tv [untitled] October 9, 2012 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT
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our best of banks are today well we got an episode for you yes according to our headlines it may be time to start hugging a bank star and bashing. stacey heard. yes max kaiser is it time to stop bashing bankers says the line headline of this paper that the guardian but in the print edition is says is it time to start loving bankers oh yeah we love bankers love. well i believe max you went out with artist taxi gyra to ask him this question because of course taxi drivers know what's going on in any city in the world here's what he had to say. on this show he simply. the shaft
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it's the blood of the responsible for food banks this bloody charlotte government exam process in each cell phone up pretty bonkers the vox populi the omniscient london taxi it's absurd to think that it's a period of banker bashing us come to a cause because we have not even begun to bash the bankers we will fight them in the trenches we will fight them it we're going to pass it and they haven't even started yet stays here but how dare they say time to stop them that's absurd well this is what most of the comments on the guardian's website said along those lines but i want to point out that this is the former mayor ken livingstone who is there white washing. fraudsters criminals hard core criminals that have plundered the wealth of nations across the world who according to paul moore the former boss the
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compliance officer he said that hundreds of millions of people have been made poor because of these bankers and he was asked by the woman doing the interview you know how ken livingstone aren't you responsible for making this city such an important part of the financial world and he answer is max what i've always said to the mayors of shanghai and moon by is if you want to be a great international finance center you've got to allow about thirty percent of the population to be foreigners that's an interesting observation foreigners of in this case of course would be those who are bringing in foreign agents foreign algorithms foreign computer generated computer frequency trading to turn an economy that was working functionally ok answer something that is functionally not working whatsoever and creating this enormous pot you know ken livingstone he's he's a fake left winger and that's the best the main point here he's actually got his
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nose firmly up the butt crack of the entire city of london and he should be ashamed of himself and he's always in the public eye pontificating about what's better for the general community and that's a lot he's just not he's nothing but a white washing but sniffing banks are lobbying liberal who should not be given the any oxygen whatsoever to speak when of course the guardian newspaper another fake left wing institution so of course is kind of fake debate there's absolutely. it's not an issue of right or left it's an issue of a crime has been committed well mulayam says is it time to stop bashing bankers yes and time to start jailing them so he gets it right now we turn to another comment max from my fellow prisoners he has what bashing what ill gotten gains have been confiscated who has been arrested charged tried they captured the regulatory system
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years ago and they got away with nearly collapsing the economies of the west and it's going to happen again and again until something gets done about it oh look at the front page of today's financial times is that austerity square set to last until twenty eight teen now that's a direct result of banks jurors having confiscated billions from the economy using illegal practices and larceny so the social uprising the social unrest sweeping europe and the globe is a direct result is ken livingstone take credit for having spoil the violence but he is underwriting what is ignorant is ignorant comments. again this is a issue about the fact that there's an absence of justice it has nothing to do with politics it has the fact that there has been a crime committed in broad daylight everybody witnessed it all the witnesses saw
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what happened which is society at large we saw the crime happened. and yet nothing has happened and this is again something you see in the comments here here's a comment from the vox populi as you call it g. ox says average people go to prison for stealing a loaf of bread but gangsters steal billions from pension funds record colonies and get bonuses and respect from government officials so again this is the thing all of our society the way the system works especially it's based on the fee out currency system x. is based on perception and trust people have to have faith in the system and the fact is that you see from the comments are hundreds of comments on this site where the guardian is trying to whitewash the situation and provide an out for the criminals the criminals who use the bag as a front that was their fronts that would just like somebody setting up a fake curry shop as a money laundering outfit they set up a bank as
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a money laundering outfit and people see that they got away with a crime yes yes it is a crime but it's not a one off crime it's an institutionalized culture of criminal behavior it's a racket and it ken livingstone is part of a racket he's a racketeer which includes by the way the four big accounting firms again today's financial times ernst and young price waterhouse cooper and the other two major accounting firms implicated in all of these crimes they're part of the racket ernst and young are part of the criminal syndicate that commit wholesale crime and nobody debates that fact actually they say that it's not that they're not committing crime and started if you take away their ability to commit a crime the economy will collapse that's their argument that we need the crime to survive and then they wonder why their social unrest the fact that you bring this up brings me to this next headline because i listen to martin we interviewed on
