tv [untitled] October 5, 2012 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT
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it's friday you ready to rumble join me for big picture rubble our austin peterson director up for auction at freedom works as the robinson director deputy director of the paul revere project and sam sax progressive writer and commentator thank you all for joining me international superstar television superstar ok ok so much for mitt romney's debate of new jobs numbers released today show the economy added one hundred fourteen thousand jobs in september the department of labor also said the economy added eighty six thousand more jobs than previously estimated in july and august most promising for president obama's re-election hopes the unemployment rate dropped from eight point one percent down to seven point eight percent the lowest it's been since president took office since president obama took office in january two thousand and nine number of unemployed americans now at twelve point one
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million is also the lowest level since january of two thousand and nine so cue the republican conspiracy theory. you're below eight percent so to the politics on this now that's where some of the mistrust comes in oh how convenient that the right drop below eight percent for the first time in forty three months five weeks before an election that's why there's some dismiss trust at these numbers. so is anyone on our panel a jobs truth you don't trust the numbers. i'm out to believe what barack obama says about unemployment level of seven point eight percent it's disaster it's a catastrophe that's what he said when he took office and so we're here in office and we're happy to be at seven point eight percent unemployment and i do think that there's something suspicious with these numbers now i think i think i think jobs of i mean one of them one of the important things to look at these numbers is a look at the unemployment rates in the twenty to twenty four eighty. cohort
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gusting at least in that cohort but. the unemployment rates jumped to the largest increase in the month of september since one thousand nine hundred three so that's telling me that either they're not going back to school or they are taking part time jobs and most of all part time jobs and they are you know you can pick and choose when you want to be a conspiracy theorist here really why wouldn't the administration cooked the books before the midterms why when the administration tries they're going to look bad if they're only ten percent when they're going there and percent look just today the daily caller has an article up saying the c.p.o. is protected confirms that we've had trillion dollar deficits the last four years should we trust the cvo numbers now it's like they conveniently pick and choose there doesn't need to the job truth is they don't exist i agree with s.e. i mean politico optically this looks good politically for the president's below eight percent it kind of takes it disarms a republican to say forty four straight months of unemployment above eight percent but really the numbers still suck i mean you've got your six which is still about fourteen percent these are all low wage jobs but this isn't because of barack obama
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i mean this is going to be there and don't forget also you know you think that this just suddenly happen from four years that we are in this collapsing economy there's no jobs truth there is on this panel right now it's disingenuous to say that these job numbers are so disasters of the over that the president cooked the books on these the job numbers are fairly clear but the thing is is that if you look at obama's mindset between two thousand and eight obama and two thousand and twelve obama this was the two thousand and eight obama was declaring that we needed to have a major stimulus to recover the economy when we have the exact same numbers now and he's not doing the same thing so why is it that if we need our economy need a major stimulus then that we don't necessarily need a major stimulus now you're saying we i have to say you say and we had the exact same numbers let's let's put these numbers back up these don't look to me like the exact same numbers that the beginning in the blue is when obama came into office the red is the end of the bush administration and and when they started kicking up in that third month that's when the stimulus happened and everything here is since the stimulus these do not look to me like the same numbers from the white house.
