tv [untitled] October 5, 2012 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT
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well for the. science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future are covered. here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a dollar. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot about my country you sir are a fool you know what that is my terror cells. don't want to listen to featurism the only liberal the christian. can really go to the.
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going on over on i'm abby martin and this is breaking the fat today i want to talk to you about a new stupid government law that said long new jersey that requires pet owners to buckle their animals in the seatbelt while driving do you think government overreach if this ridiculous piece of legislation would become a law you know it stand to gain the most the dog the seat belt industry that too sometimes your dog really is your best friend but not when you're driving around a man you tell him to stay but all he wants to do is play introducing the click instead of the ultimate solution to keeping your dog in to see some you can be safe and secure in your dog seat belt really the only thing worse than this is when parents put their children on the leash and the third thing is just another example of the nanny government overstepping their bounds so first dogs what's next
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buckling down every loose object in our cars i mean don't get me wrong it's important to be a safe driver but this is not about you being a safe driver this is about you getting your highbrows dog to calm down try taking them for a walk or playing fetch them a little bit more we don't need a new law for this and frankly i'm done with this ridiculousness and that's why i'm breaking the threat. of a specific. a year ago last month thousands of people came together to raise their voices for the ninety nine percent those fallen victim to a system of economic inequality and corporate greed but along with the supporters came the critics who said the movement needed a more focused agenda that it needed a leader until then nothing would change and here to talk about the effort of turning the movement into action i'm joined by giuliani musher reeky occupy wall street activist and now candidate for new york city council district thirty five
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johnny thank you so much for coming on yeah a pleasure that's jilani my shrieky definitely it's a pleasure to be so you're following the footsteps of george martin is he was the first occupier announce his candidacy for congress in new york i know you guys are part of the same kind of overarching campaign called bum rush the vote tell us a little bit about what that is definitely a vote is about gauging the community is civic engagement so that we can start taking over water what is already ours which is the communities so how did you decide to do this because i think a lot of people in the occupy wall street movement i was i was in oakland at the time and it was kind of the antithesis to the political establishment people were saying you know we don't want to put forward any one to run how did you decide that this would be the first step. to decision so it's decided it's going to be there first that has to go back to who i am and hours raise i was
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raised in the activists family. or activists and pro union. and so to engage intellectual process was just simple a step in my aleutian as a person. wall street has individuals that time to miss and but the big thing is to be active in the community. and how do you engage the community and how you active in the community well part of that is civic engagement and electorally and that's the best way to make change nonviolently and i agree i think i think grassroots coordinating organizing and really getting in at the very local level which is exactly what you're doing how are people reacting to your position coming from the occupy wall street movement and having the viewpoint that you do how are people reacting in the community you know and gauging with you
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and what you believe well as occupy wall street activists occupied a hood activists the community is loving me as normal because i represent the community i was a member and still am a member of the community was on those corners i know what poverty is like no unemployment is like i know what i have in a college education and can't find a job is like i know what. i just live in america is like so the people realize that i do represent them and i'm doing this to activate even more people to engage in the electoral process and civic responsibility process over roll them our community since all politics is local would say. aggressive approach to purging the system locally and i definitely think that everyone should be doing that in. part of the movement take responsibility for your local community. you know
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a lot of people well of course you can't really compare the tea party movement to the occupy bill that we know that was totally hijacked and pushed into an establishment line but i mean look at how organized they were of course they were backed by the koch brothers and such but i mean the occupy wall street movement there really was no kind of direct line to insert occupy wall street members into the political establishment do you i know that you just said people should do this more i mean is there more organization for people at a local level or community people. level to really and third themselves so they can start working from the bottom up from the ground up to create this change to get these ideas and philosophies from the occupy wall street and into the political establishment while definitely i mean let's be clear the occupy wall street movement is a continuum of the movements that preceded it so. yes people should get involved and. they should be out there and they should hit the
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streets within the communities what about people other members i mean are they in line with the i know they are saying people should do that but i mean are people organizing to do this all around you know definitely does this definitely does there was a brother out in philly in march that actually was one of the first occupy wall street candidates who didn't make the ballot also george martinez my party he did make the ballot and then is others now in arkansas little rock arkansas. washington state there's a sin there's a sister one running for senate out there and then in orange county there's a brother diamond running for position out there so we have a lot of different people in the occupy movement. claiming this space is in the communities and we promote civic engagement down to the so the community board school board police community count council level to the block associate block
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association level everything starts local so active there then we can work our way out to the presidency and so really quickly we're almost out of time but i wanted you to just comment on people who say the occupy movement dad i mean is there organization either kind of workshops helping people train and learn how to run for city council how to do this no question it's to do it yourself movement but there is information out there bum rush the vote is one of the. also of the occupy candidates star or so there is information out there for people to reach out and see what it's about but also just get involved take a political science class at your local community college or look at some political science books so you know what it takes to be involved i always like to say if you don't like the dialogue out there it's up to you to change it thank you so much for being the change doing coming on and talking about i really appreciate it no question thank you very much the piece burka.
