tv [untitled] October 10, 2012 9:00am-9:30am EDT
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breaking news now on our t.v. a member of punk band pussy riot is freed on probation but an appeal hearing keeps the other two behind bars over there publicize the stunt in russia's main orthodox cathedral. iraq's prime minister who's in moscow speaks out against a potential nato intervention in syria under the guise of protecting the region. more belt tightening for beleaguered britain as the prime minister tells his party to keep up the cuts despite public or each across europe. and ongoing all sara he feels more separatism calls in europe as the referendum on scotland's independence
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from britain is all but confirmed. hello and welcome to our team with me karen terror well in moscow appeals court has freed one of the jailed members of the notorious pussy riot punk band but held the two year sentence for the two others the three women were convicted in august of hooliganism motivated by religious hatred for performing a song packed with obscenity at russia's main orthodox cathedral artie's polly boyko joins us live now from right outside the court holly what exactly was the court's ruling on its reasoning in this decision. is what are the band's members you can see in this summit say that she walked for relief from more scary safety quote here she was released on probation. and with
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a suspended two year sentence now to fellow band members they are making their way to prison now throughout the trial and throughout the appeal the women have maintained that they didn't mean to offend anybody and that there's was a protest it was a political protest against vladimir putin however during the trial the court found that. it was in fact they found no political motive to the stunts that took place back in february in the christ the savior of the jail in moscow they said it was in fact. motivated by religious hatred now today speculation has been mounting over a growing rift among the pussy riot clan because we saw this one band members switched defense teams today and the new lawyers they took up a new line of defense saying it's changing her defense slightly backtracking almost saying that in fact she didn't take part in the protest a troll because she was distorted by guards out of the. main cathedral during this
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punk prayer protest and it's. we've now found. she that the media speculation that's been so big and what's made this story started huge has led lots of people say the pussy riot is now a wild white brand so here's my report on the story. pussy riot feminist punk rock has registered trademark a brand new global one major russian. says they've been flooded with calls from foreign promoter has offering to organize a pussy riot world tour that could fetch up to six hundred million euros i'm going to. jump. over the last there's red square behind me that percy riot stormed the area and performed an offensive song about blood and may have heard it said a warm up gig of so. but that particular stunt didn't bring the punk rock was the
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big break that they were off to exert a little attention on the internet and more importantly failed to rouse the interest of the off thorazine just weeks later kirsty riot took their protest start to moscow's central park. the stunning video went viral pussy riot were arrested their trial a worldwide media circus western and russian celebrities called for the women's release mysti international branded them prisoners of conscience and free pussy riot t. shirts sold out the pussy it was quite normal that's the way you attract attention they always look that famous pop stars around the world look at the way but i was dressed look at that look at all the other. well we can do as well as that or we could do something different and they hated the idea of going into the cathedral and singing that song because that. would in fact be something reduce chairing the
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trial some was struck by the women's defense team's tactics. there is no defense in this case it's simple p.r. uncorking out on ali see they're working towards the brand in order to capitalize on it in the future and it's worked i think two years in prison for the crime they committed is too harsh but at the same time i can see that their lawyers did everything in order to give them those two years in prison with the concept requests pouring in there are those that say that pussy rights horse appeal is just like the trial that preceded it the point here isn't to reduce the women's sentences but rather it's about increasing the number of clicks headlines and the saleability of the now protected pussy riot brand polly boyko r t moscow. investigative journalist charlie gosling says the resulting popularity and
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vandalism in the wake of the band's trial raises a big question over who's really benefited from the sentence. let's not forget what's else is going on around the world around this case because you have got loads of problems at the in a way you know part of the punishment is to stop these people cashing in on the free published. published there's been two prizes awarded to these people one from the lennon oh no fun which is a prize for peace which i find incredible since this has been such a divisive case the other is the luther prize which has been awarded boy the city of wittenberg which is where protestantism started and what's happened is the city has awarded the prize for the people of the city and they are protesting against that saying you know we don't actually endorse this sacrilege i think there's something really sad about an organization that defines itself by opposition to the church and it's quite clear through this court case that's what this is about we've even had the desecration of all food crosses across eastern europe in
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different parts of eastern europe in support of pussy riot so this is actually about i think an attack on the cathedral an attack on the church. by watching the pussy riot case closely all the details are lined up for you what are. iraq says it's against the international use of force in syria or using it to try and overthrow president assad the iraqi prime minister is currently in moscow for meetings with russian leaders let's get more on this now from our tease peter all. peter well iraq's position on syria looks very similar to that of russia doesn't it . well that's right both president putin and prime minister maliki share very similar views concerning the ongoing crisis in syria both be mainly opposed to any kind of outside military intervention in the country both want to see peace brought about through diplomatic means now there are meetings of come about under the shadow of increasingly frosty tensions frosty relations between syria and turkey on
