tv [untitled] October 11, 2012 8:00am-8:30am EDT
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russia says turkey endangered russian law is up for war jets intercepted a syrian passenger plane flying from moscow while those on board accuse turkish forces of humiliation. a senior yemeni security official working for the u.s. embassy is assassinated in capital in the latest incident signaling our client as the laws in the region. to better blow to struggling spain as its debts downgraded to junk by a standard. and
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thank you for joining r t where on screen and all month twenty four hours a day on karen terrill all passengers on board a syrian plane forced to land an on call to have told r.t. they were humiliated and threatened by turkish security forces f. sixteen fighter jets intercepted the flight from moscow bound for damascus which was carrying thirty seven people many of them russia is now demanding an explanation from turkey over the incident artie's medina cauchon a well joins us live now with more details what do you have for us. russia's foreign ministry demanded x.-plane nations why he failed to inform that there were russian citizens on board of this plane seventeen passengers were reported to be russians while all overall there were thirty seven people on board of this plane up in among them there were small children moreover and russian embassy in ankara sent
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deployments and a doctor to the airport however they were all denied access with them. giving any explanations meanwhile turkey has announced that it does hope that this incident will not anyhow impact it truly shows with the russia well ciera accuses turkey off of piracy over it the detention alfred's plane well right now the plane is already out of the damascus airport but before that we managed to directly speak to those people who were on board while they were at the end quote airports and ards he also spoke to the flight engineer who told us that be crew felt degraded by turkish security forces during their stop but they encourage airport. authorities told us they wanted to take all the boxes out with them as we said that that was not a problem we just needed to see
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a warrant they said no we will unload the boxes mine says the we needed to see a warrant and they left the game back in an hour with ten on children they pointed their guns at the time got those put those on the ground then they drove us back to the plane into. turkey claims that the reason behind this incident is the fact tradition touches believed the plane was a caring some sort of a military cargo were for a leader according to the reports of the cargo that was found on the plane couldn't radio equipment which was not produced in russia and not weapons but still the search a las did for more than eight hours and at the end of the cargo was confiscated by the turkish security forces and only off true that the plane could continue its journey. all right artie's my day off thank you matthew. it's
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not the first time all scales come under scrutiny for its connections with damascus geopolitical analyst eric draitser believes that amid the ongoing international rift over syria this latest incident is no coincidence. the demonization of russia with regard to the weapons sales is something that's been going on now for months will remember back to secretary of state clinton and her laughable accusations against the russian government that they were instigating a civil war by simply delivering what had already been contracted to the syrian government but as i mentioned already to demonize russia is to lend credence to the side that is in favor of intervention remember that the vetoes that russia and china put forward in the security council were not simply vetoes against what the united states wants it was an attempt to prevent war and there's no way to get around that unless you can drum up some kind of an international incident that would look like putin in loughborough of have egg on their face and we'll be getting more reaction on the syrian plane incident later on in the program
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including from the director of the airliner was commenting on the legality of what happened. also ahead for you as the border attention between turkey and syria reaches a worrying pete beefs up its military presence in the region. things are far from calm elsewhere in the middle east and yemen a security official at the u.s. embassy who also coordinated anti terror work with yemeni authorities has been shot dead washington is increasingly acknowledging the rise of terror and the lack of security in the region. joins us now with more arena what do we know about the attack and who is behind it. well we know at this point that it was the security official of the origin who was apparently on his way to work at the u.s. embassy once he was that gunned down in a drive by shooting now the yemeni officials who did disclose the information are
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there who are doing so on condition of anonymity because apparently they're not supposed to talk to the media but they are saying that this incident in the prints all over it of course there's still no confirmation of whether or not that indeed was something that was done by the kaiser group are you have to understand that yemen right now is in the epicenter of a literally a war between the its government and al qaida which the yemeni branch is considered to be the most dangerous of all branches of al qaida by washington officials so things are far from calm there and this is actually a second security issue in yemen to be gunned down in two weeks in this particular country and what's behind this surge of terror in the region after all wasn't bin laden's death supposed to herald. a lot of people would assume so that once i was on bin laden is gone all quiet i will also shrivel up and die and fortunately that remains to be a probably just wishful thinking and as a matter of fact a lot of analysts believe that al qaida has actually grown in pa where after and
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the a death of its leader you have to understand that it's it's operating not just in the region and several. and in that pakistan will try to has now been joined by a lot of smaller brands is a lot of terrorist groups who want to affiliate themselves with this larger very well known they're going to zation figure dealing again with the ground is in and pakistan and afghanistan you're also dealing with al qaida terrorists working again and somalia in some malia but also in various other african countries for example mali the northern african region like syria even the lived again it's interesting to note of course that of the. of the. death of the u.s. and. aster which was prescribed were attributed to a blow to the reaction from the. book which was produced in the united states initially the u.s. state department has said that that was a blow back of course and the results of the. of the term were spread throughout
