tv [untitled] October 13, 2012 6:00am-6:30am EDT
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where square burns as egyptian liberals clash over president morsi has ruled believing in some unspoken peace accord between the two sides in tatters. under pressure queues an american court of forcing a group of russians arrested in the u.s. over a week ago to admit their involvement in a conspiracy against the u.s. . and the british foreign office denies world war two veterans a russian medal issued to commemorate their service saying the act of bravery was
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too far in the past. and welcome to our team karen taraji this saturday with you it's two o'clock here in moscow well it was a riot his ninth in talk we're square with egyptian liberals and islam is struggling out their differences in a hail of rocks far balms and even bullets it all began with an opposition rally against president morsi and his first one hundred days in power but the gathering was soon joined by the ball slim muslim brotherhood and as journalists rebel true reports that's when things really turned ugly. what happened was there were two protests organized one by the liberal forces who were complaining against these last one hundred days this plan that he said they would be able to to achieve significant change at the key social issues in egypt and also against the
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constituent assembly you are currently drafting egypt's national charter which is being dropped in quite an islamist way so we had the liberals who were here to protest against back to the same time the brotherhood came down there was organized protests in the brotherhood and the brotherhood said critical party of the njt the freedom and justice party against the recent ruling acquitting twenty five people who were involved reports of involved in the back of the camel one of the bloodiest battles of the eighteen days last year when we had really was liberals and the islamists in particular prove i had to go to this meeting on to here which then erupted in clashes and kind of top streets and just behind me as you can see by the museum i personally witnessed a lot of rock throwing several very heavy head injuries throwing we have heard gunshots there's been no police presence whatsoever even though in more sees a hundred day plan he did say that he would up security in the country and reassure people that they wouldn't see scenes like this which is what we're witnessing right now there is obviously a growing political islam happening in this country what we saw recently was the
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supreme guide of the muslim brotherhood he made quite a contentious statement recently calling for jihad or holy war on jerusalem to wrestle it away from the jewish population and give it back to the muslims this is a very contentious statement made morsi himself the president hasn't affirmed it distance himself from the statement but of course despite many fears in addition we're seeing a massive it isn't my zation of the constitution which is obviously key at the moment key articles in the constitution like article two an article thirty six relating to the egyptian penal code and those who really can see women's rights are really seeing a lot of islam is ation in that people are saying that the egyptian law should not just derive from from islamic sharia that actually from. islamic sharia these are one of the ongoing battles within the constituent assembly so basically what we're seeing is on a grassroots level the national level the political level quite a heavy islam is ation of egypt and james john to us who is a former us foreign policy analyst says the brotherhood's calls to seize jerusalem
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shows a cig zachery what its goals are. but we were seeing a very rapid islamisation of the political structure in egypt and nobody should be surprised at this. there was a lot of discussion about the power struggle that would ensue between morsi in the military and it seems that morsi in the brotherhood have triumphed much quicker than anybody expected and nobody should doubt what their ultimate intentions are in terms of strict enforcement of sharia and they recreate the caliphate the khilafat so i think this statement about jihad to recapture jerusalem should not come as any surprise to anyone i don't think the peace treaty with israel ultimately will be altered but we will see what form that takes and what it will take it i think the most important thing that strikes me is it shows the utter incoherence of american policy in the arab world by promoting the islamization of egypt to the removal of
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our longtime satrap in egypt hosni mubarak and then we seem surprised that democracy in egypt has taken this direction. is not the only arab country saying violence and police brutality in the streets coming out of bahrain security forces once again lash out at peaceful protesters demanding political reforms as the monarchy reinforce this ties with its powerful military backer great britain and. moscow claims that a group of citizens arrested in the u.s. earlier this month were forced to admit they were involved in an illegally exporting high tech electronics to russia diplomats say the suspects are being put under psychological pressure more on that from marty's pair all over. what we're seeing is a statement being issued by the russian foreign ministry regarding the four russian citizens currently still in custody who have been charged with the illegal export of military technology the foreign ministry suggesting that these four russians are
