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tv   [untitled]    October 15, 2012 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT

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here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a donor. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot about my country you sir are a fool you know what that is my terrorist cell but i don't want to wish to defeat terrorism the only liberal and the christian. can really go to the.
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hey what's up i'm out to you martin so we have a super packed show for you today first i'll be talking to dr naziism ed the executive director of the institute for policy research and development in london about a documentary a crisis of civilization then i talk to r t producer rachel courteous about death on television is seeing death in real time something that people should be exposed to and read how the show i'll be covering serco the biggest company you've probably never heard of let's break the set. of beliefs about a specific. it's impossible to deny that there's an impending global crisis facing humanity the main facets of which are climate change food shortages energy depletion economic
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meltdowns terrorism and war and all these things are analyzed in a vacuum it's easy to lose sight of how they fit together indeed all these elements of societal collapse are merely symptoms of one single global system dr nazis' a med director of the institute for policy research and development and author of a user's guide to the crisis of civilization and how to save it joins me now from london to break it all down these thank you so much for coming on. saturday thanks for having me it's great to you're awesome for you to be here as well so now fees really quickly want to just explain you know what is the crisis of civilization. well the course of civilization is it's an amalgamation of most would be crises. of the moment generally there's a tendency to look at what's going on in isolation so you've got the climate scientists looking at climate change you've got your energy experts looking at energy you know you go the economy as you know the economy a lot of. the problem is that these guys they aren't really talking to each other.
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they're not really discussing weensy connections and when you actually start with. how these things so you begin to realize that these crises. being so problems inherently instilling i'm actually this is why deep systemic problem with the very nature about global economic system and nothing is when i watched your documentary you know it seems so obvious and so glaringly obvious yes everything's interconnected you know we have this war on terror based on unsustainable growth to get these resources and i mean all of that should be interconnected but it really is looked at and isolated. instances but why do you think that this is that more people don't look at these things as a culmination of of a system that is so clearly unsustainable based on unlimited growth. i think
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it's really i mean that's a big question i mean i think there's something fundamentally wrong with the paradigm. you're operating on it cuts across a lot of things i mean i mean yeah science has been great i'm not going to the science science has got us to where we are given a lot of knowledge but at the same time there's something about the nature of modern science that is quite recommend you know when you need to in order to understand stuff you have to go so deep into understanding something that we've become completely oblivious to everything else so you know the physicists will be looking at quantum. mechanics and they will have any clue about what's going on elsewhere and it's the same thing you know people who are looking at war longest and war and violence and conflict but not necessarily the role of the economy and the role the wider all of you know the arms trade in the role of transactor corporations and how that links to and is so much complexity so i think the problem
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is that the search for knowledge has been in a way conditioned by the way in which our knowledge making institutions function i mean science has become linked to very much to you know people have the science is not going to mix up to seek funding. so research institutions which have their own priorities and end the day it's a kind of follow the money trail who is funding knowledge production so the problem is that you end up going down this very narrow path. it's very reductionist it's very materialist. it's it breaks things apart it doesn't look at how they fit together in the whole so it's really important that we start to break that paradigm by realising no that's really things are. it connected there is a holistic way of looking at things and when you do that everything starts to become much clearer and we start to be able to make sense of how and why.
