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tv   [untitled]    October 8, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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here's mitt romney trying to figure out the meaning of that thing that we americans call a donor. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot about my country you sir are a fool you know what kind of mind they're terrorist cells that no one wishes to feature in the me on the liberal and the christian. can really go to the.
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left on everyone i'm adding martin you know i remember hearing about christopher columbus in my history class as a kid and fourteen hundred and ninety two columbus sailed the ocean blue and they met at the end and they gave mother treasure and everything party it was happily ever after right well the truth is that christopher columbus was a sociopath who was a genocidal maniac who considered the islanders of the americas to be noble savages i mean that well they're indeed nice and peaceful they were just savages at the end of the day easy to rape pillage and be made into slaves and columbus and his team of explorers raped the american continent and quite possibly every sense of the word not only did they bring a slew of plague and foreign disease but they deprived the continent of its riches columbus of the groundwork for the latin american slave trade his only real legacy is giving the spanish language to a region a world that would take centuries to rise out of the poverty and segregation of
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colonialism it's time to shatter the misconception. ok guys let's talk about some big news that happened overnight president hu or chavez has won a new six year term as leader of venezuela promising to deepen his socialist revolution voter turnout was a record eighty percent giving credit to chavez's democratic reputation despite criticism that he is labeled as a dictator seeking total state control but what do these elections mean and how is the opposition lost by a slim margin reacting to the outcome to help us discuss this further i'm joined by our two correspondent mr prophet of who's in caracas venezuela right now. lucy thank you so much for coming on there. so how is it like on the ground i was seeing pictures of confetti everywhere i mean it seem like
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a crazy party how is it right there. it's been a crazy party for about forty eight hours saying we have to keep in mind that voters actually headed to the streets at about three am hours before the polling booths even opened this was a really closely contested election there was a lot of excitement here as you can tell with eighty percent were voter turnout no one very few people actually staying home what we saw throughout the day is the sensually people remaining in the streets as soon as the results were announced the city and roughed it in fireworks people gathered around the presidential palace to celebrate we got there actually a little bit later when i guess more of the political folks left and some of the drunk youth remained which was a little bit of a less than desirable safe situation but even this morning as we were filming a lot of the supporters of hugo chavez were out there with their shirts they were honking they were still throwing shooting fireworks although it's daylight so i'm not really sure what they expect to see but again the excitement about the victory is is really really didn't at least for the fifty four percent of the electorate
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that voted for the chavez we do have to keep in mind as i said it was a closely contested election and there is a large segment of the population that's not happy with the vote that did want to change the course for the future for this country and so i'm sure those people aren't exactly celebrating although it does say a lot for venezuela as. the democracy is a process essentially that so many people came out to vote and it was such a closely contested race and we've heard jimmy carter say that venezuela's elections are the fairest in the world i mean talk about the contested part of the elections what exactly it was it was there evidence of maybe fraud to talk about what was contested there. sure i mean as with every election i think in every country you're going to have members of the opposition that are going to allege fraud but the thing that we have to keep in mind with venezuela is that it actually has one of the most developed enough systems of voting in the world and that probably dates back to its closely contested elections throughout the years an electronic voting system people need passports to get in you vote with your results
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get tabulated electronically to a central headquarters and so it's actually really difficult to cheat in these kinds of elections and we have to keep in mind also there was a lot of election monitors here and so while we did have accusations allegations of fraud of one person that had tweeted that supposedly people who are no longer alive were you know their passports or names were used to vote we haven't really seen any credible confirmation of those results and we also have to keep in mind that the opposition candidate enrique capri less had also conceded the election he had agreed with the results as they were tabulated and so most of the major parties that are coming out here that are involved i'm not talking about the sort of sideline right next to me in the opposition but the main figures in the opposition really do agree with us with these results and we have to also keep in mind that it was because it was so important for both sides to get voter turnout forget to get people to come out to the streets the system was really built as one analyst said on mutual distrust which is why in terms of actual voter fraud on election day
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that's not really so much of a concern i think once really quickly we're almost out of time we have about a minute left but i wanted to ask you really quickly you know the m.s.m. of course the corporate news outlets are largely ignoring this election i mean do you think it has in part to do with the demonization of chavez and socialism general in. this big bad beast and we kind of aren't even recognizing this monumental election. well i mean. you know that venezuela has been sort of the rogue state is a front for the world and i think if you look at the headlines even before people went to the polls i think the new yorker had ran something about. venezuela moves on past chavez before the election results were really clear and so i think because chavez all offers an alternative sort of a world order his so-called twenty first century socialist policies that don't fit in with the capitalist system that take you know oil revenue nationalize industries and poor that funding from that into programs for the poor i think that's really alienated him from the west and so of course we've seen coverage from the media
