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tv   [untitled]    October 15, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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paving the way for scotland to go it alone leaders of the pen to paper setting up a referendum for independence by two thousand and fourteen. moscow says it's impossible to confirm whether damascus is using soviet era buster bombs against rebels slams the syrian government with new sanctions. and one man stuck in the seizure of the libyan opposition is last stronghold tells r t supplies involving all lead on the run. thank you for joining r t with me karen tara well u.k.'s prime minister and
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scotland's leader have signed a historic deal paving the way for a referendum on breaking away by the end of two thousand and fourteen sarah ferguson and. prime minister david cameron met here in edinburgh today with first minister alex salmond they signed that memorandum of understanding ahead of the referendum for scotland's independence will be held in the autumn of twenty forty now that's going to focus around a single question is the prime minister said today is that the biggest question of all will be set to a separate scotland all a united kingdom now that this is being used in the coming loss of wrangling lots of consultations but now all sides are going to be able to gay forward and they're going to be wanting to set forth their arguments to the scottish public about whether or not scotland should indeed be independent of polls often third around a third quarter of people actually for independence but you know it really is two
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years until that actual vote will be held it's an incredibly turbulent economic climate at the moment the campaign for keeping scotland within the union will say they said west is to say there's nothing to worry about the majority in scotland want to remain within the union but you know it is old still to play for here and maybe was missing taking a bit of a gamble because they dropped that little option the devolution max the options that perhaps more powers to be handed to scotland that was to look there's no middle ground here it really is one question it's all or nothing and you know possibly there'll be a lot of people here in scotland who are maybe on the fence he will say well ok we might not have wanted all of it we might have wanted to remain within the house but actually we don't want to be left with nothing if we've gotten to remain you can see a very interesting couple of years of fist fighting at the back of the school and the gun from minister david cameron house trust he believes that you can scotland
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would benefit from sticking together but scottish you're on piano and smith says london is harming edinburgh financially and socially. scotland pays in more to the u.k. than we get by and we pay more into the e.u. than we get back but it's not just about the money but i'm absolutely absolutely one hundred percent certain scotland will be rich or independent will be able to spend money on the priorities of the people of scotland will be able to get rid of nuclear weapons so there's a saving rate there will be able to stop sending in peace to westminster at all save a fair bit of money as well we can actually put the money of scotland to work for the people of scotland domestically within the u.k. there's the london government the scottish government and the people of scotland who with every day that passes are increasingly looking at the scottish government saying yeah you know you guys are actually representing us you could do with more powers which is where the u.k. government ditching the second question in terms of we were open to the discussion
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so you've got the bizarre proposition of its independence or the status quo so the status quo is not working for scotland we could do better as a direct democracy in five and a bit million people within the european union to get two years to actually run through all those discussions and debates and i feel very very confident that we're looking at a yes vote at the end of the. payee us slapped the syrian government with fresh sanctions that comes as claims emerge that soviet era cluster bombs are being used by assad forces but scott says that cannot be confirmed because the region is being flooded with illegal weapons from abroad artist peter oliver has the details. human rights watch the new york based watchdog has said this following what they've seen in a online video. that soviet era cluster bombs were being used by the syrian government against the civilian population in syria and the ongoing conflict there now russia has rebuffed these claims wholeheartedly with them during and there are
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plenty of weapons in the region right now with huge amounts being supplied illegally to syria and neighboring countries in which there are most and reason for in trainers in the conflict zone you this is been confirmed by independent media the region is flooded with domes because it's very hard to determine where they're all coming from the alleged cluster bombs the said to be from the soviet era and we can come to terms with some countries on regulating their production of soviet technology without a license so there's plenty of things that need to be sorted out here also to get a lover of was giving his address he reiterated russia's stance which hasn't changed since the conflict first started over a year ago which is that they want to see both sides lay down their weapons they want a peaceful solution through dialogue now that stance is being backed up by the current joint u.n. and arab league peace envoy lakhdar brahimi now he took over the job from from kofi annan you'll remember he's currently on
