tv [untitled] October 14, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT
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the global noise to say no to all star team as approach has kicked off a number that thirty countries with europe among the largest and angriest of financial struggles a give a boost to separatists in belgium. turkey close of its airspace to syrian civilian flights in a tit for tat move to the grounding over syria and which on cross inspected of carrying russian weapons to damascus. and don't want to the pussy riot punk group members awards freely but had to band mates continue their prison bullet in is a matter with a cathedral stand. there
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watching archie's of the week you with me to mom would say first the global noise is underway a worldwide protest in some thirty countries in asia crawls out calling for an end to austerity the because it was rationed so far have been in spain just always off to the e.u. won this year's nobel peace prize and as a chef korea pulls from madrid things are looking to peaceful right now in europe despite what others might think. the union needs for nudists have over six decades contributed to the outdrawn spittal peace and reconciliation and democracy on human rights in europe but is this the peace they're talking about tear gas fascist flags and massive furious crowds of the most common sites across the award winning continent lately protests like this will echo in thirty five
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countries across the world over the next several weeks the global hands iow stary to voice only in spain alone hundreds of thousands have been voicing their anger ever since the government announced more painful budget cuts for next year everything with spending are is now unemployed and this grim story is pretty much the same for portugal and greece is one of the leaders of the protest movement in madrid he says people have just about had enough of the crisis and the capitalist system right now in spain transfer private debt to public that and these causes huge cuts public spending in health system and it took a shit and it's affecting millions of poor people it's producing huge you can employment and it's producing and whole social best composition health gold society with so many going against the system across europe at times clashing violently
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with the police the decision to award the e.u. with the peace prize has raised many eyebrows this is like giving the prize to frankenstein for being the best monster created during the past twelve months there's only one contender for the peace prize this year and that's gillian to solve the fact that he did not win this prize is will be in a terminal stain on the nobel committee no one has done more to push peace than julian assange should be getting the so war from this committee the fact that they turn to a bunch of machines and technocrats and the a hero is an embarrassment they should go back to making dynamite. this ward is even more questionable to some because of the e.u. is rather dubious peacemaking record and that moreover the current financial turmoil is the biggest danger to peace europe has been bombing libya or europe going bombing syria europe is going bombing afghanistan or iraq yugoslavia a few years ago yes it's because they're trying to say ok guys we're giving you
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a whole year together europe has been spending money they don't have that's going to have to stop that is going to cause more rise in the streets more social unrest more governments failing perhaps even countries failing and perhaps even people pulling out of the euro could lead to war again in europe in two thousand and nine barack obama won the same award having been in office for only two weeks that was before he sent more troops to afghanistan and waged war in libya but as the latest nobel peace prize award is debated worldwide protesters in spain seem to care little about the prestige than their own survival calls for independence are heard loud and clear in the country's largest and wealthiest region cut the lumia a clear indication the continent is losing that unity which the nobel committee has decided to. see reporting from madrid in spain. separatists in belgium are looking to gain control of the wealthy ports of want web
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results after sunday's local elections are just the flemish nationalist leader is leading at the race to become the city's mayor they lash is seen as a breakthrough for supporters of the flemish independence is something that's been long time coming says belgian politician philip glass. the idea is gaining ground that's the most important thing because we are having a lot of problems now in belgium we see that france is the federal government doesn't have a majority on the flemish side in the federal parliament although the flemings make up the majority of the population in belgium the federal government doesn't have a majority in flanders and that's of course is a big problem it's a problem of democratic deficit and this means this government doesn't have a real democratic legitimacy in flanders voted for come something completely different that we are getting now with this federal government and funders is an economic economically socially well powerful prosperous region we have we are
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already if we have a flemish nation we have a french people you have to know that belgium is an artificial country it's really two separate countries already within belgium we see a completely different political consensus on the federation on the world will lose side. flanders would be perfectly able to have to have an independent state and be a member of the you know european union. turkey has now closed there is a space a syrian civilian flights echoing a similar move by damascus that's after turkey intercepted a syrian passenger plane last to wayne state claiming it was a carrying russian made munitions for government forces moscow says the cargo was only electronic equipment for radio stations and all of this was a legal arena the risk of reports. they pointed their guns at those hungover
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put those on the ground then they drove us back to the plane into vehicles. bruised arms in better dignity with an international scandal thrown in on top all in the name of peace at least that's the stance taken by the turkish authorities when they tried to justify force for the grounding is syrian plane on route from moscow to damascus. we in turkey peace and safety in this region that is our desire which we would never have an incentive to started or hasn't revealed exactly what was in the cargo of that plane though they do insist it was russian made ammunition and technical equipment something moscow the mentally denies you cookie what was it you can you know we certainly know armaments on this plane and they simply could not have been any of the aircraft was carrying a cargo that was being shipped from a legitimate russian supplier to a legitimate customer in a legitimate way there was a cargo of electrical supplies for radar stations this is jewel purpose equipment
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but it is not barred by any international conventions surely neither do turkish officials say where they received the tipoff about the supposed weapons onboard sound though have their suspicions this is washington telling prime minister do one who says he's so independent to go and go for it. use the f. sixteen s for all its peace mongering talk and righteous outrage over russia's supposed unwillingness to help out in peace efforts in caracas peers to be surprisingly open when. comes to supporting one side in the syrian conflict the rebel fighters it is supporting the rebels it's allowing the. lebanese journalist do you know for was described what she believed to be an arms delivery on the border between turkey and syria yannick in the movie scene was the real barbed wire a dark clean field with all of trees armed men and in flashing lights from trucks
