification is something that we have to reassert is our right and it's something that they've never let go in the south but unfortunately now you have you have u.s.
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supreme court judges like in thomas that are fueling that fight about the right to be able to know if a congressional act like like obamacare so it does get you thinking up speed again do you think it's just a coincidence that all of a sudden nullification is back in vogue and in the debate in the south just at the time that we have a black man in the white house well i think it's broader than that even look here's what the billionaire baby inheritance babies understand they understand there's nothing predictable at the federal level ok you don't build your infrastructure at the federal level because you'll always have presidents coming and going what you do is you build your infrastructure in the state legislatures the state courts state by state you change american social policy state by state they started this twenty years ago it started in texas twenty years ago when they started saying we
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can't win at the federal level we don't even have a conservative party that has any appeal broadly to the american public but we can win state by state so they started packing courts they started packing legislators they started winning with republican right wing governors so right now they have a right wing nut here in florida that if you followed his history this is a governor and i say this is sincerely this is a guy that should have ankle bracelets on when you consider what he did with with the health care scandal while he was c.e.o. of a huge health care organization seventy eight times he had to plead the fifth amendment not answer. question because he thought he was going to be criminally prosecuted now this is the governor who was saying to us that we have to unseat these three very respected supreme court judges so where is this going now might have a time where is there actually
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a probability or possibility that the. the that the koch brothers are going to get the supreme court justice or the rick scott is going to get the supreme court justices that he wants or is this just a you know a wild noise on the side that that is stirring up the politics rick scott is broadly hated in this state he's one of the least popular government governors we've ever had so what you have is you have like the police benevolent association coming out against rick scott you have the firefighters coming out against rick scott they're saying what how dare you try to tell florida florida voters that you want such control over our government that you don't want to supreme court who's fair and impartial you want to supreme court of your hand-picked crony hacks that will do what ever you want them to do rick scott is is used to pushing people around he's just incredibly unpopular in florida right now and so i think what's
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going to happen this is going to hang around rick scott's neck and his his lack of popularity i believe will defeat this in the end he is wildly unpopular tom that's that's good news let's move on to the debate what questions would you like to see yes. well if they could get off script i'd want to say they want to ask mitt i'd say mitt you tell us that you had no tax advantage in banking off shore if that's the case you had no tax advantage in sending your money to the grand cayman islands or switzerland why don't you just bank here in the united states i'd start off with a question like that i've been asking mitt could you explain please how outsourcing and how outsourcing american jobs is good for america come. questions that take him off a script that making really answer what we're all thinking and that is mitt you've been lying to us since you've been running for president now explain these two very obvious problems that we've we've had no explanation of up to this point these
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these are the economic issues which are going to be the core of tonight i'm curious your theory the questions that you would want to ask the concerns that you have the have to do with foreign policy which i realize will be a later debate but this is a big deal right now we just had our two thousand deaths in afghanistan in the exactly. i think what i want to point out tom is his tendency to fuel conflict i want to ask what in the hell were you thinking when you may when on the media in the media and you said that russia is our number one geopolitical enemy what in the hell were you thinking what were you thinking when you said before we even understood made any attempt at all to diplomatically handle iran what were you thinking when you said let's invade iran what were you thinking when you said let's give to the military another two hundred billion dollars more than they said they want to fuel a military unless you think you want to fuel
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a war somewhere around the world here so this guy's got a free pass on international affairs completely i think he's going to have a very tough time when he gets dinner international affairs are going to have a tough time tough enough time tonight if they'll ask the right questions and put him on the spot make him answer those questions about bain make as the man are you ashamed or concerned that you said is president the united states you were willing to ignore forty seven percent of the american population what did you mean by that mitt those are the type of questions that you have to do you have to put this man on the spot and now his vice presidential candidate is saying thirty percent of americans want to well first of it's bizarre bipap antonio thanks so much for being with us tonight thank you always great to see. things you learn. at the college club after a long day of work is there