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the border between the two countries now that's a situation that does have. the potential to boil over into a far wider conflict especially when you consider that nato has said that they are willing to step in on the side of their ally turkey following in the off the back of this i say increasingly tense situation on not border we're hearing that a president vladimir putin could delay a proposed visits to turkey. that russia and iraq are working to seal closer ties and order and to other areas as well where exactly are those peter. the delegations been in town for a few days now and as you say the and the purpose of this mission is to to strengthen ties between moscow and by one of the ways in which they've done not is the signing of a multi-billion dollar defense deal which will see russia provide alms to a ruck now one of the reasons which iraq is turning towards russia for its defense
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needs in the wake of comments from a seat from senior u.s. politician john terry who said that the united states should cease all arms deals with iraq now this comes after if i refused to intercept a arabian cargo plane that was carrying military supplies to syria to aid the syrian army then so it seems that bike that attending to moscow in the future for its military its all its defense needs all right a lot from moscow artie's peter all of our thank you. well turkey is not the only syrian neighbor at risk of getting drawn into the conflict it's been revealed that a task force of around one hundred fifty american military planners and other personnel have been secretly deployed to jordan for more on the latest developments around syria let's talk to independent journalist and author now bowie who is in the region and joins us live from tough thank you for joining us today now a u.s. defense official has confirmed the presence of an american military team in jordan
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what exactly do you think is its purpose here protection of the border or preparation for involvement in the conflict perhaps thanks for having me on throughout the duration of the conflict in syria we've heard a lot of talk about the creation of humanitarian corridors or buffer zones along the turkish border and now we're hearing reports of the same being established on the jordanian border to believe that it is what the american personnel in jordan are there to do one needs to acknowledge the fact that this is not the policy of the turkish government nor is it the policy of the jordanian government the u.s. think tank the brookings institute in march two thousand and twelve published a report titled assessing regime change options in syria but they specifically cite the creation of a buffer zone or a humanitarian corridor as a means to base certain rebel groups in the region to project force towards the syrian government in an attempt to topple it so that it appears to be what it's
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playing out at the moment now a growing number of neighboring countries appear to be getting closer to getting dragged into the syrian conflict how significant is the danger of violence spilling across the border not just an isolated incident but on a much larger scale. well the the possibility of a wider regional war is something that myself and many other independent analysts have predicted and warned against for the past several months we have to look at what the turkish government has done recently and recently we have lawmakers in past this car to launch legislation that allows the turkish government to essentially. conduct operations within syrian territory and i think this is an extremely dangerous turn of events and i think the goal here is is really to pull iran into the picture and we know that the turkish scuse me the syrian government has warned against the use of they've claimed that they will use chemical weapons
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if they're attacked so forceful so stand simply iran will get involved if this happens and now focusing on syria itself now where the attacks terror attacks are intensifying and al qaida a linked group the all north stuff front has claimed responsibility for the latest string of deadly blast near damascus to what extent are al qaeda affiliates a driving force behind the rebel fight. well you know it's funny the free syrian army has recently issued statements denying that they have been a link to these extremist groups but if you look at what they've done it's on record that they've committed the same kind of atrocities that these extremist groups are committing so that it's extra judicial assassination that's desecrated religious sites that's targeting of the just minorities and loyalists of the assad government so essentially here what i think is happening is that the syrian government is being credited for these cases of violence and this this extreme ism
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and and if we look at the two of the the conflict on a larger level what we're having is urban guerrilla warfare in very populated residential areas so the high death toll being reported in this conflict i think is attributable to many civilians being unfortunately killed in the crossfire now very briefly in libya we've seen all fingers pointed at al qaida following the attack on the u.s. consulate and yet we haven't been seeing any condemnation of these terror attacks from the west why are all the links to the terror group really being ignored now when it concerns syria well essentially they've been blocked that the west and the nato countries the united states have been blocked from overtly conducting regime change means as a result of the the veto by russia and china and u.n. security council so they've placed all their cards they put all of their eggs in this basket of al qaeda and all these other terrorist groups which they hope will target the and topple the syrian government but if washington continues to pursue
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this kind of policy which can only be described as pathological i think they ought to give a heads up to the next u.s. ambassador to syria until not to visit now right novel independent journalist and author thank you for your time. cheers coming up israel's prime minister calls the shots and is making of this move ben young who brings forward parliamentary elections with one eye on passing a new austerity bill. russia needs one trillion dollars of investments in the energy sector a decade what is the country going to do to achieve this vicious go find out more of this and other stories of our children.
