tv [untitled] October 10, 2012 1:00am-1:30am EDT
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really shouldn't why you should care about human to. this is why you should watch only. a cold reception for chancellor angela merkel during her visit to greece with tears in front of the protesters pointing to the source of their economic misery. israeli prime minister netanyahu appears to go all out for reelection and dissolve parliament and it was a stunt a bit of his popularity citing budget big. cost branding and they've addressed kristie right below that sentence many question whether the punk band wants to be released point it's just not a publicity stunt. you
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saw in russia on the around the wall this is aussie with me thanks for joining us first hour rises and falls from warm welcome from the greek people for chancellor angela merkel and her visit to athens while the german leader praised the government of its austerity measures the all of the of riot police held back tens of thousands of demonstrators just streets away also reports now from athens on why merkel's visit has so riled the people. it was supposed to be a conciliatory gesture but in the end it seem do you need to add fuel to the fire of austerity anger. is a breaking out between the riot police on the protesters on the streets that are going on. because the king the country it was supposed to demonstrate solidarity but all it's to do if i like the divisions there remain in the country itself between the p. people and the politicians and the queen the euro zone countries as
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well the bad blood between greece in germany runs deep greece largely blames germany for the tough measures they faced this seen them caught in a devastating economic spiral and they germany's rhetoric may have softened recently weeks of nights with the given new forgotten their trail of the start of the euro crisis the bad ones of the bunch. to the government. to the people the people are suffering. not. jobs. for the working people to flourish chunks of the greek population looking increasingly isolated from the political class they're far from alone from greece to spain to italy staring his poor year isn't economies to their knees and with unemployment particularly amongst year is used now reaching epic heights people
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have simply had enough if this looks like a familiar sight because that is one way thing many times before in recent years in cognise with standoff between the riot they. along the streets and people standing around this is the result of years of austerity this is what of thirty means every old a population that is being pushed to its breaking point you can see all of the side streets of these parents band of happening perhaps this will be the wake up call to eurozone leaders as the crisis drags on and on the protests have grown larger and more frequent where there are one schools to ease the pain of the cuts now many people simply want out together have to leave the euro zone have to have to break with. generally will have to break with
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a system that puts profit before people have to break with companies to be important think is that there's so much resistance it's not only the bargain of the people up it's that the resistance which has been three years of austerity about three years of general strikes into patience and gives hope and we're going to go like that's sarah fath athens and the terror is a safe from the kind of ass sale that a tree and says that no one even medical support will have a shake great government or that much that it say we are in the fifth year of recession we're in this third year or was there at the measures they are asking us or even how there are stare at them as a person this a thirteen billion cuts mainly in what concerns are wages and pensions so people who are really really angry and i think that there's also a lot of anger against that mrs merkel who is being seen as a representative all the residents some of the konami a gratian against greece or this protest and think no one saw it that ok mrs merkel
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comes here so things are going to be better and i think that the situation is not very stable despite all this attempt even by mrs merkel to so some form of support to mr prime minister somewhat less in the reality the greek government is not so stable since it is sitting on top of a huge social crisis a huge social crisis can easily turn into a political crisis. israelis out to head to the polls some months earlier than expected as promised a benyamin netanyahu disbanded the government. elections and said the coalition's failure to nail down the budget is behind the rush but as. reported on yahoo splits
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go swing may be a ploy to gain more points in the upcoming. meeting of who has announced that there will be indeed early elections in israel of course that means that they will take place in january or february of next year as opposed to october and then when they were actually slated to happen initially he said that right now it is impossible to pass every sponsible budget of course there are many here in israel who believe this was actually done not on purpose and then even if you know who was actually leading up to this type of events unfolding of course the budget talks have everything but stalled and just recently in the latest party that. who was talking to was the ultra orthodox party who are adamantly against the budget cuts to the social economic sphere as particularly those which concern the elderly and those who are less fortunate when it comes to financial situation but who refused to budge on anything that actually concerned the budget so a lot of people
