tv [untitled] October 16, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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the battle for scotland begins a landmark referendum deal hammered out with a london spring more two years of having grown and tame the panels campaigning. president ask his foreign enemies are arming islamic extremists in syria who are poised to seize power for a few balls according to the u.s. . had already before it is here and he appealed jailed human rights activist the builder job to do in clashes between probably form demonstrators and the country's security forces. one pm of the russian capital you're watching r.t.
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with marian joshie centuries of britain unified under the union jack may come to an end in two thousand and fourteen with a referendum on scottish in the pans and agreement giving the green light to the vote in two years time has been sealed by two of the top man in u.k. politics at r.t. sarah ferguson looks at what's at stake. firing the starting shows with that pens and what's being dubbed the edinburgh agreement is signed it's being described as the most important political decision to face the united kingdom for three hundred years the prime minister the david cameron the first minister alex salmond meeting to sign a historic deal on an independence referendum the battle for scotland begins after years of political wrangling the face fighting will now commence by sides who want to put their arguments forward and some people who've already getting their claws out in his press conference alex salmond had to field
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a question. why he wants to tear up the british flag was the. business of. developing a new relationship between the peoples of these islands i think. that's what we're trying to build points of focus of both sides will be the economy and if she's of defense whether scott then with the strong get going it alone really is better where it is and the referendum to be held was the end of twenty fourteen will focus on a single question whether scotland becomes independent or not dropping the much meta third option that would have seen more powers going to scotland last remaining inside the union this is now an all or nothing game if the polls have been consistent over the past decade if not longer the support for independence remains
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at about the first of the population it doesn't really get much higher than that but those days in the prey union campaign seem outwardly confident as the pro and the pendants group are quick to point out the outcome of this fight is far from the given. you. going to be. struck and indeed the s.n.p. now hold sixty nine the hundred and twenty nine seats in parliament but the stakes are high many feel the first minister has bet his career for the worse scotland to vote for independence it would be set to lose a third of its land mass most of its oil and say with everything still to play for
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these were the first concrete steps on the way to possible scottish independence. r.t. edinburgh. while london claims that code on its own goes against the nations in a pan and zero bluffing scottish fabiani scotland is quite clearly will be in a bind it's very interesting that the new parties to the conservatives the labor party liberal democrats they are no longer seeing scotland couldn't make it i think a really interesting is a very very exciting time for scotland and that everyone has to lay out their star and be up to us who believe in independence those who believe that scotland can be a better country if it's independent makes a sort of decisions we show. the scottish people and it's up to the always who want people to vote nor the case for staying in the union and by the feel scotland and
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scots would be big check. the links with united kingdom. and most of the weapons being smuggled to the syrian rebels from abroad are bolstering the strength of islamic extremists that's according to u.s. officials who say radical elements are poised to take over syria if asked of falls argus renegotiate has the details. the u.s. has admitted that the aid which they have been sending towards the syrian rebels actually does not end up in the hands of the groups which they were hoping it would end up in quite on the contrary the united states officials are now saying that in fact the money that they keep sending over which then goes towards the purchasing of arms which end up in the hands of the islamist extremist groups the arms are being purchased by qatar and saudi arabia which have a tendency to prefer the radical movements such as the cell if you screw them end up with these. extremely expensive weapons which they then use against the troops