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the islamic world by now all u.s. security officials u.s. military officials are saying that as a matter of fact al qaida is well and operating in libya and as a matter of fact the death of the u.s. ambassador was one such operation carried out by al qaida specifically targeting u.s. u.s. officials you also have to understand that a lot of people a lot of analysts are saying that you as has gotten into this rather poor habits of first getting into a dalliance with possible terrorists groups who are helping or work helping out rebels in there fighting against variously seems in northern africa or in the middle east for example again we should go back just look at libya there were voices saying that al qaida terrorists are helping rebels to fight against gadhafi those claims were just dismissed by the united states and now they're receiving this blowback in terms of applied on being fully operational in the country and
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that was precisely what the former head of security group in libya has said to the u.s. officials just basically last night and you also have a very similar situation developing in syria again until this summer the u.s. were adamant in their denial of the fact that al qaida fighters are also helping out free syrian army or any other rebel group for fighting against the regime of bashar also but they couldn't they could not fight the intelligence information which did. which was spread earlier this year rather in the summer of this year and the ha to that in fact al qaida operatives were working alongside with the free syrian army in their. fighting against the regime of bashar also a lot of people are saying that the united states seems to first help out and sponsor these rebels more than affiliated with a terrorist organization and then they themselves end up suffering from it as seems to be the case in yemen as seems to be the case in libya all right our
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correspondent in the middle east or in a global school lot from tel aviv thank you. retired cia officer ray mcgovern says that while congressman traded blame over security at american missions in the middle east they fail to get to the very root of the problem this is a political carnival this is representative trying to make political points now they're trying to get hillary clinton for a lack of understanding about security. that's not where they should try to cut. so she gets a little bit closer because the words she and others in libya the problem here is not getting to the bottom of the thing and the bottom of the thing is that you seem congressman ok they take back the they forgot their constitutional duty insisting that before we went to war in libya that there'd be a congressional vote they ducked that and the result is the people like hillary
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clinton and others think they couldn't you know fix things by sending bombers over a country. almost junk that's the grim verdict on spain's credit rating coming from the influential agency standard and poor's in the latest blow to the cash strapped economy s.m.p. has downgraded madrid's debt score by two notches the rating agency said that all sarah t. joblessness and nationwide unrest have left the government's hands tied and added that madrid's ability to deal with the debt crisis and stop the ongoing recession was now severely limited spain recently announced a slew of new cuts and tax hikes which it hopes will reverse its fortunes for more on the story we're joined now by me get alarmed still more out there a spanish journalist and writer thank you me get so much for joining r.t. now spain has reacted to the downgrade saying it was unexpected but was it actually unexpected given all the negative data that's been coming from the country recently oh of course it wasn't under spectra doe it is quite you don't nuke in
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a way because if you come to think of it it's a standard and poor's downgraded just punished sobering last year because our deficit was too high now it's downgrading it's because we're reducing know their forsee too quick too quickly of course causing more recession which is something that we have been saying all along but you can see here consistency of how the markets and i understand the standard and poor's there sir in this case is a spokesman for the markets how the markets understand economy. now it looks like the spanish government is sort of being boxed into a corner by this downgrade and also the pressure coming from the e.u. to accept the bailout package how independent is there in its decisions. will. the rating agencies as you know have a mix reputed to put it to mike later they made lots of mistakes in the start of this crisis they have some responsibility for aig. the fact is that they make so
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many mistakes that they don't affect that much how the markets react as they used to do but of course in the case of for spain they will have this will have an effect and more so if a standard and poor's has a suspected at least there are rumors about it is going to downgrade also the spanish banks that at least eight of the main spammy spanks the dot happens yes it will put a lot of pressure on the spanish government to ask for the bailout and be the turning point now the situation in spain i think you'll agree it has been worsening for years but it seems that all of the e.u. can offer is aid packages in exchange for painful austerity measures why does it keep using this remedy which really hasn't proved to be lots of active. because really the problem is political is not is not the economy of course the economy doesn't look very good but the problem in europe is the european union doesn't work
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as an actual political union and the sees the patches the offer instead of. doing some soul searching and trying to think how to make these mechanism work and i by mechanism i mean the european union we behave us different countries which yes of course we are part of the same currency but dr saul we look for ourselves and i think it's not so you're right they are not offering real solutions just world remedies to. to kick the can down the road as they say from madrid may get on to what are the spanish journalist and writer thinking. and we'll find out shortly how the markets have reacted to the spanish downgrade. and thank you's also. funds continue to leave russia with some estimates saying capital outflow could amount to
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more than eighteen billion dollars this year again more on this and other stories after a break. it's perched atop a jar and the view from the kremlin stretches as far as the eye can see up for a city to siberia for centuries. it lost its economic importance even before it was bypassed by the chance i bear in railway but a spiritual center. things like these are a yearly occurrence thousands of also talks worshippers of them selves and blessid will to commemorate the baptism of jesus.