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now i want to talk to you about a woman i find truly inspiring and anger in lacrosse wisconsin named jennifer livingston has been reporting the news for fifteen years but this week she actually became the news because you see jennifer livingston decided to take a stand against an internet troll it all started with one viewer kenneth cross said this is that i was surprised indeed to witness that your physical condition hasn't improved for many years surely you don't consider yourself a suitable example for this community's young people girls in particular obesity is one of the worst choices a person can make and one of the most dangerous habits to maintain i leave you this note hoping that you'll reconsider your responsibility as a local public personality to present and promote
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a healthy lifestyle. mr cross your think about the fact that you're picking on a woman who has her own public platform where she could overpower and dismantle your hate mail in a matter of minutes not sure if you did take a look at how jennifer responded. says i am overweight but to the person who wrote me that letter do you think i don't know that that your cruel words are pointing out something that i don't see you don't know me you are not a friend of mine you are not a part of my family and you have admitted that you don't watch the show so you know nothing about me but what you see on the outside and i am much more than a number on a scale. very powerful and then she left us with these inspiring words. with this to all of the children out there who feel lost who are struggling with your weight with the color of your skin your sexual preference your disability even the acne on your face listen to me right now do not let your self-worth be defined
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by bullies lauren from my experience that the cruel words of one are nothing compared to the shouts of many. so why does this whole matter well this double standard is disgusting you would never see someone lashing out at an older unattractive or over mate male on t.v. but this is what women encounter on a daily basis this has to stop and jennifer livingston remind us of that she stood up for herself for the millions of people that are in her shoes old and young but most importantly she stood up to the trolls that they could pass judgment behind their cowardly computer screens in their parents' basements and that is why jennifer livingston is our hero of the day so who's the villain well he's the man who saved a defense contractor forming the formerly known as blackwater then z. now academy thanks to a brilliant p.r. make over i'm talking about robert tappan the president of the public relations
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firm burson maher stellar he is the one responsible for changing blackwater's name to z. and to the even more ambiguous academy in order to mask the company's sordid past earlier this year blackwater i mean academy admitted to key details surrounding seventeen federal criminal charges including illegal exports of automatic weapons and they agreed to pay a fine of seven point five million dollars on top of another forty two million dollars settlement so basically the says that the slap on the wrist cost of getting out of seventeen federal crimes is that easily fifty million dollars and really what does that even mean to a multi-billion dollar company but wait academy spokes person john procter said this he said the company is fully committed to this agreement and looks forward to successfully fulfilling its obligations on this legacy matter oh thanks proctor thank you for fulfilling all your obligations but you know it didn't fulfill any
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sort of accountability for the blatant war crimes committed by blackwater private mercenaries while they were running around war zones with utter impunity remember those blackwater employees who committed several atrocities in iraq yet were never brought to justice. remember those videos really showing their contempt for human life shooting indiscriminately at vehicles and private property as well as ramming cars and even running over civilians while laughing or about when the two board blackwater helicopter pilots started randomly shooting at birds over a residential neighborhood. yes. absolutely true and. you know. this. you know what the spite this a lawless this thanks to robert tappan this company is just going to be fine
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a little name change here and there in the blackwater war crimes or under the bridge so robert fair selfless effort to rebranded company that is the epitome of zero accountability in this two tiered justice system you are today's villain. now if you like what you see so far go to our you tube channel youtube dot com slash bring us to and subscribe check out our facebook page at facebook dot com slash breaking the set also follow me on twitter martin you know it took a break from my preaching for now but stay tuned to hear about the latest between syria and turkey next.
