tv [untitled] October 10, 2012 8:00am-8:30am EDT
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a member of punk band pussy riot is freed on probation but an appeal hearing keeps the other two behind bars for their publicist stand in russia's main orthodox cathedral. more belt tightening for beleaguered britain and the prime minister tells his already to keep up the cuts despite public rage across europe. and all going on sturdy fuels more separatism calls in europe as the referendum on scotland's independence from britain is all but confirm.
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you for joining r t with me karen terrill we go now to our breaking story a moscow appeals court has freed one of the jailed members of the notorious pussy riot punk band but up held the two year sentence for the two authors the three women were convicted in august of hooliganism motivated by religious hatred for performing a song packed with obscenity at russia's main orthodox cathedral artist polly boyko joins us live now from right outside the court poly what exactly was the court's ruling and its reasoning in its decision. well the court today released one of the band members you can see in this some would say the age she walked free from the mosco court room about half an hour ago now they released her sentence instead of being two years in jail is now a two year suspended sentence on probation which meant that she. allowed to walk
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free now this happened off to she changed her defense seems she had a new lawyer in court with her today to fellow members that remaining members they were still with the same lawyers and that sentence has not changed they're off to about that yes sentences in prison because of this difference in sentences now and in position for the pussy riot women the speculation is mounting a rift among the pussy riot members now this case certainly caused a public storm in russia and around the world can you remind us of some of the events that led to where we stand today. well indeed the the punk rock performance in more schools central cathedral last this february was extremely divisive for russian society because it was extremely offensive for many religious orthodox russians in the country even today outside the courtroom we've seen people
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protesting for the release of pussy riot wearing free pussy riot t. shirts but we've also seen religious groups here protesting against their release so it's the extremely divisive issue the women throughout their trial and throughout their appeal have maintained that they didn't mean to offend the religious beliefs of anybody their protest was merely political which is why they pleaded not guilty to the charge of hooliganism motivated by religious hatred but nevertheless there are some people and some legal observers that say that despite the sentence despite how long he gets watch the pussy riot brand is very much very worldwide a famous worldwide and a pretty much a global phenomenon so here's my report on the story. pussy riot the feminist punk rock has registered trademark a brand new global one major russian. says they've been flooded with calls from
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foreign promoters offering to organize a pussy riot world tool that could fetch up to six hundred million euros coming. from him. over the last there's red square behind me that percy riot stormed the area and performed an offensive song about blood and may have roots in a warm up gig of sorts but that particular stunt didn't bring the punk rock because the big break that they were off to internet to attention on the internet and more importantly failed to rouse the interest of the all forest trees just weeks later percy riot took their protest starts. so moscow's central park feature of. the stunt video went viral pussy riot where arrested their trial a worldwide media circus western and russian celebrities called for the women's release mysti international branded them prisoners of conscience and free pussy
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riot t. shirts sold out the pussy that was quite normal that's the way you attract attention there was a look that famous pop stars around the world look at the way but i was dressed look at that look at all the other. world we can do as well as that or we could do something different and they hated the idea that going into the cathedral and seeing their blasphemous songs because that. would in fact be something. chairing the trial some was struck by the women's defense team's tactics. there is no defense in this case it's simple p.r. uncorking out on ali see they're working towards the brand in order to capitalize on it in the future and it's worked i think two years in prison for the crime they committed is too harsh but at the same time i can see that their lawyers did everything in order to get them those two years in prison with the concept requests pouring in there are those that say that percy writes horse appeal is just like the
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trial that preceded it the point here isn't to reduce the women's center says but rather it's about increasing the number of clicks headlines and the saleability of the now protected pussy riot brand polly boyko r t moscow investigative journalist charlie dahl slinks says the resulting popularity unburned a lesson in the wake of the burns trial raises a big question over who's really benefited from the sentence. let's not forget what else is going on around the world around this case because you have got loads of problems with the in a way you know part of the punishment is to stop these people cashing in on the free publish to the you know this problem there's been two prizes awarded to these people one from the lennon oh no fun which is a prize for peace which i find incredible since this has been such a divisive case the other is the luther prize which has been awarded boy the city