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being put under extreme psychological and moral pressure in order to get them to sign confound the foreign ministry is also wanting a review of the decision to deny these four russian citizens it has taken the media by storm a little bit it has been all over the media that this is some kind of spy scandal that is dismissed by the foreign ministry they say all you have to do is look at the charges that have been leveled against these four russian citizens that their criminal charges the families of the russian citizens have been expressing concern over the way that they are being treated while in custody there's been suggestions that they're being forced to sleep on the floor there in very crowded cells for russian citizens were picked up on the third of october as part of a group of eleven people that the f.b.i. wanted to speak to in connection with the export of high tech technology from the united states to russia it's believed that technology has a potential military use they were picked up in houston in texas over the next few days they're going to be moved to new york where the first hearings on this case
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will be heard next week. great britain has signed a military trade deal with korean which focuses on the joint training of troops val's to back the country and case of external aggression the deal comes amid fury among the country's opposition which continues to accuse the security forces of a violent crackdown on peaceful protesters demonstrators packed monogamous streets when once again on friday calling for the monarchy to ease its choking grip and move forward forms police lashed out at them using riot gear to disperse the rally while at least ten people were arrested dominick karkare both from bahrain's justice and development movement believes western nations have too much to lose from reforms in bahrain. because the asli doesn't send a particularly fantastic message when you're sending weapons to a country that is using weapons against its people on a daily basis to kill to injure to crush protests to crush essentially democracy
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but i think. the reason why why the u.s. and other countries do that is because they want to keep bahrain as an ally iran is seen as an ally of western countries and therefore they want to try and keep that relationship but what these governments don't realize that they are too few to realize they have a huge amount of leverage they have a lot of ability to convince about cradle to pressure them into reform perhaps they misunderstand the strength they have perhaps you know they're scared very interesting tied up in that region could be damaged if they you know if there were democratic change but the reality is the people who are behind for democracy they're calling for change i didn't have to be against the western interests actually i could be very much in the interests of the west and i know the rest of the world the democratic and stable country while it may be easy to ignore what's happening in bahrain and proving to be a lot harder for some countries to turn a blind eye to what's going on at home spain's national day fracture spanier also with catalonia and separatists not taking too calmly to an anti tense march in
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their strong. hold of parsimony more luck after desperate. looking at some dogs who simply do not believe they come speak and goodness how they can wrong oh. it's an international sled dog race with those driving the dogs. coming from as far away as a strand in canada and the us i come to russia and everybody is so very friendly they welcomed me with open arms and the scenery is so beautiful it's very much like a laska and so i felt at home the first sled dog was brought here from australia now it's trios come to this remote russian village to take part in the race it's not surprising they love it this trail are amazing but even more amazing
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is the story of how racing first started here atoll it wasn't the top of sled grazing who set the trail ablaze but a nun and for all for those who brought their dia to life. five years ago. built a dog kennel in the village kids from the local open each came around to take care of the dogs and one day they state their life might seem extreme to some the boys wake up at six to feed to the dogs before school in the evening they spend up to three hours training baffle legged friends but smother perske have also encourages her kids to become depth hands on the computer and internet the boys who regularly update their websites and they're in touch with the busy mother twenty four seven on the phone itself. but children are the most important thing my own interests not play any rule any more and regardless of whether parsky has huskies window race or
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not she hopes the composition will take place in the village next year. but called these dogs and the children it really is not the winning but actually just the taking part that counts. even in the autumn of the years. it's never too late to start. stream paragliding. when a bar in the championship. or become a part. on arctic.
