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tv   [untitled]    October 4, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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and the may have after the benghazi attack thousands of sensitive documents were left behind for anyone to grab c.n.n. found embassador stevens' journal and now the washington post has picked up some of the documents so where is the urgency to contain the area. you either had troops call everything on or of a normal neighborhood. and binding for trouble congress went into recess until after the election but not before a muscled up whole regulation bill through the house we'll tell you about the new
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cold war in just a bet. it just bothers you if you would just walk by you know don't even know the shot i had to help and this man might look homeless but he is far from it he will tell you why he chooses to sleep on the streets of new york city one week every year and what he wants you to know. it's thursday october fourth four pm here in washington d.c. i'm liz wahl and you're watching our t.v. . well as the dust settles in the aftermath of the attack in libya many questions remain and while the obama administration is coming under scrutiny for failing to protect u.s. embassies and diplomatic buildings there's more details coming out today that's adding fuel to the fire according to the washington post several sensitive documents were left inside the ravaged building we're talking about emergency
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evacuation plans and records of libyans contracted to work at the mission including extensive personal information and what you're looking at right now is ambassador stevens i ten are wary of his trip to libya of course you can see that some of the sensitive information has been blocked out now the compound was reportedly locked up several days after the attack but by then the place was already looted so who knows who has their hands on what at this point and the f.b.i. agents it just arrived in benghazi today so what's taking so long and what does this all mean for the american operation in libya to discuss this and more i'm joined now by warren strobel foreign policy and national security advisor at reuters war and welcome so the f.b.i. just arrived in benghazi today we just got word what took so long. there appears to have been some sort of disagreement or lack of agreement between
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the u.s. side and libyan side about cooperation and it's really quite astonishing it took them almost three weeks to to get to benghazi the pentagon announced today that they had some u.s. military forces had gone in not combat forces but military logistics are gone in to help the f.b.i. get to benghazi and they and the f.b.i. had already left so it seems as if the f.b.i. has already left benghazi after less than a day on the ground is quite quite extraordinary wow i mean the state department has said all along kind of scrambling they say. the f.b.i. has been investigating but if they just got there today i mean what kind of investigation could they really have been doing. yeah we don't know the answer to that and there was another announcement today from eric holder the attorney general the united states at a press conference he said well we're doing lots of things not just in gaza but elsewhere in libya and elsewhere around the world this isn't just a big ozzie folks investigation we're making progress he didn't give us any details
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but either way it seems pretty extraordinary to me that they would take you know as i said almost three weeks to get to get to the site itself and then spend less than a day there and as you said in the lead in meanwhile we've had at least two journalistic organizations go in and to stroll through and get very sensitive documents that's right i mean we have that journal and then now that the newest thing is from the washington post they found all these these abandoned documents and what them being kind of just out for grabs what kind of dangers does that pose. well the answer is that we don't know but i mean the washington post got ahold of the person i ten or area of the ambassador they got a hold of some contracting documents for a company named blue mountain group that was supposed to help with the perimeter security of the consulate they got a hold of evacuation plans which looked to me like fairly standard evacuation plans for any embassy but still somewhat sensitive and the truth is we don't know what other people might have gotten the compound was abandon obviously rather quickly
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under under fire and the could have been even more sensitive materials there that that libyan militias or who knows who you know just picked up and took and you said that the f.b.i. was there for just a short time and we just heard that they were there today you're saying that they have already had a last. so what kind of additional details can we expect are what else can we learn from their investigation there you know i think quite honestly it's going to take some time for us to know what how the investigation is going but it's just really interesting that they seem to have arrived today and left today and one does wonder how much you can accomplish and in that period of time i suppose it's important that they finally did get there but even if they did get there it seems like the crime scene so to speak is ardley already very compromised it's not a clean crime scene investigation is probably being made more difficult by that by that very fact and absolutely i use the word compromise and has
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a lot of people wondering right now why was the compound not made more secure after one of our diplomatic buildings one of our ambassadors was killed one of their buildings was decimated why wasn't more done to secure the building after the fact. well the truth is that the u.s. right after the attack on september eleventh two thousand and twelve evacuated everybody all u.s. government personnel from benghazi so it was there was nobody really there to secure it and as you know there's issues not just about what happened after the attack but there are serious issues about what happened before the attack a congressional committee is now looking into this is going to be hearing next wednesday there are allegations that u.s. personnel on the ground in libya asked for security reinforcements before the death of the ambassador several months before those were denied and there's real questions why this compound in a very dangerous part of eastern libya was was left only undefended but the security precautions seem to be fairly rudimentary. and that's and that's exactly
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yet and it has a lot of people asking a lot of questions i mean do you think or your sources what are they telling you does this seem to be an intelligence failure. i'm not sure intelligence failure is the right word there is plenty of intelligence that been ghazi was a dangerous place to be if there were various militant groups both from libya itself and from north africa more generally there were warnings there was not a specific warning that there would be an attack around september eleventh two thousand and twelve. but it was known that there was danger the ambassador's diary which was found by c.n.n. in the compound indicates that there you know he was concerned about security so it's not so much an intelligence failures like a reaction failure or appears to be reaction failure where the necessary steps were taken the americans believe very strongly they should be in benghazi it was the cradle of the revolution against gadhafi it's libya's second city. they believe very strongly should be there but it doesn't look like of course all the
