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tv   [untitled]    October 11, 2012 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

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oil for a women's day this week president putin met the iraqi prime minister he said at the time that he wished to increase russia's role in the iraqi oil industry it looks like he's going to get it we're soon people. and the u.s. labor department has a surprise report again released today saying that initial jobless claims went down by thirty eight thousand now this means they're now standing at the lowest level since february two thousand dates when barack obama took office last week the unemployment rate which is the sticking point in the presidential debate dropped to seven point eight percent and that's been supporting the markets pretty massively as take a look at what's happening there was an. have come down very much to opening values on the nasdaq we're actually seeing apple shares going down by one point three percent as an appeals court in the united states has basically overturned the injunction on the samsung galaxy nexus phones and of course that's
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a blow to apple in the longstanding patent infringement with some sort of. now over in europe we've had also positive day of one percent gains both from london and frankfurt and that's absolutely ignoring the fact the s. and p. has downgraded spain's rating to triple b. minus which is just one notch away from junk status and over in russia we've had also a bit of a moderately positive session with the r.t.s. rising around half a percent also positive news there the budget has posted a surplus of one point four percent versus my. hand on the currencies market as it may sound the euro is gaining to the dollar despite this bad news from spain apparently until spain gets a substantial as sovereign bailout now the euro will be gaining on any bit of negative news on the russian ruble is mixed as you can see that all right coming up
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next on. our program. i'm very pleased to introduce my guest today john sponsored oh he's a professor of religion and international affairs and islamic studies at georgetown university he has served as a consultant to the u.s. state department and other agencies doctors posit over a number of books on islam dr thank you very much for making yourself available glad to be here i was looking at poll numbers saying different muslim countries and their opinion of the u.s. now is either the same as under george w. bush or much worse as is the case in pakistan in egypt for example four years ago seventy five percent of egyptians had an unfavorable view of the u.s. now it's seventy nine percent in pakistan used to be around seventy percent now it's around ninety percent these figures have nothing to do with the infamous anti
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islamic film where do they come from in your opinion well i think if you actually take a look at you know data from the muslim world i'm associated with the gallup organization and gallup did a world poll of and that included thirty five muslim countries from all over north africa to southeast asia and what we discovered was that majorities of muslims. while they admire. america's economic and technological development its freedoms the rule of law among other things resent with they see as an intrusive foreign policy as a foreign policy when it comes to the promotion of democracy and human rights based on double standards now what happened was that when president obama gave his speech in cairo then his numbers really spiked up in countries like egypt and others what was happening throughout the obama administration is that right rising expectations those expectations not so and then the numbers start really going down one of the
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risks that you have the year it seems to be president. anyone is that if you raise the bar you'll be judged by that obama had the genius in the insight to present a vision that was significantly different and claimed to be significantly different from that of george w. bush on a variety of issues whether it was palestine and israel whether it was the use of military force etc but the reality of it is that in many ways of a fair number of the obama policies arse are similar to the bush administration's i was listening to a conversation on fox lately yeah and it was about whether the u.s. should stop meddling in the affairs of the region in the world was divorced from the region and the anchor at the question that he was that he was asking but what if we divorce what if russia and china come in and then it will end up in building the ran so that that was like in a very conversational manner very short question and i thought that that phrase
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might have spelled out the complex that washington had when it comes to interventions after the vietnam war there was a sense that and you could see it in our culture in our news everything was more local than global the americans were sick of war and didn't want to invest any more in terms of our our our human beings the number of people were killed in terms and wanted to emphasize domestic you know economy and development well and that's why i mean one of the influences when george bush was elected he wasn't interested and made it clear he was going to be dealing internationally it was ok to deal domestically that's what the american people want with global terrorism if you're global terrorism you then develop a policy which is very complex it's not just going after global terrorism but a complex of really going into a very uncertain and intervention place and also you know occupation etc it's clear