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russia we've. covered. download the official. cell phone language stream quality and enjoy your favorites. he is not required to watch all its he only needs your mobile device to watch on t.v. any time. ok so tensions are growing along the turkey syria border for turkish civilians were killed and wounded after shelling from syrian territories the turkish prime minister said today that his country is not far from war with syria after the turkish parliament agreed to launch an attack if necessary describing syrian military aggression as a threat to turkey's national security now to take
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a look at this incident a little closer and what it means for the crises i'm joined by mas political director for the syrian emergency task force thank you so much for coming on first thanks reza so you just got back from turkey where we were meeting with leadership there i mean in light of what just happened do you think that turkey is going to intervene. i think i think for now. this is sort of stage one turkey has done what it thought was necessary for or for what happened you know this time was different the assad regime has before struck in turkey but it was syrian refugee camps there actually one point injuring at least if not killing one this time when and killed civilians only took their civilians it was a military. facility and it wasn't the syrians on the other side. to quickly move to ensure the those positions are fired as civilians were fired back and i think turks are right now would a very tough spot i mean i think they've sacrificed more than anyone to help the
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syrian people at this point and and of already seeing the spillover that's coming from desert regions guns what about the fact that turkey is a member of nato is this going to kind of instigate an international response to anything at all well you know community will they invoked article four that invoked article five and they are not binding on booking article five of these offer now unless they do that if they do that then the nato will have to. not lie and second this is their sixtieth year as members of the nato alliance turkey is the second biggest army in nato other than the united states and so if the invoked article five they will speculate if they will or not for future incidents but for now. i think this is about it and we see protests going on all over turkey and people don't really want war what options are there left for the syrian people and for syria really i mean the protests. so not really all over talked about certain areas so if you're looking at it and you're seeing protests there and then we can go into
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specifics on the stomach but what's going on there is you it's it's more of a sectarian protest and more of domestic political opposition as you know the domestic political opponent it could be. was an i'll be a bit different than the whites of syria but you see well his political domestic opposition if you look at obama and romney you know they're using it against each other that's something that's been used specially in the talk but you don't see it all over turkey although you do you do see the turks are sacrificing even their domestic politics their own sort of populations is frustration into what's going on in syria because turkey again has been put in a really tough spot compared to other countries because of the border two hundred million dollars many refugees where more than the red line that they had said before so turkey itself is suffering by the lack of international action what about the people who i mean you're going to zation advocates intervention in syria obviously the syrian people are suffering you know it's been an extremely long
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drawn out conflict it's terrible what about all the people who are saying why are we going to engage in yet another military conflict i mean what do you say to people who are saying why would we do that and get involved in another quagmire as this article are going to work with for example advocates on number of things including something that would help alleviate the humanitarian crisis that's going on in syria why would people engage well we can talk about different things and obviously there's no no fly zone coming up any time soon even the army that's happening if anything if you read any of the western newspapers one of the. western countries are actually arming you know are intending to arm any time soon. you see trickle in by sort of a drop or it's just a long of a conflict this is not what we want to see fall. quicker or slower you know we'd rather have the social fabric of my country doesn't continue to be ripped apart so why should we intervene it depends what you mean by intervention.