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a lot of analysts here actually believe that he may be actually pushing the other parties to make this call to make it look like there was no other way other than to call for early elections at the same time those very people are saying that. or is actually the man who is going to benefit the most from the early elections because he is of the peak of his popularity right now so there is a very high chance that he will be reelected for his current post again when the post of the prime minister and that will allow him more time to push forward with his agenda and that doesn't just concern the budget of course in geopolitical sense that also concerns for example war mongering rhetoric when it comes to such countries as iran of course he has been saying that iran is going to develop the nuclear. weapon and israel should take precautionary measures. right up to striking iran is so a lot of people are saying that you can safely say at the moment that the man who is going to benefit the most from the early elections is actually any minute hang out with himself and his party liquid. and the ten yahoos nuke can just ahead of
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the us presidential election the outcome a which according to some middle east experts will have a major impact on a sales politics. is taking advantage of situation the budget is only if it's true that to pass a budget is difficult but you could have done it but this is the best time for response to view because the coalition today in israel is in shambles so he catches actually a moment in which from his point of view within three months he will end and he can make a huge victory i think is here another element the element of obama. has actually linked himself almost totally to much involvement in the american elections in favor of only we told news an old friend of italy how they're holding similar conservative positions and all in all his relations with obama are very sour i believe that if obama would be elected this will become also issue in the elections
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and i will not meet a possibility in wish obama in direct we would also try to influence the elections in this world. meanwhile in the u.s. reports uncover more of matronly sharma business practices this trade publican normally smoke one cigarette in his life a barrett lee had been with pushing millions of them on others if it meant good business. bhaskar city quarters to hear an appeal by the pussy riot punk band sentenced to two years in jail for a performance requires the savior cathedral celebrities and human rights activists worldwide have demanded their release but their lawyers seem in no hurry to get them freed while there's fame and profit to hand from their scandalous brand point of worker reports. pussy riot feminist punk rockers registered trademark a brand. one major russian concert organizer says they've been flooded with calls from foreign promoters offering to organize
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a pussy riot world tour that could fetch up to six hundred million euros. it was the last visit red square behind me that post the riots stormed the area and performed an offensive song about florida may have been a warm up gig of sorts but that particular stunt didn't bring the punk rockers the big break that they were after its own little attention on the internet and more importantly failed to rouse the interest of the off dorothy's just weeks later kirsty riot took their protest start to moscow's central part of. the stunt video went viral pussy riot were arrested their trial a worldwide media circus western and russian celebrities called for the women's release. international branded them prisoners of conscience and free pussy riot t.
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shirts sold out the pushing it was quite normal that's the way you attract attention. there was a look that famous pop stars around the world look at the way but i was dressed look at that look at all the other. we can do as well is that all we could do something different and they hated the idea of going into the cathedral and seeing their blessings because that. would in fact be something. cheering the trial some was struck by the women's defense team's tactics. there is no defense in this case it's simple. uncorking out on ali see they're working towards the brand in order to capitalize on it in the future and it's worked i think two years in prison for the crimes they committed is too harsh. but at the same time i can see that their lawyers did everything in order to get them those two years in prison. the band's appeal against the sentences was postponed in a moscow court last week one band member
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a sandwich said it unexpectedly announced she now wants different lawyers from have fellow band members a trial observer believes it signals a rift among the punk rock collective recruiting a somewhat serious i think she decided to get some real lawyers that before don't you know to me in the face of the worst but actually free her. prosecutors say the dissenting band member is merely a ploy to add hype to a story that's not generating the headlines it did with the concept requests pouring in there are those that say that pussy rights court appeal is just like the trial that preceded it the point here isn't to reduce the women's sentences but rather it's about increasing the number of clicks headlines and the saleability of the now protected pussy riot brand polly boyko r t moscow. and coming up later this hour of spring rebellions now seem to be backfiring on
