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tv   [untitled]    October 12, 2012 12:30pm-1:00pm EDT

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up next artie's laura smith is interviewing daniel hannan the is the member of the european parliament who criticizes the e.u. structure and blames euro kratz for showing no respect to voters. today i'm talking to daniel hernandez the conservative member of the european parliament he's about to bring his year is skepticism to the heart of brussels mr han thanks for talking to us now apparently doing the rounds in brussels is a popular joke which says that if the european union was a country applying to join itself it would be rejected for not being democratic enough it's an amazing thing and we've stopped being amazed by it simply because of familiarity but we should be shocked by it that the only body that can propose new legislation in the european union is the unelected european commission if any country were run by if supreme power wielded by twenty seven people who were immune
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to the ballot box that would be regarded as an outrage. and yet the people who talk most fervently about turning the e.u. into something like a super state are remarkably relaxed about the undemocratic nature of it and from that basic lack of democracy you get the contempt for popular opinion you get the way sorts of side referendum results if they go the wrong way and you get the sense that public opinion is an obstacle to overcome rather than a reason to change direction it is an extraordinary and sad paradox that twenty seven countries each of them a liberal parliamentary democracy in its own right have come together and accepted a system that would make zimbabwe look democratic and how did that happen exactly was its kind of creeping takeover by technocrats i think the origins actually go back to the very beginning of the european union the founding fathers had had a very mixed experience of democracy is specially of the referendum plebiscite re
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kind of numb ocracy that existed in the one nine hundred thirty s. they saw democracy as opposed to i won't go so far so they were anti democratic but they saw it is a potentially dangerous force that could lead to demagoguery to fascism and to war and so they were quite open about deliberately vesting supreme power in the hands of why technocratic experts who wouldn't have to worry about public opinion would be able to take the tough decisions and of course you know there is no such person as the wise disinterested expert they all have their prejudices they all have their assumptions and freed from the constraints of public opinion they were able to get on with creating an almost autocratic system which has stayed in large measure in place to this day which is why you know when people vote against it that is seen as the beginning of the argument rather than as it would be in a proper democracy the end of the argument even recently released a book under the title a dim marriage which is about the relationship between the e.u. and the u.k.
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why did you decide to use the subtitle is britain and europe is not a is not a. marriage guidance piece although well it's an interesting one i read the review of work by a marriage guidance counselor i didn't read the book but the review said something fascinating. it said that a relationship can take a lot of arguing that rouser not a bad thing because if you are arguing with your husband or wife it suggests that you care enough about his or her view that you want to change it it's when the rowels give way to contempt when the stormy sessions fall silent and give way to scorn the relationship is over and i think something similar has happened even in the time that i've been an m.e.p. when i was first elected constituents would write to me very angrily and say outrageous that the budget is on approved outrages that all the money is being spent on these agricultural and foreign aid boondoggles outrages that the system is so undemocratic and now what you get much more often is
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a kind of you know what you expect the whole system is rushing and that's when you realize that the marriage is over and i think it's just a question of time and how we how we negotiate the most amicable divorce even going as far as to cool the relationship between your a craps and ordinary those is abusive yes in the sense that the ordinary voter if you like the voter i mean will not go the order of the voter is seen as an inconvenience is seen as a problem you know when i think back to the way in which the french and dutch referendums were greeted six years ago. every single speaker with two exceptions in the entire european parliament stood up to say how do we get around this problem you know why did they get it wrong how do we how do we really educate voters you know i was reminded of those that eerie poem by bertold brecht where he says wouldn't it therefore be easier to dissolve the people and elect another in their place and that it didn't occur to anybody that the people have spoken and that
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therefore the politicians should listen talk to me about your assertion that it was brussels backed coups that toppled george papandreou in greece and silvio berlusconi in italy what proof do you have of that well in two countries a an elected prime minister was removed from office and replaced with a technocrat who had never stood for office in his life not just a technocrat for your account in greece it was the former head of the euro the former vice president of european central bank in italy it was a former european commissioner mario monti who as well as appointing yourself is prime minister appoint himself finance minister giving a whole new meaning to the phrase the full monty and didn't have a single elected doesn't have a single elected politician in the italian government right now both in the case of the property most administration in greece and the monti administration initially we were told that these were national governments that was the phrase used. and yet the whole purpose of these governments was to push through a program that would be rejected by the nation in the general election so if you
