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tv   [untitled]    October 4, 2012 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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damascus pledges to find out who was behind the deadly shelling which killed five in turkey as un car he stopped it's in syria and response and sounds a wake up call for international bodies to. the u.s. government has charged eleven people with the inspired electric transferring secret military technology to moscow. and the e.u. power center plans a boost to its own budget at the expense of austerity pressed states while unwise have griese an increased number of families can't even afford to raise their children.
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this is r.c. coming to you live from moscow hello and welcome to the program syria's civil war teetered on the brink of an international conflict after turkey turns to nato and the yuan over an unprecedented fire exchanged between the countries ankara has struck targets in syria in response to the mortar shelling of attackers bordertown which killed five civilians policy a story turkish forces launched artillery attacks against syrian targets there's a follows a mortar bomb from syria that landed in a south east turkish village earlier in the day now it landed in a residential building killing five members of the same family and wounding another nine the turkish prime minister has said that the turkish response is in line with the rules of engagement now for some time we have seen an escalation of tensions between turkey and syria as a certain what we're witnessing now is just. and intensification of this at the
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same time we are hearing from turkish leadership that they will not allow what is a perceived attack on their territory to go on said nato member states have been meeting in brussels where they have issued a statement saying that they stand by their member state turkey they are demanding an immediate end to what they have turned aggressive acts against turkey and in the same statement they have called on syria to end flagrant violations of international law now that is a quote syria for its side has issued its condolences to the families of those who were killed by the small to bomb that was fired from syrian territory at the same time what we are hearing from the syrians is that they have opened an investigation but no details yet in terms of what that investigation has yielded what we do know though is that the syrians in the statement emphasized that they do respect the sovereignty of neighbors and they have urged governments and i'm quoting again to
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act wisely and rationally it is important to note that this nato meeting in brussels did not happen under article five now that is an article that would require member states to act immediately instead it is happening under a much more toned level under article four and according to that article the country that has called for the meeting in this case turkey indicates that it does believe that its territorial integrity could be threatened but it certainly is not saying that it is under attack there is concern though that turkey in calling for this nato meeting might use this latest incident as an excuse to further put weight on that score for a no fly zone turkey for quite some time has been calling for a no fly zone to be implemented in syria and of course is growing concern that the no fly zone will ultimately lead to foreign intervention with syria still locked in a civil war the government says it's investigating the origins of the day. on the
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taxation edge but somehow exposing take a thing the incident plays into the hands of some very gentle figures who are eager to see and grow drawn into conflict with syria we only know that the mortar has been fired across the border and we don't know what this fire deliberately or accidentally we don't even know who fired it there's been no proof that it was the syrian army that shot it could be a provocation i mean no really no there's been a steady increase intentional on that border for a long long period of time and. you know there was a table of taking positions on the situation and we also there are very very many unstable governments which are anxious for turkey to kind of take this kind of action and pass others one. another so they will be weighing up the costs and the benefits tomorrow jake. kind of policy on syria is not popular in this country is drawing domestic opposition to the government's line on syria so i think that you see for the government to kind of kind of succumb to the temptation perhaps and. kind of take part in some kind of operation cross the border to create no flaws
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would be truly unpopular inside. they exchange of fire on the take a syria border comes in the wake of those pages have terror attacks ripping through the conflict own country's largest city around forty people have been reported killed and many more injured after a series of car bomb explosions in central america that hox took place in a government controlled area and apparently targeted and nearby a military facility there was no immediate claim of responsibility for the bombing but damascus blames the rebels have been asked to minded similar attacks in the past and also you want to show discuss the recent violence with iraqi prime minister nuri al maliki he says i was growing approval of the rebels by some international players investigates instigate small violence and hampers peace efforts. up on. dialogue will definitely take place as we're concerned about the syrian problem first of all the split in syria affects us the ongoing situation has repercussions on. we will discuss these issues with russia in order to decide what