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some of the most vigorous supporters of the united arab emirates slums the muslim brotherhood saying that islam is group is a trojan horse pulls into work revolutionary tales of the gulf states that's right . well. it's technology innovation all the lives developments around russia we've got the huge earth covered. this is day starts at five am even earlier in the winter tending to his flock of story hundred sheep in the mountains and plains of t.v. thirty five years old it wasn't the life he dreamt of having studied accounting but he dition unfamiliar duty dictated that he would take care of these animals after his father. he's just made camp at their winter found stage setting up his ute
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traditional to fenian round tent made of diskin. he's pleased to be back amongst his family and his job is a lonely one and tough going out in all weathers braving streams of plus to minus forty degrees celsius it's just that i'm with them there are certain difficulties there's not enough time for everything i'm almost alone my sister works with my mother my mother is seventy five she's very old and i miss mountains when i'm in town and i spend a lot of time here. so most of us is simply carrying out the work that his father did and his father before him nothing has changed over many many centuries and that's half the problem it's hard work and many people don't want to come into the industry now and that's where they fit their could die out altogether. it's difficult to manage everything alone i used to have people who helped me but they were no good they didn't take care of the sheep with all their hearts they hurt the
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cattle. with more people leaving than coming to the countryside the region's government is having to act making the life of a herd and more attractive than promising largest subsidies for countries and livestock and organizing cooperatives for the sale of de products to ensure the hoda gets a high at fair price i asked sympathizes with those youngsters leaving for an easier more profitable life day in their publics capital. but he no longer wishes to join them he enjoys his pastoral way of life and looking for a helper who shares his enthusiasm but more time on his hands he says matter of fact way he can start to look for a new wife. even in the autumn of the year. it's never too late to start.
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a slight lead in the polls ahead of the second u.s. presidential debate previously romney's state is that he considers russia to be one of america's principal rivals but it seems that his business his trade that forced to block addiction that makes trading with them to be ok and that she can start. today as mitt romney views russia as america's number one geopolitical foe i don't know what use mr romney had on russia twenty years ago but we do know that back then he did his best to get russia to smoke more so some twenty years ago he's a boston based consulting firm bain capital was helping tobacco titans to move forcefully into the new russian market the soviet union just collapsed russia was up for grabs according to the person who worked for romney in russia at the time someone named. hope i pronounce his name correctly romney was very excited about the smoking market in russia mr garside he reported to mitt romney directly about his efforts to promote smoking in the one nine hundred ninety s. tobacco market in russia skyrocketed which of course led to more smoking related
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deaths and candidate romney has apparently made his modest very modest contribution to that but obviously for him it was more about money than anything else just business even if it killed by the way mitt romney himself never smoked except for the one cigarette he said he had when he was very young he explained his attitude to smoking saying it's a religious thing mr romney is a mormon and mormons have a strict health code but apparently his beliefs his faith never stopped him from pushing cigarettes onto the nation he refers to as a poke in washington i'm going to. now big is not always better at least for american police the department of homeland security field tests more of our sense of battle cries stretching the legal limits of spying until after the. slater but now the united arab emirates has accused one of the world's most influential islamist groups they muslim brotherhood of plotting to overthrow
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regional governments the country has called on gulf arab states to unite to stop its rise and egypt dominates political life of the down there arrested around six to islam is this yet alleging they belong to the group and the work aspiring to as the shaikh but author and journalist eric margolis things these concerns show the state's paranoia. the muslim brotherhood's primary goals have been expressed through welfare programs and it's the reason words continue argue larry it's never been very popular among muslims and most of the undergrad students coming in the gulf the emirates now is coming from. the good the really difficult position they want to be on the side of history. improvement in the region but they've been stuck supporting dictators traditionally historically their american government is stumble and forward right now trying to figure out work to do and it's under the new obama administration under great