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mornings today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing operation. hello and welcome back to our team with me karen terrill decades ago thousands of britons laid their lives on the line for both their country and its allies but getting recognition for their bravery today seems harder than showing it artists are further has the story. worse journey in the world winston churchill's description of the grim ordeal faced the british soldiers who were part of the arctic convoys during world war two getting supplies to russian forces the convoys
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face danger from above and below from nazi you bates and. it was tied into the spry cold. there. a temperature. below zero i was itin years of age eighteen years of age guy not to russia and then do an order. but we done it. because the job at. jill stories and memories are among the most harrowing of the war for the russians it was more than just supplies it was psychological support contributing hugely to the war effort that's why in april the russian president awarded the issue of medal to the allies he taking part in the convoy missions but incredibly the push governments blocking russia from rewarding british veterans
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that. threaten arctic convoys in recognition of your outstanding contribution into allied cooperation due to world war two the description american attack. apparently unless the british government. is a non starter what i think. forgivable war the foreign office says it's against the rules in order for permission to be given for an award to be accepted there has to be a specific service to the country concerned and that service should have taken place within the previous five years john's wife says that's ridiculous they're all late eighty's early ninety's some of them what on earth are they supposed to do over the last five years they still pray at maine or what they were during the war it never leaves. so was i being painted i'm not being given this.
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i think it's disgraceful absolutely disgraceful angry not just from a whole mile the ship might those. who passed on across the powers please cite to me this disgusting john says it's time the current prime minister says that tend to be the decent thing common die world we will then then dyce yes we were all in together. the russians the americans the belgium yes we were all in it together they proudly we've been left there because you believe we can lift this medal everybody. early but the foreign countries get a win ok the campaign is in both britain and russia i refusing to back down in pitching the government to get these men properly rewarded for their bravery it's. nation. really extraordinary service and
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they are sick. people during the work to see that. in the pivotal war time he found friendship real adversity illustrated by jill's pictures and stories of his time working with the russians down saying. these are the medals that john with the for his heroic the during world war two he was taping along with the other veterans involved in the arctic convoys to add the issue called medal to their collection but as long as the british government continues to refuse to allow them to be awarded they won't be adding that medal they say. are the london war stories that are to dot com including how you are selection fever has literally knocked some
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americans off their feet one of barack obama's secret service agents hits the bottle and passes out on a sidewalk give miami right after the presidential visit to the city. and find out why europe's most neutral and stable state is mobilizing troops preparing for mass civil war and rants. rocked by a devastating debt crisis mass protests and a rise of radicalism but it's not all gloom for the e.u. though the block has been awarded the nobel peace prize for selling peace across europe but reaction has been well to say the least varied with cheers in paris in sharp contrast to shock disbelief in athens international investor and author james rogers says the block's achievements are in for a test. i assure you next week or next month when people are rising in the streets again in parts of europe they're not going to care about this though. nobody's
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going to remember it except whoever gets the check but the judge is going to be spent just like that but there's going to be a lot more pain in europe europe has been spending money they don't have that's going to have to stop and it's going to cause more rides in the streets more social unrest more governments failing and perhaps even countries failing and perhaps even people pulling out of the euro conceivably if you have a huge amounts of tension in europe and the euro breaking up that could create increased tension minish change and then could lead to war again in europe. before said to be a long way away but it could happen if this causes if the present circumstances cause the year old to break up and that has to europe's unity is already underway in spain where tensions over catalonia as bad for independence came to a head even as the nobel peace prize was being awarded calls for a breakaway state in the spanish region of catalonia are among the loudest in the queue with feelings running high among the people there
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a mass and tile sara lee protest is expected in the capital madrid two that's going to be a part of a chain of synchronized protests happening in more than thirty five cities around the world today and with regards to catalonia morocco mikhail a senior researcher at the european think tank fried says it's part of a bigger problem. this really reveals a kind of a kind of real crisis either in spain or in a lot also a few up in countries and obviously we can disconnect the cats are doing issue from the global financial crisis that is going on in the european union but that said when it comes to. this such reducing of a noble prize to the european union obviously it comes into contradiction with both europe. the union is doing going to europe and what. he's doing in the rest of the world so i think that's i mean the same way that we've seen at the same way that
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happened a few years ago when obama got the nobel prize i think that what is going on is that we can see it that the nobel peace prize is much more symbolic and stands us in what it called process or decision that has the aim of just favoring some actors in order to push them to do better than what they are doing russia has rebuffed turkish claims that a damascus sponsor villian flight from moscow was carrying weapons foreign minister sergei lavrov said the passenger plane contained only radio gear and it's transportation was in accordance with international norms on one sound card a scrambled fighter jets to force the syrian plane to land and sent masked soldiers to seize the cargo after around nine hours at a turkish airport with passengers barred from leaving the plane the contents were confiscated and the jet was allowed to continue on to damascus a turkish prime minister later said the flight was used to illegally transport russian made ammunitions to the syrian government u.s.