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everything is happening at the same time you know we've got so much stuff kicking off. all at the same time that people are going to plexus you know if we have food riots i don't want so we have the banks collapse i don't so we have all parties going out so not guys stuff is you and that's a great point i think you're absolutely right on the head is that we're so you know that the scientists are just so narrow minded in their field of research is going deeper and deeper and deeper that you can lose sight of the whole but let's talk about what the your film really does get the crux of neo liberal capitalism based on an unsustainable model. how do we get here i mean the people who run these industries they see the collapse kamin if nothing indeed changes i mean are they so short sighted they can't see anything past the bottom line profits year after year i mean they know that this is coming to. yeah but i think there's a combination of things i think on the one hand. it seems pretty clear that there's
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a number of people who. know what's coming. and they're kind of fine with that they're happy with that. but at the same time one thing i find really interesting in this about the nature of power is the lengths to which you might go to deceive yourself in order to justify where you are i mean the are examples of hitler is an exact interesting example just because it was i mean he is often called of beauty is just crazy guy but he wasn't just a crazy guy who had an ideology and he was able to justify pretty horrendous things on the faces of an ideology which he actually believed in and what really worries me about where we going now you look at the kind of the people who are who are running this kind of stuff you know the neo cons the industries the ideologies the you know the koch brothers what do these guys actually believe about the nature of the world they have really worrying ideas about the nature of humanity they
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genuinely seem to believe that capitalism in its current form is the only and the best. why you know which humanity i know you're shooting that every other alternative has to be false it won't ever work and at the same time please believe might makes right so you know i may think it if you don't have might makes right there's going to be absolute chaos in the world so rather than have it all you have to have a group of elites who just basically decide making hard decisions that other people involved in and a feasible say you say and that goes in line perfectly with what i want to ask you about is the ideology that's not that messes necessitates these global systems from first to function. and in terms of the war on terror and the documentary you talk about how fundamentally you need to understand or you need to believe rather that these people are less than us that they're more barbaric and are going to think that our system is the ultimate the best system there is talk
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a little bit about the manipulation of this mindset in order to perpetuate this global system. absolutely i mean one of the interesting things about. the last question is the way in which one of the inevitable that we're going to see over the next ten twenty years is the fact that some lots of people in the south are in the wild already suffering and are going to suffer even more and obviously what's working people in the united states and in the united kingdom in europe and elsewhere are also suffering immensely you know the middle class is being destroyed but this is all ok if you have an ideology which is use this is the only possible system ever think you might see in my book and also in the film we refer to you guys samuel huntington and francis fukuyama whose ideas have become very very influential in terms of the kind of elite thinking process work yama came up with
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this idea of the end of the street and he said you know basically. but by the top by the time the soviet union fell this was really proof. capitalism is the only viable alternative and everything else has failed and then yugoslavia one thing so he's basically like well you know there's this inevitable clash of civilization there's going to take place between the west and other civilization then you fuse those i days and you get this really disturbing and he started all of the words like oh capitalism is the ultimate system and every other possible system is simply an inferior barbaric system that needs to be destroyed by force if necessary and that force is totally justified when the people that suffer the consequence well that's just collateral damage because everything else is going to fail but obviously this is a really big ideology the only kind of fits the kind of demands and needs of the very small number of people and deed and i want to also talking about climate change i think because one of one of the things you mention of course that is
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a giant facet of the global collapse and of course the people on the neo liberal side the neo conservative side you have the deniers that it's happening and then you have the people trying to profit off it these ponzi schemes that come out of climate change i mean talk a little bit about these two sides of the coin and how no one is really focusing on a solution here. the i mean it's you know on the one hand you've got there are the right wing before the far right who actually denying climate change and what's interesting about that is that those guys are pretty much involved in the fossil fuel industry they're taking loads of money i mean one of the guys that we mention in the film senator james inhofe is going to really try for example he's taken loads and loads of. millions of dollars worth of donations from the fossil fuel industry and conveniently now denies the role of fossil fuels and climate change but at the same time the other side of the fence you've got you know the kind of
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the more left wing democrat. kind of seemingly con. of progressive types who go on and on about climate change you know people i'll go and others and actually there is this the solution is that they offer to do we climate change almost as bad and one of the things that go or not even the people on the swat snigger who were promoting were carbon trading and carbon trading has actually failed completely to deal with climate change but it is contributes. excessive conference hearings and it's kind of make its mingled with the existing system of financialization and speculation that we see on the markets where you've got this now this new thing to trade on carbon trading it is another profit making industry and i think we're almost out of time i wanted to wrap it up you offer you do offer solutions and you basically say you know collapse our renewable danger or hope and what do you