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of wittenberg which is where protestantism started and what's happened is the city has awarded the prize for the people of the city and they are protesting against that saying you know we don't actually endorse this sacrilege i think there's something really sad about an organization that defines itself by your position to the church and it's quite clear through this court case that's what this is about we've even had the disintegration of all food crosses across eastern europe in different parts of eastern europe in support of pussy riot so this is actually about i think an attack on the cathedral an attack on the church where watching the percy riot case closely all the details of which are lined up for you at r t. as a british prime minister david cameron didn't have enough to do tackling recession and spending cuts now he's having to watch his back london mayor boris johnson is capturing the public and his party's minds even overshadowing his beleaguered leader the conservatives conference live now to our tease laura smith in birmingham
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laura it's not so long ago that boris was considered a bit of a bumbling political joke what's changed and should david cameron be worried. i think it's really the lympics that has changed all that such a success as we know boris was such a hit on tuesday he's still got these great for more of which he referred to that david cameron has made a joke of he said if he was a mob then david cameron was the broom sweeping out the economy and some have said in fact that cameron was very generous to agree to the closing speech of boris's annual conference and of course one of the things that people are looking for now from david cameron is this star quality but dave is not boris and his speech couldn't have really been in sharper contrast to boris's people i was that the speech from the b.b.c. studio here in birmingham people who were queuing up outside to get into it said that they've never seen such short queues to get into a leader's speech or
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a conference which is quite telling he didn't bounce on to the stage there were absolutely no jokes in his speech again in sharp contrast to boris is it looked a little bit like knows but i think probably what he was going for was this gravitas and of course he had much more serious things to talk about than than boris does and he launched into these great topics from the very beginning it's a tradition really to make a couple of jokes at the beginning like in the atmosphere but there was none of that from david cameron one of the other people things that people were looking for was does he have a growth strategy as well as a cut strategy he still says that cuts are at the heart of his growth policy which is cutting the deficit he talked about growth but he didn't really give an exact plan which is what a lot of people were looking for he defended the economic strategy but of course we all know the arguments and what's really lacking is is any really real evidence that it's actually working to conservatives who already criticised the government's strategy saying that what the government's doing basically is hoping that something
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will turn up but not doing enough to kick start greece themselves and there was nothing really in the speech to contradict that something else i noticed was that he didn't say the word austerity once and that something i've seen was hanging around on the. branches of this conference over the last couple of days conservatives don't like the word austerity anymore they use these euphemisms they say tough decisions they say reducing the deficit they say reducing the government sherif spending it's not fashionable to say the word austerity very uncomfortable with it so it's strategy not hugely coherent which is very important of cameron wants to regain this reputation is had in the past for huge compton's also did he address fears that the vulnerable will suffer most from the cuts and the economic strategy that he's proposing he tried but he's really the only one at this conference who did he delivered a classic conservative message she said smaller government talked about aspiration less about hard work but that's come against a backdrop of an announcement of a ten billion pound cut in the welfare budget which will affect primarily the young
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and the poor no talk of older people and we know in this country older people whatever their incomes are otherwise they all get a state pension they all get free travel they all get a winter fuel allowance that's not being addressed the twenty something he didn't mention which i have to say i wasn't really expecting was scotland of course we've had recently that the stalemates been group in between london and edinburgh on edinburgh holding a referendum on its participation in the u.k. david cameron will meet with premier alex salmond on monday to hash out the details but what we're hearing is that there will be a referendum held in autumn two thousand and fourteen a simple yes no question as to whether scotland will remain part of the u.k. and of course the major thing that david cameron does not want is to be the man who is in charge over the breakup of the u.k. all right artie's laura smith and birmingham. and still ahead for you how u.s.
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presidential candidate mitt romney's business past. details emerged. close links between. companies. making millions for his consultancy firm in the process. of making his move our only prime minister orders new parliamentary elections. in the new. gracefully. it is a way of life traditionally the people are. herders in many ways they. are also highly skilled and organized.
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depending. on the day we found this particular camp they were settled near the coast of the. here for families work together to manage nearly a thousand. people in fact. that they can use almost every single part of the rain to help them survive. a deer is a means of transportation. with. the life in the tundra is harsh and so before winter hits many of the children are helicopter to the center of the. boarding school. in. students learn different languages utilize modern technologies through specialized
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grant programs and even more arts skills all within a protected environment the school in our yard was founded and named for any time period and then its scientist who wanted a better way of life for his people but even with the most progressive ideas in education many now say they don't want to trade the modern life for their beloved tundra. but here i have returned to the tundra and i actually like it here if you're outside there's fresh air fresh water looks at the site you can see deer it's a joyful sight. a sentiment that hopefully ensures that russia's northern reindeer will have caretakers for generations to come.
