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tv   [untitled]    October 14, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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the global noise to say no to us jared see him as protests kick off in over thirty countries but europe among the allow those and angriest just as a gives little bell. turkey closes its airspace to syrian civilian lives in a tit for tat review of the grounding of a syrian jet which ankara suspected of carrying russian weapons to damascus. and one of the pretty riled punk group members walks free but two band mates continue their two year in prison for pulling it isn't over their cathedral stunt.
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you love with us here on our do you watching the weekly with me to bang with say first the global noise is underway in a worldwide protest and some thirty countries in which crowds are calling for an end to a start the biggest demonstrations so far have been in spain just hours after the e.u. one day this year's nobel peace prize and as alessio to chefs he reports from madrid are things are looking to peaceful right now in europe. the union needs for nudists have over six decades contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation and democracy on human rights in europe but is this the peace they're talking about tear gas fascist flags and massive furious crowds of the most
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common sites across the award winning continent lately protests like this will add coal in thirty five countries across the world over the next several weeks the global and cyo stary to voice only in spain alone hundreds of thousands have been voicing their anger ever since the government announced more painful budget cuts for next year everything with spending are is now unemployed and this grim story is pretty much the same for portugal and greece is one of the leaders of the protest movement in madrid he says people have just about had enough behind it the crises and the capitalist system right now in spain transfer private data into public that and these causes huge cuts to public spending and health since the man it took a share and it's affecting millions of poor people it's producing huge upset employment and it's producing and whole social best composition of the old society with so
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many going against the system across europe at times clashing violently with the police the decision to award the e.u. with a peace prize has raised many eyebrows this is like giving the prize to frankenstein for being the best monster created during the past twelve months there's only one contender for the peace prize this year and that's still in a solid the fact that he did not win this prize is will be in a terminal stain on the nobel committee no one has done more to push peace than julian assange should be getting this award from this committee the fact that they turn to a bunch of machines and technocrats and the a hero is an embarrassment they should go back to making dynamite. this ward is even more questionable to some because of the e.u. is rather dubious peacemaking record and that moreover the current financial turmoil is the biggest danger to peace europe has been bombing libya and europe has been bombing syria isn't bombing afghanistan or iraq yugoslavia
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a few years ago yes it's because they're trying to say ok guys we're giving you a whole year together europe has been spending money they don't have that's going to have to stop that is going to cause more rise in the streets more social is more government failing perhaps even countries failing and perhaps even people pulling out of the euro could lead to war again in europe in two thousand and nine barack obama won the same award having been in office for only two weeks that was before he sent more troops to afghanistan and waged war in libya but as the latest nobel peace prize award is debated worldwide protesters in spain seem to care little about the prestige than their own survival calls for independence are heard loud and clear in the country's largest and wealthiest region cut the lumia a clear indication the continent is losing that unity which the nobel committee has decided to. see reporting from madrid in spain. the euro zone leaders are considering new ways of solving greece's financial
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problems as athens is failing to curb its soaring debt the country's currency negotiating further cuts in order to get a new installment of bailout money that's as eurozone officials as say spank aid next month let's discuss this with twenty mendez up from the libertarian party of the netherlands good to have you with us now ah barry louds the only solution to the eurozone debt crisis and if not what is. absolutely not the solution the absolute problem bailouts create a moral hazard when. you have. the. pretty ether that led to the problem the first place is encouraged governments that are spending too much money will continue to spend too much money in cities that keep getting bailout money and the only way to stop that cycle and downward spiral is to stop the bailouts it's actually very well for countries like brazil and in
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many developing countries as well when they're when they ran into financial trouble and couldn't pay their bills anymore. when they got bailouts that probably got got worse when the when they didn't get bailed out so they don't stop that's when they had to start making the policy that's when they started privatizing and then they started cutting subsidies and shrinking government and that's actually what created a situation where in new zealand and many third world countries improve their government policy by and by adopting free market policies and that's how they created wealth but what do you think of the national government i mean what they doing wrong when trying to tackle the debt troubles this is what many people lost if the bailout the no working what are they doing wrong and how they're going to tackle these dates. well what they're doing wrong is the keep. pursuing the same bad policies which is a big government policy which is the idea that if government spends