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that the american people are sick of the carnage. in iraq and i've got to. i don't mean the american people i mean the conflicts in the heads of the policy may well the policy makers are concerned about being elected and reelected and they know that the american people many of them are saying we don't want more intervention simply because we don't want to see more americans dying because we have real economic problems at home so why are we going to be you know. spending so much on going to you know going to war but i want to i want to get get. if you could help me to the bottom of this complex is it that is it is it the sense that if if we don't intervene someone else you know we're going to lose influence someone else will it's almost like a new court cold war mentality i don't know tension i don't i don't think so i think that there are people who exaggerate me for example desire to have more influence to forge better alliances which could be in benefit if you know
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they're in favor of the u.s. that's what i mean i think that you know the u.s. is path. it has to be to ford's better alliances with the peoples of the region it cannot simply be motivated by simply saying well there are alternative emerging powers here you know or reemerging powers depending on how you view things with regard to russia let's say as compared to china we can't we can't simply develop almost a new cold war mentality here and say well you know if we don't play it quite right there ready to sweep in and take everything off i think that what you're going to have and what we have is a competition over spheres of influence ok we see that all that ill oh i think china certainly china's china is very present in many parts of the world from sudan as the world we're talking about from sudan to pakistan you know developing its
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foreign diplomacy and its fears of influence i think clearly feel for russia. there's a concern about you know its fears of influence in the region and for the u.s. they will that's what will keep us in the region i mean i don't see how how we could ever talk about divorcing ourselves from the region if a no other reason given the push in u.s. policy you still have two primary drivers in terms of national interest and that is oil and israel. you know given given american politics you see it's not a matter of an intellectual thing american politicians the majority of american politicians we've seen this time and time again are absolutely convinced that these are two non-negotiable priorities not only as a matter of principle but as a matter of being reelected oil and israel meaning guess prices and the lobby. concerned if you look at american politics the concern of most politicians in
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congress ok the concern is not only out of commitment to the state of israel but also in terms of you know the ability to be reelected and you also see it in our campaign now look at how and obama ok have been courting the jewish vote and concerned about it obama has to be concerned about losing what is a you know a long time tradition of american jews voting democratic obama. what happens with obama in the last two years the administration has backed away from it's putting pressure on the netanyahu government remember after the cairo speech obama went toe to toe head to head with netanyahu on the settlements wouldn't back off and went back and forth back and forth but then you know look at what happened the last time netanyahu was here he speaks before congress and congress gives him what was a twenty seven twenty nine standing ovations plus a lot of sitting ovations what's the message there the u.s.
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congress on a previous visit of netanyahu as that's a guy was coming in a confrontation situation with with the american president the u.s. congress the majority drafted a letter to netanyahu expressing its support not only for the state of israel but for the netanyahu government so they know the politics when the convention came up the democratic convention what did they tried out all of a sudden the democrats were talking about movement of the embassy to jerusalem so they know that that is a reality and so all politic. regardless of parties have believed this for decades and will continue so for the foreseeable future that's not going to change much obama was the guy who gave the impression with his cairo speech and others that he was willing to begin to renegotiate america's policy. on israel and palestine but in fact when it came down to hard political realities has backed off here with the eventual was do you think there's
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a crack between the white house and tell me over iran or is it just like good cop bad cop game that they're playing i believe that obama has been working on it very carefully because of elections ok but that obama has alternately tried to communicate yeah we're going to be strong on iran and we will be even stronger and stronger if iran doesn't back away but but he's made very clear that he's not willing to talk about and put on the table significant threat of military intervention and that's what's bothering netanyahu thank you ok. if you're passing through russia's very region you really can go on the wild side.
