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tv   [untitled]    October 10, 2012 12:30pm-1:00pm EDT

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by other with you because as a brit as a genius as a brilliant our engineer he kind of led this revolt within wiki leaks against the sanjian who sort of opposed his managerial style and his strategy in terms of what documents to release when and his what they saw i suppose as a kind of. you know focus on the media spotlight rather than the most important for me and so. the german spokesperson for what he was burke left to create their own group called openly send eventually in two thousand and eleven i had a chance to sit down with the architect would never spoken with that reporter before and hear his story of his time the wiki leaks why he left and what open leaks is trying to do and what is openly trying to do will open one and once to create one and says that they want to create a more transparent more better engineered sort of cleaner more systematized version of wiki leaks and also one that would avoid wiki leaks pitfall of becoming this controversial for you know of of that it that it became after
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a published these all these secret documents of wiki leaks you know sort of became the flashpoint for this battle for internet freedom and open leaks would rather kind of see behind the scenes pass the information directly to the media and not publish anything itself and thereby you know the plan was that the architect and. described to me too to avoid becoming that controversial targets for the governments and for the private sector to attack to shut them down so the deal was to create a wiki leaks that had all of the sort of explosive power of granting anonymity to sources but avoided the controversy of publication and just gave the documents directly to the media i think that the reason that we haven't seen anything come from open leaks is really just speaks to the lack of credibility that the group has after the split that the you know the rupture between open leaks and wiki leaks in
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the in the process of of diverging i think both of them discredited the other and did more damage to each other than any intelligence agency or government could ever do as the list of these whistle blowing slash hacking groups widens or gets longer how can the government at least have the u.s. counter. act the trouble and the damage that these groups can cause well first of all as you say this is a completely global movement and i did spend time with a group called balkan leagues and bulgaria that has very successfully replicated what we did using the same software in a lot of the same methods and they did obtain secret documents from the bulgarian government from from anonymous sources so this is something that has been replicated around the world in the u.s. we definitely. i think we haven't seen the other wiki leaks the organization successfully you know we build that system but i think part of that is is as you
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say a backlash from the government that the obama administration has prosecuted six leakers under the espionage act more than any other presidency combined so you know absolutely that there is a there is this a new war on leakers or whistleblowers you know i call them in july the head of the u.s. national security agency travel to las vegas to attend and speak at a hackers conference called def con this was the first time that the n.s.a. chief ever attended this conference since it began two decades ago you were there you heard him speak what did you think of his speech and why do you think the head of the n.s.a. finally decided to attend this conference when i was there i was kind of struck by the fact that this guy who who used to represent for the hacker community the enemy
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you know the n.s.a. has long been sort of seen as the bogeyman for hackers the you know the government's. hacker and here he was sort of in the belly of the beast there was a really bizarre situation then and he was very warmly received so that was the strangest thing of all there were there were no eggs tossed on him or what have they really weren't i mean critical questions even from this. audience of hundreds of you know some what subversive hackers but i think what the showed to me was a kind of what was how the american hacker community has evolved that it's become if it ever was political it's not political anymore the mainstream the mainstream cyber security world in the us which is very much about government contracts and start ups and making money and you know getting those beltway deals has subsumes what might have once been a very you know radical subversive community and i think it's no coincidence that
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to track down the future of wiki leaks i have to travel to europe where i believe that there is a much more vibrant politically radical hacker movements like the one that i was telling about at the case communication camp in berlin the chaos computer club which runs that events has maintained a separation i think from the military industrial complex that the american hackers happens there's been a slow co-opting of american american hacker community by the government i believe how is that happening well i just think that's where the money is so they're offering hackers that are offering jobs to the house alluding that's what i wrote a story a couple months ago about classified ads that explicitly say we're looking for hackers who can build now where you can you know write exploits and i don't think that i mean in some cases that might be reading exploits to tests defense systems
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but we know that the u.s. also created stuxnet this piece of malware that was used to shut down uranium enrichment facilities in iran so. it's it seems clear that some of the best american actors have been co-opted by the u.s. government for better or for worse what do you think motivates groups like wiki leaks and on a mess. paranoiac openly what do you think that the majority of that motivations when i met with this andrae i believe i the sense i got from him was that he truly believes that wiki leaks is a kind of engine of justice that it's releasing up all this information that in fact leaks themselves. the easier it becomes to leak information the more the more punishment is levied against immoral organizations and the more of them the more that you know benevolent organizations are rewarded he wrote this in
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season two thousand and six that he he saw as a very efficient way of of sifting out of the moral and immoral players and society of course was also made it motivated by his ego but i think if we if we have some kind of spectrum where. you know one side is just creating chaos and the fun of watching stuff burn and tearing down institutions and the other side is there is a true ideology of trying to advance the justice in the world then i think somewhere in the middle and some somebody like. a group like anonymous is much further towards the chaos side and i think that anonymous is a group that lacks of i mean they would they would say that they lack a kind of coherent ideology they just. do whatever their members feel like doing at the time and often that's tearing stuff apart for the walls what do you hope that readers get from your book well i you know i think we were all shocked by for i was