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a lot of money governments a lot of rules govern intervenes in the market and this is somehow good for a well this is not good for economic growth and that is a wrong assumption. government growth when government grows the economy can grow. small governments are good for economic growth and government trains from government spends less money that is when the economy grows so when government isn't dead it's in debt because it's spent too much money and the problem cannot be solved with spending even more money and getting into even deeper debt when an individual does that if an individual has a debt crisis and tries to solve this debt crisis spending even more money getting into deeper that usually doesn't help at all you have to face the problem and you have to cut spending and live within your means and that's what governments need to do as well when governments become smaller and stop this this policy of overspending and overtaxing and overregulating that's what that's when the economy
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will start going to get this strong separatism sentiments in belgium and brits in the ad in spain is independence going to make the region striving for independence even better off. absolutely i think usually small small governments but also small countries do very well countries that are very small like luxembourg like monaco likely. like singapore hong kong these are all very small countries and they do extremely well. so the salute one solution to our problem of having too much government which governs spend the. separation when countries become smaller because they because of. these areas are getting independent. there is more competition among governments and that is a good thing everybody knows that competing companies is a good thing when companies compete prices go down service goes up all the goes of
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the same thing or two it is true governments from governments compete they have to bring their tax rates down that is why the tax rates have gone down in the last thirty years because reagan and thatcher started cutting taxes and the rest of the world followed in order to compete the european union right now is like that cartel of high tax countries and the european union is trying to harmonize tax policy to harmonize tax rates and harmonize regulations and eliminate competition that is a bad thing. all countries come into existence. areas that are not in and now become independent countries in the future there is more competition there will be lower taxes less spending every few regulations that the more free market policies because we because countries need to compete for capital for talent and that is what drives economic growth one man does that let's leave it right there thank you very much for your thoughts on this time mendoza from the libertarian
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party of the netherlands by turkey has not closed our i.d.'s and space to syrian civilian flights echoing a similar move by damascus this week to intercepted a syrian passenger plane claiming it carried russian made me nish and the government forces also says the only call go was only electronic equipment for radio stations and all of. it we're not going to school reports. they pointed their guns at those hungover from the put those on the ground then they drove us back to the plane into the. roof d'armes in better dignity with an international scandal thrown in on top all in the name of peace at least that's the stance taken by the turkish authorities when they tried to justify force for the grounding a syrian plane on route from moscow to damascus. we in turkey only want peace and safety in this region that is our desire we would never have an incentive
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to start a war on kharaj hasn't revealed exactly what was in the cargo of that plane though they do insist it was russian made a mission and technical equipment something moscow the mentally denies. it was certainly no armaments on this plane which and they simply could not have been any of the aircraft was carrying a cargo that was being shipped from russian supplier to a legitimate customer in a legitimate way it was a cargo of electrical supplies for radar stations this is jewel purpose equipment but it is not barred by any international conventions surely neither do turkish officials say where they received the tipoff about the suppose it weapons on board some of those have their suspicions this is washington telling prime minister early one who says he's so independent to go in and go for it down the use the f. sixteen s for all its peace mongering talk and righteous outrage over russia's supposed on willingness to help out in peace efforts in caracas peers to be
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surprisingly open when it comes to supporting one side in the syrian conflict the rebel fighters it is supporting the rebels it's allowing the. large quantities of ammunition and rockets. to enter syria. lebanese journalist unifor was described what she believed to be an arms delivery on the border between turkey and syria yannick in the mall the scene was surreal barbed wire a dark clean field with all of trees armed men and in flashing lights from the trucks packed with weapons the syrian group takes its share in leaves i was asked not to film but the immensity of the scene with the journalist you know was interrogated for days by turkish officials before being released when she was back in lebanon should realize the incriminating pictures she'd filmed on the turkish theory. border had been wiped while she was in custody some believe still a t.