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foresee happen or are there any government systems that are going to an alternative to this unsustainable model of endless credit. i don't see many kind of state led government systems which show that it is i mean it was i mean some people point to venezuela for example and others and i think there are also interesting things happening within venezuela but the the overall model. is not something we can do forward so it was you know there are issues with democracy in venezuela example but i think broadly speaking what's going to happen in the next twenty years is that people going to get more angry you know why might have lost the battle but we sure so haven't lost the war people are very angry they're becoming increasingly disillusioned with the way the system is working across the board and if you look even the opinion polls and things like climate change energy the economy people are completely fed up the what's going to happen is that ass things do get worse there's going to be more discontent and people are going to one odds. and that's
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where why we made the film what we made the book is the high. people to be able to speak to each other across disciplines have activities talk to each other to grow those communities what you get is that they can start creating solutions from the ground up and also really exciting stuff is actually happening at the grassroots level across the wall i'm not just needs to be hospitalized and as things get was more and more people will start to realise the necessity of an alternative in a way our global community indeed it will only have been from the bottom up as we've seen completely corrupt and corporate control and less growth based on unsustainability now phase i'm mad at everyone check out the cries of civilization it's an excellent documentary and totally shatters the paradigm and starts a dialogue thank you so much for coming on and try and i thank sorry thanks so much . if you like what you see so far go to our you tube channel youtube dot com sites breaking the set and subscribe to our facebook page at facebook dot com slash break in the set and also follow me on twitter at abby martin stay tuned to hear about
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the biggest company that you've never heard of next. issue is that so much of the taxpayers' money i mean when i say she is going to really train it again to be on the global economy risk getting back into recession just three years after pulling out of the previous growth is slowing and. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you. are welcome is a big issue. when
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people turn on the news they're usually looking to be informed television can convey a story in ways that print and radio can not images are powerful and without them a news story can be incomplete so why are media outlets banned from showing us death news reports on death twenty four seven when it comes to seeing death out of the question so why is this perhaps the question was best articulated by the lovely elise's silverstone in the one thousand nine hundred five classic clueless. ok the attorney general says there's too much violence on t.v. and that should stop but even if you took out all the violent shows you could still see the news so until mankind is peaceful enough not to have someone else there's
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no point taking out of shows that need it for entertainment value. so do news outlets need to show more violence to tell the full story and at what point does the plane of violence as entertainment become a mockery of death tell me look deeper into the issue i'm joined by our t.v. producer rachel craziest have a say so rachel you know i grew up as a kid of course age of the internet looking at websites like ogrish dot com where there's enough films all over the place i mean do you think that this is important for human beings to see and acknowledge death in their lives so i think that you are probably a unique child to be looking at snuff films on the internet all the time certainly not all of them and i don't know that you made their share of pornography you know he was going to look at the snuff films of the point i'm sure every we're looking at i think that part of what we think is so special about the media is that they're gatekeepers of information so things that we might not seek out say on our own the media presents so that we get
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a better image than one we might find if we were just looking for information on our own i mean i've always said this and i think you just wrote a great op ed about drone strikes and you are saying and i totally agree that we should have you know with live streaming technology technological advances now why shouldn't we have live streaming twenty four. and footage of war zones i mean if people want to support a war at least let them see the reality of the war right i mean i think that what ends up happening is we see the numbers twelve day in a drone strike here sixteen dead elsewhere we don't get names we hear militant though as we learned the obama administration's definition of militant is really anyone from an e-mail from the age of say fourteen to sixty so ultimately what we're finding is the as soon as you have a picture to put to a name or we're getting a sense of someone's greater humanity you might feel a little bit more in tune to do something about it or at least sense that something real is happening elsewhere in the globe that affects you absolutely i mean look at
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the collateral murder video when we saw these people being blown away and it just cause i mean so much such an uproar in the alternative media community also people who are totally desensitize from the reality of war and seen that i think was really shocking and i think if people see death more and see what you said it's all numbers it's all kind of statistics you're completely detached like i think it was a. surprise in the death of one is a tragedy the death of millions is a statistic and that really does shed a light on this whole scenario i mean we saw the fox news thing the guy car crash the car chase ended up with the guy killing himself. but rachel does this you know if we were to see more death on t.v. do you think that this would desensitize people to mentally and make it more like a video game type scenario i think that's a really good point i think that that's one of the main concerns that people have when they imagine putting more violence on the news is that oh then it instead of
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becoming another death it just becomes another arm dismembered from someone's body so i think that the news has a responsibility not just to show every single time they get good footage but to have something where they're able to can text realize that information and say that arm belongs to this man who has two children. and used to tend to a shop before us drones killed him we need to be able to provide all of that information before we start showing this footage i think that that's why what fox did when they showed a guy committing suicide on there was so irresponsible because they you know they didn't even have the guy's name there was absolutely no context for us is the viewer it was truly entertainment and when that act of desperation went too far all we saw was that the entertainment we've been watching it was kind of like the rug was pulled out from beneath us and it's kind of like this is what entertains you and this was the end result and the rug was pulled out saying this is light and i says death rate and it happens all of the time and if your government is going to