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shocked by collateral murder when it appeared in april of two thousand and ten and to me it seemed to come out of nowhere you know i think that the media as a whole has treated this the wiki leaks phenomenon as a kind of one off strange kind of miracle or disaster or whatever you want to call it and so i wanted to explore i want to explain where this came from but in the process i think that. showing the history of this movements. reveals that the way the information is changing as a whole and that there can be no more shared secrets that the whole idea of secrecy among a crowd is is falling apart and i think we saw this most recently with this with the ron the appearance where he was speaking what to what he thought was a private crowd in his home private but the idea of a private crowds is now an oxymoron you know there's always someone within the crowd ready to record and leak the information so i think we live in a narrow where secrecy is being redefined and that's something i just want to share
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with the world and finally if you could just tell me a little bit about your last conversation for us on from what i understand it was his assistant that called you on the telephone right well i was walking down fifth avenue and i i got this call from his assistant and who put him on the phone and he really just wanted to yell at me about a story i had written about about. one of the founders of open leaks who had left wiki leaks and he told me. that basically had stolen his ideas and that i should stop giving credit to the organization and you know that sounds like a testicle and. it is but at the same time you know he was right to open leaks has not actually succeeded to do even a fraction of what wiki leaks has done so you know to assign just credit he remains the figurehead of this movement's who you know has never been equals for better or for worse andy greenberg thanks very much for your time thank you.
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name. to do. it is present to you to songs and poems. it is the country's main north south artery and decades ago schumann ingenuity connected it to the dawn river to the west the vote the dawn canal is an engineering marvel within a day a vessel can pass the canals thirteen blocks ten million tons of shipping does so every year. another concrete giant is this finished fifty years ago it's the biggest hydroelectric plant in europe it powers the local city of volgograd and sends lots more electricity to moscow hydroelectric plant behind me is a potent example of how much the volga can provide but harnessing
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a river like this isn't without its cost. fishermen have been watching fish stocks for years they see the slow damage the downing of the river has done especially to russia's prized sturgeon the source of caviar. the hydroelectric plant has done significant damage because it stocked fish swimming up river to their spawning grounds. within a year all these houses would have gone fallen into the river depending on how many of the hydroelectric plants turbines are on the water level can change suddenly and dramatically too suddenly for the banks to absorb. control of the river flow by the plant has made building on the shoulders floodplain more attractive serious floods are less likely but the water that is put into the drains is taken away from the fish that need it now but last the voice of the voters of color jay might start being heard. the first time in fifty here is the rules will contain
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a point on maintaining biodiversity in the river will still have a chance to bring the volga back to life. meaning that the mighty volga is treated with the respect it deserves. well. jesse. show. was about you. but the residents never profited from the film and since you don't see him coming our signature there and you look up and there's one. alpha beta gamma you. out there know what's going on. right now. shells become income
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mortal danger and a piece of art is still. very . wealthy british style.
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markets. find out what's really happening to the global economy. financial headlines tune in to the reports. even in the all. through the years. is never too late to start. trying extreme paragliding. or become a part. of
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. the blue to be soo much brighter than a few. songs from fans to christian. means for instance on t.v. dot com. they have a top story tonight for a washington sends troops to jordan to protect its border with syria a move seen by many as an escalation of america's involvement in the conflict. a member of punk band pussy riot is freed on probation but an appeal hearing keeps the other two side bars over the publicity stunt in russia's main orthodox cathedral. i don't going austerity fuels more separatism coals in europe as the referendum on scotland's independence from britain is all but. twenty forty five also time when survive sport now than with poll.
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thank you very much kevin welcome along to the world of sports hands what we've got coming up smooth progress in iraq djokovic and roger federer through to the next round of the shanghai monsters without dropping a set. pedal to the floor all ferrari's fernando alonso i prepares for this weekend's korean graham free as he tries to hang on to the carriers lead to the top of the drivers' championship. on net boston as we bring you the best of the weekend's action from the russian premier league in old school. but first tennis and it has been an action packed day at the shanghai masters the second round seeing the top three seeds all progress second seed novak djokovic barely broke sweat tears he made a highly rated ball garin youngster go dimitroff in straight sets up next from this
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year on a lopez six three six two which to score was the look to make for roger federer the top of the world rankings. there is that objective goal but you know there are still a few few big ones to come in and obviously london season finale that maybe can maybe can be a this either but we'll see you know to try to take it step by step elsewhere frenchman joe wilford song also but to place in the third round he wrapped up a seven six seven five victory of a compact with a more pack. and ship terms but it also didn't drop a set. of italy six three six three. elsewhere top seed roger federer begins honolulu of taiwan in straight sets the recently crowned u.s. open champion andy murray progressed without playing off the floor in my a pulled out with a rib injury. now to a breaking story in the u.s.