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towards president assad has little to do with the situation in syria and everything to do with your two arms ambitions i was devilish in this country as a major political player turkey's preparing itself for its one hundredth anniversary twenty twenty three it was the whole campaign of and two on a very ambitious platform of how turkey is building for alliance is going to position itself as a global power on cries establishing itself as a regional boss threatening a full lot war with syria and openly violating iraqi sovereignty by bombing courageous bases not exactly what bomb but all feats of diplomacy so when turkish officials to speak of peace and stability in the region their words are drowned out by the sound of an exchange of fire with their neighbors in tel aviv in a ghost party the pentagon confirmed on thursday that it sent its troops to jordan with some one hundred fifty u.s. offices now stations d. of the border with the rest of syria washington claims it steve also jordan's military capabilities if it's neighbors conflict escalates political analyst
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rockwell believes america is trying to intimidate damascus jordan has long been better call it a satellite the us is not actually an ally it's a province of the us and so why is the us putting in these troops are first of all to imply that some of syria is threatening jordan which of course is not true syria's got their hands full with the us inspired rebels who were trained by the way in turkey at a us air force base for the past several years before this all started so this is just a way to jugend up the tension to bring on more trouble i know i think it's true the u.s. will not use its troops to invade syria but will they try a libyan strategy of simply bombing people endlessly from the air very possible. i had this train security forces once again less out of the peaceful protests demanding political reforms as the monarchy reinforce its ties with its call for
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ministry back then great britain. and as one of the pussy riot protesters his freedom ibut we look at the kind of the decision that's just a democracy. it always amazes me the lengths that people go to for things that are pointless people camped out for a week waiting for a new i phone that would be archaic by next year when the next one comes out every black friday many thankfully not all americans celebrate this holiest of shopping days by waiting outside of a wal-mart in the early morning to fight over trendy plastic gifts for their children that they're too young to appreciate hey even i'm willing to sometimes wake up early in the morning to drive downtown and pay twenty five bucks for
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parking to watch a football game on rare occasions but just imagine a world where we actually were willing to wake up early and stands a big crowd for something say more important than some stupid gizmo or the sake of our favorite sports team just imagine iraq and that world would be yeah maybe standing around at some protester collecting signatures won't do anything we can't be naive enough to think that big corporations will bow to ten people with signs point spending days worshiping at the altar of the i phone it's certainly won't improve your country but that's just my opinion. even in the autumn of the years. it's never too late to start.
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or become a part. of. today's news and this week's major headlines live from r.t. in moscow wednesday saw a turning point for the opposing why a protest when one of the group was freed on probation although had to ban maids will stay in prison and they've been jailed for religiously motivated hooliganism and or goes off to the anti buton performance and russia's main orthodox cathedral
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artie's party boyko has a story. a media frenzy one that breaks out any pussy riot court hearing the same old faces as supporters and critics gathered for the herring after emerging from her successful appeal everyone wanted a piece of the one band member released on probation but you could sit in a somewhat savage remain tight lipped even while you lawyers to do the talking. about the story i am very happy that i managed to help a person but i just did my job. last week the now freed band member fired her original legal team her new defense change strategy arguing in court that their client didn't take part in the now notorious punk prayer in most cases maine orthodox cathedral she was in fact chewed out by gods before she got the chance to join her band mates and their so-called protest start that argument was accepted by
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the court some trial observers believe that the strategy of the original pussy riot defense team wasn't to reduce the women's sentences but rather to expose flaws in russia's judicial system for all the world to see by switching to lawyers that focused on her personal case some might say that she walked out of court for a while her fellow band members went back to jail so. i think she decided to get some real lawyers the won't be fighting in order to humiliate russia in the face of the worst but the truly free. one major russian concert organizers says they've been flooded with calls from foreign promoters offering to organize a pussy riot world tour that could earn up to six hundred million euros western and russian celebrities have called for the women's release an international considers them prisoners of conscience free pussy riot t. shirts are all the rage. that's the way you attract attention. they always look.
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famous pop stars around the world look at the way but i was dressed look at that they'll look at all the others. we can do as well as that or we can do something different and they hated the idea of going into the cathedral and seeing their blasphemous songs because that. would in fact be something i reduce with the media circus in full swing and the concert requests pouring in brand percy riot isn't set to go away any time soon polly boyko r t moscow. the arab autumn is underwear in bahrain after protesters clashed with police on friday and a fresh anti-government rally in the capital despite the tear gas and stun grenades hundreds of peaceful protesters are refusing to back down in their calls for democracy. at the
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same people were arrested in the latest reading of risings began in february of two thousand and eleven when the country's shiite majority demanded that longstanding shooty to step down rich in has signed a military cheating with the kingdom seen as a sign of support for the under five regime germany cover gavel from bus reins just as a development movement believes western nations have too much to be used from the forms . obviously it doesn't send a particularly fantastic message when you're sending weapons to a country that is using weapons against its people on a daily basis to kill to injure to crush protests to crush an essentially democracy but i think. the reason why the why the u.s. and other countries do that is because they want to keep bahrain as an ally iran is seen as an ally of western countries and therefore they want to try and keep that relationship but what these governments don't realize all right refused to realize is they have a huge amount of leverage they have a lot of ability to convince about right or to pressure them into reform and
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perhaps they may misunderstand the strength they have or perhaps you know they're scared that their interests which are tied up in that region could be damaged if they you know if there were a democratic change but the reality is the people of bahrain of calling for democracy they're calling for change i don't have to be against the western interests that you know i could be very much in the interests of the west and i know the rest of the world to have a democratic and stable country. iran says it might consider limiting its enrichment of higher grade uranium if it's allowed to have fuel for research reactor that's a revival of a previous offer to try and break the talks deadlock over the country's nuclear program but germany wants to continue getting tough to the e.u. to heighten the already crippling sanctions professor sayed mohammad marandi from tehran university says iran's policy hasn't changed. the iranians are willing to be more open and allow more intrusive inspections and they're willing.