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really there we have i let also know if you know if there are chinese girls labor statistics out of us who have been donated to the obama campaign when it's about it's no i don't run cars i mean you've got all people who have a job who are actually donating to political candidates you're going to you know we have company government employees are donating iraq a hell of a lot of the federal unemployment way rate is around three or four percent so they're not really hurting that badly for a job and six hundred thousand of the eight hundred thousand job increase like new jobs in this period some goods public jobs just as green or government went about job creation will question numbers once about deficits the numbers are are just fine as you guys just look at this as far as sixteen trillion dollars debt and a one trillion a year deficit are we disagreeing on that i thought we were going to have as far as what austin was saying the president's not proposing a stimulus package i mean he has pros that they're fairly modest the american jobs act is a fairly modest thing that's the bare minimum what can be done you have the progressive caucus coming out with you know a green new deal you have presidential candidates running on green new deal massive investments that we still need major government involvement at the stimulus if that
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song so much i don't know if you just think it out i didn't do anything that why would we want to do it again so it wasn't limited to him as you wait clearly did somebody had to do it no i just think that is right up when we went up market and that's because we've inflated they were going down until the stimulus that there's an agreement is in may or i mean or either and i wall street or main street is going to suddenly believe that things are better in the obama economy just because some economists at the bureau of labor statistics tells that right after the debate performance of the night together he meant anybody who knows anything about the well i don't disagree with you know that but the the the point is that this actually you know the stimulus did work we didn't go into the great depression up until the stimulus was put into place we were following herbert hoover's policy as the mule and we got somebody anybody got three years and i'm going to have if you had john mccain as president like looking at that chart is that a coincidence i'm going to drop a lot of this stuff time that you stimulate you have to destroy a job you have to take a job by the private sector and you create a government that absolutely has. it was you seen in there that was do you decide
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you're going to build if you decide you're going to build a lodge you somebody you're not taking out of that is because you guys are taking it out of i work or if i'm going to if i have to pay more in taxes i'm on a higher less workers if i'm a private sector sometimes you heard a teacher you were wal-mart worker. maybe. let's move along to romney's tax plans just as we suspected the romney campaign is employing the sketch strategy here was romney surrogate congressman phil gingrey explaining how romney is now changing his positions from the republican primary to look like a moderate in the general election appeal to moderate voters. the republican the conservative candidate in the primary is always going to lean right and come back to the center for the general the opposite of the democrat that's all your so you hear it's very typical we strong conservatives understand that there are a lot of undecideds in this country hopefully right of center left of center but we
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want those votes too so this is a campaign strategy and we saw that of a romney run away from his very own tax plan. i'm not in favor of a five trillion dollar tax cut that's not my plan my plan is not to put in place any tax cut that will add to the deficit that's point one so you may keep referring to it as a five trillion dollar tax cut but that's not my plan ok simple fact we take in about two trillion dollars a year in taxes as one point nine two last trillion dollars last year will be a little over two trillion this year inflation the economy grows over ten years as twenty trillion dollars right we're all with it and they are arithmetic here figure in place in a growing economy over a ten year period it's really going to be about twenty five trillion mitt romney wants to chop twenty percent off that was twenty percent to twenty five five how can mitt romney stand there and say to all of america i'm not in favor of a five trillion dollar tax cut when you just spent
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a year running around saying i want to twenty percent across the board tax cut all taxes that's five trillion dollars this math is indisputable when are you going to have to love the conservative defend mitt romney here because i reject your premise that he's trying to raise taxes or cut taxes by five trillion dollars he said all obama's obama's claim was based on a study are no the claim was based on a study by the tax policy center i'm not quoting any then claim and i'm not quoting obama putting the actual numbers obama's claim obama's claim about a five trillion dollars tax cut came from a tax policy center study that in the abstract will tell you the next policies are you are you denying that words that we're collecting two trillion dollars a year in taxes right no one said ok you know only two times stan is twenty romney was not running wasn't exactly what was tax plan but what are you guys both so worried about both candidates are going to grow government anyway you're just going to get a slight decrease in spending from a romney presidency obama you both should be happy liberals or conservatives should all be very happy with the growth of government i would be because it because anybody who cares about liberty or freedom or free markets they're screwed anybody
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who is a working poor but i want to go away for your freedom riders are you know they're going to remember it is terrible you know it's about us first we've got to have liberty for the koch brothers i get it you know we got to deregulate their oil plants and then they're and they're paid. mills and things about them poison more people i can guarantee you would never have got it with you know it's not i know i know understand would be regulations i know you can all it's not surprising at all that romney is running away from the positions he took in the republican primary because the republican party has been completely co-opted by the by wall street by the billionaires part of the part of the democratic party have to i'm not going to apologize for them too but you know they have to pledge themselves to never ending war they have to pledge themselves to their eccentric billionaire donors like heister breeze right you think that an ad between the knees is a good we're going to offer some i don't want this or have no interest in obama is going to do when we lose ladies and gentlemen whether if you're for limited government or if you're for if you're anti-war and i got i got is that you're not going to be happy until there is no government the thing the founders fought and