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we have to do to make the existing initiatives that is the first arab league the guidelines of the geneva conference which go to prove that a military approach is in a political way. to the government as well as the opposition should be cut off i wanted to work on like those averted decision of the proof that you're on the foreign ministers meeting so unfortunately all the number of countries have been taken in these recommendations and keep supplying syria with weapons which worsens the situation. and there's more on the outer shelves the syrian civil war is sending to iraq and elsewhere. you can also find alice is that fast times reports from sea where and its neighbor states and share your views on the turmoil. the us authorities had accused eleven people of spying for moscow a company headed by u.s. assad born businessman has allegedly funneled fifteen million dollars worth of
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cutting edge military hardware out of the country to russia. as the details from. according to the u.s. justice department alexander shank oh they say was operating a spy network that was based in houston that according to u.s. officials enhanced the capabilities of the russian military now fishing co and ten others were charged with falsifying documents and illegally exporting high tech u.s. made micro electronics to russian military and intelligence agencies according to the f.b.i. since two thousand and eight they say that was allegedly using his company are collect tronics to secretly export goods such as analog to digital converters static random access memory chips microcontrollers and microprocessors now the reason this is all so important is because u.s. officials say that that type of equipment is subject to strict u.s. government controls due to their potential use in
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a wide range of military systems u.s. officials say that russia does not even produce many of those who woods that they say for schenkel was sending russia doesn't produce that domestically and now again we need to underscore here that what the u.s. justice department is saying is that these goods were being exported without notifying the u.s. government or the department of commerce that of course this isn't the first time we've we've heard about these these so-called spy ring russian spy ring being broken out by the f.b.i. or the u.s. department of justice back in two thousand and ten and chapman was one of ten. russian spies that the u.s. says were working in the states to try to gather intelligence and send it back to moscow. douglas mcnabb explains the sentences the accused facing on the evidence the department of justice has presented. as nothing more than allegations brought
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bar-b. u.s. government against. they did prepare very detailed blow to the letter which. with me it's unleavened page document a letter that says that the u.s. government has overwhelming evidence with regard to the defendants but the defendants are facing up to twenty years on each count each allegation and there are twenty five allegations so there's a serious the letter was signed by two department of justice a trial attorneys who are in the counterespionage section of the department of justice the united states government also secured seacoast secret. foreign intelligence surveillance tape recording the wire intercept. and so there to the u.s. government is treating this. as being a counter espionage show yes but for them to have gotten five so warrants they had
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to go on to a special court with fifes a court you know order to secure the fortune teller's it's water and sugar so. while u.s. foreign policy was notably absent from the today's fast of three presidential debates that didn't stop the gloves from coming out with bonds and the tranny on bronco bamma attacking each other is remarkably similar policy proposals. a british court has delayed its verdict on whether juvenile sondra supporters will be allowed to keep more than two hundred thousand dollars they put up as bail for the whistleblower the money has been in jeopardy after a songe was granted political asylum in ecuador. is here with the night when it was supposed to be decision day for that green fifty innocent support is. one hundred forty thousand pounds as a surety when he was back in december two thousand and ten but the judge said that
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it would be another couple of days before a decision was reached as to whether or not they get that money back now of course is a. incredibly complex case in fact there were two groups that put up money back when julian assange his extradition case was going all one group provided the up from bail money and previously we've discovered that they lost that money that was the two hundred thousand pounds being gone this new green nine people they put up the money at the time as a sort of guarantee. would comply with the conditions that the court has set now this is all surrounding of course his need then to claim asylum and of course is just a completely exceptional case and this is the point that the court heard today was that you know it was completely unpredicted none of these members. forcing that coming out just to remind fears of the background to this case julian assange is fighting extradition to sweden where he's wanted for sexual assault allegations
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questioning the sexual assault allegations. process here in the they failed and we then saw in a very dramatic twist julian assange claiming asylum seeking asylum from ecuador and he was granted that but the u.k. have refused safe to grant him safe passage and so the case continues are they all very much staunchly behind that decision to put the money for even though it's the key to bounce of money that they stand to this between that night as we said one hundred and forty thousand pounds is not just. using money on this at the moment the taxpayers are also putting a huge bill to keep julian assange case in part continuing eleven thousand pounds they really want police protection surrounding that embassy say you know it is raising he's questions about that course and everyone very very much was that diplomatic headache to come to an end and there's also a big money talks in brussels which have sparked