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b.b.c. radio four by justin webb and he says you know they looked at libel or and how to changing and possibly get rid of it this whole you know committee of guys who said . global interest rates and he said basically there were too many contracts globally to get rid of it so we're going to keep this corrupt system open to corruption and we're going to stay with it because it's too big to get rid of martin we revealed himself to be no less captured than his f.s.a. predecessors you know they got rid of the financial services authority and now it's the financial conduct authority and i noticed this looseness were being used over and over that is inappropriate conduct that they now use as that is like a little bad child it's nothing like a hardcore al capone criminal racket that's going on so he's asked by justin webb well what about this payment protection insurance scandal people see this and they see that this you know banks have plundered and miss sold to the population therefore plundered and yet they get no criminal sentence and martin we answer is
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they are paying the money back that's the most important thing to know at this moment and web interrupts this is yes but thieves in other areas other people who need money in other areas don't just pay the money back they go to jail don't they martin we says well thieves is obviously a strong term our view is that this is inappropriate conduct that is a long way short of fraud you know martin whitely is a joke you know he is banking on the fact that they can institutionally give the population a lot bottoming and have a collective amnesia that the f.s.a. was caught cooking the books caught working with the city of london to commit fraud was the f.s.a. they bring in a new organization to wipe clean the slate aren't waiting wheatley he says he's a regulator he says he's going to be tough on banks or wal-mart whately there are right now in the city of london bankers from iceland wanted by interpol for it to
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financial terrorism in your town terrorism financial terrorism aren't you don't care about terrorism do you foster terrorism you're a terrorist martin wheatley you love to. and there right here in the city of london and you're doing jack about it you should be ashamed. so well it's now financial conduct authority and this is something we see in mafia sort of rackets around the world whether it's the big four as you can only name two because the other two are the same old ones like arthur andersen that has now been renamed what bearing point so they reopened as a new entity the financial services authority was a rename of a former regulator that failed and then this one failed so they just suddenly change the name nobody knows who financial conduct authority is now but it's all about conduct it's not financial criminal racket authority well this is the thing i mean this is where the racket includes the government because the government is supposedly in the business of protecting the public interest the fact that the current government coalition government cameron and that live dumb clown that
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nobody can remember his name allow for this to proceed unchecked by any kind of government is again implicating the highest levels of this government the queen's government involved in the whitewash that's causing a terrorism of the financial kind thank you those in the buckingham palace and also causing widespread fraud and social unrest thank you again down there in the park ouse and the house of commons you're doing a great job aren't you. now you also brought up terrorism acts so we're going to go to one of the holders of terrorism around the world saudi newspaper says the body you know held naked sorceress fly. wait a minute read that again or my ears well let's see what search just. this is the google translation of an al arab headline al arab b.
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of course being the saudi royal family owns this entity saudi newspaper says the body. no one held naked sorceress fly but from twitter i've discovered that what they're saying is that the saudi religious police have caught a naked flying which i did email or i i did tweet to al-arabiya and i asked them to please provide an english translation to this story because the english speaking audience would like it but i do think you know here we are london and we've been seeking interviews with j.p. morgan's jamie diamond or blith masters bligh's masters has been nowhere to be seen if you ever see a witch fly past the background however i think it might be this because we have called her a witch of course but they said naked i think that could be another mistranslation mask because we do know she is naked short all sorts of commodities that's how they rig the price of silver gold oil so maybe she's there in saudi arabia trying to
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cover her naked oil shorts well i saw the j.p. morgan which supplies master and flying by these very windows i heard from stick and heading to presumably saudi arabia to go manipulate those markets with their naked shorts. i don't think the saudi religious police are into the whole is it time to start loving the banker saudi religious police post because she had a parka and it's time to fly a broomstick when you're wearing a parka that's the devil worshipping j.p. morgan's black master able to fly a burka and a broomstick in his steady rain band make it short sell the oil markets and cause mayhem on top of creating complete artificial price manipulation in the supermarket as he is famous for and as the h.s.b.c. and j.p. morgan lawsuits are proving into but while the big any just is know there won't be any justice because he's part of the syndicate blithely j.p. morgan which broomstick flying saudi short selling oil which are stationed over