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died for the hell with too excited and i was inspired by mitt romney's performance and i was even more inspired by the lack of it was how is the mitt romney that we saw you know out of this is what's going on right now the mayor only we saw on t.v. a couple nights ago was completely different than the mitt romney who was trashing newt gingrich just six months ago i think that and i just got should have done a better job than obama did but i'm talking about romney how do how do you guys fareed all go fine how are you going to serve it evolves how could a conservative be supportive of a guy who started out as a moderate or really even a liberal arguably then became a severe conservative and now has become a moderate again i'll tell you this is a guy who will say anything to win if that was one of them later said i wouldn't know what i'm like get out of iowa i think i'm all that somebody's trusting that he's going to zoom in and he's going to say as long as it seems a crowd you will see her favor of same sex marriage and then you'll still have well that's that's obama and he also likes to take out of southern drawl when he's speaking in front of a predominantly black audience as well scalia came out and scalia came out and said
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that the laws against sodomy laws against gay sex are you know we're we're the law in the united states for two hundred years that's a no brainer of course you know that's not unconstitutional in other words for you again. marriage if you happen to be gay and have sex with somebody in school legal land you go to prison for the rest of your life or for a good long time and if we get romney we're going to get more schooling is is that is that really what if we get more obama's we're going to get more scholarly as you understand you know your problem is you're going to get more alina kagan and suddenly so i mean it's you know right now first off i mean how many people have been actually arrested as appear in court struck say on that one and so into texas but but if you began who's in jail for me no one if you will actually the probably still are people from the old left over laws but if you get more scalia's you are going to see that he proclaims it today there's nothing you know as i did was a lot of my aunts dahmus is less guilty as more clarence thomas is for me and for this guy right here this libertarian this. is not a good you know i had to make i had to take either side in this debate because if
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you've got a bomb or you have romney no matter what you're going to have a growth in government and liberties are limited as government expands liberty contracts a simple fact of the matter is that if you look over the last sixty seventy years and you aggregate republican administrations and democratic administrations you had g.d.p. growth far more substantial in democratic administrations than republican administrations popular is that simple fact of the matter i also hope she will grow the economy grow government has to grow in proportion and it's going to do its job but so there has to this i want to go there because i know that they wrote a lot of conservative eat those is laid bare right here they are for the growth in government as well and there really is a little side to this debate there is the individual versus the collective and so you see right now what a joke it is this debate that we're having in this country right now because no matter who wins are you are you are you asserting that there is no such thing as society the society is merely a collection of that's correct because the process is that was such a system so certainly they could have it was the distinction between government society is like saying there's no such thing as a series just as i don't want government education doesn't mean that i don't want
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education just because i don't there's no such thing as society doesn't mean that it doesn't mean that i want the government to i want to hear is a confusion of distinction socialist confused wait a minute you're say that. there are there is no societies there's merely a collection of individuals then there's no cities there's merely a collection house it's not iraq you know you are you're missing god works out every war on sides big picture rubble after the break. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you
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glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that many americans call i don't know. i'm sorry i missed the guy who cares an awful lot of you sir are a fool you know what kind of mind the terrorist cells in your neighborhood all want to give us a defeat terrorism on the liberal and the christian point you. can see your beliefs about it because it's going to school for you to distract us from what you and i should care about because there are profit driven industry that sells us and
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facials to garbage he calls it breaking news i'm having martin and we're going to break that. well the bag the big picture joining me are austin peers the director of production of freedom works as the robinson deputy director of the paul revere project and sam sachs progressive writer and commentator let's get back to the next presidential debate is going to be focused on national security already the obama administration is running ads or somebody on their side is running ads against romney questioning whether or not he's ready to be commander in chief. this is mitt romney grasping at straws of mitt romney they didn't really have anything to say about syria and gave very little detail of how he would change u.s. foreign policy complex remarks about afghanistan have been utterly confused because
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you didn't mention u.s. troops in the war in afghanistan the nomination acceptance speech when you give a speech you don't go through a laundry list you talk about the things that you think are important are you saying the troops aren't porton to you our national security is not important there's nothing nothing nothing more important to me than keeping our country say i served as the corporal as a captain in captain of the united states army united states marine corps do you have any idea how dangerous this role is you don't seem to have a plan mr romney you've shown us from london to libya that you're in over your head that's what scares me most for you mr romney it's about politics for us it's about finding our country defending our freedom we deserve a commander in chief to understand what's at stake what the choice you as commander in chief i don't think so i don't think so as a veteran i don't think so so i think it's particularly interesting that this is not coming from the obama campaign that the term project is going to be the obama campaign coming against mitt romney sam what are your thoughts on how they're going to this is going to play to the majority of the electorate i think president obama