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a tour of the region trying to to convince syria's neighbors to stop pushing for both sides to lay down arms and comes to the table and come to the table for talks all of this comes against the backdrop of a further round of sanctions that have just been signed off on by the european union on syria. turkey says it will intercept all syria bound flights carrying dubious cargo has already grounded an armenian plane taking aid to aleppo and searched its cargo for possible military equipment and last week a syrian passenger jet was stopped for allegedly carrying russian made munitions or government forces of the cargo was illegal electronic equipment for radar stations for more on this now we can talk to man you well. thank you for joining us he is the editor in chief of the a german news magazine now manual on what's behind the statement that turkey will intercept suspicious syria bound flights is that a bit of an excessive measure. completely it's
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a complete pro-creation syria about not just syria's also pro-creation well co-horts the peace in the middle east region and it's. more of the soup of the critique in general or what turkey does right now and for me it seems a little bit. then he says they really interesting all the flights or a lot of them are many flights heading over a turkish air it sounds like an excuse it puts more tension in the region and it cuts off course more tension between the syria into turkey now the u.s. has acknowledged that russia did not violate any law by transferring cargo on the damascus bounds of million flight but did call moscow's policy toward syria morally bankrupt what would you say to that. this is what we witness here this is this complete profile again of our it's not new what this is what we witness in this month and it's completely ridiculous that we really you know i'll sit here and this
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cause of what might have been or what wars in the display in which were intercepted by the turkish government by turkish military just by the way this has to be mentioned when we are discussing all of this and we are not discussing of the billions going across western countries. we are not discussing the horror material we are not discussing about the weapons that i'm in and of course the communication technology which is delivered to those who the rebels in syria by other governments know we are discussing now about two planes. and this should be the internet so if you see this is what the u.s. government is doing there it is part of the propaganda war we witness since a long time do you think that. happy to see the rebels armed but not the government i think we can say that whole turkey is happy to see the rebels because. in turkey
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we see that they are going on a lot of demonstrations against the turkish politics cohorts so we have to see their difference i don't think the people who drew. up the turkish government to see that this might vary in. the turkish government turkish foreign minister ahmet. writing books of all of this new york and this is about taking in syria and now they are doing this and they are trying to do this with the help of the west especially with the help of the us americans now turkey is building up a strong military presence on its border with syria does that mean that i don't coddle wants to go to war. whether you know this this question already delivered the answer because why should turkey point. the syrian border why should turkey big fortresses why should they discuss. against
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the syrian parkers at the syrian side of the border. looks like a war preparation and you don't. so i think. the danger is syrian is going on in syria in my opinion not to sue. proxy war what is going on there now and true he is already very much involved in this war by sending being mercenaries by giving shelter or training camps by sending war material to syria so turkey is already involved in this more in what we see here is just maybe the next step of this war going on all right manual up some writer editor in chief of the german news magazine talking to us from berlin thank you so much for your time thank you so much. a british man who hacked into the pentagon ten years ago is set to find out his fate on tuesday
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washington has been seeking his extradition and if found guilty gary mckinnon who suffers from mild autism could spend sixty years behind bars as archie's lawyer smith reports his family fears he could take his life if he's shipped off to the u.s. . gary mckinnon it's mother janice who's been up all night working to get everything in order to convince the home secretary not to deport her mentally ill son to trial in america it's ten years since the u.s. demanded gary's extradition for hacking into the pentagon's computers from his north london bedroom he's mildly autistic and doctors say a very real suicide risk gary would not survive five minutes and that c agreed by so many top a psychiatrist and doctors do we really extra days only with a mental condition who is suicidal and his emotional age or a child does. civilized country do this surely not but there may be
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a light at the end of the tunnel the home secretary has until october the sixteenth to decide whether she'll block the extradition gary's mother has high hopes as does his lawyer who won't give up if the worst happens to be open to the supreme court twice we've been to the house of lords we've been to the high court so you know there's we've exhausted every possible because we challenge we can because as they were tame all absolutely sure and convinced that if would commit suicide so we're talking about man's life we're told no has built a successful practice on fighting water is seen as one sided extradition rules in the treaty with the us the americans must only show reasonable suspicion if they want to extradite a briton compared with probable cause going the other way the result nine times more britons have been extradited than americans it's