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thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you max stay tuned for the second half i've got the birmingham looter we're going to hug a hoodie. well . offers an air show and an issue. what's the matter you. the resident never profited from the performances you'll see him coming all the sinners are there when you look up and there's one check in on you he's the alpha beta gamma he's. the find out and he's let me know what's going on so i can pinpoint you. right now. dog shows become income mortal danger and a piece of art. is exempt. from
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critique. and. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. welcome back to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser time now to turn to aston walker
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aka the birmingham acid welcome to the kaiser report thanks for having me on walker tell us about how you came to me. known as the birmingham litter well what happened i was in my house listening to radio four when all the riots it kicked off in the city center so a filmmaker i went into town with my film camera and my commitments casually strolled into china sort of four thirty am got to see since about five o'clock no news there was very empty all the sort of day breathe of rioting and so for the strewn across the street i don't know is that the haitian end window had been kicked for. with certain delusional attitude and arrogance and greed and opportunism i decided to walk in and help myself to two hundred pounds of clothes you know when this all went down i immediately thought that way it went a minute wait a minute all of this hatred spewed on these quote unquote learners but here you
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have the city of london is based entirely on looting and yeah david cameron who came out very heavily against the looters including yeah oh yeah but he scratches the back and rubs the back and lionizes including you know ken livingstone now wants to love it love the bankers and there seems to be an incredible disconnect in the society how can you be considered to be somehow antisocial and yet you're living in a society that that line is' is looting how does the worst a disconnect well yeah when the rounds of cognitive dissonance here and basically what you have is an elite or as you've mentioned many times a cocky stock you see governance by evil people who don't care to have no empathy that way all they care about is enriching themselves and rich and their friends and they don't care about the common people or the player to use the a euphemism of our elected officials and they just don't really care all they care
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about is money making money mr osborne's sniffing over people's farts that sort of thing you know. or sniffable people strange things that are saying a rotty let's not get into as far as personal delos as it were but let's let's instead focus on this very important question were you offered a deferred prosecution agreement i can actually confirm that the right sort of will melbourne in mn q.c. did not offer me that deferred prosecution for some strange bizarre reason even though he knew that i was a filmmaker and would really filmmaker that to boot he still the sort of scratch my back and say you know i asked him you know if the wrong but hey would be fair you know maybe could lead some more on behalf of the hypothecated hypothecated banks of the city of london but no no such a fool was made to me that this initial question let's say i'll replay history here
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we offer you a deferred prosecution agreement and what would year compliance plan look like well i think my compliance from the ok look. clearly i have an aptitude for pilfering and. so that could be collateralized in the futures market to say well look aston could be dropped over in iraq or afghanistan or a competitive pool for some oil maybe you know look at all the states match you know i'm sorry and maybe for us to offer that sort of service that could be a prison sentence maybe so let's get this straight if you were a private equity head like mitt romney you could repackage the loot into an infinitely re hypothecated collateralized looted h. and m. close bond how much money do you think you could react powerfully key on let's say two hundred pounds worth of looted h m m clothes that would be worth what on the re our publication market i believe it was so weird the region of two hundred twenty
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four fires a billion dollars. yet what exactly in other words you yourself if you are able to simply continue to read hypothecate. there's a little age of them close you could bail out greece singlehandedly i believe so yeah i don't believe there's a demand for the service and you know i was this incinerator food this morning where they were actually talking about have the city of london is the best place to do business you know the street bankers and global banking systems around the world who come into london because it's now a tax haven based on these principles as he saw that line max yeah i think i can deliver this story so that there is. there is social unrest around the country and around the world because the the source society is being ripped apart by the wealth and income gaps that are being stretched wide open because of the criminality in the city of london without equal opportunity for the entrepreneur looters like
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yourself so you're being shut out from the big time and being forced to loot locally with access to global markets yes and as a result rubberized things we have we have a lot of problems the the the community in birmingham what is the what is the vibe on the street when the government brings in a new regulator like martin we who's going to wipe away the f.s.a. and bring in some new conduct authority clearly an example of white washing and manipulation are people aware of this on the street in bombing or do they keep track of this kind of thing or is it just a day to day struggle to survive what worst what's the level of conscious awareness of what's going on with these looters in the city of london to be honest the analogy alights uses the matrix yet then there's that great scene where one of the people on board the ship of movies says she saw the scene down of agent smith and you sort of eaten a meal