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is probably going to win this debate i mean he can come out he can tout that he's under the iraq war you can tell that he's i'm going. to kill bin laden of course to his far left base to people like me there's a. so the drone wars that he's going to be touting they're going to be all the stuff that his far left base is pretty you thinking angry about he probably won't tell you no more it's mica they knew that exists he might mention the strikes he's taken out top leaders and we'll know what that means twenty thirty do you know we talk about undecided voters i think there's a lot of undecided voters on the left who are figuring out whether or not they're going to vote for jill stein or or or barack obama when it comes to maybe chomp chomp she came out the other day and said if you lived in a swing state you'd do a self defense vote for barack obama which is another story is like we are so excited for a mitt romney presidency and the only reason we're really excited for it because they have a lot of the country no because the anti-war left will finally come out of the woodwork we'll actually see code pink starting to speak out i mean war in iran right well actually all the all the pot activists are going to come out and then
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they're going to find their principles again but if you really get if you really look at it what about what's the major difference between the foreign policy of barack obama and mitt romney please liberals tell me well i don't know i don't have any idea what mitt romney's foreign policy is and that's a problem you get also you know you have traditional extrajudicial killings are going to continue that the assassinations of american citizens without without due process are going to continue and you're going to get the status quo silence and let's let's be clear about what he's learned or that's the answer to obama's honest let's be let's be clear about what these awards are these are corporate wars these are wars that are being fought by corporations that would rule in your in your view of the world in return we're going to lose a little nobody knows these are hard especially on american who say well hamiltonian mark until isn't that time are going to said that he supports on the war is profitable that's what every market i say the government has to step in and make sure that we keep our shipping lanes open or have a government to keep oil we don't want to talk about ice that is you know i don't want you but that's installed by the government right we have installed by mistake you know it is not mercantile as a messy i mean i think at the end of the day we can treat mitt romney like he's been president for the last four years obama has been president and that's the person that's in charge of foreign policy and he has withdrawn from iraq oh you're
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a great but it's less stable and closer to just being a tell your daughter ever before which i said a friend afghanistan where obama you know twenty thousand plus strong there surged . and there and then pulled back it was a totally wrong strong why would a democrat come in here why would you even be trying to defend these polls i got to understand he said in a surge that just was demonstrably not the right way to deal with it was always like it was a day or other and a smaller and smaller more restrained presence because it doesn't leave the larger cultural so right now to make such a small presence that we're not there you know you save contracts coming in and trying to make americanised versions are essentially going to tell you what a libertarian would do to protect the united states the constitution has a specific policy for dealing with terrorists and it's called letters of marque and reprisal and you put a bounty on the head and he say that and if you harm any civilian in this strike you will be held accountable instead we have a drone war that kills civilians and it causes more terrorist down the line but if we use these events usually there's a marketplace you damn right i would absolutely i would use the marketplace to
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start to stop terrorism and i would also make it so that no civilians could ever be hard but now we have all our wire i mean i think one of the one of those songs that we just i don't get billed you landis' running around no they are because this one held under one of these when i was at interview and so you know the way i could make a million bucks if i got a guy who looks like this guy they are held liable on the wrong guy absolutely not they are held liable under the law anyone who is under the constitutional right of a mark who harms anyone that is not going to have them and the wrong people were never it is a little going to have a free market just naturally guide us to some profitable war on terror. years this is just such a joke sam because you say that you're against this drone war right now and you're just so totally disingenuous if you're really interested we're going to hear about this or is i'm actually going out of state which is you would look at the which you don't really just have ten seconds left to see what is romney's foreign policy romney's foreign policy is to cater create a reagan economic zone that would be much like the millennium challenge corporation or you know other nations meet other nations to become responsible international actors by brewing there with the benefits of free trade and the ideas that have
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made america great two hundred years actually two words two words it's our serious foreign policy status quo all right video from wednesday night's debate has been circulating on the internet and appears to show it. romney putting something on the podium at the beginning of the debate romney spokeswoman has said it was just a handkerchief that he was like sneak it out and drop it down there much of the social media world is wondering if the mysterious object is a set of notes maybe even stash a napkin which would mean that romney cheated so what do you think is romney cheater here at the at the end of this video he goes back and he grabs the paper and sticks of his pocket so i'm going to i would if it was me they gave the allies the maps of france a little piece of a little handkerchief for me and treated exactly this year ok so you're not trying but what i want to say is that there is little for the people who the people who actually believe that he was cheating i think it's a tremendous insult to barack obama that you could lose that spectacularly all because he had it a little piece of paper supposedly they did the business with it so much of
