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tv   [untitled]    October 11, 2012 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT

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market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to conjure reports on our. air is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a dollar i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot about my country you sir are a fool you know what kind of mind the terrorist cells in your neighborhood all want to be wishing to feature is a monkey on a liberal and the christian public. can really suck up to the.
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big guys i'm having martin so guess what today is a big anniversary and instead of celebrating unfortunately we have to mourn because you see today marks the tenth anniversary of the senate authorizing the use of military force against iraq now in case you've forgotten let me refresh your memory that authorization was based on one of those fabricated excuses ever heard of it all w a n d's the hold up let's analyze that right there why would it ever be ok to preemptively invade and occupy a sovereign nation because it has weapons that logic itself is absurd it's time to start undermining this narrative because if we don't we give tacit approval to our government to invade any nation that has weapons and even if we didn't find weapons in iraq we'd probably find a made us. they stamp on it think about it and because of these lies this
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illegitimate invasion has caused a loss of five trillion dollars that could be spent building up this country instead of breaking down and another more importantly thousands of american lives have been lost millions of iraqis have been displaced and at least one million more have died so here's the best part because even though the president likes to run around how did he end of war by withdrawing u.s. troops when you probably don't know is that the u.s. still has tens of thousands of our military and security contractors in iraq but hey as long as the soldiers in uniform are gone the war is over right wrong truth is there was never a plan to leave because if you just look at it this country is track record you'll find that the u.s. has never withdrawn from a single country it's invaded in fact america's military military still has troops in at least one hundred thirty countries around the world and that's what this is really about. them and control let's break that set.
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all right guys i want to introduce you to someone who's making a difference in a positive way today i want to highlight attorney geoffrey light as our hero you see jeff is not your average lawyer his passion is helping people and protecting civil rights and liberties of activists and the occupy d.c. encampment civic fierce and square in liberty plaza were raided the police arrested dozens of protesters and evicted demonstrators that were taking shelter from the rain effectively shutting down the occupy d.c. sites just took it upon himself to represent over two hundred defendants facing charges for simply addressing their grievances something that supposedly protected by the first amendment and all at nonviolent demonstrations and here's the best part he did it all pro bono he only profits off
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a portion of the case if it's one. and even those work helping occupy started over a year ago he's still working tirelessly on a number of cases cases like marc vs the us and appeal involving an arrest for a guy who was simply wearing an occupy shirt at the supreme court or lashed vs lemke a lawsuit by occupy d.c. member ryan lashes taze for merely insulting a police officer and many other cases involving agree just violations of rights and oppressive police brutality but jess is no stranger to civil rights defense he represents other civil rights groups in washington and his work at the bill of rights defense committee filing for your requests and litigating a case against two fusion centers in washington d.c. centers that collect personal information and make it available to local state and federal agencies with no transparency and little no oversight so for his brave efforts toward protecting our fast eroding constitutional rights for me the lawyer
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that standing up for what's right in the face of so much that's wrong for truly representing the people whose voices have long been suppressed jeffrey light is our hero of the day so he's the hero who's the villain of all this was kind of a no brainer i've ever heard of congressman scott taylor's are well it was recently revealed that this lesser known tennessee congressman cheated on his wife back in two thousand and one a two hundred page memorandum of court records of deja relays divorce proceeding included a transcript of a telephone conversation between danger lay and his mistress or the pressure to get an abortion. she that sucks right but wait that's not all want to hear the real kicker check out what congressman digitally his campaign web site has to say about abortion it says ok we're all life should be cherished and protected we are pro-life whoa i love the opportunity to define irony let's see dude
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cheats on his wife knocks up his girlfriend forces her to have an abortion then runs for congress under an empty of borsch and tea party platform server you are a complete and utter douche bag that's the whole thing about abortion is that it's easy to talk a big game when it comes to controlling other people's lives and making decisions about other people's bodies but when it's you that's under the gun that's where the hypocrisy really shines so for being a disgusting human being and the perfect example of the worst kind of politician a cheater a liar and a hypocrite tennessee congressman scott days early you are today's villain. since the transportation security agency or t.s.a. was created in the wake of nine eleven there have been countless examples of t.s.a. agents violating the rights of airline passengers and it seems that every week it's
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a news story of abuse here's just a highlight reel of some of the most ridiculous to say blunders so far. the only way your daughter was blind has no fly i said excuse me it's absurd my life is pretty much in your hands when i walk their bodies together with the pump on she was right to be worried the pumps stopped working just john but. she and i meet each other so your belt touched my very very you know your thoughts we. don't do that here if you touch my junk want to have your rest. from security agents stealing personal property to inappropriate groping testing people's drinks for explosives past security checkpoints ordering all travelers to freeze on command i mean can it get any worse than that oh wait check out this recent headline that i honestly have no words for former catholic priest accused of sexual