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precautions were taken in a place that dangerous yes definitely saw a lot of questions and of course after the tragedy secretary of state hillary clinton came out and said that they were doing everything in their power to bring whoever is responsible to justice but it seems like you know with what this delay about and there's this dragging of of feet people are asking if that really is indeed the case want to ask you about the more about these documents we had c.n.n. we have the washington post getting a hold of them and we don't know who got a hold of them i guess time will tell but i mean is it likely or is it possible that al qaeda affiliates and others also have their hands on this this sensitive information a lot of it containing personal information. it seems quite possible. there were probably very sensitive classified documents in this facility we don't know and all the chaos the violence whether they they were those documents were extracted to a safe place there's another compound in benghazi nearby where the american
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personnel retreated to it's possible that some of those documents were safeguarded but it's also very possible that they weren't and as you said is that people went in there and just picked them up and we don't know who they could be if even if it wasn't al qaida it could have been somebody with a motive if monetary motive if nothing else to sell them to al qaeda so it's got to be very concerning from the american point of view of washington post reporter can just stroll in there three weeks after they've been in literally just one parent walked into the compound and found this stuff what else could have happened absolutely and lastly warren just want to ask you you know the obama administration right now is being criticized for the way that it's handling this crisis both before and after the event this can't lead good for the obama administration at this point that's true i mean it's also true to be honest that foreign policy national security generally are not the big issues in the u.s. election but this is
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a problem for the obama administration their explanation of how the attack occurred has shifted they start out by saying it was it was morphed out of a protest against this anti muslim video. and then finally two weeks later they said oh no it was a deliberate organized attack by militants so their explanation is shifted and that is raised questions about what they knew and when they knew it and how they describe the attack and if nothing else it's a distraction and a negative for obama as he campaigns for reelection five weeks from now a lot of questions hopefully we'll get some more answers but we appreciate you so much for coming on the show that was a warren strobel foreign policy and national security at it are terrorists. well it's been called one of the least productive congress says in american history the one hundred twelfth congress has dismissed approval ratings hovering around ten percent and while the american people remain frustrated over the so-called do nothing congress interestingly enough congress did do something before taking
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a break until after the election the house managed to pass the stop the war on coal act and with the overwhelming support of republicans the legislation which does away with many environmental regulations passed the house are to correspondent christine for south has more. it was one of the final votes taken by members of the one hundred twelfth congress before they returned to their districts to convince voters why they should be reelected h r thirty four zero nine is legislation that both the democratic led senate and president obama said would be dead on arrival but which two hundred thirty three members of the house republicans say will save jobs and stop what they call the war on coal. there are major coal mines in more than a dozen states in this country. and in some states like west virginia coal is king. if you want to live here. you either team or trees or you
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mancow everything and all my neighbors area is because the cup. everything bob dole's mind call most of his life and says his son now does the same it's people like them the republican congressman say they're fighting for with a bill they've named the stop the war on coal act of two thousand and twelve those who believe that there is no war on coal or in dangerous denial the accusor this administration against coal have caused massive uncertainty in the market place inside the bill massive restrictions on environmental regulations were supporters say cost the coal industry millions and prevent it from expanding this bill takes a number of simple common sense and long overdue step to rein in the obama administration out of control e.p.a. which is waging all out war on american energy and coal is at the heart of that war
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opponents call it the polluters bill of rights and say it makes the air less safe to breathe blocks efforts to safely dispose of coal ash and severely weakens the clean water. some lawmakers say it's hypocritical to talk about the immorality of passing along debt to future generations and then to support this bills like this one are piling another form of debt on our children we're leaving them to deal with the consequences of letting coal companies pollute the air that our children breathe and the water that they drink but. the issue is already one that's become part of the national presidential campaign. of all the right in the coal industry this ad put out by the romney campaign is running in west virginia and ohio where romney recently spoke his vice president said coal is more dangerous than terrorists can you imagine that this. the
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this tells you precisely what what he actually feels and what he's done it's good to be back in iowa for president obama's part he wants to continue on the path he laid out four years ago putting more focus on clean coal and clean energy overall let's produce more oil and gas but let's also produce more biofuels let's produce more fuel efficient cars. let's produce more solar and wind power and other sources of clean renewable energy energy of course a hot topic in every election and like so many bills drawn up and voted on in congress the stop the war on coal legislation never really suit a chance of becoming law over all this highlights a much larger question how much do lawmakers actually accomplish while i am holding in my hand this is a list of a few more than thirty post offices that were renamed in the last couple years but at a cost of four point eight million dollars a day just to fund the u.s. house of representatives we thought it was an issue that warranted
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a closer look in washington christine for our team. had on our t. he's not homeless but for one week every year this new yorker sleeps on the streets to raise awareness about poverty levels in the u.s. we'll track his silent pursuit when we come back.