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anti doping agency is to release the evidence that it has against cyclist lance armstrong the forty one year old was accused by the u.s. a d.a. of drugs abuse when competing for the u.s. postal cycling team he initially maintained his innocence but after he dropped his challenge in august he was stripped of his seven tour de france titles and banned from cycling for life usa d.l. said they have testimonies from eleven former teammates and more than one thousand pages of documents including financial statements and e-mails. health where one of the officials at the center of cricket corruption allegations has strenuously denied the accusation that he was prepared to fix much as india t.v. claims pakistani not in gallery and five colleagues from sri lanka and bangladesh were prepared to fix matches at the recent t twenty world cup the international cricket council has launched an investigation but gary claims the accusations are no more than a vendetta. the big appear but it is today i have
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spoken to p.c.b. officials and told them everything with truth under this conspiracy is a total blackmailing by the indian lobby they just want to do three in pakistan cricket sometimes they blame the players and now they are targeting officials trying to almighty allah there is no other such problem in my ten year career i have remained on the i.c.c. panel for a decade i am satisfied with myself and confident that any decisions will be made in my favor. now to football and spot at moscow's defeat to local rivals car the way you can and did what was an awful week for the red and white so you also saw their hopes of qualifying for the knockout stages of the champions league take a major blow with defeat to celtic which of em portly looks at the problems russia's most decorated club is facing and whether they can turn their season around. a season that started with so much hope and expectation that imagery is quickly turning into a nightmare for the. bontoc moscow there is still
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a long way to go but domestically and in europe but midfielder damages who says his side need to turn things around sooner rather than later as we have good games. the problem is that we don't play. we want to play how you must play and you cannot play in this league with one or two didn't do it if you did it all the time dude and you don't get results and that's a problem the muscovites will not play again for two weeks players will be on international duty however does use force were echoed by aiden mcgeady would be irish we also believe in sponsoring a struggling to create chances in recent weeks i can't really explain i mean you need to hold him to be to be joe to go on playing them together. i mean i think overall we're going to david and play by the obviously the two groups with this and . we're getting a little taste of half chances after you know some cross season some shots measure
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the box no nothing really. spots like having been held by lengthy injury list to relieve last a number of key players including romelu who's out for the rest of the season and goalkeeper i'm very determined is missing for a month from a shoulder injury how of them to gauge doesn't believe this is an excuse and says morale in the camp is a great. it's not good and i mean overseas for the one today. you know when i have guys you know. and i would if it isn't you know contention to go right back up the league but. how much force will remain about from said don't forget our sports and probably talk about what went wrong really to give us a blessing in disguise i was just having a bit of time off away from the shore so we're part of the i mean there's always people in you know temples. come in the four games with us. by some things i say with. all those last response time could just. seven points up the leaders on gee we're going to go skating side next time and it would revitalize
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great title hopes with just over a third of the season gone however there is still much work that you know you need to do you have been explored minute drawing get his side we need as well as sorting out of the fence it's been let's believe the time conceding eighteen goals in just eleven games. which are bumpy three donte school. now let's move to the ice where in the k h l are more thrust after were placed five one on home ice in the early game of the day and the other matches at bars if it is all about you i have thought was in a shootout elsewhere looking at table hosting new girl while the guard visit atlanta to see torpedo his body sparta and today tell us. that from now on and attention turns this weekend to the korean grand prix ferrari's fernando alonso still leads the drivers' championship missing his advantage cut to just four points in recent weeks the third time former champion has crashed out in two of the last four races with red bull sebastian vettel now closing in on the
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lead there were just four races left after this weekend few expected to keep pace with red bull and mclaren this year but misfortune and technical woes for their rivals will help the ones i stay in contention for a third world title and ferrari's technical director says the race could go right to the wire. we just eating yeah keep calm keep on developing the car we're going to make the right decisions make the right developments and try and make sure everything counts. for still a lot more coming through. you know what we've got a long way to catch up with we're never going to give up we're going to keep on trying right write down what time to present now finally let's go back to russian football in the premier league maybe apps in this week for the international break but for those beginning to miss it here all seventeen goals scored during match day eleven this is goals goal. liz
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. keen. live . live live. live. live
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live live live. live live . live live. so good strikes in that as always thought is over the wall to spoil for now but i'll be back with up plenty more in just in the two hours time here on alt.
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