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tv   [untitled]    October 12, 2012 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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the. nobel peace prize but if you solve the trail used to be awarded to the european union there is a decision comes at a time of better all sarah he cuts and violent protests across too many european member states. i will go to chicago this is i know we're under a lot of the rush to make up off rock. but i think it will be better served if we don't keep interrupting each other well if we don't show you all four minutes that it's five night in american politics with vice presidential candidates facing off in a better spot on the war as waste and seemingly at each other. and syria refutes
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as absolutely untrue claims that the intercept of moscow in damascus flight was used to carry a mission but the departure airport also saying the call go was legal. thanks for joining r t worry bring you the latest news from around the world on screen and on line i'm karen. while the nobel peace prize has been awarded to the european union for its role in securing peace to the continent the nobel committee says the accolade is meant to be an encouragement to the union in difficult times but max kaiser of the cause report says that there could hardly be a worse choice for the peace award. well this is that rise of the machines this is a machine selection that chose a machine the e.u.
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is a tech knocker see governed by machines joined with the banking establishment to suck wealth from all of the citizens of the e.u. and send it to brussels and senate to the banks or and send it to the world bank and the e.u. and the troika this is the rise of the machines this is the machine choice is as far as far as to call this is like giving the prize to frankenstein for being the best monster created during the past twelve months where they go from here or they're going to give it to next the european union all along they want to create a new super bank take the power from the e.c.b. run it out of brussels and impose a new debt for junk scheme rolling up all the toxic debt into a new super european central bank to impose more austerity and to and to pilfer more money from the citizens that the direction that this is going is absolutely catastrophic christine lagarde i'm sure she'll get the nobel prize next year for having caused another one hundred million people to go into poverty and another few
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you know one hundred people committing suicide let's give it to christine lagarde they should go back to making dynamite was the nobel prize committee that's how they got started go back making dynamite and forget about this peace prize your illegitimate even barrister solves just fold you commit suicide for a change instead of encouraging people in greece to commit suicide in peace prize was conceived by alfred nobel to foster fraternity between nations but as you can report some recent winners have done more to fuel conflicts around the world and to comment. the decision on the nobel peace prize is often politically motivated for a simple reason it's mostly about war and peace and we know that it's those with power who can wage or stop wars but where there is politics there is room for argument here we have the nobel peace prize laureates from the last ten twelve years let's try and bring up some of those arguments kofi annan served as the u.n. secretary general from one thousand nine hundred seven to two thousand and six while in office is stood by the u.s.
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and supported the nato bombing of former yugoslavia essentially bypassing the u.n. security council the move set a precedent in the polls cold war war than in some sense paved the way for more unilateral interventions by the way as was the iraqi invasion so kofi annan received his prize in two thousand and one another you unofficial on the list mohamed el baradei who had served as the head of the u.n. nuclear watchdog for more than a decade until two thousand and nine he received the peace prize in two thousand and five years later mr el baradei announced that he regretted his silence over the u.s. invasion of iraq in two thousand and three at that time the un watchdog had no evidence of your iraq having weapons of mass destruction and many argued mr el baradei could have done more to stop the invasion on false grounds but he didn't back to our list several u.s. politicians among the awarded including president jimmy carter. from nine hundred seventy seven to nine hundred eighty want is peace prize in two thousand and two
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shocked those who remembered how was it an inspiration helped indonesia slaughter tens of thousands of people in east timor then there was al gore a presidential nominee who received the prize in two thousand and seven for raising awareness on climate change there were some arguments about that when as well and in two thousand and nine the nobel peace prize went to president obama probably the most arguable choice of the prize committee because at that time he was on less than one year into his presidency he has just announced the surge of gun is that yes he was pulling out if iraq could the deadline for withdrawal had already been set by the bush administration and it's worth noting that later the obama administration was working behind the scene to persuade the iraqi government to ask for a certain number of american troops to stay on but the iraqis didn't go forward so there was only one known american head of state on the list came de jonge awarded
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in the year two thousand the former president of south korea contributed to easing tensions with north korea and to the economic progress of his country whatever arguments one may have with regards to each of those laureates the nobel peace committee doesn't have to explain their choice of process is known to be very sick and they wouldn't even say who the other nominees were until fifty years after the prize was awarded in washington i'm going to check them and while europe celebrates its peace proposal war to a new scandal is unfolding in the u.k. over the conduct of its troops in afghanistan seven british soldiers are arrested in a hushed up case involving the murder of an afghan man last year. while a very hot and hostile show from the two american vice presidential candidates as they faced each other for the first and only time. people should these are for your own or you or your mama but more people signed up for medicare advantage what