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like the the the last shreds of pretense were said to the velvet glove was taken off of the iron fist underneath which i'm sure you then have what was always implicit but is now explicit which is apparatchiks in brussels ruling directly through apparatchiks in rome and in athens with the people and their elected representatives cut out altogether i saw last week that mario monti said he might seek a second term i don't remember him speaking of from your description it sounds terrifying easy for brussels to do that what steps see your across have to take these were civilian jumpers ok it is true that the letter of constitutional propriety was observed in the sense that the parliament in both cases indorse the new government that's the case with every dictatorship starting from napoleon they always manage to get the parliamentary vote in their favor the reality is that we're dealing with administrations that have been imposed on countries because
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keeping those countries in the euro was thought to be more important than allowing them to vote for the policies they want we do appear to be drawing nearer to a referendum on whether the u.k. should stay in the european union what would it take do you think for the government to take that final step well politicians in my experience feel the heat before they see the light i don't think any political party likes referendums to be honest because politicians are instinctively mistrustful of a process whose outcome they can't control nonetheless they all see that there is big public demand. people want to be consulted they feel that it's a huge issue in what country they want to put on to and that it's insulting and wrong not to allow people the referendum which all three parties were recently promising and all three have managed to draw back from i'll go so far as to say that the party which gets there first will probably win the next election the people who feel strongly about this may be a minority but they are not an insignificant minority and it's a vote determining issue for a chunk of the electorate. and so. it's almost i suppose like
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a kind of game theory like a prisoner's dilemma ny the party desperately wants a referendum but neither can afford to let the other get there first what kind of referendum d.c. court is simple in or out or a more complex constructs i think ultimately there will have to be an in out referendum i think it's the only one that makes sense you can't offer people something that you haven't yet negotiated or something that isn't in your gift to deliver i mean if you had a referendum and said wouldn't it be great if we opted out of all the following areas but remained in the free market will you know idea whether the e.u. is going to give you that and so you that that's a meaningless question unless the renegotiation has already been completed by then and that's how i think it it should happen let me be is generous as i can do people want to stay in and is fair about this is like and. if the problem is timing and what is going to emerge from the eurozone crisis because that's what we're told no one now admits to being against a referendum in principle what they're all there now saying is now isn't the right
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time we've got to see what emerges fine if that's the case then pre-announce now and pretty legislate now for a referendum to take place in the twenty sixteen ok that's plenty of time you've then got four years you supporters of membership to come back with a deal that you reckon you can sell to the british people. and the fact that you preannounced that referendum means that all of the other member states also understand that if you don't get the deal that you can sell to the country the alternative is that we leave and we negotiate something differently from the outside i think if you did that then it is even possible that you could succeed in getting something along the lines of the swiss deal without calling it leaving i mean if it then becomes a presentational question whether you call it associate membership or whatever but what is absolutely certain is that if our own civil servants and if the other member states do not understand that it's either a renegotiation or exit there will be no significant improvement in our terms of membership what about was all three parties saying it and they which is you know
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we've got this crisis going on our main priority should be to reduce the deficit we don't have the time with inclination now to talk about having me referendum is wonderful isn't it we were told for twenty years that now was not the right time for a referendum because europe wasn't an issue and now we're told now it's the wrong time because europe is an issue you know the eurozone crisis and all this i mean it's the ultimate yes minister argument you know a perfectly good idea in principle minnesota perhaps now is not the most propitious occasion if not now when you know the eurozone crisis has wrecked the premise on which we joined it's falsified our membership terms europe is collapsing as a share of our exports the rest of the world is increasing almost by the minute as a share of our trade you know the the reason that we went in in the first place in the early seventy's in the argument has been deployed for nearly forty years has now been made redundant by the collapse of the eurozone economy and the mulish insistence of the eurozone governments on accelerating all the policies that have created the crisis that now is the time for us to raise our eyes to more distant
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horizons and reimburse the wider world daniel had on thank you very much thank you . it sounds like a dragon crashing through the forest but it is in fact technology versus trees and would you believe it this machine can fail and strip hundreds of them each day when building this facility we wanted to use advanced technology that would increase efficiency and allow us not to use manual labor also this provides for better quality goods as a result we were able to conquer western markets the demand for corrina birchwood is high since our production line is quite efficient where i will to work for higher wages to our employees the trunks and up here where they turned into planks which branch off for all manner of uses greenies would export