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a surge of debt ridden europe the power capital france to read since its funding with an additional ten billion euros as. x.-mas accuse states of ravaged by crisis of reckless of the scrapping more every. human has his day starts at five am even earlier in the winter tending to his flock of story hundred sheep in the mountains and plains of t.v. thirty five years old it wasn't the life he dreamt of having studied accounting but you dition and familiar duty dictated that he would take on the care of these animals after his father. has just made camp at their winter farm stead setting up his ute traditional to fenian round tent made of diskin. his beastly back amongst his family as his job is a lonely one and tough going out in all weathers braving extremes of plus to minus
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forty degrees celsius just that i use them there are certain difficulties there's not enough time for everything i'm almost delighted my sister works with my mother my mother is seventy five she's very old and i miss mountains when i'm in town and i spend a lot of time here. so all most of us is simply carrying out the work that his father did and his father before him nothing has changed over many many centuries and that's half the problem it's hard work and many people don't want to come into the industry now and it's really fit there could die out altogether. it's difficult to manage everything alone i used to have people who helped me but they were no good they didn't take care of the sheep with all their hearts they hurt the cattle. with more people leaving than coming to the countryside the region's government is having to act making the life of a herd and more attractive than promising largest subsidies for produce and livestock and organizing cooperatives for the sale of day products to ensure the
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herd a gets a higher fairer price i sympathize with those youngsters leaving for an easier more profitable life day in their publics capital. but he no longer wishes to join them he enjoys his pastoral way of life now looking for a helper who shares his enthusiasm with more time on his hands he says matter of fact he can start to look for you wife. download the official application so choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. t.v. it's not required to watch on t.v. all you need is your mobile device to watch r.t.
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any time. if you need free credit take three times for charges free. range month free. three stooges free. download free broadcast quality video for your media project free video down to r.t. dot com. this is also the welcome back the fast of three televised u.s. presidential election debates is now of i was brought a bomb under me trial me facing all this for hundreds of millions of viewers the scenes today would jobs taxes and health care at all close to the hearts of americans and stagnant economic times not all she's going to be formless and content left much to be desired the debate focused on domestic issues mainly the
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economy there was a lot of back and forth about who's going to be painful what and how they both gave different numbers citing different studies at some point it got kind of confusing but in general it looked as if one was a she wants to raise taxes and the other one would go no he wants to raise taxes or we need regulation and the other one would say i agree so in the case of this debate being a read on a lot of things but the devil is in the details of course but if they tried to give details you know where is it got even more confusing but president obama's main argument was that mr romney was to go back to the same policies that led to us well in the wall for that matter. into the economic mess four years ago that everybody is still struggling to recover from now even more states president obama is leading in polls although by a small margin they are pretty much neck to neck in most polls but it's important to mention essentially to our non american audience that in the us a candidate might can win the majority of the popular vote and still lose the
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election because it's not the popular vote it's the so-called electoral college that's the size the outcome of the presidential election here and every state gives a candidate a certain number of points and the winner has to collect this magic number of two hundred seventy points so even evil candidate loses a stage by stage just to see if we will. get this zero point so that we have a very peculiar electoral system which is not really above the will of the majority so not only are the americans stuck with just two choices because it's essentially a tool horse race system also they're not hearing he's to get the president that the majority of american voters have cast their votes for it one more thing almost half of americans it turns out identify themselves as bush independents one of them also forty percent supportive of the candidate is the fact is that there are other candidates in this presidential election but they've been there before you can click that out of the nature of the very few know anything about them they're not
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even on ballots because different states have different requirements that are essentially designed to keep it cool horse race and kevin zeese direct so they come home america group says that's on foreign policy and the military there's almost no distinction between the kind. you know president obama. drone commander in chief using these kill would be water owns and we could imagine george bush used. in a country like libya where there was no u.n. mandate no commercial who years ago i was on the. run he would do the same thing is they're both in the free water table as far as attacking iran. russia and obama's inner circle graham obama is also encircled china has also increased the united states and. all these north korea issues they're both of rest of the supporters of the u.s.