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a fuse red wine in the roast beef and the guy was sorry look i know it's not real you know but i'm still when they continue eating the roast beef. this is the all pervading sort of mentality it's not just berman but just around the country at large these people don't really grasp quite exactly what's going on you know i mean they hear about the libel scandals and they hear about the various manipulations and so forth from criminality but it's not really feeding food because of the bias in the mainstream media the mainstream media do not want to talk about these things and to be honest most people are unaware or not particularly interested because they want to survive day to day bills go not food prices going up so all these things are sort of moved on their mind more than sort of different into the actual real noble of the issues you mention the mainstream media of course you were on b.b.c. shortly after the riots as they're called and but the attitude toward year
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was they made no connection between the looting in the city and the looting that's going on in birmingham or around around the country and they tend to you know put you into a box which was what here is a guy who is committing acts isolated from anything else that's happening in the community anything of stopping society and so the b.b.c. really has to be called into question in terms of their ability to make good journalistic connections between the entire. cause and effect that we see with looting in the city and looting elsewhere the b.b.c. how complicit you think they are in this wave of financial terrorism are they on the front line or are they just cognitive dissonance themselves or just stupid i believe it's a mixture of the two. essentially the b.b.c.
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is the propaganda mouthpiece of the british state of the british establishment so regardless of whoever is in power if the finance. sure incentive is to make money and to be functioning in the face of stiff competition from the lots of the murdoch's news corp cetera et cetera so the b.b.c. they're basically the mouthpiece for all of this are not really talking about exactly what he is or mentioning your shows the hypothecation and so forth it being kept to the hundred four percent to wall street if there was a sort of bring that to the fore the maybe there'd be a case for them to be a journalistic sort of objective news organization but they're not you know they have their financial journalists there who want to see have some sort of motive come of understanding about these sophisticated financial vehicles but this is not coming through they don't talk about it max and it's a very strange name i asked and you've written a ebook minibar anderson tells
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a lot about what first of all what is an e-book because a lot of people probably don't know what an e-book is and then thousand about the book itself it's basically an electronic book that you can read on your i pad or download onto the kindle basically it's a satirical novel about the catastrophic recy. and the financial terrorism that sort of courtly gone out and of sort of woven my experience of being sent to prison as a looter so woven into the narrative again a lot of this was ironically due to the g four s. the private prison owns the prison that i was staying in sort of teaching us and explain to the prisoners that we've all these programs to get. to confront our offending behavior so it was for these programs that i was in boulder to actually write this book which is slightly ironic. ok so you've taken the the knowledge that you picked up in prison and you're using that to put out this e-book and so
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responsible what's been the response of our response to be very positive so far people are quite energized by purely because. the themes that i'm sort of talking about in the book. don't normally go jessamy everyone's on these fifty shades of red and whatever or so with stuff you know sorry for you or whatever your prince going through a phase of kinkiness at the moment. that's a kind of a kinky parallel stories you know they are for having well they're you know let's talk about spend finally let's look at the future here so you've got even went through this very interesting political period and it got us into an author you're doing some writing so two or three years down the road couple of questions first of all do you see the society becoming more resolving this issue of the bankers because it doesn't sound as if there is going to be any kind of penalties or attempt to rein in the banks and if that so what does that mean more social
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unrest i personally believe that the social unrest issue they're going to break up sporadically the bank is the looters need to be penalized it's a waste of time sort of institution lutein and stealing money wholesale and thinking that this does not have an impact on society people see these things for what they are and you know this ten year olds in newtown hands of shoddy you know paces in birmingham that can see this clearly you know and it's only because these etonian we think that these players can't grasp these things but it's very plain if one can see it one knows there is high larceny just being committed wholesale and unless these people are sent to prison or penalize
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severely very harshly unrest is just going to this is going to happen and i think all right i asked an arc or thanks so much for being on the kaiser report you're welcome glad to be. that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser a four with me max kaiser and stacy herbert our thank my guest aston walker otherwise known as the birmingham looter if you like to send me an email please do so at times reported r t t v dot ru until next time x.x. are saying. download the official application. choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. t.v. is not required to watch on t.v. all you need is your mobile device watch on t.v. any time any.
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