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almost eager to find some sort of evidence of fraud but again the elections one fairly that is something we've heard on both the opposition and the pro chavez side things have been calm in the streets there haven't been massive protests or anything like that and we really don't expect to see that any time in the coming weeks and just to give you one more point of reference in terms of people who say this isn't really a democracy eighty percent turnout the last time that the u.s. had more than seventy percent turnout in an election it was one thousand nine hundred so that's something that really is something to think about thanks for coming on that's our to correspondent of the capital reporting live from caracas and this will. be some of the oh. oh. last month one advertisement caused quite a stir in san francisco new york read any war between the civilized man and the savage support the civilized man support israel defeat jihad and as today
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washington d.c. will be the latest city to require to post these ads here talk more about this fight against this kind of anti muslim hate rhetoric and join my obgyn you legal director of the arab anti-discrimination committee and i just say there it is issue primary kineret sorry it's nice to have you on of us so you were involved in a large group of organizations fighting these ads in d.c. pamela geller you know there is a hearing last week with her what do you guys put forward what was the argument that you guys presented and how did it you know one of the hearing last week was actually brought on by the washington area much of transit authority we were there just to observe the hearing but they brought forward an argument that needed to be delayed because they could spur violence or they could incite violence within the community causing danger to passengers that are using the much so the argument didn't stick with the judge the judge of course believed first amendment rights overruled this and there was no real immediate danger so that's why the argument did not stick with their hearing last week is there
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a line to be blurred between hate speech and free speech certainly there is a line and they're walking the line at the moment i mean you can't look at this and say it is not hate speech the judge on multiple occasions last we could be hearing did refer to this advertisement as hate speech did say a number of times that this is hate speech but in this country i think everybody does value the first amendment everybody does understand that sometimes this type of speech is protected but there's a fine line these are walking and there's a fine line that if they do cross will cause a problem or cause irreparable harm to the arab and muslim community in this country then what about the timing i mean in light of all these anti-american protests spread out all over the muslim world and we see these ads popping up all over the country that really are really. inciting a lot of demonization of arabs and really inciting that islamophobia that's already in place in a post nine eleven world and i mean what do you about the timing of these ads and also what are they doing to the muslim community and i think the timing it's
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obvious what they're trying to do and that's further put down the community further make the community look like we're violent and it is having harm in the community we have seen an increase in anti arab sentiment increases in islam and hate crimes directed to the community look any type of hate rhetoric whether it's on a billboard or coming from a politician needs to be corrected and just again such because it's protected speech does not mean it's correct we need to do our part in putting out the real message out there and who this community is and this is not who we stand for and what are our what is the arab community doing to fight back there's a number of efforts happening a number of coalitions working around these advertisements we're trying to get the washington area much authority to put up connor and such as happened san francisco and trying to develop our own comrades which would be put up hopefully in the next week or so so you know should we expect these to be popping up everywhere i mean is there a kind of a nationwide effort to try to hold these or is there just kind of springboard in the community that they do pop up kind of a reactionary effort to put them down there is a reaction or to put them down i think him go represents a small segment of american society and she's going to keep trying to get these
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advertisements up maybe in a few other cities and we hope that we heard that she's also trying to get them out in parts of europe so she's going to continue with her efforts and will continue countering her efforts regardless so let's talk about in general i mean is this effective for america not even to mention the arab community and how they're reacting and maybe inciting anything with that that community i mean what about americans in general do you think that these are even affective do you think that their influence in fluency americans or you know that americans are smarter and is like this is you know i think americans a good part is that it's bigotry i think americans are smart and americans that read these billboards no they're not true i think them color in the group that's putting these words really insulting americans and really putting down the general public look a majority of society know who the arab americans are who muslim americans are not going to buy into a simple address. that's up somewhere near a train or on a bus they're far more educated than that we've been shown the coalition of nearly two hundred organizations as a number of jewish american muslim american christian american sikh american so there's a broad coalition that will stand up against i mean the the corporate media and
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likes to paint this whole situation very dumbed down and childlike argument you know they hate us for our freedoms all these very childlike arguments but really it's much more complex than that so to just incite this rhetoric and this child like mentality is really offensive at least to me and i'm sure a lot of other people really quickly you have about twenty seconds who's funding. that's that's a good question and it's a string of us normal folds and you just got to follow the money of hate and there's a small group continues to fund these efforts continue to put money in such efforts but again they're not representative of the majority of americans and they're not going to keep this effort without eventually you realizing that what they're doing is having no effect or anything thank you. if you like you see so far good or you tube channel at youtube dot com going to set and subscribe check out our facebook page at facebook dot com for breaking the set check out our new web site that a fan justin was made for the show at breaking the set dot com it's really awesome
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and if you're wondering about what i'm doing when i'm not on air follow me on twitter at abby martin take a break from my preaching for now but stay tuned to hear about the stories that we're back page from the corporate news next.