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of president bashar al assad's even the groups the secular opposition groups within syria itself are saying that they simply cannot afford to buy the same type of arms which are being used by the radicals neither do they can they afford the cameras which are being used by these radical groups such as the free syrian army who are then using it to broadcast their accomplishments or failures on you tube and the like of course the united states administration at this point is concerned that the arms are ending up in the hands of the extremist groups because they fear that may mean in the future that these groups will turn into insurgencies which then will retaliate against the united states of course there are also other diplomats within the middle eastern circuits who are saying that at this point a lot of people are being frustrated with the syrian opposition who have proven that they unfortunately cannot unite over one plan according to the same name diplomats who has been cited by various media sources they have come to the
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conclusion that the syrian opposition is essentially a large conglomeration of smaller groups who spend their time bickering and cannot come to any one agreement and that's this very fact that there is no agreement or there is no clear cut plan which is also worrying to the united states now u.s. officials are saying that. it's because there is no plan as to what's going to happen in the future they fear that if president bashar assad is alstead that will mean that in the turmoil which follows there will be a civil war in which the radical islamist groups will be much better armed than will be a lot better financed than the secular groups and that will just mean they play out of the libyan scenario all over again. porting their court in bahrain is hearing an appeal from prominent human rights activists now bill ridge obvious currently serving a three year sentence for organizing and participating in an illegal gatherings were job sentence in august brought hundreds of program form demonstrators on to
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the streets to demand his release but rest in bahrain has been ongoing for more than twenty months what fights between police and demonstrators erupting almost daily around eighty people have been killed since the clashes began thousands arrested in crackdowns by the sunni rulers on the mostly shia campaigners the protesters are demanding more rights equal access to jobs education opportunities for bahraini and police science says authorities are afraid to lose their grip on power. i do believe that the our city of grain is not in no shoes to understand their people they are gambling on security solution or are the politics of emotion. using power rather of their brain glow chick lit people in but they have nothing in there to challenge the authority but they are certainly don't want to reach to the dialogue stage
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because the dialogue stage they will change all of their agenda they were. going to give more power to her if you will on. against our interests we are paying their. well some people are killed some people are in jail for reasons that we can't understand like have the right job and hundreds of people they are jailed for just they explained their opinion two or three days back they are said children for the friday last friday protestant fathers and manana so this is and less a list of thirty take an action to understand us so a photo of a note to go to their agendas. you're watching r.t. still to come back to court five one town of the detainees allegedly responsible
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for the nine eleven attacks face a military tribunal yet again raising fears the virtually transparent carefully designed to hide the truth. must frank winemakers are caught over a barrel as they claim the country's national treasure is slipping through their things that i'm planning more stories just i had. a texas mom was arrested and thrown in jail orange jumpsuit and all for neglecting her kids who were playing in front of her house for just a little while a concerned neighbor and sort of say walking across the street you know to talk to the unintended children to find out what's going on went to the total sheep mode and immediately called nine one one because children playing it is truly an
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emergency worth the police's time but i guess it was worth their time because they showed up and slap the cuffs on the mother who claimed that she was there the whole time and of course to punish you for ignoring your children briefly while they play you'll get thrown behind bars because that makes sense where does this culture of fear come from if you leave your kids alone on your own property why does that mean that they are certainly going to die. there are dangers out there believe me but living in constant fear abuses your children far worse that's just my opinion. i mean so i can only use city in europe on the host of the twenty forty in the
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winter the trick is to see. such. a. dry days it. takes. to see it's so true. look. what will change when america picks its president i made muslim rage walking the. pushing china and russia as occupied spreads the two parties still dictate who will be there to show you a selection of clothes they are taking the beginning of to over twenty second.