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hello and welcome back to our team with me karen tara well iraq says it's against the international use of force in syria or using it to try and offer throw president assad the iraqi prime minister is currently in moscow for meetings with russian leaders let's get more on this now from our team are all over peter iraq's position on syria looks very similar to that of russia doesn't it well president vladimir putin the iraqi prime minister to share very similar beliefs regarding syria they are both firmly opposed to any kind of international military intervention in the country and both want to see a peace brought about in syria through diplomatic talks this meeting between the two leaders comes as the situation on the border between turkey and syria is becoming increasingly fractious is one of those situations that has the potential to boil over into a far wider conflict not especially nato has said that they could weigh in on. the side of their ally turkey well we are hearing as well the president vladimir putin
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could be said to cancel or postpone a potential visit to turkey in the wake of the increasing tensions between ankara and damascus now russia and iraq are working very closely to still closer ties in other areas as well where exactly would those be well the delegations been in town for a few days and it really is one of these it one of these visits which is there to to strengthen relations between the two countries and one of the ways that they've set about doing that is by signing a multi-billion dollar defense deals russia going to provide arms to iraq in the future now there has been warm relations between iraq and russia and iraq has turned to russia for its future defense needs after the united states has said that they were going to pull support military support to iraq a military trade to iraq now that after baghdad refused to intercept a a rainy and cargo plane that was bound for syria carrying military supplies for the
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troops loyal to the assad government so that tension in same setting up this meeting and setting up these deals that have been signed here in moscow all right peter all of our thank you. israel's prime minister has ordered a parliamentary election to take place early next year eight months ahead of schedule benjamin netanyahu is believed to be a banking on me swift poll to secure his reelection and a majority for his party right now he's struggling to get his austerity budget passed while brown bring up the war talk against iran election success could embolden netanyahu who's long been threatening an offensive against half crown but it's thought that striking before the vote could mean electoral defeat america's presidential election is also considered a major factor in the prime minister's decision as israeli historian and journalist
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dr ron paul explains. is taking advantage of situation the budget is. that to pass a budget is difficult but you could have done it but this is the best time for response to view because the coalition today in israel is in shambles so he catches actually a moment in which from his point of view within three months he will enter and he can make a huge victorious i think these year another element the element before bomb of the time ya know has actually linked himself almost totally to much involvement in the american elections in favor of warmly news an old friend of the time you know the holding similar conservative positions and all his relations with obama are very sour i believe that if obama would be elected this will become also issue in the elections and i will not meet a possibility in wish obama in direct we would also try to influence the elections
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in this world. israel's calls for a preemptive strike on iran seem to have been a hurry and launching an all month we thought the story of how the us military could back israel if it strikes terror on over its nuclear program. also learned about america's plan before syria's military in case it loses control of its of found chemical weapons arsenal. the u.s. presidential candidate mitt romney may believe russia to be america's number one geopolitical foe but it's not stopped him making money by getting the enemy hooked on smoking benefits you can explain why. today's mitt romney views russia as america's number one geopolitical foe we don't know what mr romney had on russia
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twenty years ago but we do know that back then he did his best to get russia to smoke more so some twenty years ago he's a boston based consulting firm bain capital was helping tobacco titans to move forcefully into the new russian market the soviet union just collapsed to russia was up for grabs according to the person who worked for romney in russia at the time someone named. hope i pronounce his name correctly romney was very excited about the smoking market in russia mr garstang and he reported to mitt romney directly about his efforts to promote smoking there in the one nine hundred ninety s. tobacco market in iraq today which of course led to more smoking related deaths and candidate romney has apparently made his modest very modest contribution to that but obviously for him it was more about money than anything else just business even if it killed by the way mitt romney himself never smoked except for the one cigarette he said he had when he was very young he explained his attitude to
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smoking saying it's a religious thing mr romney is a mormon and mormons have a strict health code but apparently his beliefs his faith never stopped him from pushing cigarettes onto the nation he refers to as a foe in washington i'm going to check out. more of the world's news now from our t.v. there have been for roche's clashes between hundreds of students and police in chalets capital they've been protesting for months over a law they say limits the right to public assembly with violations punishable with up to three years security forces deployed water cannons on the students and made several arrests. the radical islamist cleric abu hamza has pleaded not guilty to terrorism charges as he appeared in a new york federal court it follows his extradition from britain along with four other men to face trial on charges of kidnapping tourists in yemen and plotting to set up a training camp for militants in the u.s.