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in the fifteen eighties the russians had only just conquered siberia taking it from the muslims. surrounded by enemies the balls to be their stronghold constructed on top of the city but soon enough it became an economic hub siberian for was the oil of its time bringing in a third of all russia's state revenue but the balls location had of the uses for the russians the russians. a revolt against the czar and eight hundred twenty five known as the decembrists will stand here and drove. there they created a replica high society adopting the latest fashions as soon as they came out or at least once they made it from paris to siberia. but the city also served up some bit of irony for the russian royal family after the bolshevik revolution. this is the office was nicholas the second spend most of the last year of his life his whole family had been exiled here they were fairly comfortable existence this was
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a big house but they weren't allowed to see visitors or go outside themselves whilst leaving this ordinary normal countryside lifestyle they even had thoughts of escape but within the year the czar and his family would be dead. thank you for joining our team karen terrill back to our top story the moscow damascus flight intercepted by turkish fighter jets the incident has sparked strong reactions from both russia and syria let's now talk to jeremy salt professor eastern history and politics out bill can university and i'm kata jeremy thanks for joining us now before we discuss what actually happened r.t. has spoken to the director of syrian airlines whose plane was forced to land in
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a car let's listen to what she had to say. that action found boxes and it to any equipment that had all the necessary significant and authorize ations issued in due form the congo was inspected several times the plane crew did not stand in the way of the turkish authorities but requested a document specifying what cargo was removed from the plane the techies authorities refused to issue such a document but the crew in fifth did that they will not allow removing the cargo without an official document after that several crew members and passengers were exposed to physical pressure and that's in addition to the psychological stress the crew and passengers were experiencing the actions of the turkish authorities are a gross violation of international norms and rules official says the whole incident was illegal to army what do you think well i'm not a specialist at all in international of civil war so i don't know really what it says and what rights a country has to forced on a civil airliner and so much of this. we don't know much about just heard what do
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you broadcast some of that has been confirmed or has been more substantiated in the turkish media this report saying that the that the crew of the airliner was in fact . one report saying it actually forced a statement saying that the plane had to make an emergency landing which would seem to be correct because everyone knows that it was forced to land when it comes to what was inside the plane or your statement you just broadcast is quite specific all we've got here in the media is from the foreign minister saying that objectionable material was found in the plane and we have no idea what that might be not the spirit. told given what the texts already say they found it's either a craft or whatever moved another has given any reference i've seen to the syrian crew asking for certificate for the receipt for what was actually taken from the aircraft. information in any detail coming out of. this is the of the forced
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landing of that plane now what about the fact that the western media often appears quick to accuse russia of supplying arms to the syrian forces do you think that those claims are justified well the whole issue here anyone can see is this tremendous amount of posi involved in this issue because. of crossing the border into syria have been shipped into syria over more than a year. we don't know really we know who's paying for it and that's qatar and saudi arabia the coming into syria from turkey and coming into syria from lebanon probably coming just really from jordan and when there's some sign of weapons. weapons being divided syria by russia the cries of outrage i mean russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov admitted it and he admitted it as recently as august that russia does supply weapons to syria but only to honor longstanding contracts what's
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the purpose of trying to expose something that in sort of agenda. of the propaganda war i suppose that's part of what's been happening over the last eighteen months is that they've got a position and they were trying to justify. any other damage the other saw it and this is central to the problem in syria right now is that we have everyone taking the position. of being prepared to back down the syrian government can't back down because it is the government that is now faced with this kind of countrywide. groups has no option but to suppress them and the countries that are actually supporting these groups are not helping. there's no kind of path that anyone's trying to find in between we had the statement that the other day calling on the syrian government to unilaterally. this is kind of nonsense you can't do that you know the only way that this can be stopped if there's both sides put down their weapons and we are not at that point all right jeremy professor of middle eastern