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thousands of kilometers of unspoilt countryside make up an area where it's still possible to live off the land and then surprisingly locals so the fruits of the forest by the side of nearly every road. such spectacular scenery makes it a paradise for fisherman and provides a business opportunity for hunt is. going on he has been hunting for more than thirty years and works for a company providing expeditions for tourists this season ducks are on the menu. for two things a successful duck under a blanket and a bubble silence which means that i need to be very quiet i'm not going to write in the. office. but when you've been in the business as long as he has the birds don't stand much chance. there are defined hunting seasons in russia but lax enforcement means many animals are killed out of the allotted times which can leave young animals orphaned and unable to survive but
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environmentalists are fighting back the heart of just u.s. forest provides a sanctuary for the most famous beast in russia it's home to a group who rescue often bear cubs and raise them when they're old enough to fend for themselves the cubs a target taken to a remote location and released back into the wild but it's not just bears who find a haven here this is wolf island here wolf pups have been captured by hunters or bought from zoos have a second chance at life and conservationists have a unique opportunity to observe them these walls are all around four months old and they'll stay in this area for up to three years then most will go back to the wild for good just viewing them from the car was an experience in itself but then after a bit of a bumpy ride came an opportunity i just couldn't pass up. and this is where i was hoping for when i heard i was coming to
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a place called wolf i had a chance to get close and personal with the locals and it's these guys are going to act as pasta parents for the next generation will come here. using the old awards as surrogate parents has already proved a successful technique. every year i place infant wolves with one year old wolf cubs whose parental instinct is totally shaped and they take them as their own cubs it's an important part of the world's development and a major factor in the success of a project which has seen more than twenty generations of cubs grow up here it's going to continue to take time and money to rehabilitate the wolfs reputation in russia. but the keepers here hope their research and dedication mean that wolf island remains a place where visitors can truly understand all of the wild. world of the. technology innovation all the least of elements from around russia
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we've got the future covered. stories mati the turkey reaffirms the syrian play and it's a step to the route from moscow was carrying russian made missions to the departure airport in the russian capital and says there was no legal cargo. to the point of their guns at the time got those put those in the ground those on board that plane tell me they were threatened and humiliated by turkish authorities during the stopover in ankara. also a yemeni security official working for the u.s. assassinated in the capital sanaa in the latest incident signaling al qaida is on the rise in the region. and a bit of
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a blow to the struggling spanish economy were going to plummet mounting debt a nationwide desperation to meet to. fifteen minutes in the company of sports. hello welcome to thursday's for round up with me to take part in this what's coming up. this day is dr sidney twit filter igor did a sub remains russia captain as patio capello psychopathic i was fortunate in friday's welcome qualifier here in moscow. while the serial cheat seven time tour de france champion lance armstrong is accused of using found drugs to fuel his victories in a damning report by the u.s. anti doping agency. three hundred weeks and counting world number one roger
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federer stays friends from his last firing capital shanghai to set a new milestone at the top of the rankings. but first football and with the next round of world cup qualifiers set to kick off on friday manager fabio capello has confirmed the god they self will remain captain as russia host portugal for their third time at the national stadium there's an eight month old a hasn't played for his club for almost a month after a dispute over pay with head coach. which are important reports. this is russia's hardest hit so far in their bid to qualify for the two thousand and fourteen world cup in brazil automatically however preparations for the game of portugal haven't been ideal for the goodness of which you need to make your headlines the twenty eight year old has been training with his unique reserves for the last three weeks after refusing to play in a league match against create a severe to do to him want to go higher salary however busy meet with the other says he's in excellent physical shape and will be ready to take on the portuguese.
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if it will work and i would like to thank fabio capello for calling me up to the national team squad and i'll try to do everything to repay his faith in me in terms of his in need i have read a lot of new parents about me and i think a lot of what they're seeing is incorrect my mind. isn't helping russia at the moment and after these internationals i'll go back to st petersburg and sort everything out there capello confirm a de serve as a key player for the russian national team and will remain as captain and even despite his problems the midfielder will have his national team's head coach's full backing. then to get it i've been in contact with dennis and luciano spell letty about the situation with igor denise or i've known for a long time that i would call up denise off and he's a very important player for the russian national team my main thoughts are about doing the best for the team if i had any concerns about his fitness then i would have sent him home russia will not have full memories about their last meeting with portugal as they were humbled by seven goals to one almost eight years ago today
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the portuguese haven't a ray of attacking options in particular cristiana rinaldo italian has been paying special attention to the team's tactics and he's positive his side will be well prepared for the potential threat they will face you. will have a team meeting later where we will discuss our tactics and how we will approach the game everyone is aware of the potential threat that christiana rinaldo poses of course will be trying to stop him but that isn't always that easy when he picked up an injury in his last game against barcelona of course i was hoping it would be more serious as that would have made our task much easier. capello is aware of who will stand against the portuguese but there are slight injury concerns about roman shirokov alexander kids recalled and signature shared it but we have been training individually so it's likely that the trio will be fit to be a capello has enjoyed a dream start to head coach of the russian national team six point six goals scored