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the download the official publication to choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. t.v. is not required to watch on t.v. all you need is your mobile device to watch on t.v. any time of the day. the for. look. look look. look. the for. welcome back you're watching a live from moscow with me. the u.s. wants to cover up its use of torture of military detainees and that's according to the lawyers of the five man allegedly responsible for nine eleven the self-proclaimed. mastermind of the attacks and he's accomplices one bath before
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a military court at the guantanamo bay u.s. naval base on monday the case has raised international concern over washington's so-called interrogation techniques with the detainees claiming they have been subjected to torture including waterboarding while in cia custody the weeks free trial now is to determine whether to allow the five man saying court what happened during their years in custody to live transmissions from the courtroom are also covered by forty second sound delay lawyer and retired air force colonel morris davis so thinks this policy is less about protecting the nation am more about saving face. was really a very bizarre process has been used before really what the defense is asking to do here is to deviate from what has been the process in the past and to allow the public through the media to understand what took place but it's a very bizarre environment the spectators are seated behind a glass window where they can see the movement in the animation in the in the lips
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moving in the courtroom but the sound lags forty seconds or more behind that at times it is blanked out entirely so the motions in the words never quite match which i guess at guantanamo that is appropriate i think by and large is the embarrassment over what we did in trying to keep that quiet i mean i was on a panel last week here in d.c. with one of the senior members of the prosecution team who said all these trials are going to be a new era in transparency but as you've seen today i mean if transparency is a forty second sound allay and reporters tweeting from guantanamo then these are extraordinarily transparent but the public can attend and like i said you know the government can pick and choose what it wants to blank out and i think that's the purpose of the military commissions is to try to avoid embarrassment over things that we did in some cases a decade ago. now some other world news and briefly this hour the former bosnian serb leader of. begun the his defiance of the hague tribunal today he faces of
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genocide war crimes crimes against humanity he's also held responsible for three and a half year long siege of sarajevo during the one hundred ninety s. balkan war which claimed the lives of over twelve thousand people a car judge who was arrested in two thousand and eight denies all charges against him. four thousand protesters lit a fire outside apartment building in the portuguese capital monday night after the country's prime minister announced even more abiding cuts in store for those dirty burned country in two thousand and thirteen portugal continues to slide deeper into recession i mean mass protest against the disintegrating economy and alarming unemployment. you know xstrata is also affecting israel where the country's parliament has unanimously voted to dissolve itself after failing to sustain a viable government and early general election has been called for january two thousand and thirteen prime minister netanyahu says the reason behind the move is parliament's inability to agree on and new budget this comes on the back of months
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of a wide scale protest over the country's economic situation. our french wine makers are sounding the alarm as they claim the country's finest grapes are falling into foreign hands millionaires from abroad have already bought dozens of vineyards and don't plan on stopping their pears shrugging its shoulders saying the deals are completely legal but nationalist warn what makes up france will no longer be made by the french artist reports. wine the pizza meal french culture pride and prestige but some say the country's national identity is now threatened by foreigners hunting for vineyards all across the country this shut door with just a to have to retain french burgundy original home to one of world's famous wines made the headlines after it was purchased by china's entrepreneur former owners forced by financial troubles were forced to sell it and the merchant made an offer
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twice the market price and that has worried some in the hysteria that followed the front national france's far right party slim the deal as emblematic of the danger threatening french heritage with much bigger chateaus already owned by japanese and russians just next door such a reaction to this particular sale could be taken as an eco of the so-called barrier join or yellow peril in the sixty's the paranoia of asian world dominance political economic and demographic that seems to be making this comeback these days but there is no smoke without fire michelle the oh no thirty have thirds of shot of the new grapes producing two hundred fifty thousand of bottles p. year says the reason problem but it's not that foreigners buy french family vineyards but that the owners have to sell them. with the school taxes are very high and the hardest thing is to cover in heritance tax many so part of their forms to overcome that and it's progressive every next generation has to pay more for
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those two michelle will likely sacrifice one hacked out tooth but he fears in fifty years' time he'll have sold a lot of foreign investors could be playing a negative role here too taxes depend on the region's average sale prices but with some businessman from abroad paying twice or even three times market values they are forcing high costs on the locals and many are worried these investors don't care about the industry there by name two. but there will be these people they come here and they buy land just like they buy a castle or jewelry are they really good investors the taxes go up because of them but will they keep the wind quality up we think there should be a state protectionism policy here. but some experts are skeptical of state support saying the french authorities are not only unhelpful but actually troublemaking. a commune that there are many regulations that impede development of pure bric