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a handkerchief it could have had notes with it but he also went in was shaking everybody and after that using it it should have been visible. yes hand sanitizer austin see sam thank you all for being with us and that's all. so here's a hat what's happening in east texas a foreign corporation actually a multinational corporation based in canada is confiscating private land belonging to a seventy eight year old great grandmother in order to build a toxic pipeline to ship the oil off to other foreign nations just another day in third world america. here is eleanor fairchild and actress daryl hannah standing in front of tractors that are clearing a pathway for the pipeline right through fairchild's three hundred acre ranch was
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tractors belong to the canadian company trans canada which recently want to prove to build a massive toxic tar sands oil pipeline right through the united states and right through ms mrs fairchild property down to texas where oil billionaires can refine it and then ship it off to the rest of the world making big profits for themselves and for trans canada you see texas has very lax eminent domain laws meaning trans canada had very little trouble confiscating a large swath of mrs fairchild's ranch and not a single local politician or lawyer has come to her aid mainly because you don't say no to big oil in texas and when mrs fairchild joined by activist daryl hannah an actress confronted those tractors she was promptly arrested for trespassing trespassing on her own property she's powerless watching her ranch full of lush forests wetlands and natural springs up rooted with heavy machinery and bisected by a massive pipeline because one day spilled toxic crude oil all over what's left and
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she's not the only one several other nearby landowners are taking trans canada court pushing back on the eminent domain claims who knows if they can win now that even our courts have been corrupted by big oil money but the big picture here is that the confiscation of mrs fairchild's property is all part of the trans national corporate oligarchy plan it's all part of their plan to turn the united states into a third world mining and dumping pit for transnational corporations mitt romney the guy who bragged about harvesting businesses at bain gave lip service to this plan in the recent debate. i want to get america and north america energy independent so we can create those jobs notice how he said north american energy independence and not american or u.s. energy independence is because mitt romney thinks we should continue buying our oil from his corporate buddies who own oil fields in canada and mexico adding onto our
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already enormous trade deficit and given the way he ridiculed president obama's green energy investments clearly romney is not interested in getting american energy independent through green energy he's only interested in helping transnational oil corporations like trans national trans canada in canada make help and helping them make huge profits and that's exactly what they're doing at the expense of mrs fairchild and the rest of us trans canada's x.l. pipeline won't create millions of jobs like mitt romney and the rest of the oil shills say it will it would create a few thousand temporary jobs in the united states and that's it and really aside from the billions in profits that the oil barons are going to get in texas it's all the united states is getting out of the deal well we're also getting the pollution from refining the toxic tar sands here instead of in canada the risk of spills along the pipeline built here instead of in canada and the deforestation and contamination of here instead of in canada and who gets the thousands of cancers
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and the toxic chemicals velshi out of the smoke stacks of the refineries in south texas why that would be the mostly poor and mostly minority people who live in the few hundred miles from texas to and through louisiana where the prevailing winds carry those poisons but canada is getting all the profits and gets is getting most of the oil mexico south america india and china little to none of that refined oil is going to be sold here in the united states in fact gas prices in the midwest are expected to increase by twenty cents a gallon when this pipeline it's finished. this folks is a scam but tragically these sorts of scams are the norm know as our national sovereignty and our individual health are being ruined by transnational corporate capitalism is devouring the last remaining bits of the american middle class and turning the united states into the most rapidly undeveloped nation that's ever existed in american citizens are having their property taken from them to boost the
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profits of a foreign corporation and it's clear that our democratic institutions have failed it's clear that the corporatocracy is now making way too many of the decisions tell everyone you know about the theft of elenor fairchild's ranch land because of this is allowed to continue and it could be your home your property and your livelihood that stolen next and that's the way it is tonight friday october fifth two thousand and twelve for more information on any of the stories we covered visit our websites of thom hartmann dot com or speech dot org dot com if you missed any of that i'd show you know catch it in th d. on hulu at hulu dot com slash the big picture also check out our two you tube channels there are links a ton of them dot com also target dot com check out all the different ways you can send us send us your feedback and don't forget democracy is not a spectator sport it requires participation you've got to show up you've got to be
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there and not just a vote you've got to be there for the whole thing get out there get active tag you're it you see this with. news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations rule the day. my parents really truly honestly believe that what had happened was as
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a result of my father's exposure to agent orange i was born with multiple problems . i was missing my leg and my fingers and my big toe on my right foot i use my hands a lot in my artwork i find myself drawing my hands quite a bit to me for my hands you know just as if anyone would but they do tell a story they tell a story of. oxen.
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