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a better feeling than going home jumping and been getting all cosy what if you want to go with someone to accept your single well if you live in tokyo have no fear because that's worse comes it. is japan's first closely. in the specialty shop where patrons can pay to sleep with a beautiful may sound similar to a brothel here there is no sex involved however patrons do have to pay for sleeping with the women mission fee to the cotton club is forty dollars one hour sleeping all run the eighty bucks there's also a specialty menu which includes separate prices for things like sleeping on a woman's laugh staring at each other before sleeping and getting a pat on the back or as of another sleep shop opened up down the street from sunday with people can go to get a good night's sleep away from their snoring or kitchen parg. coming up as you prepare to watch tonight's first debate showdown between mitt romney and president obama think about this what you see and hear in the debate tonight will barely
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influence what you take away from the debate or what the media says about the debate will have a much larger influence on why i'll tell you tonight steely to. download the official publication so choose your language stream quality and enjoy your
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favorite. t.v. is not required to watch on t.v. all you need is your mobile device watch on t.v. any time. our first comment and i come symlin post of the thom hartmann facebook page here's what she had to say about the media i tell my husband i love your show and can we watch it every day if we can seven years ago we moved from connecticut to west virginia i'm still stunned by what's goes on down here anyway we watch bill moyers
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show in west virginia p.b.s. on sundays and we're looking forward to united states of alec and they decided not to air it at all i'm so upset that someone decided that the people of west virginia shouldn't be able to be informed really i'm outraged because p.b.s. gets government funding so who decides what we're allowed to watch on t.v. the koch brothers dish network or there are other forces at work here people here deny the right to truth and don't even know it i'm guessing this is not the only state where people are purposely kept ignorant it's just so frustrating well with regard to p.b.s. and both radio and television it's only small a small amount of their total budget comes from government funds it's been shrinking radically since the reagan administration and increasingly it's being filled in with large corporate contributions which is why there's you know bill moyers is kind of the lone island of investigative journalism in the now losses and individual stations decide what they're going to air so i'm not sure what happened
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with your individual station but a lot you know if you look at it in a larger context either we should go back to full funding of a public broadcasting system that is committed to broadcasting in the public interest or we should go back to the rules that we had for the all commercial broadcasters prior to one thousand nine hundred seventy when reagan stopped forcing them. rules were put in place back in the one nine hundred twenty s. that said that every broadcaster must program in the public interest in other words must have real news our final comment of the night comes from paul who called in the viewer rant line here is his take on mitt romney's idea of health care my name is paul from a look at washington in response to mitt romney's statement that all americans have health care if they just show up to the emergency room that may be true but they're also going to end up with a bill for that and if they showed up at the emergency room with a heart attack or stroke or broken bones they're going to get a big whopping bill and if they don't have health insurance they can't pay for it they lose their house they go bankrupt that's the world that mitt romney believes
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it's amazing maybe we should send mitt the bill that should be the new programs that the bill thank you. and it's interesting that paul ryan has not only opposed to obamacare any kind of national health care program but he's come right out and said that he you know his goal is to privatizing medicare social security medicaid these programs so yeah and mitt romney is what's particularly weird about mitt romney in fact if i had one question to ask in the debates and i might be what can you please identify him for me one topic mr romney that you have not flip flopped on. obamacare which romney is trashing was originally romney care and before that it was nixon care this was the program that richard nixon proposed in the united states back in one thousand nine hundred seventy two and the day you know teddy kennedy made the decision that he was going to go head to head with richard nixon on that it was going to be single payer or nothing and we ended up
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with nothing and i you know from everything i've read teddy kennedy regretted that for a lot of years. it's you know for for romney to be going off on this and for his campaign for that matter to be saying that they're opposed to national health care programs in the united states when that's what he did in massachusetts and that's what he said repeatedly should be done nationwide and now he's trying to take a back and say oh no no i mean just at the state level quite quickly it just makes no sense that's it for my take your take my take tonight now an exciting announcement tomorrow will be debuting a new segment your take by take a live where you will have the opportunity to call into the big picture and ask me your questions or tell me your opinions live on air so be sure to watch the show tomorrow night to find out how you can get involved and be heard live here on the big picture.