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a march but not all of it goes with gold. here in the museum island of traditional methods they used to build and maintain churches and dwellings dating back hundreds of years invests whole what careers used to what. is highest complexity these plaques are about to become part of something which exemplifies the combination of tradition and technology. here at the valley and viking boat makers what is fashioned into their souls new and old they range from small private boats to replicas used in the historical t.v. series of. my boots are all special they're like children to me we have to design and build them from scratch it's always sad when we have to part ways every time they sail away while we remain at the dark and pavel gets much of his timber from karelia same customers pine for its high quality wood. which brings
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us to the first six million cubic metres of wood is cut down in careers forest every year it goes to make everything from farmhouses to firewood and with korea's proximity to europe and the baltic it's big for a. it's big business. wealthy british style. sometimes. markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause
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a report on. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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i'm betting on the headlines tonight nobel award winning hand many years of violence over some employment rising separatism but the e.u. wins the peace prize amid the worst crisis kids ever faced. turkey's claims that there were russian made weapons on board the syrian passenger jet diverted to ankara insisting that cargo was totally illegal. also fresh anti-government protests in bahrain and the in fierce clashes as police tear gas crowds and make arrests in another crackdown that's going on noticed in the world media here an eyewitness account a bit later and what i had learned for you were gyptian back in tahrir square over
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the acquittal of keep mubarak loyalists and president morsi failures during his first hundred days in power the scuffles erupting on both sides we'll keep you abreast of that story throughout the night now though very busy not a sports culture with kate. hello welcome to the sports on this big night of the world cup qualifiers and here are the top stories looking up russia take on christiane are now those portugal in that third world cup qualifier here in moscow looking for a victory that would take them to the top of prepared you've got about eight minutes to go that. was expressing even is what you heard here i will be out till then she's a little quick defeat as he sets up a semifinal against. the shanghai lost his. career best is about stillbirth all lead to mark webber as red bull set the pace in practice
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ahead of this weekend's korean grump free. but first a focal of fabio capello's russia hosting portugal in the battle for the outright leading group s in their bid to automatically qualify for the twenty fourteen world cup and it's so far so good for the home side as just six minutes in alexander has put clean through bottom one shirt off and there's a neat stuff finished with aplomb to make it one else or russia and still it is one hell to rush away into the final three one is that the luzhniki one in the meanwhile rock bottom israel will help to go third with the wind that was luxembourg a. while later reigning world and european champions spain face ballerinas in minsk before a vital clash against france in madrid on tuesday which could help decide which team will eventually win group by but spain insists their focus is on friday's game as victory would see them go joint top with problems. if it was
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a promotion of you know we imagine how the match will go we think about how it will turn out we find the solutions that would like to have what you can be sure of is that we're going to go against that our offensive and we're going to try to take the initiative of the game we have to prepare against possibility next from them we're magine imagine like that and therefore we'll have players who can score goals . well meanwhile elsewhere manchester city striker mario balotelli is set to miss italy's qualifier against armenia and yet a van of the failing to recover from the flu while coach has already been there lee will also rest some of his store what's with no you ventus nor any players on the rota after you've won their italian supercar encounter for two on sunday well european runners up easily talk group b. on goal difference from bulgaria but armenia a third i'm from delhi is taking nothing for granted. and. we know that we need to be from the top because a media are well prepared to be to talk to go and play to high tempo we should do
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our best to use the quality that we have. for me mam in london wayne rooney is set to skipper an inexperienced england squad in their match against the window this summer you know when really the three lions are currently seconding group h. behind montenegro on goal difference while ukraine a false but have a game in hand and travel to moldova had gets to pick up their first points of the campaign. but in the meantime germany is searching for their third win from three years yet in the chargers' take on the republic of ireland in dublin second place sweden are the overwhelming favorites in their much of their own and public stand and austria to secure their is going to see. meantime two thousand and ten world cup runners up the netherlands welcomed bottom side on dora as their only look to go top of group d. s. head of mania by turkey istanbul estonia entertain hungry. tennis now roger federer will to avenge his olympic final defeat when the world number one