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be responsible for the deaths of all these people you should really know what that means i found some statistics from the pew research center that show that in the united states only twenty eight percent of people saying no to u.s. drone strikes or disapprove of them now other then india which only had a fifty three percent response rate that is a much smaller amount of people who disagree with drone strikes and elsewhere in the world generally the numbers are closer to around sixty or seventy percent in other countries so what that says to us is that in the united states despite there being are drones with our tax dollars we're not really conceptualizing what exactly is going on it's a secret war that our president isn't even really meeting to on camera and somehow it's not getting through to us that these deaths were once people and perhaps if we saw a visual we would be able to sense that and i love the question that you posed to you just said should we see more gore to ultimately lead to more peace and i just want to wrap. it really does call into question the fact that our culture can't really grasp the death we don't talk about death enough we really have it
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acknowledge of enough and this really does call into question this whole conversation that you so much for coming on and. thanks so much for having me all right. i. if you guys ever heard of a company called serco well it might be the biggest company that you have never heard of everyone knows about the private prison industry the transportation industry and government agencies but what if i told you that there was just one company that oversaw almost every facet of all of these sectors yet that serco the mother of all multinational corporations circle is a one point five billion dollar services company based on a book north hampshire in the united kingdom whose motto is bringing services to life so what the hell does it actually mean to the website circle improves the
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quality and efficiency of essential services that matter to millions of people around the world the work we do for national and local governments involves us with the most important areas of public service including health education transport science and defense. now i know it still sounds very vague about what they actually do but more importantly is how many industries serco actually overseas across the entire planet since governments around the world outsource to serco a massive corporation has its tentacles in sixteen countries worldwide. they cash in on detention circle run seven immigration centers that have a has a presence on every military base in australia they're also the largest operator of private prisons in the u.k. circle also directs airplanes they are the largest air traffic controllers in the world with fifty four towers in the u.s. alone the company also supplies air traffic control in iraq and the united arab
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emirates serco also moves people on the ground from scotland ferries to dubai metro's but the company not only manages public transport everywhere but also operates the track cameras and create the software for monitoring traffic across london but don't worry circles looking out for the kids guys they currently have contracts to run every state school in bradford england but they haven't forgotten about grandma and grandpa they're privatizing community centers too if you haven't figured it out yet serco essentially the swiss army knife of corporations serco plays doctor to private hospitals are a big industry under the umbrella company and serco started to acquire hospitals in australia and england serco is so unbelievably powerful that they even control time yep friends in such high places they have been contracted to set greenwich mean time or g.m.t.
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now here's where it gets really interesting you did things like running border patrol and protecting a nuclear arsenal should be run by a government body or a private multinational well i'm sure you can guess what i'm getting at next circle because both not only do they look over the end of the country's entire nuclear arsenal they also run. the u.k.'s ballistic missile defense system in fact their primary purpose of being stationed here in the united states is the supply defense and intelligence services across the nation check out the promo video for the us government. the department of homeland security we manage over sixty two million active records helping to keep our nation secure think of it as an integrated system that helps the right person make the right decision at the right time for the intelligence community we provide play any training program support and project execution. and the rest it's classified. the rest is classified guys we already think you're shady is it really necessary to tell us that you have even more
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secrets but thanks to the disclaimer so what branches of the government does circle specifically provide services to the us army us federal aviation administration the ministry of tardio u.s. navy u.s. air force u.s. department of homeland security u.s. marine corps federal retirement thrift investment board u.s. patent and trademark office u.s. department of state the intelligence community who let me catch my breath i just wanted to establish the extent of their reach but wait there's more circles so passionately committed to the u.s. that they're also working with the government to fight cyber terrorism and they remain passionately committed the american government's mission check it out. let's say we don't have to look hard to find the best and brightest they find we are passionate about the future of their nation and we embrace our governments mission as our. we are we are here is. your mission our passion. we all are the
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company that runs the world but don't worry their passion about small and of the world industry by industry government by government since one thousand nine hundred ninety four they've grown by over twelve hundred percent and they continue to acquire more contracts and services every day. so how does it happen that a multinational corporation can run things such as the time and the safeguarding of nuclear weapons about eighty five percent of circus employees are also ex public servants so they have the know how a networking to keep that revolving door going so why don't we know more about serco well that's just the problem is that this corporation has way too much power and way too much control there's no doubt that we live in a corporatocracy the corporate could have tall has already taken over the question is how are we going to fight it.
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the issue is that so much that there is only maybe once a year never really trained it's not a game the only global economy risk getting back into recession just three years i'm pulling out of the previous growth is slowing and. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations rule the day. wealthy british style. the time to explain things go.


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