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military empire and i don't say you know one of them are coming back the military going one. coverage and analysis twenty four seven our website and here's a taste of all stephanie right now in paris admirers of the demining are exposed to an alternative display of the female this time by the infamous feminine. what made this man spent twenty two hours on top of st peter's basilica in rome would help. the e.u. budget committees he's expected to vote through a near ten billion year increase in brussels funding for next year the proposal coming in late raging us to the euro zone has caused widespread outcry across the union and one of the was to have countries greece and hash or lenders and struggling to negotiate a fresh gas package despite a financial strain the greek government is still planning to build a multi million euros formula one racing truck investment adviser patrick young says the timing couldn't be worse. you know the troika these people who come along
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and demand cuts they've been coming for the last several years every time they go away they think they've got a deal in the greek side people to stick to it so this time around everybody's finally got to the point where they realize well we might make it do we might not make it but actually we've got all these. common. long ridiculous pieces of information grand prix circuits being built at the greek had to lance with money the truth is the greek government is just out of control it is the ultimate vodka addict enough to look for. one racing is far from the concerns of most ordinary greeks two years of cutting taxes have drastically increased the number of families who can't even afford to raise their own children off he spit on our reports now on a charity trying to shield young people from crisis. to young to understand why but on the front line of the debt crisis rampant unemployment in greece and the slashing of social benefits has left their parents with money to provide even their
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most basic of needs for may seem unthinkable has happened these children being taken into care. for during the past two years we have seen a large rise in the number of children coming to us because their families can't support them because taxes and prices have risen things like food clothing schooling and housing have become too expensive. before the financial crisis this children's village which is run by the organization s.o.'s children usually looked after kids who'd been the victims of abuse now they say almost all new cases are as a result of the debt crisis this center privately funded through donations is also feeling the pinch. we've seen a significant drop off in donations people give what they can but that is getting worse and worse also with a tax on what we receive making a move a burden to buy things we need like fuel for heating. the charity says there's been
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a seventy percent increase in requests for help this children's village is home to forty youngsters near to thessaloniki and is operating at close to maximum capacity i met one mother who asked not to be ident. survived because of the stigma attached she says she was forced to give up her young daughter after losing her job. it was a norful decision to have to make what could i do there was no money and no work i asked her if she thought they would ever be reunited as a family you know things are going from bad to worse here it could be ten years before greece is back me feet s.o.'s children makes a point of trying to keep youngsters in contact with their biological parents for this family that means one emotional meeting once a month. organizations like this one of becoming increasingly important to help
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protect a generation of children from their families due to greece's financial failings. with the greek government facing having to make fresh cuts of over ten billion euros the children's village expects to be receiving more pleas for help in the future so this mother and daughter the help they get allows them to appreciate the phaeton moments they can spend together be sure all of the party greece. financial matters now marina how are the markets doing today higher level we'll start with asia which is the only one trader right now and stocks are rising we have exports providing support in japan on the weekend ghana and banks in australia here in russia it's about an hour before the opening bell on the ones there the markets and at the session on the negative notes and that's mainly due to lower oil prices if you move on a second look at currencies or see that the euro is strengthened against the u.s.
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dollar now on wednesday there are some ruble lost to both the main currency basket and now we know that the latest images measures from major economies have done little to support the russian currency but we spoke to the central bank. and he explained what it needs for growth. some sort of or what confuses you don't talk with your friends or see the logic of violence or sorts of programs that are you know force all the routes into the markets where the smoke. perpetrate the progressive know you are going to march to october the other much too proud of them from doing the work on. the to improve for instance zero zero. zero zero push europe although. i don't have the russian markets for next. thanks marina in a few minutes r.t. talks to the direction of nature's information office in moscow.
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more news today is once again flared up. saying these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations to rule the day.
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wealthy british style. is not on its side of the. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on my parents really truly honestly believe that what had happened was as a result of my father's exposure to agent orange i was born with multiple problems . i was missing my leg and my fingers in my big toe on my right foot i use my hands a lot in my artwork i find myself drawing my hands quite a bit to me for my hands you know just as if anyone would. but
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they do tell a story they tell us story of. the oxen. the . science technology innovation is developments from around russia we've dumped a few jerks coverage. to
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. hello again and welcome to spotlight the interview show on parts of i will love and today my guest on the program is robert shelf. russia and they have more of thinking is a partnership this looks of joint projects give an impression that the cold war called attention is this but the suspicion is and distrust decades long standoff are not easy to read is it possible somehow for russia and they so to become good friends.


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