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abuse hired to pat down customers by the t.s.a. . like i said i really have no words for that one but that's not all you know those absurdly expensive new body scanners that are being put in place across the country well to do that you're more likely to contract cancer from one of these scanners than you are in dying and a terrorist attack so tell me break all of this ridiculous down and more i'm joined by jonathan corbett president of for ten technologies and blogger of t.s.a. out of our pants the guy who exposed the body scanner scam himself john thank you so much for coming on the show are you. ok so john you've made it a personal crusade to expose these new body scanners as a giant scam tell us briefly what you found out that's right it was about seven months ago now that i made the video of me going through a body scanner with a bunch of metallic objects that weren't able to be detected because the body scanners have an issue detecting metal that's not directly in front of the body i
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was hoping that that would be it for the body scanners that once it was proved that anyone could beat them just by by moving their threat item from the front of their body to the side of the body of the t.s.a. would stop using them because now anyone can get through any checkpoint that has a body scanner instead the t.s.a. continues to buy them. and let's just go over some of the most absurd statistics i mean american taxpayers have spent over sixteen billion dollars on the t.s.a. since its inception there have already been twenty five thousand t.s.a. security breaches and seven out of every ten weapons that are brought through the security screens get past them i mean they give you cancer i mean clearly these don't work talk about the viper teams expanding these bodies here as we use found this out you just discovered this john talk about this. the viper teams or the bodies of those that and you say that they were expanding bringing the body scanners to like across the country of bus terminals train train stations all of that you know about may happen soon so right now what we've seen already is those
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the viper teams with the viper teams do is the groups of usually between four and maybe up to a dozen t.s.a. screeners as well as t.s.a. inspectors that go around to anywhere where there's transportation a highway a bus stop a train station and a city where there's train tracks anywhere in it and they basically go around looking for trouble and unlike the ones that you find in the airport t.s.a. inspectors are arms law enforcement officers so now you have t.s.a. agents with guns wandering around the streets demanding at least on a few instances at the bus stations and train stations for people to submit to a search and janet napolitano but it's but it's a privilege to fly john you know you it's but i mean if you if you think of it that way it's like well we really don't have a choice now that these viper teams are expanding all across the nation but john you took this to the supreme court talk about what happened i mean you tried to
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bring it to the supreme court rather talk about what happened sure so i filed my original suit against the t.s.a. almost two years ago now asking for a trial over there constitutionality and the government has apparently successfully argued that it can't take place in a court that has. jury trial or witness stand or discovery or any of the safeguards that our legal system gets us instead the t.s.a. has argued that i have to bring my case in the court of appeals that's what i appealed up to the supreme court you know the proper venue to bring the action in the supreme court doesn't want to hear it why do you think they don't want to hear i mean they're obviously they they don't work john. and there they did agree to silence in our civil rights it's a big problem and it's not even just the t.s.a. issue it's the issue of whether or not we have the right to a real trial when the government invades our rights you know i'm not sure what copy the constitution the supreme court and the lower courts have but the one that i
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have says that we have a right to petition for redress of grievances we have a right to due process and the century the t.s.a. now is severely limited the due process that citizens have been challenging their actions it really does reveal lot about the broken system and even when you try to do something like you are doing and you're spending a lot of awareness about this issue it's very important what do you think about briefly what you think about the t.s.a. i mean europe banti new body scanners i mean israel won't even use and they said that they don't work i mean so what is the crux of why they're still being used here john that's right and it's funny i've actually spoken with manchester airport which is the last to have these backscatter x. ray machines and they're actually returning them back to the manufacturer as they have the month lease so as a believe the end of this month there will be no more backscatter x. ray scanners in the entirety of europe they're banned yet the t.s.a. is still using them and as far as i know they're still purchasing more. these ones
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in addition to the invasiveness and the lack of security that they provide because they can be easily beaten unlike the millimeter wave scanners emit something that's known to cause cancer and x. rays these these millimeter wave scanners may not be safe either but we know for a certainty that these backs. better devices emit cancer causing radiation and we know about michael chertoff connection to a rapid scan and like you just said i mean these body scanners are cancerous and radioactive and luckily we can still opt out for now but when we can't anymore john that's when i really hope people stand up and really do something about this thank you so much for coming on breaking it down jonathan corbett president of for ten technologies thanks. so if you like what you see so far go to our youtube channel at youtube dot com slash breaking the set and subscribe check out our facebook page at facebook dot com suspect in a set on facebook you can find out where to watch the show on your local cable network now you know the haters going to hate and all is going to troll but if
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you're one of the intelligent ones feel free to write me and let me know when you think and if you're wondering about what i'm doing when i'm not on air follow me on twitter at abby martin so stay tuned to hear about the elephant in the room that is not being talked about this election cycle bringing the vote. you don't know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm trying hard luck and is a big picture. wealthy british style. expert on the.