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takes on andy murray in the semifinals of the shanghai masters the swiss maestro brushed aside ten. croatia six three six four thirty one he was off to his servants title of the season but he faces murray if he beats in the wimbledon decider in july lost to the group along the same venue months later. well meanwhile truth on defending champion murray battled back from a set down to outclass radek stepanek unseeded displayed a lot of grits to dominate the open a six four but marie regroups to take the next two six two six three one hundred three has now won all eleven of his matches in shanghai. i. was right and i've been champion i've got a joke of age came back from two love down in the second said to me germany's tommy haas six three six three and standing in the way next for the second seed is
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promotion. i think serving jack as the jo wilfried some day in and hour and a half birdie ace number nine to wrap up a six three seven six victory to stay on course for his fourth final of the season all four top seeds reached the semifinals for the first time in the four year history of the shanghai masters. and that of only the water red bull sebastian vettel has edged teammate mark webber to top the time sheets in friday's practice for the korean grand prix the twice defending world champion has won the last two races to go within four points of championship leader and underwhelms a well the spaniard finished third ahead of my times jenson button michael schumacher was this followed by ferrari's belief in massa and sadie's nico rosberg who is hamilton from being quickest in the first session but finished eight after failing to finish with a faster tires. to come here on a high and will try to use the momentum to have another you know very strong result
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here we know that you know the circuit should be quite good for us historically we've been competitive here so two years we've been racing here before i think we always had a very good cos. try again. and emerge a g.p. dani pedrosa was fast as in practice ahead of sunday's race in japan the spaniard is thirty three points behind jorge lorenzo in the championship standings with four races to go. i think a tenth of a second quicker than his rival it is and rid of his emotion was third quickest defending world champion casey stoner with seven this is trying to make his comeback often missing the last three races with a fractured ankle. moving on england's justin rose beat countryman lee westwood by one shots to win the lucrative world golf final in turkey rose it reached out on the verge of the test to go to shots clear yet westwood tried is that gap to a single strike the ball at the sixteenth and the two then traded but is that rose
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kept his composure i think it's called parts at the eighteenth to finish with a five under par sixty six and tricks of the trade while the five also picked up a check for one point five million dollars the biggest audience call to korea while world number four was worth one million for finishing second and rose for the first specked the runner up. in a league game play solidly today you just think where the pats win and yes they form they burn the edge today and you know i'm sure he'll have a lot we'll look back at around there are a lot of chances for him but he got tired at the end i mean he did what he had to do it put the pressure on me all the way he made a great for at sixteen where i thought his ball was actually wet with the second shot and then obviously the eighteenth he kept the pressure going. basketball moscow survive to scared to make a winning start to this year's yearly as last season's runners up edged love the inside of the two of us leads us seventy five points to seventy three sunny williams top scored for the home side with fourteen points and the contribution of the small forward was vital disco muster were down sixty seven points to seventy
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one but the format denver nuggets player scored five points in a row to give his side the lead then milosz told us each added a couple of free throws but it was still tight right until the death retest even have the last possession and a chance to win the game and missed three points on the positive side release the ten time rushing champions in the winning year league start for the all the men in the russian capital. you know you should be allowed to me is going to play the best when i play out we have to play better we can easily nobody did what it was but it's almost we have to play harder we have to play to go. finally current tour de france champion bradley wiggins is shocked by the u.s. anti-doping agency's report on lance armstrong but believes cycling has moved on from the dark days of doping you saw to produce a thousand page dossier detailing how armstrong allegedly took banned substances to fuel his seven tour de france victories eleven his former teammates testifying
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against him and says it's now his responsibility is to champion to defend the sport i mean he said he believes it's going to self up. quickly has on me is the car and we know the tour de france is over so i've got to on to the questions pick up the pieces expect to be the voice of everyone else beyond me. which i'm not happy about doing really boy i understand why i have to do it my focus is always on trying to be better and competing next year again and you know almost kind of showing from the rooftops well look why did she really you know that is the future of so i can this country and that is the future of our sport and that's where it moves forward really and obviously a lot of this stuff happened nearly fifteen years ago so it's the sport has changed considerably and we're a big part of making changing our sport. before we go there's just time to tell you that russia have won their group f. match against portugal i was on that there's a goal for the winning goal of the six minutes russia won portugal nil not so the
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