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packed with weapons each syrian group takes its share in leaves i was asked not to film but the immensity of the scene with a journalist you know was interrogated for days by turkish officials before being released when she was back in lebanon should realize the incriminating pictures should filmed on the turkish syrian border had been wiped while she was in custody some believe turkey still ety towards president assad has little to do with the situation in syria and everything to do with iran's ambitions i was devilish in this country as a major political player turkey is preparing itself for its one hundredth anniversary and twenty twenty three it was the whole campaign of a very ambitious platform of how turkey is being sent for alliance is going to position itself as a global power conquer rise establishing itself as a regional boss threatening awful lot worse with syria and openly violating iraqi sovereignty by bombing kurdish bases not exactly what bomb but all feats of
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diplomacy so in turkish officials to speak of peace and stability in the region their words are drowned out by the exchange of fire with their neighbors in tel aviv r.t. . the un an arab league envoy to syria has drawn up plans for three thousand strong peacekeeping force they could involve european troops in policing a future truce in store for british and u.s. forces would be unlikely to take ponto are countries like germany and france could play a leading role international affairs and defense analysts like yours. great k. should be taken in choosing which countries take part in any peacekeeping force. let us not forget the countries like france united kingdom have declared that they are supporting the insurgency perhaps not that openly they have said they're providing non-lethal support but in fact it seems and their intelligence services are quite simple be supporting the free syrian army base
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a problem. one of the proposals i think for. mr brahimi east to try to get a cease fire on the part of the syrian government but how can this human government release to cali implement a cease fire when the rebels don't want the cease fire because they want to study government military and they know they're happy about iraq the united states and all full members of the european union also in saudi arabia of qatar or their wealthy persian gulf arab states it's turkey of course member of nato jordan so that we have to see how he goes it was a turn this week of the american presidential running mates to lacan isn't a pre-election t.v. spat and it was anything but friend the sparing as they just hold over home and foreign policy for the view was there was no deal when the california state university professor paul seldon food says that's because honesty is not their
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priority. after the first debate between obama and romney a political cartoonist drew a picture and uncles fighting each other with their noses this is no different that these band went out of their way to live throughout neither side would attack the other on things in which they were vulnerable and that's why you have to pick these tiny little issues for example biden biden said directly that the ryan had voted to put iraq and afghanistan wars on the credit card helping to cause the deficit is actually right he was right about that he didn't bother to say the democrats blew apart right and of course he's one of the ones who says it go the way death he says by total world domination by total military power it's time for them to quit lying and start to put the american voters with the world. above crane's a security forces once again less out peaceful protests. and political reforms as
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the more likely reinforce this time it's moving. back the way it. does one of the because the right protesters is freed on appeal we'll look at what's behind the decision that's just ahead. a sacred place rising out of the waters of the lake the long ministry is home to one hundred fifty orthodox monks mostly younger than thirty five and they've come from many different places and backgrounds to live in isolation here spiritual life it takes up many hours on the road to becoming a monk requires both hard work and religious telly cation. alexei wants to become and has kept his part of this preparation. however these beasts
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as a musical company. they can remember sound sequences you know they want to the sound signals the flutes the herders had in the old days they needed them it wasn't just fun but these meadows didn't come naturally requiring decades of composting to bring the soil up to farming standard this island is mostly rock. the soil here is very thin on the monks can't just get more of it because they're surrounded by the lake so they have to work very hard in order to provide whatever food they need. they grow their own crops found their own fish and repair their own churches . but the central purpose of the lawn has always been religious the name on the street surrounded by smaller priories spread through the many archipelago the monks who know their existence is a little different from that of other ministries here we are out of the way and we do have. bill creams and song times tourists as well but
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only. tranquility use. this to. understand combination of high religion and down to earth hard work than motivates these man. culture is that so much of the taxpayers' money i mean i would like to give it real serious again we are told the global economy risk getting back into recession just three years after pulling out of the previous growth is slowing in. the news sigrid laboratory to mccurry was able to build a new its most sophisticated robots which will unfortunately doesn't give
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a darn about anything tim's mission to teach creation why you should care about humans and worry that this is why you should care only on the dot com. today is news and this week's major headlines live for marti in moscow wednesday saw a turning point for the pussy riot protesters when one of the group was freed on probation although had to ban maids will stay in prison they've been jailed for religiously motivated hooliganism in august after they ante buton performance in russia's main
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all the docs cathedral archies party boy has a story. a media frenzy one that breaks out any pussy riot court hearing the same old faces as supporters and critics gathered for the herring after emerging from her successful appeal everyone wanted a piece of the one band member released on probation but you could be in a somewhat savage remain tight lipped even when you lawyers to do the talking. about the story i am very happy that i managed to help a person but i just did my job. last week so now freed band member fired her original legal team her new defense change strategy arguing in court that their client didn't take part in the now notorious punk prayer in more main orthodox cathedral she was in fact chewed out by gods before she got the chance to join her band mates and their so-called protest start that argument was accepted by the
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court some trial observers believe that the strategy of the of original pussy riot defense team wasn't to reduce the women sentences but rather to expose flaws in russia's judicial system for all the world to see by switching to lawyers that focused on her personal case some might say that she walked out of court for a while her fellow band members went back to jail so. i think she decided to get some real lawyers the won't be fighting in order to humiliate russia in the face of the worst but actually free her one major russian concert organizers says they've been flooded with calls from foreign promoters offering to organize a pussy riot world tour that could earn up to six hundred million euros western and russian celebrities have called for the women's release amnesty international considers them prisoners of conscience free pussy riot t. shirts are all the rage.