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market why not. gamble why no one should really be happening to the global economy with mike's cancer or a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to conjure reports on our. it.
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was. like a. a close presidential election in november means the presidency could be entirely dependent on just a handful of contested districts it's a scary thought especially considering the vast amount of evidence showing that the last three presidential elections have had massive voter fraud and talk about the illusion of free elections and media censorship and the corporatocracy i'm joined now by a great past investigative journalist and author of billionaires and about ballot bandits how to steal an election and nine easy steps greg it's awesome to have you on thank you thanks abbi so i want to talk first about your book elections are coming up in less than a month you say that there's nine easy steps to rig an election go over just two of these steps that people should be aware of and why the issue of rigged elections is censored across corporate and alternative media like ah well ok one way that the
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get rid of your vote is called purging remember good old katherine harris she knocked off thousands of black folk off the voter rolls of florida back in two thousand she said they were felons and yes they were guilty of voting while black and they lost their votes but their only crime you know really was that they had names that were similar to some name that was someone convicted somewhere in the country and that is back for example robert moore mr robert moore committed a crime and there is a woman in florida this is happening right now her name is mrs bobby moore be o.b.d. i she is losing her vote and they have tens of thousands of people on this list of supposed felons who are illegally registered to vote in florida and right now i'm telling you there's not one i don't listen flawed there's not one who's actually guilty of of voting illegally if they were they should arrest them and they don't
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because the laws but we know that these are black voters are going to lose their vote right so why is it great i mean the whole all of this issue you can. you had a receptionist since two thousand i remember seeing you in san diego talk about the kerry concession and the fraud and how the new york times when even publish your findings or even egg knowledge that i mean why is it that the only alternative press censor is this great well you know it we don't have that's right the new york times said that my stories are correct four years later that voters are being purged illegally now i'm wrote billionaires and ballot bandits with the help of bobby kennedy the law professor and civil rights attorney and you know he says these are crimes we're having elections being determined by basically criminal activity they're swiping our votes and they're doing it under the cover of saying
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that there is voter fraud you know these evil voters who are stealing people's ideas and voting for them it's a lie it's baloney and it's just uses a cover to go after the most vulnerable voters and unfortunately all the republicans have the big big billionaire money right now to to pull this off and pay for this type of operation enough democrats do it too that they're not going to go after the republicans. so the issue the issue isn't really being touched amidst these absurdly glamorous billion dollar campaigns i mean so in two thousand gore conceded in two thousand and four kerry conceded i mean why would both of them concede when they were obviously rigged are the democrats on this thing is this whole thing just a charade great i mean what's going on here democrats you know it's a biological issue democrats are you know don't stand up because you know jellyfish don't have a spine but that's not you know that you know i you know by the way john kerry i will say one of the nine ways to steal the steel election in billionaires develop
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and it is what's called caging kerry was a victim of this they sent out letters to voters karl rove's operation to their back at it they sent out letters to voters they say do not for the voters not at their registered address black students at black colleges during the during the summer vacation in august get these letters soldiers active duty soldiers have received these letters and when the letter comes back because someone thought their registration dress they lose their vote to challenge as a mother fraudulent voter well the reason a soldier isn't at their military base and we found thousands of names of voters who were challenge from voting from their military bases the reason the voters in there is hate there you know doing so many george bush wouldn't do which is to serve his country and you know it's illegal for a voter to vote from under a humvee in afghanistan even if they're black this is what they're doing no one
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stopping it we've got to stop it ourselves that's why at the back a billion years a ballad and i have what i call the voter condom for say voting seven ways to beat the ballot ban it's because you're asked about the democrats no one's going to save your vote but you. i mean the systematic disenfranchisement you just laid out right there but i want to greg how did you go back to your previous book vultures picnic awesome book follows the story of the one percent. i take it back to the one percent i mean why do you think the occupy movement message is so important to tell and what was that book about well in a way doing isabel benz is a very picture from vultures picnic in fact weirdly the the my key guy that i'm chasing all over the world in vultures pick pick paul the vulture singer whose rogue financier has weirdly become the number one donor for mitt romney which i didn't expect in a way. billionaires about bands going to follow up he's become the number one donor