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to talk about enriching uranium at twenty percent under current conditions but in general nothing has changed and increasing sanctions by the west will only make things more difficult because iranians see the sanctions that are being imposed by western governments in human intention is to make ordinary iranians suffer there is a consensus that this is not this doesn't have much to do with the nuclear program the issue is iran iran independent iran is a country that not bow down to the western powers and the europeans and americans want iran to near like saudi arabia like most of the other countries in the region that have to make ordinary iranians suffer. bussell know that's already check out ukraine's latest military establishment. was
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full of marine called the countries training out so this isn't provided you know this is your project told to see what military might. look away if you scared of heights what lies that is online of this amazing stylized dive that's getting in the way right now where the sky meets the stratosphere there is having a lot of it is a. sunday is election day in russia with millions of people deciding on time this is a ranging from reasonable hades to local officials and the first time i mean a.d.'s voters get to directly choose their governors as. reports. this day russian voters are judging for themselves who takes charge of their regions now more than twenty two millions of russians are expected to arrive at the polling stations and choose from an unprecedented number of candidates what is so
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interesting about this day is that it was introduced to a following last december's ways of government protests the biggest in russia's recent history people during the protest were demanding changes to the current election system they also wanted to bring back direct regional elections into see more representative song be opposition in parliament at that time than president repeating the vaguest crappy old system which the regional officials hand-picked by the government and also made it easier for a new political parties to emerge giving a more competitive complection to the local elections just as the introduction of elections for regional governors is now being implemented gradually and this is a very important step in the creation of a civil society situation is giving more responsibility. and also increase the level of professionalism efficiency as i said before the single voting day takes place for the first time in the last eight years and gives russians an opportunity
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to choose for themselves who they believe is worthy of governing. also more headlines from around the world today gunmen have opened fire at a mosque in a remote nigerian village killing at least twenty people the attackers targeted the worshippers as they left after prayers muslim extremists boko haram are suspected of a massacre they are known for targeting fellow muslims who do not follow the strict form of islam. or not isn't much of footage from china were fireworks show when tragically wrong leaving over one hundred people injured rockets misfired and exploded into a crowd of onlookers none of the wounded have life threatening injuries but five people had to stay in hospital thousands were attending the show to mark the opening of an international industrial sebastian. moore a chinese president has been injured after his own patrols shot at him by mistake
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troops opened fire at the presidential motorcade as he was returning home from a trip the leader was likely injured but later appeared on t.v. to say he's fine after the incident the friendly fire as a government call did spot assassination rumors which the president refused. right now watching live pictures astray from los angeles where that endeavor is making its way to its museum still making a slowly away it is a one cosmic endeavor has gone without a glitch today. and this is the legendary american space shuttle endeavor on her love last ever journey and it's of the color for near signs sent the retired spacecraft circled the globe almost four thousand seven hundred times began her final two mile trip in los angeles on friday it's not easy though endeavor
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struggling through the streets because of the trees on route nasa and the shuttle program to focus more on exploring remote space objects such as asteroids and planet mars. by one of these one cosmic endeavor has gone without a glitch today a russian proton rocket a with an american communications satellite on board has successfully blasted off from by kimo cosmodrome in kazakhstan as a first proton launch since the failure in august of sunday's launch went smoothly as the satellite is scheduled to reach its all bit in two hours the mission in august failed because of a glitch in the section of the rocket that responsible for delivering the payload to its final destination engineers a tres and resolve the problem and the rockets are now back in use. in a few minutes with the peace prize drowned out by approach as one i repeat explains
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what's wrong with the system. remains in this tree even for specialists how a voice can produce several sounds that warms. the heart of throat singing comes naturally picked up like a language. a language of communicating with nature it said that's where throat singing originates from the unions believe not only animals but also surrounding objects like reverse of defense don't souls imitating the sounds they do.


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