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poverty barely got a mention in last night's presidential debate many families in america america excuse me can't afford to forget about it recently released data shows that poverty rates are hitting record levels some people however remain dedicated to highlighting and humanizing the issue of poverty r t profiles a man who goes homeless in new york city for one week every year to bring attention to their plights are to correspond. caught up with him. new york city. but it is.
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a blissful carefree time but among the picture perfect settings lives misery and sorrow out in the open basically you know voice less invisible so a lot of people it's fields lonely please homelessness has been taking over major us cities in the last several years when you see some really old for something really young you just think yourself what can i do even if it's a dollar just to help for now and i'm so awful according to the coalition for the film was forty three thousand people are in new york city shelters ten thousand families and seventeen thousand children it just bothers me that he would just walk by and you know don't even know reach out a hand to help across the country over half a million people are homeless these are human beings that we're talking about here you know these are people you know these are families. these are children use of from lee's has been trying to raise awareness about this epidemic problem for the last four years every year he leaves his daytime job and goes homeless for
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a week and attempts to draw attention to what he calls a catastrophe when you see. you know living on the streets begging for money to students you know living out of their cars because they can't afford. college. i mean yeah i mean this is huge. last year you so when barefoot and live at grand central station and i can. hear he's homeless in a park and has taken about silence for our cameras caught up with him right before his transformation well could i really say it's someone that you know has to go through this every single day. you know and you know i hear. cries i hear you cry and that's one of the reasons why i'm doing this project is because of you then again during his project when he did not speak. out on the streets you suppose also fasting during the holy month of ramadan
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a huge percentage of people like live paycheck to paycheck you know what what happens when you. lose a job and you're living paycheck to paycheck. use of says every year the faces of the homeless change i think if people really. you know the homeless person that you could be you that this could happen absolutely anyone then people would really. start taking it a little more serious some of the most unexpected new yorkers are living proof before. for about six months i was homeless growing up i mean i know how hard it is people think that people here do just drug addicts or you know someone who just can't get a job in this other case for many average americans just getting by is a daily struggle considering that i'm on the verge of this right now and think about all the time i probably wouldn't because i'm concerned about that every day
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my like for most uses project is an excessive challenge they'd rather not take my children with i don't do it myself i don't care about it really. you know an argument you can. you know we're all a little bit selfish instead of waiting for politicians to create change you try to take matters into their own hands. as a city as a state as a function if. we turn our. most vulnerable there's a lot more the politicians could do and there's a lot more that. until then it's people like you said taking one step at a time. especially church going to parties. so more about poverty in america our correspondent. joins us now hi anastasio so you spoke to this gentleman one year ago and then you tracked him one year later how has his
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experience of going homeless changed or has it. well there is this is something that this young man does every year like we mention in this report and it's really you know sad to witness year in and year out we meet up with him to see how he is continuing his fight against poverty and homelessness in the united states and seeing someone like that going through these sacrifices and literally turning teary eyed when talking about the issue of homelessness when talking about all the poverty in the united states yet politicians really brushing these issues largely asides this is something that you know the changes that you have told us about have been just really frightening he tells us that every year the situation is getting worse and the faces of the people that are homeless and poor on the streets of new york city keeps changing and we brought up people in that reports common americans on the street who say look we do it we're dealing with this we're on the brink of homelessness i was homeless once in my youth so this is such
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a widespread issue and with this particular story this this man does this every year and with from our experience every time we meet he just gets really sadder and sadder because he sees how little is really getting done to solve these issues. we heard poverty was only briefly touched upon in last night's presidential debate here's what mitt romney had to say about it last night. a trickle down government approach which has government thinking you can do a better job than free people pursuing their dreams and it's not working and the proof of that is twenty three million people out of work the proof of that is one of the six people in poverty the proof of that is we've gone from thirty two minutes to forty seven million of food stamps the proof of that is that fifty percent of college graduates this year can't find work. ok so we heard from mitt romney himself so apparently he does know that this problem does exist and he named off those very dismissed