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the reason is that they can't keep stealing billions unless they steal that real estate called sixteen hundred pennsylvania avenue and and the capitol because what's happening is that they are being exposed the you know the occupation the the wall street occupation finally is exposing the fact that this nation has been seized by a small group of a billionaire bandits and for example the case of paul the vulture singer in both books vultures picnic building is invalid and it's identified this guy's the guy who seized a bunch of money that was meant. that was meant to stop a cholera epidemic in africa in the congo how he did this is quite a bit of financial flimflam it's illegal in most of the world but not in the united states but there is a threat that the that president obama is actually going to put in put into this
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guy's activity so now he's got to buy the white house so the he's got a guy in there so the vulture himself can roost in the white house and and continue you know chewing on the world's corpses really. it's interesting that you see these names come up a time and time again when you're doing the work i wanted you've talked before extensively of how pervasive censorship in the media is. talked about how chevron is the number one donor p.b.s. you've called n.p.r. the national petroleum radio talk about why these networks are corrupted because i think a lot of people don't think of these new news outlets as being part of the censorship problem it's the name what we call public sponsors yeah you know i hate to say it big bird to take the. you know who maybe the one thing to have been right about you do have to ask yourself why is it i work with b.b.c. television that is we don't take any money from any oil companies there is no money
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from british petroleum and british broadcasting corporation you have chevron for example is the number one donor of the p.b.s. news hour as a result we've not gotten one report ever ever about the destruction by chevron in ecuador and then they're not going to cover how chevron is also spilling its toxic funs through the u.s. election system because again the chevron logo is on top of the p.b.s. logo so it's not a public broadcasting system it is a petroleum broadcast system but that and they're the best they're the best the billionaires in order to steal the balance have got to you know steal the airwaves to to you know the will expose the stories problem i remember you telling me about the half a billion dollars funded to that guy on n.p.r.
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spreading the story about the oil will clean itself in the gulf don't worry about the oil spill that's right you know british petroleum actually spent half a billion dollars half a billion dollars buying a virtually every scientist on the planet every biologist on the planet to say that oil will not that spilling oil into the oceans is not going to create any long they put basically everybody just go on ads in a bottle on a desk in london half a billion dollars and it's just stunning and therefore of course you have these so-called science programs on like n.p.r. there's something called science friday i call it science paper where they have these these scientists who are not identified as being on the oil industry payroll but then. n.p.r. stuff identified as being on the oil industry payroll so you don't get the real story they tell you that cleans itself up little bugs magic bugs will clean up well but this is an example and by the way n.p.r. p.b.s.
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they're the best of the american based system. the networks there that's why i really by the way appreciate your network because it's kind of the crack of the electronic berlin wall here and we're trying to do you know great are human casualties that come out of criminal activity like the fukushima eroding reactors the b.p. pipeline the pig in the pipeline which you've talked about is this just an inevitability of capitalism and since we are we have a corporate coup to talk that's taking over every industry i mean how do we start to dismantle this and apply regulations well how do we go that exactly regulation is the way that we apply democracy to industry and that's why they can't let voters vote that's why it's the same characters like paul the vulture singer who you'll see that i'm chasing around the planet in the vultures picnic appear again to billionaires invalid and it's the same billionaires because they have to be able with for example billionaires invalid and it has
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a whole section on the koch brothers they are not republicans it's people believe in fact david koch is going to run for governor of kansas as a democrat they're not it's not about politics for them it's about preserving their privileges and in particular for example the koch brothers it's very important for them to get what's called the x.l. pipeline to move that garbage sludge oil from canada across the united states to texas no one seems to be asking why we need a pipeline from canada why we need to bring oil to texas which is the number one exporting oil state merican after alaska why do we need oil to texas the answer is because they have a special refineries a series of refineries on the gulf coast the koch brothers that can only refine ultra have you boil right now they get it from hugo chavez and they don't want to pay hugo chavez. they don't like is not about tom his politics he charges them the full opec price it's seven dollars a barrel cheaper if they get the pipe from canada unfortunately that works we're
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running out of time by greg thank you so much for coming on you do name the names you call them out everyone check out greg palast investigative journalist and author thanks for coming on this one so when it comes to elections here's the bottom line amidst the billion dollar campaigns of glitz and glamor there's a stark reality our elections are rigged and our votes are being rigged it means and we're being a reg it's a violation of what should define america the right to free and fair elections we already know that the establishment media won't expose this problem because they are complicit in the cover up you know who will you and me so let's go.
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even in the on through the years. it's never too late to start over. trying to treat her like. when a bar in the championship. or become a post. in the.


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