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a treaty that even david blunkett the home secretary here is signed it in two thousand and three admits was a mistake it's now under review but so far it's just words also just talk has been prime minister david cameron and his. deputy nick clegg supports but gary mckinnon both were loudly on his side while in opposition but after two and a half years in power there's been no action all the while the cases roll up to forty five year old gary of almost a quarter of his life and taken a potentially irreversible toll on his health is beginning to wonder who is real and who isn't he says it's like there's a veil between him and the world and sometimes actually feels that it's just not real gary used to say collies to swim music a sign if gary had been tried in the u.k. at the start he would have served his sentence and been able to put all this behind
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him by now as it is he's stuck in limbo still liable to sixty years in an american jail and still insisting he was only looking for evidence of u.f.o.'s nora smith london. iran is facing a fresh round of sanctions over its nuclear program as you balance gas exports and bank transfers from the islamic republic that's despite apparent willingness to compromise more on that in a few moments. the stunning beauty of reindeer gracefully dancing across the arctic tundra more than just a scenic image it is a way of life traditionally the nets people are nomadic reindeer herders and go in many ways they lead a simple and rustic life they are also highly skilled and organized in their tree.
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another week in. response to the summer depending. on the day we found this particular camp they were settled near the coast of the. here for families work together to manage nearly a thousand. herding reindeer is not just a job. and way of life. but they can use almost every single part of the reindeer to help them survive. a deer is a means of transportation. with. the life in the tundra is harsh and so before winter hits many of the children are helicoptered to the center of the. boarding school. students learn different languages utilize modern technologies through specialized grant programs and even learn arts skills all within
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a protected the school was founded. a scientist who wanted a better way of life for his people but even with the most progressive ideas in education. they don't want to trade the modern life. i have returned to the time and i actually like it here if you're outside there's fresh air fresh water looks at the site you can see deer it's a joyful sight. a sentiment that hopefully ensures that russia's northern reindeer will have caretakers for generations to come.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. world with. its technology innovation all the developments around russia we've got the future covered. welcome back to our t. with me karen terrill chain and libyan opposition stronghold is facing an ongoing
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siege with residents calling for international help the conflict in bani walid already killed ten people in a series of armed confrontations last week a siege began when the national congress tried to eros to the suspected murderers of the man who captured colonel gadhafi but residents refused to hand them over dr abdul hamid. from the bani walid council is stuck in the middle of the battle. but the polish it is still harder poll result for city have these these notes that are no food no fuel no can no tires moot just yesterday the law was to their ability to sell off the fuel and the cocoa and get out of the gloom and the militias if they did following the city would be in the files and would be one of those which contains very heavy guys i don't know what is it the militias which firing the body what did they bothering us would be different by
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before our legal guys i think that they were to do it to us the underworld stunt was to throw the weight of muscle congress a freebie out of the week of the government the week of the libyan army so the plight of the people does come through but when you say you has imposed fresh sanctions on iran the measures target tougher on the banking sector and gas exports summer and forcing it to curb its nuclear program on sunday iran said in my consider limiting uranium enrichment if it's allowed for a research reactor but and sanctions campaigner professor abbas as a lot says it's not a fear of a nuclear armed iran that's behind the piling sanctions. policies against iran have always been designed by the new conservatives and the israeli lobby so that the negotiations with iran trade rather than succeed in fact are absolutely no justification for any kind of sanctions against iraq including the
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original you inside it because iran has not had the version of its nuclear program into a group it was issuing program or your reports have always confirmed this so all of this is designed to negotiations fail because the us and the e.u. . interested in a regime change they want the iranian people to hurt kurds so much so that is unless discontent in the country roads so that they can pave the road for a regime change in iran the sanctions heard people by the same time you know eating the indian people against the west because even some sectors of the media courses in iran who have been traditionally pro-west nor quite hostile to the united states and if you own all the hawkish polices against you want because they see that it is a lot more and who is not trying to negotiate in good faith it is the united states and e.u. who failed to negotiate in good faith. chain reaction as the star protests pussy