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they're saying nobody is russian president i don't know about rights and i know you're under a lot of to rush to make up. but i think you will be better served if we don't keep interrupting each other well if you don't go for minutes but where obama and romney remained courteous in their debate here it was all about making the point republican hopeful paul ryan attacked the democrats for the death of america's ambassador to libya citing security blunders the incumbent vice president joe biden in turn called out his rivals double standards on taxes and eagerness to go to war and strong accusations of laws disinflation and even ignorance flying they show that there is no love lost between republican and democrat california state university professor paul sheldon foote says all the state was obviously not a priority. after the first debate between obama and romney a political cartoonist drew a picture script and no kills fighting each other with their noses this is no
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different than what other way to live through out neither side would attack the other on things in which they were vulnerable and that's why you have to pick these tiny little issues for example biden was biden said directly that the ryan had voted to have put the iraq and afghanistan wars on the credit card helping to cause the deficit to run is actually right he was right about that he didn't bother to say the democrats lose it for it's force ryan of course he's one of these ones who says this go the way he did he says by total world domination by total military power agreed and he at the same time you had the gall to us say that iran was the world's leading supporter of the terrorism for example in fact america and saudi arabia one more terrorist organizations in the region than anybody else it's time for them to quit whining start with the american voters with the world and debate of our own cross talk peter lawwell and his guests discuss just how different the
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candidates and their agendas really are a full show is coming your way next hour but right now here's a preview. if romney wins if the republicans win the white house they will also probably keep the majority in the house and wins a majority in the senate and if the republicans control all the important political positions the white house the senate and see house then you will see a huge difference america has a huge target and the next four years will be about who pays for that and i can tell you it will be a huge difference was obama controls the white house or mitt romney control group think it misses the point he the fact is that you know you have an area logical debate to some degree during the campaign about when it comes to actually governing it's the same old story obama said lots of things during his campaign in any renowned virtually all of them when he became president and that's what you can expect with mitt romney romney's got five positions on every single issue that he's
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jumped forward in back. seven royal marines have been arrested in the u.k. murder in afghanistan last year the killing apparently happened after an engagement with a lone afghan man and was apparently in violation of the rules of combat artists our first reports on how the case and the secrecy surrounding the affair. well there's very little in the way of details from the ministry of defense at the moment we know that they seven marines have been arrested on suspicion of the murder of an afghan insurgent and this incident took place in helmand province in afghanistan last year and now they're being questioned at the moment it's all they haven't yet being charged to system to suspicion of murder and it's sort of that investigation that was launched the code of silence is very typical of most of the
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marines the very tend now that investigated is going to be now carried out by the service justice it's good and it's going to focus around the rules of engagement the treats operate under very very strict rules and if they get it wrong that they can be prosecuted now the ministry of defense been very clear that this is an insurgent but certainly as he said very disciplined in the way of detail a lot of questions that need to be answered at the moment of a very very serious allegations indeed who are actually ceremonial sunday marking the eleven years since the south of the afghanistan war now going into this twelfth year one of the biggest issues that were raised there and you know there are afghan civilians who are there citizens who are talking to us and they're saying you know it's the fact that the coverage age of this at eleven years old now still very disciplined the way of detail about you know what actually has occurred in the way of some of these incidents that have been the we're now finding out about it was the naming of the death rate in a big issue was the fact that whilst we are very aware it is always reported when
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british streets kills and what their activities are we very rarely hear the names of the afghan civilians who are being killed now i'll just say today in the paper this story is on the seventh page of the morning free paper it's a very very small piece of the pulse in that bit you know as you said very disciplined in the way of detail at the moment but of course this you know this isn't an isolated incident at the end of last year we saw a british soldier a jail for eighteen months off he stabbed a ten year old and. boy wealthy was drunk on vodka we've also seen the us widespread protest of the burning the koran we have the very thing. you have your leg thing on the bullet bloody hell of a fight. that we know about decided that it's so common among the marines that are out there as they very rarely get these types of stories make it really this is just another one that he has and that we're hearing about. two different conflict zone now tension flares along the israeli lebanese