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and none conceded after two competitive games however tyrone will face a stiff this task it has been a face for group failure as portugal and every show can get a win from there and game better stated their intentions to trying qualify automatically for the two thousand and fourteen world cup in brazil richard on board late r.t. moscow. well meanwhile manchester united striker wayne rooney will wear the captain's armband so england for the first time competitively when the three lions host minnows summary a no when they on friday why arjun's where all the overwhelming favorites against the team that has only one professional player in their ranks however being that manager will have to do without. see geo frank lampard and ryan the troll respectively missed out through a knee injury and illness while steven gerrard is suspended and former skipper john terry retired from international football last month england are second in group h. behind montenegro on goal difference. now into cycling and the reputation of seven time tour de france champion lance armstrong lies in tatters after the us and the
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doping agency has released a report detailing how the american took drugs on a wide scale to secure his victories and accuses him of being the ringleader in the most sophisticated doping conspiracy in sporting history the forty one year old is accused of using a cocktail of banned substances including the blood boosting e.p.o. as well as blood transfusions the american is also said to have threatened fellow riders with the sack if they didn't follow a similar dating program with eleven of his former teammates testifying against him it's also alleged armstrong aided and abetted a wide scale cover up between one thousand nine hundred ninety eight and two thousand and five when he won his seven tour titles and according to the us and he does being agency chief executive the proof is conclusive and undeniable. just the overwhelming evidence different categories of evidence whether it's eyewitness testimony where it's first hand direct admissions that lance armstrong said and the others on the conspiracy said the scientific documents that are there the financial
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records the e-mails it paints an undeniable well of unfortunately the deepest and the most sophisticated professionalised drug program that we've ever seen a team run well the agency has now sent its report to the sport's governing body the international cycling union they have twenty one days to appeal or comply with the agency's decision to strip on stand off the seven tour de france titles while the scientists has always denied taking performance enhancing drugs but chose not to contest these latest allegations which his lawyers have dismissed. the process. it's completely rigged i don't care what travis tygart says you can choose only from usada approved arbitrator's number one so you know that you're going to get at least two against you and as i told judge sparks at the time the christians dealing with the lions in rome had a better record than athletes have when they arbitrate with usada. now on to tennis
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and world number one roger federer survived a scare to outlast fellow swiss start his last brinker in shanghai and ensure he stays at the top of the rankings for a record three hundred week federer dropped the opening set only to gain the upper hand in a close second set on a tie break before taking the decider to love and next up for the seventeen time grand slam winner is currently are in chile but whatever the result of that match the thirty one year old's restore remain top of the world rankings on monday. well second seed novak djokovic had a much easier time of the australian open champion never faced a break point as he dropped just two points on his own first serve and smashed a dozen aces to cruise past planes a little. six three six three in just over an hour the twenty five year old is surging for his maiden title in shanghai and his second straight after also
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prevailing in beijing last week. while u.s. open and olympic champion andy murray also breezed into the quarterfinals as a scotsman at last alexander the appollo of ukraine six two six two in just under an hour. while joe wilfried song though will go up against the match burdick in a top ten clash the frenchman and while secret marcos baghdatis six two seven six while burdick injured seventeen aces in a hard fought win over sam querrey of the usa six two six seven six four was the final score in this one. now they'll be an all english world golf final in turkey after justin rose hold an eagle to edge at tiger woods by a single shot and line of a showdown against lee westwood rose pulled off his best stroke of the day on the par four fourteenth to finish with a two under par sixty nine i'm not that second ranked woods by the slenderest of margins what's next up for rose is on fire. westwood after the wall number four set
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a course record of a ten in the past sixty one to beat south africa's challenge shorts by six shots or westwards round included two eagles and eight birdies to make up for a double bogey on the fourth hole the overall champion will take home a one point five million dollar check with the runner up picking up one million. and finally out going major g.b. champion casey stoner says he feels good and fresh as the australian returns for sunday's japanese grand prix after breaking his ankle in august while stone has fellow riders have been showing their artistic side by drawing monger portraits of themselves. but all the talk was about the holder who is twenty seven next week and hopes to finish his last season in style the injury he picked up in qualifying for the indianapolis grand prix met the honda rider has missed the last three races and is out of contention for the crowd but his teammate dan ip address is thirty three
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points behind in the whole game they were on his own with four races to go. so it's actually really good to be back you know it's not the way i wanted to finish my last season you know with with an injury and have a new cd out some races and i have a shot of the championship so it was definitely you know pretty disappointing for it to get the result that we did but you know we're here to do the best job we can from now until the end of the season and you know i feel good information everything's good just have to see how we get on with the black tomorrow and you know having as much time off to be a little bit tricky for the first day. and that's all the sport for this thursday bison. wealthy british style sun. sometimes.
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