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a test sticks but yet most of the time first of all it was only very briefly touched upon and that most of the time they were talking about the middle class not to say that the middle class it isn't important in a lot needs to be done to help the middle class but obviously poverty is a huge huge problem in america. so why is it not discussed more good question liz you know what as you rightfully say the numbers were mentioned the situation was mentioned in passing we saw romney bring this up of course obama was not talking about this because obviously this does not put him in a good position bringing up these ridiculous numbers that the united states is still dealing with what absolutely the the problem of these debates is not that they were just really a snooze fest according to many just vague words on two candidates you know pretty much saying the face of the things we've we've known all along but really not focusing on issues that are just so burning for so many americans romney brings up
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the number of the twenty three million people that are unemployed you know but they're not talking about the fact that one in six children are living in poverty and the district of columbia the number of poverty among children is thirty percent is anybody talking about this absolutely not because the solutions are just not being presented these candidates don't talk about these issues because apparently they don't know how to solve these problems and this is exactly something that a president should know how to do especially during an election campaign coming to an end that's not too long ago i interviewed dr cornel west and have a smiley radio talk show host both of them very outspoken on this issue of poverty they are now on this poverty tour want to take a listen now to what tavis smiley had to say about the issue. big data keep coming at us day in and day out that poverty is the new american norm it's threatening our democracy it's a matter of national security so by any in d.c. want to have to understand that poverty is
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a major problem that we've got to get addressed in this country there is kind of putting it in perspective calling the issue of poverty you know so pervasive that it's a matter of national security and we have this raw data. you said it may romney said it. doesn't have the power to effect policy change per spec daves which is also ultimately what needs to be done in order to bring about change lives it definitely should but apparently it's not for some reason you know and all of these critics throughout the last year of for example the occupy wall street movement that we've covered extensively have been saying oh no these are not issues that these hippies are bringing up this is exactly the kind of thing that the occupy wall street movement has talked about this entire time that the poverty the ninety nine percent the majority of the people are being left really neglected and like you mentioned of course yes they're talking about the middle class yes it's understood by everybody that more jobs need to be created and the middle class that used to be the american dream and represent the american dream is largely suffering
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but for some reason the really extremely poor people in this country right now are really kind of being marginalized and brushed aside and all of these problems the number seem to be known to everybody including mitt romney but exactly what and who should be doing something about this is apparently still a mystery all right well hopefully it does get discussed more and makes its way into. i guess the priorities of our elected leaders i guess we're going to have to wait and see but on the stasi i thank you so much for coming on the show that was our to correspond. well coming up next on our t.v. is the capital account with lauren lister let's check in with lauren lyster to see what she is working on today laura what do we have to look forward to high lives well do you worry gold jewelry do you have any gold rings any kind of gold i'm not wearing it right now but i think i have something at home ok well you're not in the
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minority when it comes to investors in gold because though gold has risen over the last twelve years it's been a bull market and though it's considered an inflation hedge that rises on a day like today purportedly because of announcements from central banks in this case the e.c.b. saying that and maintain low rates and is ready to buy bonds despite all of that gold is not a mainstream investment however we are hearing some people advocate for investing in gold just from the durham displays of liz mainstream folks so we're going to ask if this is a turning point in gold's performance and if this will become a mainstream investment also in other news we are usually for market solutions however in the case of coverage of the election debates or market demands working against democracy we're going to talk about it really interesting questions you pose things for that update laurin that's coming up next but that's going to do it now for the news but for more of the stories we covered you can check out our you tube channel you tube dot com slash r t america you can also check out our website
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our t.v. dot com slash usa or you can follow me on twitter as well back here at five pm. admission of free cretaceous and free transport charges free. range mentioned free risk free feast you child free. download free broadcast quality video for your media projects and free media and on to our t.v. dot com you. if. more
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news today violence is once again fled the fighting these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china operations are old a clue.


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