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in the middle of russia's no from away from civilization and if we are one helicopter treat from the nearest village. they still one family have been living here for a long time in tents made of reindeer skins. lodging runs in a signal and minutes they also grew up in the but left it at the age of six and never returned they now live in the seat in apartment building but still remember their regions.
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want to know is a dancing teacher. to his dance is he tells the stories about his motherland. lives in europe to now has a one thousand strong reindeer had when the enemy only saw the light can and most around it is gather the turns and move to another pole sure they travel hundreds of kilometers in winter we men and children for them. the two families have less of a chance to come across each other they belong to different worlds in the new songs a similar.
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welcome back to our team with me karen tara well as a british prime minister david cameron didn't have enough to do tackling recession and spending cuts now he's having to watch his back london mayor boris johnson is capturing the public and his party's minds even overshadowing has beleaguered leader of the conservatives call for its party's laura smith reports from birmingham. he's still got this great. hair which he referred to that david cameron has made a joke of he said if he was a mob then david cameron was the broom sweeping out the economy and some have said in fact that cameron was very generous to agree to the closing speech of boris's annual conference and of course one of the things that people are looking for now
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from david cameron is this stall quality but dave is not and his speech couldn't have really been in sharp contrast to boris is he still says that cuts are at the heart of the word from a seat which is the states he talks about great but he didn't really give an exact time which is what a lot of people are looking for he defended the economic strategy but of course we all know your arguments and what's really lacking is really just that if. you didn't say the word austerity one and that's something i've seen was hanging around on the fringes of this conference over the last couple of days conservatives don't like the word austerity anymore they use these euphemisms they say tough decisions they say reducing the deficit they say reducing the government share of spending it's not fashionable to say the word austerity very uncomfortable with it so it's strategy no hugely coherent which is very important it coming once regained its reputation is had in the past for huge compton's something he didn't mention which
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i have to say i wasn't really expecting it was scotland of course we've had recently that the stalemate in britain between london and edinburgh on the edinburgh holding a referendum on its participation in the u.k. david cameron will meet with premier alex salmond on monday to hash out the details but what we're hearing is that there will be a referendum held in two thousand and fourteen a simple yes no question as to whether scotland will remain part of the u.k. and of course the major thing that david cameron does not want is to be the man who's in charge over the breakup of the u.k. . for more on what problems. mr david cameron has on his hands i'm joined now by neil gibson a counsellor for the opposition labor party in sheffield thank you for joining us on mr gibson now david cameron reiterated that austerity is the key to recovery but does the example of other eve states which have had years of painful cuts prove it's a remedy that's just not working. what we say doesn't work we are in
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a sense the government. services that you just can't seem to be too fast. to come see any more. now the i.m.f. to veal there this year for the first time since the e.u. crisis started britain will have a bigger budget deficit than greets to what extent has cameron's premiership contributed to that and does he have a viable strategy on how to deal with it. he has no strategy he eats talk to speech today about swimming. or using the cereal. away from the rocks where we're heading to the rocks. are there is that we begin to remove the worst that we use. to change the law to stop thinking that they know i'm working with most of this change the course of what are they doing now you know another major issue at the
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col france is that of the scottish referendum on independence which is now coming ever closer to reality is economic hardship a factor in the end of penance movement do you think would scotland be better off in tough times if it went out on its own. this is sort of the idea they live survive in the all that they can do better on the room. but i don't actually are i think that the answer to stop the movie. is a much more. where each country has the right to do it and it's so gross and sometimes is the worst go there as a good as a soup country now scotland of course does have and is home to the u.k.'s nuclear weapons how damaging do you think it would be if it leaves. and damaging there's a whole oh it would certainly. be an asset and you know how the rest of us reconsider our position within the united kingdom. i think we should be much closer to europe with your response to euro centric here too much of