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border hezbollah says it sent a drone three hundred kilometers into israel's tightly guarded airspace a message that experts say its readiness for war. if you're passing through rushes to be a region you really can't walk on the wild side thousands of kilometers of unspoilt countryside make up an area where it's still possible to live off the learned such spectacular scenery makes it a paradise for fishermen and provides a business opportunity for hunters there are defined hunting seasons in russia but lacks in force means many animals are killed out of the a lot of times which can leave young animals orphaned and unable to survive the heart of just u.s. forest provides a sanctuary for the most famous beast in russia it's home to
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a group who rescue often bear cubs and raise them when they're old enough to fend for themselves the cubs a target taken to a remote location and released back into the wild but it's not just bears who find a haven here this is wolf island here wolf pups have been captured by hunters or bought from zoos have a second chance at life and conservationists have a unique opportunity to observe them. these walls are all around four months old and they'll stay in this area for up to three years and most will go back to the wild for good just viewing them from the car was an experience in itself but then after a bit of a bumpy ride came an opportunity i just couldn't pass up this is what i was hoping for when i heard i was coming to a place called wolf i had a chance to get up close and personal with the locals and it's these guys are going to act as foster parents for the next generation will come here using the old awards as surrogate parents has already proved
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a successful technique. every year i place infant wolves with one year old wolf cubs whose parental instinct is totally shaped and they take them as their own cubs it's going to continue to take time and money to rehabilitate the wolfs reputation in russia but the keepers here hope their research and dedication will mean that wolf island remains a place where visitors can truly understand the call of the wild. welcome back to our team with me karen town of damascus has lashed out at a car over allegations that the syrian passenger jet intercepted by turkey mid-flight carried russian made ammunition syrian authorities along with the moscow airport that this patch stuff like maintain there was no illegal cargo on board
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more on this now from artie's much. syria calls it a turkey allegations said that the syrian a plane was carrying ammunition and some other sort off military cargo was absolutely on true trusting that the plane was not carrying anything illegal so far the trick you cited hasn't provided any out of a dense proving the statement in response syracuse to turkey piracy over the detention off its clean late on wednesday meanwhile a russian airport representatives from where the plane a initially departed to damascus as south of the costumes just security did not so find anything suspicious before the planes take off and now the documents coming from the airport have already been handed to officials for further inspection again of this incident took place late on wednesday when having departed from one of the
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moscow airports syrian air passenger plane that was carrying thirty seven people on board was heading to damascus when as soon as it crossed the turkish border sixteen fighter jets forced the plane to a land and after the search that lasted for more will then the ninth hour worser and later the people onboard of this plane completely poor and at times to very aggressive to truth and treatment coming from the turkish security forces the plane's cargo was confiscated in only after we found the plane could continue its roots in syria claims that this turkish be heaver yet again proves its policy which is not aimed at keeping peace in the area or more analysis on this from anti-war activists carol stone he joins us live now ken thank you for joining our team now bear with me here why would a russia try to smuggle weapons to syria if there's been no or if there's been no u.n. arms embargo imposed against the syrian regime. the accusation is ridiculous but
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it's part of a larger campaign on the part of turkey recklessly to raise tensions in the middle east with a view to preparing the ground for a western military intervention in syria. now prime minister out of the want to use to name the source which provided her cash intelligence with information about the plane could there be more players involved in this scenario absolutely turkey here is acting as a cast for nato behind turkey stand the old colonial powers of europe britain france. italy and of course the usa and also some rich arab monarchies such as katara and some of the arabia those powers turkey is trying to curry favor with those powers because it's looking for two things turkey is one
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wants to get in desperately to the e.u. and turkey also wants to become the hub of a proposed new oil and gas pipeline running from the middle east into southern europe so it's trying to curry favor with the western powers by recklessly. saber rattling and raising tensions in the middle east now syria's foreign ministry has accused the prime minister and go on lying what they try to gain by deceiving us all. well i don't believe that syria has any thing to gain by antagonizing its neighbor turkey but on the other hand i believe turkey has everything to gain by antagonizing syria. as i said. the turks are part of a game plan by the west to overthrow the regime in syria and in that way use syria as