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mr. when the founding fathers wrote the bill of rights they knew a free press was essential to keep power in check and the public informed well american society is now in peril because just six corporations currently control
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everything we see and read in the mainstream but luckily there are watchdog grassroots media groups picking up the slack and filling in the gaps project censored as the largest media research organization in the country that publishes the top twenty five censored stories from the corporate press into a book every year and talk to us about anya's censorship some of those under reported stories from the book this year joining me now from bodega bay the former director of project censored and president of the media freedom foundation dr peter phillips. thank you so much for coming on. i have a thanks for having me here so here i think what a lot of people hear about censorship in the corporate media they don't understand the extent of of what censorship really entails i think it just means blacking out the story talk a lot about the other elements of censorship that you guys cover with project censored. well we look at an important news stories that haven't been covered by the corporate media that's one of the primary goals that we've been doing for the
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past thirty six years and i want to add one correction here i don't know if it's fair to say the largest media organization doing this kind of work but i believe we're pretty unique and we have hundreds of practically members of twenty universities hundreds of students that are engaged in doing this research so in some ways we are very large but the actual organization itself is somewhat small but that that's the importance of it or not depending upon corporate funding or foundation funding we're going what we can do but we can address any issues that the corporate media is failing to cover and there's a whole lot that's certainly understood if we look at the global media today. corporate medium a world they are closely tied in with what we now call in the one percent the transnational corporate class the world and bad media their goal is to protect their capital report check that one but trillions of dollars of well that are concentrated in the in the one percent or even the one thousandth of one percent of
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the global richest people and you mentioned you know there's other elements like there's back page and there's distortion it's not just a story that literally wasn't covered by the cover presents the way that they frame it and you mention the trans national one person you just did an extensive study on you know we hear within light of the occupy wall street movement kind of this faceless and nameless and the point zero one percent or the one percent you actually just kind of dovetailed in there and and named names and talk about your study the extensive study of the trans national one percent of corporate class peter from this year's book just. well this study the exposing the one percent is being published in a sense or two thousand and thirteen book is chapter six we did quite a bit of research last winter to rebell up this and we looked at the top banks in the world and who's who's been running those banks and their involvement in
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protecting now we know somewhere between twenty and thirty trillion dollars worth of well that's hidden in bank accounts all over the world that's in best of but there's no tax of being paid on it so the richest people are protecting me used huge assets while on a daily basis between thirty and forty thousand people in the world die from starvation or are diseases that could easily be cured so we have this massive inequity of wealth and power concentrated in a very small number of people that are being served by corporate media in other words they are giving messages and propaganda out the current tax this concentration of wealth and encourages the continuation of this this whole phenomenon and they definitely do work hand in hand here in order to maintain their control with the media i wanted to just briefly mention a couple stories from the book because they really caught my eye and i think they
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had interest a lot of other people. monsanto cares months and it seems like every day i'm reading more about them on trying to benefit off haiti's earthquake tell us about that story. well after the hurt earthquake. monsanto donated sixty tons of corn and vegetable hybrid seeds now these seeds were there genetically modified seeds and asked the haitian farmers found out about it and thousand of them demonstrated in their one of the seed destroyed when saw it was trying to enter do genetically. modified seeds into the the biosphere of haiti and they did this under the guise of sending for the earlier way it was pretty insidious and the people found out about it and they're trying to prevent. g.m.o. seeds from coming into the country. it is amazing when people hear about you know
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and very poor countries people actually burning or are protesting food and scenes and you know is very interesting and i had no idea that about one santa trying to profit i'm not surprised though i wanted to go into lines disease peer it's an emerging emerging epidemic a lot of people i know have been diagnosed with line is but as your book covers you know lines is growing exponentially the new cases of lymes in disease occur each year at a rate ten times higher than that of aids and the west nile virus combined so what's the under reported aspect of this story here. the other important aspect is we just don't know how extensive lyme disease heroes the disease originates from a bacteria transmitted through a bite of attack but it can remain hidden so people can have a closer reaction a negative it's treated with antibiotics but usually it takes months and months of treatment in order to really neutralize it what's happening is that the insurance
