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tv   [untitled]    October 12, 2012 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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see were a few examples allude to treat claims that they intercepted moscow damascus flight was used to carry ammunition but the departure airport also saying the cargo was legal. his attempts to assume do movies make me believe stunned in contrast with reports that encore eyes behind a nonsmoker really hard during this syrian war. it's quite nice american politics with vice presidential candidates facing off in a bitter past was wasted and incidentally to try. as the
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norwegian nobel committee for about this time around the winner of the coveted peace prize will look at how much the award actually passed today with. his from russia under on the wall this is us he was new you know hello and welcome to the program damascus has lashed out at over allegations that the sea when passenger jets intercepted by attack in mid-flight carried russian made munition see were not source his along with the moscow air force that dispatched a flight to maintain there was no illegal congo on board more on this now from last he's latino. syria calls it turkey should allegations are that the syrian no plane was carrying out munition and some other sort of military cargo was absolutely untrue stressing that the plane was not carrying anything illegal so far the trick
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you cited hasn't provided any of a dense proving the statement in response syracuse to turkey also piracy over the detention offered spleen late on wednesday meanwhile a russian airport representatives from where the plane a initially departed to damascus was out of the costumes and the security did not so find anything suspicious before the planes take off and now the documents coming from the airport have already been handed to officials for further inspection again this incident took place late on wednesday when having departed from one of the moscow airports syrian air passenger plane that was carrying thirty seven people on board was heading to damascus when as soon as it crossed the turkish border tricky style sixteen fighter jets forced to plead to a list and after the search that lasted for move then nine thousand worser and later the people on board of this plane completely poor and at times to very
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aggressive to truth and treatment coming from the turkish security forces the plane's cargo was confiscated in only after we've done the plane could continue through syria claims that this turkey should be heaver yet again proves its policy which is not aimed at keeping peace in the area and according to mark element professor of international relations for take israel canteen of us to say the incident with the syrian play is part of an chorus proxy war games that assad regime. or any longer i don't know something and it. is in a sense. in syria it is supporting the rebels it's allowing as the b.b.c. showed earlier this week large quantities of ammunition and rockets known to temperatures which can also cause by the if it was to enter syria from turkey and of course that's controversial in turkey so people say is it wise is it right we
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are going to conduit to one side in a civil war when it's not at all clear that it's just a war between democrats forces the arab dictator and indeed who is also the problem or some of these weapons may already have found their way back into turkey. and r.t. caught up with a journalist who has been at his border with syria and just says the area was turned into an armed smuggling hub where some believe couldn't have happened without ankara's consent of his arena going to scare votes not from the reach him. we in turkey only want peace and safety in this region that is our desire we would never have an incentive to start a war the price of war is apparent in iraq afghanistan and it is apparent in syria even within such a small timeframe as one and a half years. actions speak louder than words the profer says if that is true then this statement from the turkish prime minister drowns in the evidence
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uncovered by a lebanese correspondent when she went to the border between turkey and syria and stumbled upon what seems to be a weapons delivery spot yannick in this scene was surreal barbed wire a dark plane filled with all of trees armed men and in flashing lights from trucks packed with weapons each syrian group takes its share in leaves i was asked not to film but the immensity of the scene moved the journalist in me. was that was interrupted for days on end by turkish officers before being released to lebanon once she was released and her material returned to her she realized the pictures filmed on the turkish syrian border were erased while in the custody of turkish officials the free syrian army headquarters for months were located in southern turkey before they were moved back to syria in late september numerous reports far from the region pointed to turkey as the main gateway of military and financial
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support for the syrian rebels so when un karrar speaks of peace in the region few seem to believe its words they have proxies actually daring is number one how we have a fire burning in syria. is backing the rebels sending arms so it's played a very bad role in this whole conflict along this conflict which i guess you have the audacity to bring down a syrian civilian aircraft carrying her and. just stalling very aggressive monitor their pockets absolutely appalling in this power. of twenty four hours on kharaj just ties to russia for supposedly delivering military equipment to the syrian government and struck a kurdish base in neighboring iraq again proving its talk of a company or hood is just that nothing more than words by acting as a mediator between the rebel fighters and their supporters and grow does little in terms of putting an end to the bloodshed in syria it says it wants nothing but