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a stepping stone towards levanon and iraq and eventually russia and china the long term game plan is for the west gain control of all of middle eastern and central asian oil and to maintain the head you will win the of the united states over the whole world. now very briefly i can understand that it grounded the plane to prevent the militarization of the conflict what role do you think turkey plays in the syrian conflict as i said turkey is a cat's paw for nato and it's recklessly raising tensions here that in order to prepare the ground for a military intervention what turkey should be doing is defusing the situation it should be sticking it keeping its no out of the internal affairs of the syrian neighbor it should be doing what all the countries of the world should be doing and that is supporting the six point united nations six point peace plan for syria our i thought analysis there from ken stone anti-war activist thank you can't so much
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for your time. the leader of hezbollah has claimed responsibility for for launching a scout drone into israel during the weekend and vowed to send more according to the lebanese movement the unmanned craft to manage to reach sensitive locations including the dimona nuclear facility political analyst says this means hezbollah is ready for war. the message to the is really a message to prime minister not to know who's been like putting a lot of pressure on the obama administration to draw a lot of the rug lie in today i think i was about la crosse one of those red line and then there were the israeli aerospace for the first he didn't say for the first time he said that it's not the first time and probably would not be the last time i mean challenge israeli security israel actually violated lebanese airspace in the. five six years so i think hezbollah. was able actually to
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make. it very challenging for the prime minister of israel actually wanted to send very strong message to the israeli that they're already and gave all they have the means and the will to do what it takes if a war break out in the regional level. now to some other stories making headlines around the world eighteen people have been killed in a u.s. drone strike in the tribal area of pakistan the strike targeted a militant compound that officials linked to the hakani terror network it's the second attack in as many days coming on the heels of a massive protest against american drone strikes in pakistan and here. in colorado protesters have once again descended on top where square period by the acquittal of mubarak loyalists a group of former officials has been charged with sending mounted armed men to
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forcibly break up demonstrations last year the protests have been have marred president morsi is first hundred days in office with public outrage forcing him to remove the country's top prosecutor activists have called for more action on friday . the japanese company that only fukushima nuclear power station has admitted for the first time that the meltdown is quote if enough. it it it stated the facility needed safety improvements long before the tragedy was triggered by the earthquake and tsunami that hit the country in two thousand and eleven tepco said fears of political economic and legal consequences were behind the inaction the company also didn't want to provoke strong anti-nuclear sentiment in the country which happened anyway after the disaster. and over to the business desk with marina now who is monitoring investors reaction to europe's nobel prize plans yes i am and i have to say their reaction has been flat pretty much like the
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markets because if we think about it the award comes with a one point two million dollars check but european countries have spent around three and a half trillion euros so far from going to two thousand and eight up until this point so this will not do that much to help the financial crisis that we're seeing in the eurozone but we spoke about this with many analysts including poll larson who carmarthen i should say from lombard on the airbag and he explained to us how he sees the future of europe ultimately i think the eurozone will break i think will see a hardcore euro and then a sort of your own light as i would term it the hard core euro be largely germany and so therefore will be a proxy to which market will be comparatively strong and then you have a satellite group of comparatively weak currencies. well let's take a look at how european markets are performing as i said it's been flat for the past couple of hours oil majors as well as drug makers are particularly bad in this
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trade in session and also know that the international monetary fund has now officially bad calls for greece for its. all of the limits to meet its budgetary needs for another bailout now let's stay with greece because we have some interesting statistics coming out of there because every second young adult in greece is failing to find a job and that's as the jobless rate has set a record twenty five percent that was for the month of july one point three million greeks were on employed that month more than the one the foulston jobs have been caught every single day over the past year and a tough austerity measures are likely to push the country into another year of recession and the jobless rate could rise even for their. currency rates the euro continues to strengthen against the u.s. dollar when it comes to the ruble it continues to gain against the currency basket russian markets are tracking losses overseas but the year there are no clouds there indeed almost one of her sides in the black as you can see by the figures oil
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prices are not helping because they've been makes enough of those concerns over rising tensions in the middle east that made this supplies all right now let's take a look at what's happening with the company of russia's oil giants because it is looking to help local african companies to build a gas pipeline from zimbabwe to mozambique of course all combat roles left here the project is being reviewed by engineers and all the documents should be ready in time for the new year holidays the pipeline could be as long as seven hundred kilometers and costs around seven hundred million dollars ross laughed also wants to build an oil storage terminal in zimbabwe. and this is what i have for you right now next time you'll have moved to madame co we'll have the next update for you karen thank you so much. and you can see a tune for a special report old and bold it's coming up next.
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