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tv   [untitled]    October 7, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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was. turkey playas back into syria after a mortar landed inside the same turkish village of civilians were killed by syria base dragged away in say back in the days of mutual shelling. italians theory of a mounting costs a descends into classes while civil servants are marching for their jobs in spain. and so wrongly accused russian student who was brutally beaten in the canadian detention center faces a long recovery while his family says his country isn't doing anything to help.
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it's a pm here in moscow and you're watching the artes of the weekly with me to bang with say turkey and syria still sending the tiller a shell zone over the border at each other the turkish village which was here earlier in the week sparking a series of tit for tat strikes has been hit again on middle east correspondent policia has the details. for the fifth straight day turkish artillery has fired into syria this coming just minutes after a mortar landed in turkish territory fired from syria we understand that at least eight mortars were fired from turkey into syria now according to the mayor of the turkish border town where this shell landed he says that there was very little damage other than damage to a grain depôt but other than that had landed in an empty field and there were no reports of injuries it is the same border village wave five members of the same
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family were killed wednesday that was two women and three children when a mortar fire from syria landed in a residential building at the same time we're hearing continuing words from the turkish prime minister that he will not allow these kind of events to go unprovoked he says that if pushed he will declare war and that has been quite a strong message from him now they're installing and soon that is instability and on the turkish syrian border woman in regional instability there's also concern by numerous critics who have put forward the argument that they believe that the shells that are being fired from the syrian side are being fired liberty in each remember that this warning area on the syrian side between syria and turkey is an area that is controlled by the rebels and as such it is possible that they're firing these these rounds deliberately to provoke turkey to go to nato and cool off some foreign intervention of course this is something that many people are increasingly concerned about the situation in syria off to eighteen months of fighting a showing no letting up there continues to be almost daily blasts in the capital
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city of damascus and they're particularly cost suicide bombings has become almost the norm the same situation is happening in the lipo the commercial hub of the country in the north and they we're hearing of continuous heavy fighting and also in recent days and in recent weeks we've witnessed a rise in suicide bombings there were also receiving a twitter feed from the shed i've not now he is. a sunni muslim preacher and the salafist leader has become almost a symbol of the rebels fighting in syria he says if they have captured the cousin of the syrian president bashar assad we have no information on that at this stage and no way of actually being able to independently prove it russia continues to play a mediating role they are expecting that the e.u. in nato envoy to syria could be in russia later this month and as such will be there for talks but russia is urging calm and saying that this kind of this
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collation intentions along the turkish syrian border is completely unacceptable and any kind of cross border operations are to be found upon. some reports also suggest syrian rebels that actually have western and israeli support plan to dog a jewish communities once the us is gone and defectors syrian general manav to lhasa his father is an alleged anti semite is being groomed as a potential candidate journalist capital comrade broke the story says the opposition could buy the hand that feeds it the irony of supporting the rebels who may eventually become great enemies of the west is something that's lost in the into the very eager interventionists who are pushing the west to intervene in syria to arm the opposition while you interviewed a group of rebels in damascus who were holed up in various parts of damascus and there is about my interview with some of them a few of them who traveled from afghanistan. they had
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a big fight against the jews ahead of them and this is new to me because i've met people elsewhere particularly in pakistan who say that they have a producer ahead of them so they see that as the ultimate. one of the things that was particularly disturbing to me is how close is being groomed as a possible replacement for assad not a lot of people know that men are classes father mustapha class is a first rate he's written a book called the marts of design which talks about the blood libel he was smuggled out class was smuggled out of the country by french spies he is he keeps making trips to saudi arabia but not a lot of people know the history behind him in our class and people should be wary of. close being groomed as a possible replacement. but rain is keeping up a pro-reform protests causing morpheus' clashes between police and demonstrators on
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friday a gas and water cannons we use to disperse crowds line and started after the funeral of a young protester who died in custody here activists demanding equal rights all from the sunni one and the release of political prisoners one of them prominent human rights defender in the deal with jab has gone on hunger strike. and his mother's funeral but was not allowed to moan for the with his family or job this being a three year jail term for participating in illegal gatherings meanwhile former c.n.n. reporter and belonging that believes had documentary on what's happening in buffering was censored by the net worth. paying c.n.n. to create content that shows bahrain in a favorable light even though c.n.n. says this content you know is editorially independent it doesn't. affect that well we've seen that with this documentary not airing and also with the
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constant struggle. to get coverage accurate bahrain coverage of the human rights abuses on air while i was there what c.n.n. is doing is they're essentially creating what some people have termed infomercials for dictators and that's this sponsored content that they're airing on c.n.n. international that's actually being paid for by regimes and governments and there's by late every principle of journalistic ethics because we're supposed to be watchdogs on these governments we're not supposed to allow them to be paying customers who are able to kind of dodge our minders and sneak into some of the villages and actually see these atrocities patients who have run out of the hospitals that were shot up with birdshot and as we were heading back out of these villages we were violently detained by security forces and proffering and luckily my female producer and i were able to hide some disks in our broads and we were able to. to get out of the country with this content so you can imagine surprise when we got back to the us and this content was airing on c.n.n.