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companies are refuelling to cover long term treatment and doctor and so it's not allowed and people would have to pay for this themselves and many others a mix in the in the medical community people are at their doctors have mixed feelings about whether or not this is really their their their what extent whether one round of antibiotics will cover it but increasingly we're we've become you know where this is a deep epidemic inside the world population. a lot of mystery noses for a lie and a lot of the cause of a lot of other things that people have been related to before peter just in terms of the general media landscape here i think a lot of people when they look at things that project censored coverage and they're like well no i remember you know i remember seeing that or here it is in the new york times and like we said before it's not just not covering it it's the way that it's covered. the magnitude in which it's covered but talk about the people once again this transnational corporate class the the media ownership the boards of
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directors i mean when people look at the media establishment and they say you know how could we be not being told about certain things and all these people what are they in cahoots with each other talk about i know that you've done a study on this before but just how many people this boils down to. well if you look at the top major corporate media groups but i have a board of directors from a dozen to twenty people and those people in turn will be sitting on the boards of directors of the largest banks oh of them you know military companies they will be sitting on oil companies banks. companies and they be. part of this global class of the wealthy and they're hiring. managers inside the corporate media who basically are following the directions of know which side of the bread is buttered on and will not be doing stories that expose the powerful. yeah like like
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like g.m. then fukushima and how we didn't hear the devastating reality of the real for the sheema crisis you know g.m. . general electric i'm sorry general electric owns and miss an m s n b c n.b.c. of course the fukushima reactors as well peter how do we take the media back i know that you know making has written about making the current director of projects answer is right about you know the media reform movement i'm kind of waiting around for the media to reform itself but really i mean it's entrenched in such a corrupt system tied to all these industries so embedded with kind of the lies and deceit and the establishment line and also the profiting off this information and the censorship peter so how do we change the system how do we take back the media for the people by the people like it was truly intended. but we have to realize first the corporate media is managed news that's managed on behalf of global one
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percent best propaganda it's top down propaganda so the news story this morning is hugo chavez won by fifty five fifty four percent of the vote and yet still the way the media spins it is always going to continue his agenda of socialism and repression so there's it's complete misinformation they can't that not i that if hugo chavez is one of the most popular leaders in the world he continues to win elections but but he's helping the lower income and the poorer and bennett so well by sharing the wealth the oil well in that country it's an amazing story but it's one that the corporate media does not want the american people to know they want to use we've been denigrated more than any other elected leader in the world. so when we talk about bringing back or media to ourselves we are the media we have to be our own media our t.v. is a good example of that and but project censored is looking at. all the independent
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sources of news and our web site which is done to go to a project censored by or is a place to go and find resources for independent news on literally any topic in the world. yet i love the amount of people that you guys have called and i thought it was the largest research organization because like you said i mean there's there's literally hundreds of people and students all around the world submitting stories doing the research and as it's so beautiful about it is it's just a giant research pool of data and help and really just the passion right from the ground at the grassroots just as it should be without that influence from the top of peter really quickly to wrap it up i just want to briefly talk about the sarah's share of the common heritage you just mentioned socialism and kind of the demonization from this talisman on chavez venezuela talking about just what the fair share of the per private herder i'm sorry the fair share of the common
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heritage is and how people can get involved in that. the fair share the common heritage just as a belief in the last big but all the natural resources boom a world where the oil and the gas and the air and the fish in the sea belongs to all living things in other words we all they're part of our natural heritage in the world so if these are privatized these are taken over by corporations and that's our that's how wealth of the cumulated oil company will grow or oil will pay literally nothing for its own high prices make millions and millions of dollars and our expense not all of our expense so when we talk about the fair share of the common heritage we're talking about allowing the sharing of the wealth of the world to be evenly shared with all the all living then and all the human beings and date and we will definitely will definitely get you want to talk more about that i just want to give people a brief introduction peter phillips thank you so much for coming on present me to
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freedom foundation. the top down corporate control of america's current media system undermines society that stifles the discourse crucial to maintaining an informed public mainstream media establishment has conceded its journalistic integrity time and time again by catering to corporate and political interests book that people can no longer wait on congress and the f.c.c. to eke out a miniscule reforms to the dysfunctional system in which they are imbedded instead the people must create alternative methods to communicate and exchange of ration it's up to us and it's up to you if you want to make the corporate media relevant it's time to take back the media it's time to become the media.
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wealthy british style some time to. go. to. market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to conjure reports on our. world with.
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science technology innovation all the developments from around russia we've got the future are covered. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew. welcome to the big picture. me it is easy to. be a little.


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