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it's the good the bad of the very very. seriously ugly they're good expedia in america today we're becoming way too used to corporations looking out for their bottom lines first and putting the interests of consumers and of society second expedient a popular travel website has come out with a new three minute web video promoting marriage equality the web short chronicles one father's journey of acceptance for his lesbian daughter and her partner take a look at a clip from this heartfelt. expectations. life was going to be including husband. so when nikki came to ask permission to marry a little girl. that startled me. i told her this is not the dream i had for my new wonder you have to make a decision. or you could have a daughter that you cling to maintain
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a wonderful relationship for the rest of your life or are you going to lose that child once you got out in california. have to do. all that critical just seek to go away. here's to expedience corporation finally doing some good at our society the bad donald rumsfeld rumsfeld part of the disaster is bush administration the drag american to a war based on a latently false intelligence admitted last night they get intelligence wrong quote has got to be embarrassing and quote only problem he wasn't referring to himself in an interview on fox so-called news last night rumsfeld attacked the obama administration's handling of the intelligence behind the libya embassy attacks and specifically called out u.n. ambassador susan rice for being a rock. speaking of rice rumsfeld i thought it was amazing that someone in her position would go on with that degree of certainty that fast without
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authoritatively and be that wrong in other words mr rumsfeld's views on fox so-called news interview was the ultimate example of the pot calling the kettle black and the very very ugly dr keith ablow ablow is part of fox so-called news is a steamed panel of medical professionals on yesterday's episode of fox and friends first ablow took part in a segment ironically called normal or nuts in this segment of you were called in asking whether it was normal for him to be hoarding food weapons fuel and survival gear in preparation for who knows what the listen apple's response. listen here's the thing anyway normal really. really because. they're close to getting a nuclear weapon it may be that the rest of us who want to mashing survival gear are the crazy ones now even for fox so-called news that's taking fear and
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warmongering to all old new level is fully licensed and accredited doctors suggested that every american should go into all out survival mode for what clearly is an impending war with iran factor dr ablow has led on the air is bad enough the fact that he went on the air to promote such profound absurdity and misinformation that is very very. there's a little tip before you watch the debate tonight and before you watch the corporate media is reaction to the debate tonight what you see in the debate tonight will have less influence on what you take away from the debate then what the media tells you you saw it. afterwards that's going to have a huge effect here's what i'm talking about a new study out of ohio state university shows the viewers of presidential debates
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are more affected by the frame in which the media puts the debates and we are by the actual performance or words of the debaters themselves to figure out how this works researchers showed young americans clips from the two thousand and four and two thousand and eight presidential debates the viewers were then given media coverage of the debates to read one group was given coverage focus strictly on policy like why each candidate took the position they took what affects those policies would have on the nation and so on important stuff that we as americans should be getting out of the debates the other group of viewers was given media coverage that framed the debate as a sporting event which candidate won who appeal better to that bloc of voters that kind of stuff the political horse race stuff after all that the debate viewers were then asked to describe the debate as if they were telling a friend what happened and here's what the researchers learned in this study the media coverage had a strong effect and whether the viewers in gauged in policy reasoning even though they were all exposed to the same clip viewers who read the media article with the
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game frame emphasizing who won the debate listed the fewest policy reasons in their description of the debate those who read the article with the policy frame listed the most policy reasons as the lead author of the study raping three concluded the media have a strong influence on whether viewers think of the debate in terms of a discussion of the issues or simply as a competition between the candidates now we know ahead of time which will corporate media will frame tonight's debate we're going to frame it like a game or a boxing match already they're asking questions who's going to win who is going to lose this debate i think and the any knockout punches low blows painful zingers already there asking how each candidate will appear will appeal to certain blocks of voters. been very little talk of policy so far heading into the debate in fact corporate media has framed this entire election like a game just like they have for many elections before this they cover politics like
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a horse race to jack up ratings because gladiator competitions draw more eyeballs than policy discussions since the corporate media is beholden to corporate advertisers and thus beholden to ratings they have to frame their coverage as a sporting event rather than a walkie discussion about policy even though walky discussion about policy he's actually what our nation needs right now policy is also what the media used to be really good at before it lost its way in the corporate world we don't know what questions will be asked in the do it tonight we can hope that they will be focused on policy on the stuff we need to know stuff like how mitt romney's plans to replace obamacare will lead to seventy two million americans losing their health insurance or how romney plans another massive tax cut for the super rich folks like himself twenty percent you know or how president obama plans to stop the loss of american manufacturing jobs and how that might conflict with the fact that his
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administration is negotiating the transpacific partnership you know another free trade agreement this is just a few of the really important policy questions that probably won't be asked but if they are we should be focusing on but assuming for the moment that this debate does have some substance and will enlighten americans as to the situation that our nation is in that it's important that you know how the corporate media will bury all of that with their game frame as soon as the debate is over if you want to know about the issues that really matter and watch for that media spin and ignore it. and that's the way it is tonight wednesday october third two thousand and twelve for more information on any of the stories we covered this is our web sites of thom hartmann dot com free speech dot org and r.t. dot com if you missed any of tonight's show you can now watch it on in h.d. on hulu at hulu dot com slash the big picture also check out our two you tube
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channels there are links at tarpon dot com also tell her and i can check out all the different ways you can send us your feedback and don't forget democracy doesn't just happen in the voting. you know about half americans only vote but even that isn't a lot of them ocracy means showing up it means getting involved is participating in movement politics as well as partisan electoral politics get out there get active tag your it so. wealthy british.
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know do whatever it takes to get on the top of the world on r t.


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