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history and politics i. bill can't university and i'm carter thank you thank you. syria might also be facing trouble on another of its borders with jordan u.s. troops are there in what's become the biggest fix deployment of american forces in the region since the end of operations in libya the pentagon citing the danger of violence spilling over and monitoring syria's chemical weapons stockpile is going to japan has more on the move and the intended message. according to defense secretary leon panetta they send the troops to syria jordan border in case violence escalates in syria and spills over the border leon panetta did not go into details as to how many troops and so on but another u.s. defense official speaking on condition of anonymity said the forces are made up of one hundred military personnel and other personnel who stayed on in jordan after attending an annual exercise in may and several dozen more have flown in since they're operating from a joint u.s. jordanian military center north of that americans have used for years and the news
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about u.s. military personnel so close to syria actual actual boots on the ground suggests an escalation in the u.s. military involvement in the conflict even as washington pushes back on any suggestion of a direct intervention in syria but jordan is not the only place where the u.s. has military presence if we look at syria and the u.s. military presence across the region we see that syria is pretty much surrounded militarily also tension is growing on the border between syria and turkey after several days of shelling this wednesday turkish military chief vouched to respond with more force that is a day after nato said it student ready to defend turkey important to note one of the reasons why the rebels refused to settle down for a negotiated solution through dialogue is that signal that they get that sense that support is on the way that there will be an intervention everybody understands without a negotiated solution the bloodshed will continue so the signal that the rebels are getting including the news about u.s.
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troops standing by right across the border could be making it much harder to come to that negotiated solution. that's trying to meet with the business day to be true you mentioned that money is continuing to leave russia this year those rival economic regulations can't really agree on how much money is going to leave this year but so far it has already amounted to around fifty eight billion dollars well russia has had zero net inflows since two thousand and eight. have amounted to almost three hundred sixty billion dollars so the number equals the g.d.p. of the united arab emirates now the finance ministry and the central bank expect this year's outflow to be around sixty to sixty five billion dollars but the deputy minister for economic development believes it will be at least last year's level of eighty four billion. dollars the third quarter numbers suggest that outflow is unfortunately continuing and accelerating this is due to
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a number of factors and they are not always related with an unfavorable business climate because we are seeing an inflow of foreign investment maybe it's not coming into place we would like but it is coming capital is leaving the country as everyone is consolidating revenues in the current environment and that should be borne in mind so i think the total level of outflow this year will be at the level of last year maybe just a little bit less but. all right let's move over to the markets and we start with europe and the fact that spain's rating by s. and p. has been downgraded to me a junk status a triple b. minus is survey screen not having much of an effect on the markets the only index right now which is losing is spanish bags and down just point six percent which i wouldn't say is a dramatic fall for such an action so therefore we could say the markets have basically priced this this move and we're seeing the other acts putting on point six percent of course waiting for a batch of macroeconomic data from the united states tonight now global wealth as
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of fall and over five percent in the past year the euro zone crisis was one of the main reasons for that according to credit suisse european suffered the most then they lost around eleven trillion dollars where facets which is hardly surprising the worst hit france italy germany but it's not all that bad global household wealth expected to rise by almost fifty percent in the next five years to free under thirty trillion number of many. as world was expected to reach forty six million in two thousand so. far as move over to rush hour after a day which was pretty depressing on wednesday we're having a bit of a recovery just point three percent in the plus and that's on the back of russia's budget surplus coming out with a one point two percent figure for the first nine months and in currencies we're seeing the euro gaining against the door that's up to yesterday's positive outlook
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from the beige book on the ego economy in the united states and the russian ruble continues to strengthen against the kurds and that's why it's time for this i'll be back in fifty five minutes time as always thank you dimitri and coming up after a short break r.t. talks to john esposito former consultant to the u.s. state department to sky saying america's current foreign policy. well. kelly. offers an air show and an
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issue museum was a matter you. most of the residents never profit from the film and since you know sort of coming our signature trip there when you look up and there's one check in on you he's the alpha beta gamma he was always the final turn to try and he's let me go with out there know what's going on so you can pinpoint. the dirt right now. shells become income mortal danger and a piece of art. studio exemption directed. to him from three. of. our team. even in the autumn of the years. it's never too late to start. try extreme paragliding.
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been shit. or become a. old boy. more news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations are rooted a. i'm very pleased to introduce my guest today john. he's a professor of religion and international affairs and of islamic studies at georgetown university he has served as a consultant to the u.s. state of.
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