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if you believe that there's a responsibility to protect the doctrine in general for anybody to stop genocide to stop ethnic cleansing to stop anything that's happening anywhere in the world sure i think a lot of people would agree that they don't want to see. the world but when you pick and choose the countries they are trying to intervene in advance geopolitically but what is going to be the aid what is going to the intervention in the form of a check and how do we who are going to be funny i mean the rebels. how do we know who's going to get there. if you can. if you want to go to the least thing that we could do the united states for example is to fund the civilian councils. in the liberated areas that are in syria right now so you're not worrying about which armed group are you funding you're not worried about what's going on you're worried about funding people that have been elected in civilian democratic local elections sometimes are in cities that have throughout the different ethnic groups and
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religious groups living normal life they just need money from the money to give the person that's cleaning the streets. civilian police so you don't have random battalions having extra judicial justice and so on the very least you know your father your family the people of syria the people of syria whose for them it's clear. politics for them it's clear and simple there's a people that have risen up for seven months completely peaceful. the regime continues to slaughter them they don't think. us a thing against addicted thank you for coming on. do you feel frustrated with mainstream ideologies do you ever complain about establishment bias or do you use social media well if you're an active duty soldier
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and these absurdly common factors that accompany being a critical thinking human being now coined you as a potential terrorist or a radical extremist who could soon kill your coworkers wired magazine just obtained a leaked document from within the u.s. army's terrorism advisory organization called a tactical reference guide for radicalization into violent extremism the documents intended to recognize internal threats within the army ranks and within it is a very comprehensive flow chart of certain risk factors the first call of the chart called observed personal issues list indicators of predisposition to radicalization including complaining about bias needing empowerment being socially withdrawn believing in government conspiracies lacking positive identity with count country unit family and friends exhibiting recklessness if one exhibits any of these common qualities of being a living breathing human being leadership must notify the chain of command in order
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to maintain unit cohesion and morale. so basically if a soldier projects some sort of individual thought and they are officially deemed a hazard on another section of the chart there are more serious flags for radicalization that call for the immediate investigation including being sympathetic to radical groups visiting extremist websites attending extremist rallies isolating oneself attempting to recruit others to extremists causes knows that it doesn't even say terrorist but says an even more vague characterization of extremist and radical so what is considered extremist and what is considered to be radical because that entails realizing that you don't want to sacrifice your life for unjust wars and could recruitment of others to extremist causes i mean simply talking to others in your unit about concerns with the us foreign policy but perhaps the most bizarre thing of all is another section of the chart that lists more risk factors for radicalization one of which says social networks
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yup so basically they're taking one of the only links to human interaction that soldiers may have and labeling as a warning sign of terrorism now if you think this is all meaningless drivel think again you know i was under the impression that something needed to constitute an actual threat before the government tried to make a pre-crime arrest against you apparently not one only has to look at what happened to brandon rob twenty six year old decorated marine veteran of both iraq and afghanistan when he started spouting off anti government opinions on his facebook page check out some of these posts he says friends you deserve to know the truth there but an overwhelming amount of evil and acted and planned against you your children your countrymen and great scope your government is evil so simple as that the calvary is coming here's another one dear friends in the military the time for choosing has come but you continue to ignore the obvious lie of nine eleven or will
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you stand and fight for your people and yet another. i'm starting the revolution i'm done waiting well soon after reading these posts the f.b.i. accompanied by secret service agents went to brennan's house detained and committed him to a psychiatric ward for psychological evaluation for about a week he was finally released after a judge ruled his ataman unlawful brandon robs case should be a wake up call are people going to be nabbed up simply for vocalizing their opposition to the government and keep this in mind brandon is not actively enlisted in the military and he owns no firearms however he is based pissed because he found out the wars he fought for were based on lies and you know what i would be too if i spent the last six years of my life fighting two wars founded entirely on false hoods the government claimed he was taken to be evaluated because they were worried that he might hurt himself or others based on what he had written but
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nothing that he wrote could really be construed as a threat against himself or anyone else let's break this down do you think the government gives a crap about veterans mental health if they did it would make it easier to treat p.t.s.d. or actually provide veterans with the benefits they deserve like helping to prevent the eighteen veterans suicides that happen every single day but no seems like they only take notice if someone speaking out about the lies that underwrite the establishment justification for war. this is the message it's become an occupational hazard in the military to be a human being if you don't obey and conform to whatever orders your chain of command is given you and your risk plain and simple. maybe it would be better for the military if they just got rid of soldiers altogether and replace them with robots. apparently it's perfectly acceptable to give your life to fight in the
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my parents really truly honestly believe that what had happened was as a result of my father's exposure to agent orange i was born with multiple problems . i was missing my leg and my fingers and my big toe on my right foot i use my hands a lot in my artwork i find myself drawing my hands quite a bit to me for my hands you know just as if anyone would. but they do tell a story they tell a story of. their oxen.
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