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a lot because in europe we need to get most of the time most of those who are your partners. get sent a councillor for the opposition labor party in sheffield thank you thank you. israel's prime minister has ordered a parliamentary election to take place early next year eight months ahead of schedule benjamin netanyahu is believed to be banking on the swift poll to secure his reelection and a majority for his party right now he's struggling to get his austerity budget passed while ramping up the war talk against iran election success could in boulder netanyahu who's long been threatening an offensive against have crohn's but it's not that striking before the vote could mean an electoral defeat america presidential election is also considered a major factor in the prime minister's decision as israeli historian and journalist dr ron paul dark explains. is taking advantage of situation and the
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budget is only a pretext it's too late to pass a budget is difficult but he could have done it but this is the best time from his point of view because the coalition today in is words in shambles so he catches actually a moment in which from his point of view within three months he will enter and he can make a huge victorious i think these here another element the element of obama. has actually linked himself almost totally to much involvement in the american elections in favor of we told news an old friend of mine funny how they're holding similar conservative positions and they all in all his relations with obama are very sour i believe that if obama would be elected this will become also in each issue in the elections and i will not meet a possibility it wish obama in direct way would also try to influence the election scene is where. to meet his next of business and all the markets are despite all
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process coming back up russia's gas problem is down for a third day in a row that's why it's been losing more than one percent each day this week as investors are assessing the basics the construction of the nord stream pipeline could indeed cause dividends to fall in the end the second look at what's happening right now on the markets in general indeed we've got so oil prices a ninety two dollars per barrel barely change compared to yesterday but the russian market is going down around half a percent and so is your forgets what later goldman sachs has quit as an adviser to megaphone on its two billion dollar initial public offering investment bankers are forced to be unimpressed with the plans of the company's key shareholder aleksei and the share was part of who wants to place his shares now well a company many see goldman sachs quitting as a blow to russia second biggest mobile operator which is planning to sell twenty percent of its stock by over. and over in europe as i was saying it's all. looking also pretty depressing at the bo much of
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a say versus i'm not impressed with the angle of michael's visit and comments on the austerity in greece and we're waiting for course the book reports in the united states on the state of economic affairs we get to that later we as we get it of course out on the ground the market the euro the world is flat supposed to used to be flat and negative while the russian ruble strong against the euro and the all higher priced. staying with energy you know the energy sector in russia needs one trillion dollars in less than a decade by twenty twenty that's according to russia's new energy minister alexander novak there he is right now in london meeting with investors trying to attract these funds especially in developing hard to reach areas in russia in return russia can provide tax incentives he says. you're with us to first of all we've created a set of stimulating measures to boost the development of new all deposits in
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siberia secondly for the existence of posits that are unprofitable under the current tax system with cut b. export tax by five percent on top of that we will take steps to stimulate drilling of hard to reach oil reserves on the shelves. all right most henri's on our website of course started a convo with slash business now back next hour i think it's. coming out these thrilling special report. good lumber tory was able to build a most sophisticated robot. mission to teach music to care about humans and. this is why you should care only. to see
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go to iraq to somebody gas up probably. they so so much food away here it's just unbelievable you get to eat it. pushed me. we're not here to steal your food. sometimes you get can understand so yes pinch yourself out of. the hell half so you know he's down seventy one i guess. i just got out. ok but you don't mind if i grab something so i can have a little sum in my house to full meals they're. going to get some good you know be greedy to it well. there you go beans rice and bacon. here put in here because thanks for thanks my friend the function well just stuff. and you know me well enough to queue some. of that. right.
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