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a trial date has been fixed for next year i will have to answer to a total of eleven criminal charges. to me is next with the business and all the markets so despite oil prices coming back up russia's gas problem is down for a third day in a row that's why it's been falling by its least one percent every day this week and that's as investors are basically assessing the company's plans to continue building the nord stream pipeline this take a look at what was happening on the markets today now as gazprom has completed the second line that i was reporting on earlier from the from the board it's now planning to build the bird in the fourth and experts are worried that this will a lower the gun police debate in the end because the construction worker boss demands a lot of the betterment all together the market as you can see is down this hour on set. now goldman sachs has quit as an advisor to megaphones two billion dollar initial public offering the investment bankers will be unimpressed at the plans of the governor he's a key shareholder on the show this man who wants to places shares in an umbrella
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company many see goldman sachs quitting as a blow to russia's second biggest move over it which is planning to sell twenty percent of its stock by the end. all right let's move over to what's happening in europe and of salt. looking also pretty pessimistic mildly though as most of us are assessing what's happening in spain and greece and we're waiting for the beige book report in the united states and states with. their hands. over on the current sees market euro right now is lowered to the dollars slightly not much action going on that same as with the ruble which is actually strengthening against the last day of currencies on the back of i will. european banks may be forced to sell four and a half trillion dollars worth of assets through two thousand and thirteen that's the verdict of the international monetary fund in case your appeals to solve the union's debt crisis the figures up eighteen percent on the previous estimate
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earlier the european central bank president mario draghi commented committed to doing everything possible to save yours. russia's energy minister alexander ignored is meeting international investors in london right now as the country seeks to track funds to develop a challenging deposits he says russia needs one trillion dollars of total investment in the energy sector by two thousand and twelve which is thousand twenty and he commented on tax details to r.t. and exclusives. first of all we've created a sort of stimulating mergers to boost the development of new all deposits in siberia secondly for the existence of posits that are unprofitable under the current tax system we've cut the export to explain five percent on top of that we will take steps to stimulate drilling of hard to reach oil reserves on the shelves . as we've been reporting earlier this hour violent clashes broken out in athens us
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angle of merkel the german chancellor is visit saying now economists say the only way out for greece is to accept losses and restructure that. what i've proposed is is the establishment of a berlin club in the emerging world you have the paris club when an emerging country gets into trouble what happens is the emerging country comes to the paris club with its creditors and they discuss and debate and they restructure the debt they haircut the debt they allocate losses to the creditors i think there should be a berlin club and the american should invite all of the developed country finance ministers and politicians to berlin they sit around a table and they start to haircut and allocate the losses around the table and in doing that i think you then start the clean balance sheet because the simple fact is today there is more credit market debt in the world today than there was yesterday then there was last week and then there was the beginning of the crisis and that's your business for now i'm back in an hour all right thanks for the update for me terry and coming out party talks to andy greenberg from forbes
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magazine says that despite the u.s. war on whistleblowers truth advocates say as on the rise. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. download the official publication to choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. t.v. is not required to watch on t.v.
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all you need is your mobile device watch on t.v. any time. while. kelly. offers an air show and an issue. was a matter you. most of the residents never profited from the performances you'll see of coming on a signature there when you look up and there's one check in on you he's alpha beta gamma he has all the the fun now to try and he's let me know what's going on so i can pinpoint. the dirt right now. shells become income mortal danger and a piece of art. sticks and expect it. to come from free. and. on our team.
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this machine kills secrets is the title of a new book that chronicles the history and future of information leaks ranging from the pentagon papers to wiki leaks and beyond r.t. is now sitting down with the author andy greenberg who is also a reporter for forbes magazine welcome and as a pleasure in your book you introduce readers to the inside world of how activists
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cypherpunks and digital activists such as wiki leaks founder julian assange and hugh came to the conclusion that in the twenty first century the world should grow used to more whistleblowers like bradley manning and more groups like wiki leaks why is that well i mean julia sanctioned in two thousand and ten and it's you know the time it seems to me that he was he sort of made it seem so easy to delete these massive troves of secret documents but i i i think the rest of the media didn't understand how this was possible where did this come from. some kind of just genius singularity or did it come out of some larger tradition or is it the technology that he used so i i went on this kind of you have a quest to trace the ideas behind wiki leaks and then just you know once i sort of found the tradition that a song comes out of which is to say for punks a group that's been around since the mid.
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