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famous pop stars around the world look at the way we're done is dressed look at that they'll look at all the others. we can do as well as that or we can do something different and they hated the idea of going into the cathedral and seeing the blossom of songs because that. would in fact be something of ridges with the media circus in full swing and the concert requests pouring in brand percy riot isn't set to go away any time soon polly boyko r t moscow. arab autumn is underway in protesters clashed with police on friday in a fresh anti government rally in the capital despite the tear gas and stun grenades hundreds of people peaceful protesters are refusing to back down in their calls for democracy. but these same
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people were arrested in the latest. after rising began in february twenty seventh when the country's shiite majority demanded that longstanding should be leaders step down britain though has signed a move c.c.t. with the kingdom seen as a sign of support for the under five regime the many public outcry from buffering the justice and development movement but these western nations have too much common forms. obviously it doesn't send a particularly fantastic message when you're sending weapons to a country that is using weapons against its people on a daily basis to kill to injure to crush protests to crush essentially democracy but i think. the reason why the why the u.s. and other countries do that is because they want to keep the rain as an ally the rain is seen as an ally of western countries and therefore they want to try and keep that relationship what these governments don't realize all right refuse to
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realize they have a huge amount of leverage they have a lot of ability to convince the right or to pressure them into reform and perhaps they misunderstand the strength they have or perhaps you know they're scared that their interests which are tied up in that region could be damaged if they you know if there were a democratic change but the reality is the people of bahrain of calling for democracy they're calling for a change it doesn't have to be against the western interests actually i could be very much in the interests of the western and of the rest of the world to have a democratic and stable country. bottle noise and battle ready check out of ukraine's latest military attachment poses for marine corps the country's a training of dolphins and reviving in the old soviet project to patrol the seas when military mammals. and the falses freefall from the highest high details of all inspiring austrian fearless felix is just entered the record books for his breathtaking stunt from the edge of space. polling
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stations of close across russia as a nation decides on candidates of ranging from regional heads to local officials and for the first time in ages voters go go to directly choose the governess is archie's medina a question of. the single voting day in russia has answers and now the polling stations across the country are close overall more than twenty two million russians had an opportunity to arrive at the polling stations and choose from an unprecedented number of candidates regional elections have taken place in russia for the first time in eight years and what is so special and interesting about this date is that it was introduced following laws disability ways of opposition protests which were the biggest in russia's recent history a return to direct regional elections was one of the demands of the protesters people also wanted to see more opposition in parliament so at that moment than
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president dmitry medvedev scrapped the old system which so regional officials and regional governance hand picked by the government and he also made it easier for a new political parties to emerge on the political arena by giving him more competitive complection to the local elections and this day we saw thirty two different political parties that are taking place across the country and we have just started to receive some early results and house we know prime minister agreed to differ as much with the members of the united russia party and he emphasized the gods of the united trust the project has shown better results at this regional elections than it did to the state duma elections that took place in december last year and as i said before the single voting day was taking place or for the first time in russia and the last eight years. this is a few minutes argy follows the famous the boer navasky bubble collective which
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represented russia at this is your vision song contest is that states feel. emission and free cretaceous free zones for charges free. range humans free. three stooges free. download free broadcast clothing video for your media projects and free media. tom . you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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wealthy british. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our. world with. science technology innovation all the developments around russia we've got the future covered. even in the autumn of the errors. it's never too late to start
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a. beautiful so i set up a special blog called point of people to draw attention to these wonderful individuals and i said. to find the secret thing staying beautiful in old age because he was. thank you i'm telling you taking pictures of people. who are just ordinary people wonderful. they do more than just. the. first celebrity. so interesting to me.
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