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stability and calm in the region but its actions seem to only worsen the situation that's already highly explosive in tel aviv it in a got to school party tension is also in there over these rain in lebanon border as well as a percent of that reach three hundred kilometers into israel's tightly guarded and space and i think that experts say could signal its readiness for war. that's later but now hold on whole style show from the two american vice presidential candidates as they faced each other for the first and only time. for people saudis or from your own or you were in your home about more people signed up for medicare advantage of the change but there's also nobody is this russian president i know this is your advice and i know you're under a lot of to rush to make a. but i think it will be better served if we don't keep interrupting each other well and don't take all the four minutes that govern it away or draw me remained
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carrot isn't that debate hey it was all about making a point republican hopeful paul ryan at times they democrats for the death of america's ambassador to libya citing security blunders then come been twice president joe biden in turn called out his rivals double standards on taxes and eagerness to go to war a growing accusations of lying as to information and even ignorance flying they showed that there was no love lost between a republican and democrat but california state university professor paul sheldon food says hottest state i want to say was overstating the top priority after the first debate between obama and romney political cartoonists true picture true but i don't hear those fighting each other with their noses this is no different these been one other way to live throughout neither side would attack the other on things in which they were bold will be and that's why you have to pick these tiny little issues sort of samples by biden said correctly that ryan had voted to of put
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iraq and afghanistan wars on the credit card helping to cause the deficit is actually right and he was right about that he didn't bother to say the democrats will report right and of course he's one of the ones who says it's going to work he says why total world domination by total military power agree at the same time you're going to want to stay there iran was the world's leading supporter about terrorism for example impacted america and saudi arabia one more terrorist organizations in the region than anybody else it's time for them to quit whining and start you know to put the american voters with the world. in a debate over cross talk about his gas discounts just how different the candidates and their agendas really are the poll shows coming your way it's nine thirty g.m.t. but here's a preview. romney win if the republicans win the white house they will also probably keep the majority and see how wins a majority in the senate and if the republicans control all the important political
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positions so white house the senate and see how it was then you will see a huge difference america has a huge dept and the next four years will be about who pays for that and i can tell you it will be a huge difference was obama controls the white house or mitt romney control going to jump in but i think that misses the point the the fact is that you know you need have any ideological debate to some degree during the campaign but when it comes to actually governing it's the same old story obama said lots of things during his campaign and then he renounced virtually all of them when he became president and that's what you can expect with mitt romney romney's god five positions on every single issue that he's jumped forward in back. the sun rises over what seems like and most forest here in new directions cry for
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hundred kilometers north of life i'll stop as much of the world it's disappearing at a catastrophic rate. workers both illegal and those finding ways to outsmart the system filing down the forests of the region for them profit goes well beyond the future of our planet and the result could be an ecological crisis we are on the hunt for legal augers and it's not going to be easy to forests. and our chances are slim now for now we can stay in our dreams but as soon as we find tracks we'll have to drop our wheels and get out silently in order not to scare the loggers off. xander someone who has been a ranger for over twenty five years he can spend weeks at a time tracking. single group of loggers would be easier to work when snow falls but in autumn it's impossible to find human tracks and even transport tracks are
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hard to see after hours of driving we get sent in the right direction by word of mouth you can see that the ground is soft here which means that they've twelve's the tractor trails are very fresh which in fact means that we need to be quiet in order to not scare them off as we get closer. this team says they're illegal but have no documents now xander can now call the police to take over his work here is done he is overwhelmingly outnumbered there are too few rangers working in the promote the region and the w w f says the government isn't doing enough to stop it . no one tries to stop them in just five years the force will be gone what will the people who live after us do it's a question more and more people are aware of today climate change in the safety of our environment as a whole are being discussed around the world and perhaps it's those small steps that might be a start to people living in harmony with nature. more
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news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations to rule the day.