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attack by the republicans who are driving really big political issue of the fact that. it's not clear. iraqi prime minister nuri al maliki is on a visit to moscow as the country seals billions of dollars worth of arms deals with russia there's been no official statement of what exactly baghdad is buying but the shopping lists reportedly includes fighter jets helicopters and missile defense systems iraq says it needs the modern weaponry to combat terrorists in the mountains and desert and later today al maliki is expected to discount the sales of president. us please may soon employ the same drone technology wishy on. he uses time targets abroad only the double sized version the department of homeland security has tested smaller unmanned aircraft to be used for surveillance as part of a public safety program and a way is to preserve it from the electronic privacy information center says this may practically lived the legal limits of domestic spying. and there are no laws out there right now that protect privacy from the use of drones and as this
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technology gets more available the police will be able to do more and more with it will be able to do more and more with it without needing a warrant so we're entering an age where everything that we do even possibly down the road in our own homes could be subject to unwarranted police surveillance so there are police departments that have expressed interest in having rubber bullets having tear gas possibly having deadly weapons on the drones in the future they are able to target surveillance targets better too so if some they want to keep an eye on a suspected criminal or maybe even just somebody who may have gone to a protest they're able to do that much more efficiently. than time now for a business of daytime or even what's happening in the financial world today well right now we're monitoring alexander novak's trip to london where he's meeting with international investors and that's as of the country is seeking the funds to develop challenge an oil deposits and fact we do know that the country is thinking
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about one trillion dollars in the energy sector by twenty twenty they're hoping for investment and artsy caught up with the energy minister and found out what the tax incentives are to boost production. first of all we've created a sort of stimulating measures to boost the development of new world deposits in siberia secondly for the existence of those it's that i'm profitable under the current tax system we've cut the export takes by five percent on top of that we will take steps to stimulate drilling of hard to reach oil reserves on the shelves . international markets right now asian stocks are dropping japan is among the worst it's what we have technology and is still for us thank you the biggest headache and also one of our growth concerns i doubt that a worldwide investor sentiment moving on to the russian markets and our head of the opening bell is that what the flaps are sort of session and notes of all. their decline over the last nickel would still want her side after we know that for the
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guys this buyback program moving on to currency soon as happened with a bureau was right now it's the weekend i guess the u.s. dollar and then choose the ruble and the mix against the currency basket boyle is now dropping from a one we call i had over a board who think it will show about stockpiles increase in the u.s. that's what analysts are saying that means and that's how it all looks our russian markets for the next hour you thank you very much indeed and coming out this morning special report of bones and. download the official location the cell phone choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. t.v. is not required to watch on t.v. all you need is your mobile device watch obscene any time.
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culture is that so much given to each musician finding the mark left syria the summer we've been and the deadly reality of seeing this conflict spill over into the entire region does much of the blame for the current. mission in free cretaceous. free transport charges free. range lunch three kids free fish to tide free. download free blood cancer plug in video for your media projects and free media dot hearty dot com you.
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and go direct to somebody gassed up probably. they so so much food away here it's just unbelievable you get to eat it. pushed me. we're not here to steal your food. sometimes you get a chance going to stand for us pinch yourself out of. the hell half so you cook you don't have anyone get. up i just got out. with a robot you don't mind if i grab something so i can have a little sum in my health to full meals they're. willing to give some good enough to greet us well. there you go beans rice and bacon. here put in here because thanks for thanks my friend the function what's your stuff. and you know me well enough to queue from the meds. you know i'm seeing really kill a kid
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a couple of these drinks. go to he. thinks well and you come down one of the freakonomics books one bro. ron said. he. and i could take a meal. with. to this. our marines paid. this comes out of their check he goes to landfill. they don't like to waste nothing either because that's money comes out their pocket but ever since the war broke out they can't be too friendly as if they're too friendly here and make it over there they can get blown up. shows from history. so much for me good for fifteen twenty years because you know you'll radiation. does it corrupt. and if you show it in a combat zone. if.
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it's not trashed out wait. in california's extreme southeast the same bombs that u.s. navy marine corps risk will air force begin to drop in iraq and afghanistan would be seen as nothing less than heaven sent by a group of hard that survivalist the so-called scrappers and range runners who trespass the navy's chocolate mountain bombing and gunnery range in pursuit of salford.
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