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and right after that is when the phone calls started coming into the network complaining about me and trying to get my coverage or. violence and unrest has returned to chinese you too you this time it's a clash over the trash these thirteen thousand angry residents hit the streets and said call the blaze it was a real burning of a rubbish dump more details on the website. and the washington becomes the latest american city to display anti jihad ads look at whether it may actually be provoking even more hatred towards the muslim world this and more features and stories and waiting for you in the r.t. website. and to austerity anger is mounting in europe civil servants are take to the streets for second day in madrid trade unions have gathered thousands to demand an end to come back from the public sector and the public has a sheet of public services italy has also seen its fair share of action this week
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led by the country students who clashed with police thousands marched in major cities calling for the government to save schools not banks in rome up to six policemen were injured us students hold stones at them and try to rush a police van while in venice independence supporters are marched on saturday to demand the region go it alone investment advisor patrick young says that the e.u. is headed towards collapse. the european union constantly believes it knows what's best for all of its client states therefore it pushed countries like ireland into a beloit in order to basically appease french and german borrowers there are absolutely no positive results from what the e.u. has done over the course of the last five or ten years indeed basically the history of the euro is not a horribly soiled exercise in effectively barritt ing the people and trying to destroy economies the european union has several fundamental problems ultimately it
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is a very rich area with a great deal of resources the difficulty is it's very difficult to start a business it's very difficult to run a business if you're successful in business they're going to tax you to death and in the meantime they're all running absolutely ridiculous communist era sized socialist states the truth is western europe is bankrupt it cannot afford to have the government be the major economic actor in the system and therefore just as we saw russian communism collapsed so too we're seeing the death of western european socialism. change all of the same the question venezuelans have to answer as they head to evade for president longstanding incumbent. is the biggest challenge yet to his socialist rule from a young democrat party's recent cover novels in paris for us. well we're in caracas where voting has finally kicked off in venezuela you can see
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a huge line of people stretching around the corner we're not even close to the polling station but the excitement here is a man and these people have been lined up as you can see the line is starting to finally move for hours hours before the polls even opened both candidates have been urging people to take to the streets to really get out there early to try to build up a mass of popular support early because as soon as there is an irreversible trend the winner will be announced now what is at stake here on one end and comments president hugo chavez who has really radically changed both men as well and the region under his so-called socialist one of the twenty first century policies one of that has translated to. certain industries using venezuela's oil exports revenue to really focus attention on the underprivileged the poor here in this country that's translated into social programs free health care education. communications housing and transportation services for people who really didn't have access for that and business over the years build up a blonde flow of popular support for them and offer support and wants to stay for
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six more years now his opponent has really seized on some of the problems that continue to plague this country this is corruption a very high crime rate and. a forty year old wealthy businessman who has criticized his country's economic policies and promised to improve ties with the west and could really radicalize the way the infusion resources are gone now critics here suggest and worry that he could represent a radical alternative to shopping economically in the sense that he could reverse a lot of those social program policies potentially impose austerity packages on the country and really take away some of the programs of the poor here have continued to rely on of course that is not what his campaign says but that is the fear we see in caracas venezuela. also pursing all the latest news. stations for us. long lines of voters a way to determine the course of the next six yet follow her twitter feed and stay