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you're watching artie's great to have you with us let's continue now the leader of hezbollah has claimed responsibility for launching a scout of drone into israel during the weekend and vowed to send more according to the lebanese movement the unmanned craft mohnish to reach sensitive locations including the more a nuclear facility political analyst donna was things this means has the law has ready for. the message to the israeli it's message to prime minister netanyahu he has been like but in a lot of pressure on the obama administration to draw a lot of rug lie and today i think i was about la crosse one of those red line under the israeli aerospace for the first he didn't say for the first time he said that it's not the first time and probably would not be the last time and the challenge of israeli security after israel actually violated lebanese airspace in the. five six years so i think hezbollah was able actually to
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make. it very challenging for the prime minister of israel actually wanted to send very strong answers to those really that there are ready and gave them all and they have the means and the will to do what it takes if a war break out in a regional level. the nobel prize season is in full swing and the headline grabbing piece of war is due to be given out on friday the prize was conceived by alfred nobel to fall to forced fraternity between nations but as our teams get an education report some recent winners have done more to fuel conflicts around the world took it. the decision on the nobel peace prize is often politically motivated for a simple reason it's mostly about war and peace and we know that it's those with power who can wage or stop wars but where there is politics there is room for argument
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here we have the nobel peace prize laureates from the last twelve years let's try and bring up some of those arguments kofi annan served as the you want to secretary general from one thousand nine hundred seven to do thousand and six while in office is stood by the u.s. and supported the nato bombing of former yugoslavia essentially bypassing the u.n. security council the move set a precedent in the polls cold war war that in some sense paved the way for more unilateral interventions by the us as was the iraqi invasion so kofi annan received his prize in two thousand and one another you want official on the list mohamed el baradei who served as the head of the u.n. nuclear watchdog for more than a decade until two thousand and nine he received the peace prize in two thousand and five years later mr el baradei announced that he regretted his silence over the u.s. invasion of iraq in two thousand and three at that time the u.n. watchdog had no evidence of your iraq having weapons of mass destruction and maybe
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argued mr el baradei could have done more to stop the invasion on false grounds but he didn't back to our list several us politicians among the awarded including president jimmy carter. from nine hundred seventy seven to nine hundred eighty one his peace prize in two thousand and two to those who remember is that an inspiration helped indonesia slaughter tens of thousands of people in east timor then there was al gore a presidential nominee who received the prize in two thousand and seven for raising awareness on climate change there were some arguments about that when as well and in two thousand and nine the nobel peace prize went to president obama probably the most arguable choice of the prize committee because at that time he was on. less than one year into his presidency he has just announced the surge in afghanistan yes he was pulling out if you rock good the deadline for withdrawal had already been set by the bush administration and it's worth noting that bleeder the obama
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administration was working behind the scene to persuade the iraqi government to ask for a certain number of american troops to stay on but the records didn't go forward so there was only one known american head of state on the list king de jong awarded in the year two thousand the former president of south korea contributed to easing tensions with north korea and to the economic progress of his country whatever arguments for me have with regards to each of those laureates the nobel peace committee doesn't have to explain their toy such a process is known to be very secretive and they wouldn't even say who the other nominees were until fifty years after the prize was awarded in washington i'm going to. remember plenty more lined up for you on t. dot com and let's taste all the stats for you right. you'll never want to look at your diamond ring the same way again astronomers have found a girl's new best friend jumped on it why is the size of the. class of thirty
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thousand dollars take it down to fine for anyone hoping to make the fortune or reselling tickets for the sultry twenty or so in the winter olympics. europe's financial super hayward germany could be facing dog times itself now the country's think times have slashed version of growth costs this comes as standard and poor's tore down spain's credit rating two notches stating it's almost drunk now the country's in employment is surging dentist one says high as it was years ago play. the thirtieth place in the global rank of investment advisor patrick young things european leaders just don't see the big picture. it's a terrible it's a damning indictment of everything that's wrong with the european union there's no
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leadership there's no organization and everybody is surviving on a wing and a prayer hoping that the tooth fairy or some other miraculous being is going to suddenly see of the euro currency the problem is that once the e.u. gets a dog well it tends to stick with that i mean somewhat like a dog with a stick really it put it into its might and chicks it all around the sides it won't let go of it and unfortunately what we're not seeing is the problem is that the northern european politicians particularly by mrs merkel in germany have decided that they can't ultimately give too much more money because they're not allowed to politically because their voters are against it but at the same time effectively they're in a situation where they're going to demand that i completely floor the remedy is going to be used which is korea's austerity. families of the you are not only of an economic nature their roots lies in how undemocratic the union has become that is the view of and they peed daniel hanna when he gave an interview to our channel and you can watch it in full in about eleven session jam t.v.