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reddick thinks every day enterprise chief has to approve with his lawyers and accountants and then sent to different ministers at least two papers on social environmental or fiscal security can you imagine how much effort that takes while it could be directed to really worthwhile things it's not wise and with the eurozone economies in such trouble greece a high these not twice could become too late the industry seems could well and truly be over borrow more ational should not be reporting from france. next we have the business update when the time shannon turns now it's very intriguing actually reported there there were numbers are still quite of beat on russia tell us more absolutely and mainly thanks to consumer spending all of the details in just a couple of minutes let's first check out the equity markets voice straight to europe which is gaining this hour mainly on reports that spain is well on its way
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to a bailout plan and the global optimism fuels buying on the russian markets let's see those numbers there one of the movers on the my sex is a loop oil mainly because russia's biggest biggest private oil companies said it has stabilized so or oil output for next year after a sharp drop in the first half of the year the ruble is mixed to the currency basket and the dollar the sour is edging higher to the euro india's energy corp o n g c considers working on russia's shelf the country's oil major rosneft has invited its indian counterpart to develop fields in the c. of a whole its own g c is already working in russia and wants to expand its business here . but it's not just the hydro carbons a fast growing middle class and hence
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a booming consumer market is what really attracts foreign companies to russia and five years since the start of the crisis this trend is still quite strong as a telephone call for. the middle class and russia has tripled over the last five years to more than ten million households so many of but each pulse of a hair has substantially more buying power of the average in china brazil india a survey of a kitchen p.r. agency based on the period of three hundred forty best food revealed if the russian could you was attracting the best those to the contrary really. people from outside think that the most attractive feature is the resources of oil that's the third and has actually gone down slightly interactiveness the most important one though is the growing in the wealth of the middle class and so that move from second position to first and for the best is see the middle class and the growing middle classes being the most attractive feature of russia the survey is showing much more
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positive enthusiasm for russia compared to five years ago before the crisis in two thousand and seven and so literally over seventy percent of the companies invested here feel good about their investment over seventy percent feel the country's on the right path those are really strong numbers russians who are not torn as big spenders as to hitting the shops and that buy the parts despite the global elite make sure that compares favorably with the euro growth rates in the west. that's going to form a bit over i think. and in a couple of minutes hard she will highlight some of the natural beauty the twenty fourteen olympic host city seoul she has on offer. and this is. going to take three years for three. major
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three. three. three. three both videos for your media projects c.d.o. don carty. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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i'm in sochi the u.s. city in europe i'm the host of the twenty fulci in winter the cricket. see. a. tsotsi. of some a. dog days of. the fridays a. sitcom. to see if it's so true. the gold fever. turns thousands into slaves. much problem but also among brothers involved in the monsoon and since i started working at the moment i stated . this multi-nationals. cash cow to be milked
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dry and if i think that in this country gold medal as an environmental cost which is an acceptable local business was labeled illegal and controlled by criminals you know in order to protect our lives our families and to work in peace. we are forced to pay protection to illegal groups prices colombia going to pay. the price of the modest effect on our t.v. .
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more news today violence is once again flared up for free these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of chatter that. operations are all day. down in the black sea coast of russia the city of sochi is busy preparing for the twenty fourteen winter olympic games construction is booming transport
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infrastructure is being completely revamped and disabled onsets points are being installed across town. but aside from being russia's second lympics city sochi is also one of the country's most popular tourist destinations people flock here for the long hot summer as the spacious beaches and the warm seas busk if you're looking for more than just a top it's also an area filled with some amazing natural highlights. so i've been spending a lot of so i'm in the city up in the mountains there's the caucasus reserve which is literally the size of finland so i've met up with one very experienced. and when you are off on a. it's fair to say that if you're driving up here then you're in for
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a bumpy ride so you might be lucky and find some tama but mostly it's just to try drugs fortunately alexei's wonderfully named wozzeck is up to the top. model looks like much of this is spin spin on this thing is seconds and. we're going up and down to crash the blasts. still going. to be full. of it so. just a couple of days in the caucuses reserve had what my appetite for the mountains the biosphere here is filled with unique flora and fauna some of the best hiking trails in the country. but getting to them wasn't going to be easy especially as there are plenty of places that even the wozzeck can't go. james take this one place it'll be my bike.
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