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riot rather style protests go international the latest copycat is down took place in london the same paul's cathedral or women from the occupy movement chained themselves to the puppet during sunday service. at the wealthy charity has links to big banks. plus why heading into the red light district may no longer be anonymous police in the us have to sort of the master fact of math and to combat prostitution is just to name and shame the punters. now smart is making international headlines today the turkish army has killed. kurdish militants in the southeast country during a raid on their compound the years old conflict with the kurdistan workers party has grown increasingly violent over the summer turkey has blamed syria for arming the kurds. more than three hundred taliban militants attacked
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a small police truck post in northwest pakistan killing seven people including a senior police official insurgents armed with heavy machine guns on rocket propelled grenade stormed the post late on sunday two of the dead were beheaded and the building and police vehicles burnt areas on the outskirts of peshawar have witnessed a string of ambushes over the past few months. time for business with carry so winter is on the way katie and gas problems european customers are now negotiating some changes to their contracts as i understand. it and really recall that they said they did not increase competition also buses gas may to get stuck is ok rest of your body as you say well i discount that back on track. now is raise any joined insisting on canceling a key contracts provision the take or pay calls that is present only is reportedly
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also true musicals if he's to renew the expiry the take or pay principle means that any either takes a specified volume of gas from gas pump pays a pound of tea now the fine could reach eighty five percent of the highest on last year any reported a loss of six hundred million a one point five billion euros in the take or pay a past as i call it check out the markets and see how wall street is getting all that holding tight to those days that we had earlier although with two big news events we had american retail sells a really improving at all those i pads and i told them things. and it's due to groups earnings as well. topped estimates that was all he really meant it was so you stay with us and talk about the issues nobel prize in economics you can see that two american games there as they wanted it without the involved lloyd. as we can see they were awarded the prize for studies on the matchmaking taking place
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when doctors all coupled up with hospitals students with schools and human organs with patients themselves with them so that we had a stick at europe and see how they got on for the day is a reasonably good day for tenth of that before the dance it was news coming from china that was helping out the stocks in the region to do it in lay should the policy easing measures in these slowing economy are now expected after it fell. so for now i'll be back in the next hour with more market figures of for you currency join me that we look forward to thank you katie also in a couple of minutes we will go what the two thousand and fourteen winter olympics host city has to offer its.
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little beasts in which brightened the food bounce from phones to freshen things. from stunts on t.v. don't come. mission free accreditation free transport charges free the maintenance of free risk free studio time free. download free broadcast quality video for your media projects and free media and on to r t v dot com. i'm in sochi the latest city in europe on the host of the twenty forty in winter the pick of. sunset.
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tsotsi. thanks to the sun. dog days of. fridays it. picks up common. sudsy did so through. the gold fever. times thousands into slaves. much problems but also among other involved in the mines and since i started working at the moment i stated. multinationals. to cash cow to be milked dry. as an environmental cost which is the local business was labeled illegal and controlled by criminals in order to protect our lives our families and to work in
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peace. we are forced to pay protection to illegal groups. to pay. the modest effect on. the strangest attempts of a. u.s. president trying to overthrow the country's government but his strategic. recognized defeat. to cope with. the cuban missile crisis games and brianna.
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down in the black sea coast of russia the city of sochi is busy preparing for the twenty fourteen winter olympic games construction is booming transport infrastructure is being completely revamped and disabled access points are being installed across town. but aside from being russia's second lympics city sochi is
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also one of the country's most popular tourist destinations people flock here for the long hot summer as the spacious beaches on the warm seas busk if you're looking for more than just a time it's also an area filled with some amazing natural highlights. so i've been spending a lot and so i'm in the city up in the mountains there's the caucasus reserve which is literally the size of finland so i've met up with one very experienced. if and when you are off on a bench. it's fair to say but if you're driving up here then you're in for a bumpy ride you might be lucky and find some tama but mostly it's just a trial of rocks fortunately elect.


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