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that is. the only body that can propose new legislation in the european union is the unelected european commission if any country were run like if supreme power wielded by twenty seven people were immune to the ballot would be regarded as an outrage and yet the people who talk most fervently about turning the e.u. into something like a super state are remarkably relaxed about the undemocratic nature of it and from that basic lack of democracy you get the contempt for popular opinion you get the way swaps aside referendum results if they go the wrong way you get the sense that public opinion is an obstacle to overcome rather than a reason to change direction it is an extraordinary sad paradox that twenty seven countries each of them a liberal problem in true democracy in its own right have come together and accepted a system that would make zimbabwe look democratic. and
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under more europe business desk very know so well how the markets say well you know investors are actually probably saying we don't have much to react to but bad news so we're just going to say this is what we're actually seeing in the markets right now it was like a look at europe or see that it's completely completely full as we have negative and positive right now on the front seat and the dads and that follows a muted overnight sessions on wall street and asia but let's stay with europe and the talk about the gruesome particular because every second young person there is failing to find a job and that's as the jobless rate it ever occurred twenty five percent in july. one point three million greeks run them through about a month more than one thousand jobs something called every single day over the past year. it's emotions are likely to push the country into another year of recession and the jobless rate could go even though further a higher. and
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a quick look at currencies the euro is still strengthening against the u.s. dollar when it comes to the russian currency it's again and again civil currency basket right now pushing the markets let's take a look at those because they've been in negative territory right now they're continuing to go lower although as you can see even there it's pretty much flat with say no major movements higher oh lord this is it's a lackluster performance across the board now if we take a look at another story which has to do with oil prices because right now they're mixed but what we're doing right now. which is looking to help local african companies to build a gas pipeline from zimbabwe to mozambique you can see it on the graph right there the project is being reviewed by engineers and all the documents should be ready in time for the new year holidays the pipeline could be as long as seven hundred kilometers and costs around seven hundred million dollars rolls enough to also wants to build oil storage terminal and zimbabwe. and there you have it
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thank you very much for that indeed marina state change file special report now. well the. technology innovation all the list i'm elements from around russia we've dumped the future covered. culture is that so much money which of course you write on it comes of years republicans and democrats alike they'll be american people that they have a stark choice before them in this election year this is really the case.
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by horse. by tractor. by car for the road and. as a carpenter. as a stove setter. as a farmer. as an assistant. as a friend. as a relative. delivering post and delivering. mission
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. cretaceous free. free. free. free. free. free. free. wealthy british. market. really happening to the global economy.
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headlines. like thank you so much for the i've had a great time together with you. and. i look around and realize that there are many more than we think. the stereotypes
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are sitting on the bed. why they are so beautiful so i set up a special blog called point of people to draw attention to these wonderful individuals and i said. to find the secret thing staying beautiful in old age because he was. thank you i'm telling you taking pictures of people. you know. who are just ordinary people who are wonderful. they do more than just. for celebrities. so interesting to me.
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