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updated on venezuela's choice for all its political future. and see us merger gave the heads a traffic on the future events of the convoy entering pakistan's militants back to stage a protest over the use of deadly american drone strikes in the country. these stories and much more after this break stay with us. it's perched atop a jaw and the view from the kremlin stretches as far as the eye can see. for a city to all of siberia for centuries. it lost its economic importance even before it was bypassed by the chance siberian railway but the a spiritual center. scenes
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like these are a yearly occurrence thousands of worshippers did themselves in blessid water to commemorate the baptism of jesus. in the fifteen eighties the russians had only just conquered siberia taking it from the muslims. surrounded by enemies to be their stronghold constructed on top of the city but soon enough it became an economic siberian oil of its time bringing in a third of the state revenue but the location had of the uses for the russians the russian crowd a revolt against the eighteen plenty five known as the december hare and drove. there they created a replica high society adopting the latest fashions as soon as they came out or at
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least once they made it from paris to siberia. but the city also served up some bit of irony for the russian royal family after the bolshevik revolution. this is the office well saw a nickel as the second spend most of the last year of his life his whole family had been exiled here and they were fairly comfortable existence this was a big house but they weren't allowed to see visitors or go outside themselves leading the ordinary normal countryside life style they even had thoughts of escape but within the year the czar and his family would be dead. with archie good to have you with the pakistani military has blocked an empty u.s. motorcade rally which was heading towards the country's tribal harbor along the
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afghan border the protests which began saturday is being led by cricket legend turned politician imraan khan that has attracted thousands of people concept as a large number of civilians have died in the american drone strikes and is calling for an end to the killings demonstrators plan to reach a south waziristan area plagued by insurgency and less frequently targeted by the missiles but were turned back to ignoring reports that the convoy could be targeted by taliban suicide bombers or political activists are while the believes that the rally has the full support of the people. the lords grand jury go of that region has a bill come to india it would be only in a system that is being provided by the government which does not want to open this area of new exposure because for the past five years they've been hiding the fact that zones have been attacking this region on the on the public front they actually deny it but on privately behind the doors with the us government they actually
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accept the fact just a simple attack on a silver entity and unfortunately for the past five years our government has actually bought into the american war on terror the american war has now become our war and they should catch on all of these terrorists that are doing it but unfortunately not able not able to handle the economic affairs of the country let alone disturb the mission that has been before and a country garden. south korea has signed an agreement with the us which allows it to possess missiles capable of reaching any part of north korea a previous arms pact with washington restricted sols ability to develop or deploy a long way druck its leaving many targets in the communist state reach for more on this we're joined by team bill and eva specialism live from london good to see there mr bill now south korea says it's bolstering its forces in the area what can we expect from the north from north korea in response was a moment i think we can just expect
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a verbal response. to very much more. they will be critically analyze the situation this is the product of a long discussion between the south korean government americans. the south koreans for a long time and wanted to extend the range missile and we must remember this is only this only covers ballistic missiles not cruise missile they have long range cruise missiles that can get all of north korea this new trickled into china. because the sticking point. is serious and americans are now agreed to it. with american election everything through the elections. from the south korea's point of view they want to build a capability for there are elections in december which conceivably my thinking more peaceful government now back in april pyongyang carried out what it called a satellite launch the u.