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based analyst jeff steinberg says that allegations are an attempt to hide its own arms smuggling to syrian rebels turkey saudi arabia qatar are involved in violating international law it's an open secret that there are massive amounts of weapons many of which were originally taken from start fires in the libya they're going into the hands of the armed rebels many of whom are radical all qaeda linked. the jihadi so turkey has blood on its hands is only mean the rebels so i think that this incident was an attempt to cover for their own lyall a show. and there are only abuse of any kind being mediating in this grace. for analysis and the timeline of the story is lined up for
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you at r.t. dot com there you can also find exclusive and first hand reports from any passengers on the crew of the syrian plane intercepted by turkey they describe how badly they were treated at airport. and. to some other news from around the world now at least fifteen people have been killed in around forty wounded in a suicide bombing in pakistan the attack occurred at a local market in the northwestern region of the country and supposedly targeted fighters of a pro-government militia the group was created as a counterweight for the taliban the pakistani military has launched several offensives against the taliban which seeks to oust the country's government. colombia's capital has a been rocked by massive protests as students and activists swarmed the streets demanding changes in the country's economic policies police responded with tear gas
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and water cannon arrested more than seventy people as they protested against financial inequality demonstrations were not limited to the capital only as around three hundred thousand people participated nationwide. somali troops along with african union forces have gained control over a town held by al qaida linked islamists they reportedly did it without firing a single bullet as they didn't meet any resistance the army has been struggling to drive hardline insurgents out of the country still control several towns northeast of the capital and along the coastline. coming up in just a few minutes r.t. follows a photographer who is documenting the resilient and upbeat nature of russia's senior citizens.
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which is slow often enough and knows that to ride a horse you've got to catch it first. for him it's a daily routine that your soft as a horse breeder on the island of horn at the heart of. his life on an isolated farm is about blue sky green grass and his horses what they're sometimes it gets lonely here but horses have become part of me now i've fallen off so many times sometimes that bites as well it's part of my every day life. i hornsby in home to it make brats locally just laugh for centuries most still live off the land of cattle and fish every evening local villagers place their nets and
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in the morning the catch is always good. we always have enough here. if by call is often called the pearl of siberia and horn is said to be the pearl of by call it's all end of think forests. and vast staps. it's also a place of traditions respected by locals and travelers alike. an economist turned adventurer has crisscrossed by call shores and learned its customs well. you see pillars like this and thought to have supernatural powers every traveler who comes here asks. spirits to make their journey easier give them strength and fulfill their dearest wishes. virtually undiscovered by tourists until some twenty years ago i haunt us quickly become
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a magnet for nature lovers and you will see cars but those used to five star pampering maybe end for a surprise the island's infrastructure has yet to catch up with the growing demand here quite some way from civilization here accommodation on the island is very basic so you can forget about it or even run in water for most people tent. but for those who come here it's exactly what they're looking for. a journey to buy coal can be unique trip of a lifetime and the locals say once you've seen it you'll be coming back again and again.
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a special blog called point of people to draw attention to these wonderful individuals and. to find the secret thing staying beautiful in old age because he was. thank you i'm telling you taking pictures of people. you know. are just ordinary people wonderful. they do more than just. for celebrities. so interesting to me.
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