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was and dubbed it a ballistic missile test always excuses being made to extend missile ranges here. you know i don't have a satellite test few months ago that you have military implications because you facing the same sorts of rocket launching satellites and you do launch a missile i think that's sort of past history i think this particular. finding nothing very much to do with that satellite test it's just the product of long discussions both sides thinking this is a perfect time for electoral reasons to come to an agreement to extend a ballistic missile range now some experts are considered that the a green men could add to tensions in the asia pacific region because parts of japan . and china are now also with a range of that
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a genuine concern well. there's yes there is a certain reason talk for concern i mean more missiles around them there is not a danger but things basic isn't really thinking makes any any pressure difference to the balance of power balance of power in east asia only in america and say it's our chris say that north korea is a very weak new terms the real will to terms and we have to see this within the context of all american strategy to contain china so the actual agreement doesn't really have any any functional. to some extent increased tensions and i think that is now saying that the the tension because of elections but it won't really lead to anything i don't think that mr beale i mean the u.s. has repeatedly said it want to get involved in asia pacific conflict do you believe
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them. so i won't get involved and they won't get into age or pacific conflicts now that they say they will be very very wary of getting involved in the war notion but they might. know might in fact. the certainly very much involved in the. stoking of tension in the area this supporting the parent against china south korea . trying to drive south korea and japan together to try to alliance against china and so-called so we americans are very very. given the problem long term strategy to contain china let's leave it right there thank you very much a dear mr tim bill asia specialist from london but. right now a misunderstanding that left a young man badly beaten in a hospital bed
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a russian student who had been detained on charges that were later dropped is now facing a lengthy and uncertain recovery after being brutally beaten by inmates at a canadian remand center and his family and friends say the country's authorities aren't doing anything to help as r.t. his party boy reports. a trip to study english in canada gone horribly wrong twenty four year old denise teller cough arrived in calgary in june eager to learn about the country and make new friends it was at this language school those friends would quickly turn to enemies with a misunderstanding over a girl she was charged with making threats and placed in calgary's remand center or if you were going to look like you were family. you know you don't know or you know . that you know what not to buy or. something i mean. i don't know why it was a big man found only while his family in moscow tried to scrape together the bail
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money things took a turn for the worse cellmates brutally attacked him jumping on his head repeatedly after months on the life support machine denise recently regain consciousness doctors say he's in a vegetative state his adoring family is devastated so. no eating our meals aren't you have been there already and. you. are already of so far away from it or. very slowly or. the charges that denise faced have now been dropped which in turn meant the detention center was no longer responsible for his medical bills leaving his family facing a financial nightmare on top of the emotional one local media campaigning to raise funds for denise's ballooning medical bills. or what action.
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all of the. bull or. all the general. all the. all all. denise isn't the only victim to emerge from this facility last month another man christopher kirk suffered a lacerated spleen and a broken nose after a similar attack while in custody. very often in sharpening or we were an illinois law but. you know when we were very low in groups. in the rural i mean. well the young man so eager to find out about life in canada studying english like he didn't initially set out is now a distant prospect first he'll once again have to learn the basics how to walk feed
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himself and speak his native russian denise's family can only hope that the country where this brutal attack took place provides him with the help he so desperately needs polly boyko r t. now some international headlines making news today about twenty two protesters were arrested is an unannounced march to san francisco that was reportedly marking the why me i mean verse three of the worldwide occupy movement police disperse a crowd which was blocking traffic and response demonstrators threw rocks and flares injuring one officer marchers were arrested on a variety of charges including conspiracy and assault and not having a permit. israel is accusing iran of sending a spy drone that was shot down after entering its airspace the aircraft was allegedly on routed to them they gathered a desert where israel has a nuclear plant it's the first time in six years an outside. has violated israeli
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air borders the government called the incident a potential act of terrorism and threatened retaliation. a new muslim autonomy's region called the bang some more raw is being established in this all the red philippines as a result of long lost during talks between the government and the seeking independence from the predominantly catholic country discussions over fifteen years have been constantly interrupted by violence but a final deal should now be in place by twenty sixteen more than one hundred twenty thousand people have been killed in four decades of violence in the south. and a few minutes we talk to and i would winning economist and historian to get his take on how to mend britain's economy.
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well. technology innovation all the developments around russia we've got the future covered. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry is a big issue. my parents really truly honestly believe that what had happened was as a result of my father's exposure to agent orange i was born with multiple problems . i was missing my leg. and my big toe on my right foot i use my hands
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a lot in my artwork i find myself drawing my hands quite a bit to me for my hands you know just as if anyone would. but they do tell a story they tell us story of. oxen. free credit free. for charges free. ranging free. free. free. free
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volunteer video for your media project free video done hard time. today i'm talking to no one is robert skidelsky he's a professor of political economy and also the biographer of john maynard keynes widely considered to be the most influential economist of the twentieth century we'll be talking about what keynes could bring to today's economic crisis builds could ask you first could you explain to me in layman's terms what the government is doing to man the economy and why you think it's not working well i don't think they're doing very much to mend the economy i think that their policies are made things worse. the sad fact is that the british economy has been shrinking slowly almost for a year now rather like a very slow leaking balloon and the government of.


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